Back in my late teens, I decided I really wanted to work with digital electronics, rather than analogue. Digital was the future! When I was lucky enough to be selected for a BBC Trainee Engineer interview, a question I asked (following the mandatory 'do you have any questions for us?') was: "how much of the BBC TV systems are digital, and what are the plans for the future?". The response caught me off guard: "We are already digital! Ceefax has always been digital, and always will be!". I like to think this was a clincher for me - I could fulfil my digital dream and become a BBC Trainee Engineer. Thanks Peter and Russell for the trip down memory lane
Nice. The BBC interview questions were good at having gotchas! Nowadays another gotcha might be 'when was the last analogue video equipment decommissioned in the BBC' and I image the answer will be very recent...assuming it has happened!
This is handy because I've been planning to rewrite the magazine capacity allocation in the vbit2 software in the near future, so I'm taking notes 😄
Glad to hear it @ZXGuesser! More info to come in the next ep!
This is so interesting to watch, thanks for sharing this with us!
Glad you enjoyed it. Parts II and III are out now which I hope you like too!
Back in my late teens, I decided I really wanted to work with digital electronics, rather than analogue. Digital was the future!
When I was lucky enough to be selected for a BBC Trainee Engineer interview, a question I asked (following the mandatory 'do you have any questions for us?') was: "how much of the BBC TV systems are digital, and what are the plans for the future?". The response caught me off guard: "We are already digital! Ceefax has always been digital, and always will be!". I like to think this was a clincher for me - I could fulfil my digital dream and become a BBC Trainee Engineer.
Thanks Peter and Russell for the trip down memory lane
Nice. The BBC interview questions were good at having gotchas! Nowadays another gotcha might be 'when was the last analogue video equipment decommissioned in the BBC' and I image the answer will be very recent...assuming it has happened!