Q782: 鬼谷子對川普之死有何預言? A782: 杜光庭(850年-933年)是唐朝上清派著名的道士,號東瀛子。上清派的祖師是原始天尊,但他對太清派的祖師道德天尊老子的道德經也頗有研究。根據他的考證,鬼谷子姓王名誗,是戰國時期集陰陽家、縱橫家、兵家三家於一身的大成就者。他在得道之後號玄微子,也就是人稱的「王禪老祖」。 跟他學兵法的兩大弟子是孫臏與龐涓。孫臏的本名是孫賓,是著作「孫子兵法」的孫武的後代。鬼谷子未卜先知,知道他日後會遭到削足的刑害,所以將他改名為孫臏。在魏國當將軍的龐涓認為自己的才能比不上孫臏,就用計將他騙到衛國來,並捏造罪名將孫臏處以臏刑,砍去了孫臏的雙足,並在他臉上刺字,這稱之為黥刑。後來在齊國使者的幫助下他投奔到齊國,被齊威王任命為軍師,輔佐齊國大將田忌兩次擊敗龐涓,取得桂陵之戰和馬陵之戰的勝利,奠定齊國的霸業。 那麼,鬼谷子對川普之死有何預言?美國衰落的起點是從川普任內開始的,2018年他對中國發起高關稅貿易戰與2019的科技戰,接著就是2020年的疫情大爆發。在川普任期4年內債務就增加了7兆美元,拜登任期4年內債務更增加了9兆美元。目前美國聯邦政府的債務已超過36兆美元。聖經將川普與拜登稱為孩童首領與嬰孩首領,這是神的旨意,為了要讓百姓彼此欺壓,各人受鄰舍的欺壓。少年人必侮慢老年人,卑賤人必侮慢尊貴人 (賽3:4-5)。 美國國土安全部估計,2022年約有1,100萬的外籍移民沒有合法身分,紐約、芝加哥和丹佛等一些接收移民的大城市已經很難為他們提供住房和援助。自拜登入主白宮以來,美國全國共有八百七十萬非法移民偷渡入境,其中逾八成二是來自南部邊境。四月二日,川普於密西根州和威斯康辛州的競選演講爆出以「禽獸」(animal) 來形容非法移民的「非人化」言論,並指拜登鬆懈的邊境政策造成「血洗美國」(blood bath) 的慘劇。 川普將採取激烈的強力逮捕並驅逐非法移民的手段必然會引來腥風血雨的社會騷亂,每年也會產生1500億美元的經濟損失,勞動力也將嚴重的短缺,重挫美國的生產力。與其讓全美腥風血雨不如讓川普一人腥風血雨 (約11:50),這是他個人遇刺身亡的主要背景。另一方面,他也準備大幅刪減77%的聯邦政府冗員,也會引來殺身之禍。特別是他打算對高階將領展開剪除的鬥爭,更會加劇想要暗殺他的兇手的匯集,輪番上陣。 鬼谷子對川普之死的預言是這麼說的: 鬼谷靈籤 川流昏招禍連連。 普世價值欺瞞天。 遇見凶煞不及慌。 刺入肚腹血崩亡。 2024/12/15 星期日《谷丹經》玄玄上人 Q782: What prediction does Guiguzi have about Trump’s death? A782: Du Guangting (850-933) was a famous Taoist priest of the Shangqing sect in the Tang Dynasty, named Dongyingzi. The founder of the Shangqing sect is the original Tianzun, but he also studied the Tao Te Ching of Laozi, the Taoist god, the founder of the Taiqing sect. According to his research, Guiguzi, whose surname was Wang and given name is Chan, was a great achiever who combined the Yin and Yang controller, the political strategist, and the military strategist during the Warring States period. After he attained Tao, he was known as Xuan Weizi, also known as "Ancestor Wang Chan". The two disciples who studied the art of war with him were Sun Bin and Pang Juan. Sun Bin's real name is Sun Bin (賓), and he is a descendant of Sun Wu, the author of "The Art of War". Guiguzi had foresight but not yet got the divinatory lots and knew that he would be tortured by having his feet mutilated in the future, so he changed his name to Sun Bìn (臏). Pang Juan, who was a general in Wei State, thought that his talents were not as good as Sun Bìn, so he used a trick to trick him into coming to Wei State. He also fabricated charges and sentenced Sun Bìn to bìn's punishment. He cut off Sun Bìn's feet and tattooed his face, this is called tattoo punishment. Later, with the help of Qi's envoys, he defected to Qi and was appointed as a military advisor by King Wei of Qi. He assisted Qi general Tian Ji to defeat Pang Juan twice and won the battles of Guiling and Maling, establishing Qi's hegemony. . So, what prediction does Guiguzi have for Trump’s death? The starting point of the decline of the United States began during Trump’s term. In 2018, he launched a high-tariff trade war against China and a technology war in 2019, followed by the outbreak of the epidemic in 2020. The debt has increased by US$7 trillion in the four years of Trump's term, and the debt has increased by US$9 trillion in the four years of Biden's term. The U.S. federal government's debt currently exceeds $36 trillion. The Bible refers to Trump and Biden as youth leader and child leader. This is God's will for this situation that people will oppress each other-man against man, neighbor against neighbor. The young will rise up against the old, the nobody against the honored (Isaiah 3:4-5). The U.S. Department of Homeland Security estimates that there will be approximately 11 million foreign immigrants without legal status in 2022, and it