Can someone explain to me the lyrics of the song.. I am hooked on the song, its melody and emotion for days and I am eager to learn what the song is truly about. Sending love to you 2Kvepavimas! ♥️
Between us, rain is fire Too perfect this Miss That I sometimes see her too much She's everywhere, all over me If she gets angry, she won't write first Won't let her in the door She's a real mystery You won't know when she'll love you And when she'll kill Will give her hand or let her fall She controls the mind As dizzy as a first kiss Nothing new in our history Though I don't know where I'm running, I still can't stop And you keep saying you don't know what you want And I'm trying to lure your demons to paradise You are both pain and medicine Tell me if this is bad Your spells are too strong When will it end? She is my pain and my medicine Sin and prayer Kisses and tears me But it's only my mistake It holds me, then lets me go again And that's not the end She is my pain and my medicine That's why I still go to her With you and without you it's impossible You're the one I want but can't I know you're at home because the smoke is coming from the chimney Everything will be all right, but that's just what we thought Share your sun with me Don't you feel so sorry for her This disease called "Love" Kills and heals, but maybe that's the way it should be In this city's silence I can only hear your voice I hope tomorrow you'll understand what I feel Maybe it's just in my head, maybe it's nothing real You're both the medicine for the pain and the pain for the medicine
Šekspyras apie meilę rašė dar 1590+ metais, tai ką dabar, negalima šiuolaikiniams rašytojams meilės temą knygas rašyt? Keistuoliškas komentaras, pradedant nuo temos ir baigiant Prusaičiu, kuris visai čia ne į temą. 🤷🏼♀️
@@anetalebedeva209 esme jog nebeturi apie ka dainas kurt. Visos dainos tik apie meile, o prusaitis buvo tik dar vienas pavyzdys kad vel sukurta daina apie tai. Lietuvisku dainu 90% vien apie "tavo nuostabios akys", "nustebau tave pamates" ir visokie kitokie sh.
Kolonėlėm tai tikrai skausmas atlaikyt 😁 superinis!
Silpna kolonėlė vadinasi arba pigi 😂😂😂
@@justas.mazetis už tave stipresnė 😅
Dar viena i grojarasti..superine..😍😍
Kaip visada-tobula🥰
Nuu tikrai labai geresne daina išleidai ar išleidot super 👌
Jus nerealus 💜💗💞
Repeat mygtukas kenčia!!!! ⚡️
Bombą ❤️🥵❤️🔥❤️
Kaip visados puiku ❤️🤘😊
Tobula daina 💣💥💣💥💣
Bomba paleidot chėbra!🤙🤙🤙🤙🤙🔥🔥
Varyk toliau
Can someone explain to me the lyrics of the song.. I am hooked on the song, its melody and emotion for days and I am eager to learn what the song is truly about. Sending love to you 2Kvepavimas! ♥️
Pain and cure ( title) this song is about a girl
Between us, rain is fire
Too perfect this Miss
That I sometimes see her too much
She's everywhere, all over me
If she gets angry, she won't write first
Won't let her in the door
She's a real mystery
You won't know when she'll love you
And when she'll kill
Will give her hand or let her fall
She controls the mind
As dizzy as a first kiss
Nothing new in our history
Though I don't know where I'm running, I still can't stop
And you keep saying you don't know what you want
And I'm trying to lure your demons to paradise
You are both pain and medicine
Tell me if this is bad
Your spells are too strong
When will it end?
She is my pain and my medicine
Sin and prayer
Kisses and tears me
But it's only my mistake
It holds me, then lets me go again
And that's not the end
She is my pain and my medicine
That's why I still go to her
With you and without you it's impossible
You're the one I want but can't
I know you're at home because the smoke is coming from the chimney
Everything will be all right, but that's just what we thought
Share your sun with me
Don't you feel so sorry for her
This disease called "Love"
Kills and heals, but maybe that's the way it should be
In this city's silence I can only hear your voice
I hope tomorrow you'll understand what I feel
Maybe it's just in my head, maybe it's nothing real
You're both the medicine for the pain and the pain for the medicine
Not bad liudnoka bet gud...gaila kad vienas kuri ieskokis naujo kolegos truksta tau kolegos manau...
tu mano skausmas tu mano vaistai
nori gydai nori zudai
mano jausmai ir isgyvenimai dabar
Perfect 😎😎💯
o zodziai kur
Faktiskai patinka ir ką daryt???😀✌️
Metu metai kaip apie meiles dainos eina. Prusaitis apie meile isleido, sitie apie meile vel. Kas yra, nebeturit apie ka kurt daugiau?
Šekspyras apie meilę rašė dar 1590+ metais, tai ką dabar, negalima šiuolaikiniams rašytojams meilės temą knygas rašyt? Keistuoliškas komentaras, pradedant nuo temos ir baigiant Prusaičiu, kuris visai čia ne į temą. 🤷🏼♀️
@@anetalebedeva209 esme jog nebeturi apie ka dainas kurt. Visos dainos tik apie meile, o prusaitis buvo tik dar vienas pavyzdys kad vel sukurta daina apie tai. Lietuvisku dainu 90% vien apie "tavo nuostabios akys", "nustebau tave pamates" ir visokie kitokie sh.