+Lemuel Salubo Meh but then we'll see Mileena, Kung Jins, Johnnies, Kitanas, Ferra/Torrs. I'd rather see Kung Lao in Hat trick and Tanya in Pyro/Dragon than Bojutsu Kung Jin, Piercing Mileena, Royal Storm Kitana, Any variant Ferra/Torr.
+deadwalke hey to be fair Johnny is a good character but even when you have the cancels down you mess up a lot. plus he puts on a show. I'm only defending him because his personality mirrors mine
*Sigh...* it's almost like NRS nerfed every character that could counter alien's acidic pressure. Which is great... for Sonicfox... -_- Not that I don't like the kid, but I'm SOOOOOOO tired of seeing him win. It's just boring now.
This is best moral Kombat of all time
Absolutely agree.
Match #1 - 6:52
Match #2 - 19:56
Match #3 - 36:46
Match #4 - 50:58
Match #5 - 1:16:28
Match #6 - 1:27:04
Grandfinals - 1:47:06
I miss this game
thanks for posting the times the matches start
Good old days
No Tanya or Kung Lao in sight. BEAUTIFUL
+Lemuel Salubo Meh but then we'll see Mileena, Kung Jins, Johnnies, Kitanas, Ferra/Torrs. I'd rather see Kung Lao in Hat trick and Tanya in Pyro/Dragon than Bojutsu Kung Jin, Piercing Mileena, Royal Storm Kitana, Any variant Ferra/Torr.
+deadwalke Tanya in Dragon
+deadwalke hey to be fair Johnny is a good character but even when you have the cancels down you mess up a lot. plus he puts on a show. I'm only defending him because his personality mirrors mine
That shit alien is op as fuck. Its all I see in those matches..put it away. I hate it.
Just give Sonicfoxx the money.. no point in continuing
they would nerf the triborg variations but not acidic alien? god...
they did just not as bad
SonicFox is just amazing..with the use of alien from kp2..he's just on top
Fastest teabags in the universe
Successor to "fastest bags in the West"
Noah Kale Which was also SonicFox
+Darran Kern Indeed
i love johnny cage! i mained him on mk9
Watching this just reminds me of how shit I am at this game, my longest combos was just a 21 hit combos with Erron Black
Fox got his hands on a monster
I would love so much to see a Cryomancer Sub-Zero player... But i guess that wont happen... I wonder why.
tbh if Brood Mother did more damage ..
Zwei(2 in german)... strange gamertag^^
Sonicfox wins everything he enters with easy. Sometimes it feels like MKX isn't worth watching anymore. You can always tell who's gonna win.
Surfers like acid. Who knew...
This audio sucks..
*Sigh...* it's almost like NRS nerfed every character that could counter alien's acidic pressure. Which is great... for Sonicfox... -_- Not that I don't like the kid, but I'm SOOOOOOO tired of seeing him win. It's just boring now.
vandetta no
2nd boyz
bruh I played vendetta
beat him with kotal just yesterday in ranked I got so lucky
sonicfox needs his fingers broken.
he'd still wib
If Sonicfoxx wins this season they should ban him in season 4 bcuz 3 times is to many
Na fucked up there audio for the 999.999.999.999.999.991 time
+Inti Hagendoorn I KNOWWWW WTFFFF
+Darran Kern same with commentators
Mr Skaapu agreed