I inspected every aspect of the bag and everything from the stitching to the hardware looked top notch. The leather was soft, the logo embossed precisely, and even the lining felt luxurious. It was hard to believe that this wasn't a kislux LV Nano bag.
It doesn't matter where they are made. It depends on artisans and quality inspection. My family and I have bought 2 kislux bags in the past 3 years and I'm sure you won't be disappointed!
I inspected every aspect of the bag and everything from the stitching to the hardware looked top notch. The leather was soft, the logo embossed precisely, and even the lining felt luxurious. It was hard to believe that this wasn't a kislux LV Nano bag.
That leather really looks good bro.
Thanks bro
W Review! Once again, really informative!
Thank you for your support
Where did u get leather strap from? Nice video
I make my own straps now. So if your interested
I can help
Thank you for your support
I'm glad you enjoyed it
Did u make the belt on video? I’m interested in buying 1. Let me no
@randysutton5395 this is from wwe shop
Official made replica by them
@@AssarHussain I want just the leather strap the I have the belt
@randysutton5395 Oh ok
No issue
I actually sell them online too
So if your interested
Something can be arranged
Thank you
Nice ❤
Thank you for your support
It doesn't matter where they are made. It depends on artisans and quality inspection. My family and I have bought 2 kislux bags in the past 3 years and I'm sure you won't be disappointed!