is already difficult for some large cities that receive immigrants, such as New York, Chicago, and Denver, to provide them with housing and assistance. Since Biden entered the White House, a total of 8.7 million illegal immigrants have entered the United States illegally, more than 82% of whom came from the southern border. On April 2, during his campaign speeches in Michigan and Wisconsin, Trump used the word "animal" to describe illegal immigrants as "dehumanizing" and claimed that Biden's lax border policies had caused a tragedy of "blood bath in the United States." Trump will take drastic measures to arrest and deport illegal immigrants, which will inevitably lead to bloody social unrest, and will also cause economic losses of 150 billion U.S. dollars every year. There will also be a serious shortage of labor, which will severely damage the productivity of the United States. Rather than letting the whole country be in turmoil, it would be better for Trump to be in turmoil alone (John 11:50). This was the main background for his personal assassination. On the other hand, he is also preparing to drastically cut 77% of the redundant federal government staff, which will also lead to fatal disasters. In particular, he plans to launch a struggle to eliminate high-ranking generals, which will intensify the gathering of murderers who want to assassinate him and take turns to attack. Guiguzi’s prediction of Trump’s death is this: 鬼谷靈籤 Guigǔ líng qiān Guigǔ Efficacious Sign Poem 川流昏招禍連連。 Chuān liú hūn zhāo huò liánlián. The flowing stream of lousy policies bring disasters one after another. 普世價值欺瞞天。 Pǔ shì jiàzhí qīmán tiān. His universal values deceive God. 遇見凶煞不及慌。 Yùjiàn xiōngshà bùjí huāng. He has no time to be panicked when encountering the murder with evil spirit. 刺入肚腹血崩亡。 Cì rù dù fù xuèbēng wáng. He is punctured by a knife into the abdomen, bleeding and died. 15/12/2024 Sunday《REFINERY FOR LIVING TWICE》Mysterious Master
為什麼這個時候要炒這麼冷的飯? 這是幾年前的話題了吧?
Q782: 鬼谷子對川普之死有何預言?
A782: 杜光庭(850年-933年)是唐朝上清派著名的道士,號東瀛子。上清派的祖師是原始天尊,但他對太清派的祖師道德天尊老子的道德經也頗有研究。根據他的考證,鬼谷子姓王名誗,是戰國時期集陰陽家、縱橫家、兵家三家於一身的大成就者。他在得道之後號玄微子,也就是人稱的「王禪老祖」。
那麼,鬼谷子對川普之死有何預言?美國衰落的起點是從川普任內開始的,2018年他對中國發起高關稅貿易戰與2019的科技戰,接著就是2020年的疫情大爆發。在川普任期4年內債務就增加了7兆美元,拜登任期4年內債務更增加了9兆美元。目前美國聯邦政府的債務已超過36兆美元。聖經將川普與拜登稱為孩童首領與嬰孩首領,這是神的旨意,為了要讓百姓彼此欺壓,各人受鄰舍的欺壓。少年人必侮慢老年人,卑賤人必侮慢尊貴人 (賽3:4-5)。
美國國土安全部估計,2022年約有1,100萬的外籍移民沒有合法身分,紐約、芝加哥和丹佛等一些接收移民的大城市已經很難為他們提供住房和援助。自拜登入主白宮以來,美國全國共有八百七十萬非法移民偷渡入境,其中逾八成二是來自南部邊境。四月二日,川普於密西根州和威斯康辛州的競選演講爆出以「禽獸」(animal) 來形容非法移民的「非人化」言論,並指拜登鬆懈的邊境政策造成「血洗美國」(blood bath) 的慘劇。
川普將採取激烈的強力逮捕並驅逐非法移民的手段必然會引來腥風血雨的社會騷亂,每年也會產生1500億美元的經濟損失,勞動力也將嚴重的短缺,重挫美國的生產力。與其讓全美腥風血雨不如讓川普一人腥風血雨 (約11:50),這是他個人遇刺身亡的主要背景。另一方面,他也準備大幅刪減77%的聯邦政府冗員,也會引來殺身之禍。特別是他打算對高階將領展開剪除的鬥爭,更會加劇想要暗殺他的兇手的匯集,輪番上陣。
2024/12/15 星期日《谷丹經》玄玄上人
Q782: What prediction does Guiguzi have about Trump’s death?
A782: Du Guangting (850-933) was a famous Taoist priest of the Shangqing sect in the Tang Dynasty, named Dongyingzi. The founder of the Shangqing sect is the original Tianzun, but he also studied the Tao Te Ching of Laozi, the Taoist god, the founder of the Taiqing sect. According to his research, Guiguzi, whose surname was Wang and given name is Chan, was a great achiever who combined the Yin and Yang controller, the political strategist, and the military strategist during the Warring States period. After he attained Tao, he was known as Xuan Weizi, also known as "Ancestor Wang Chan".
The two disciples who studied the art of war with him were Sun Bin and Pang Juan. Sun Bin's real name is Sun Bin (賓), and he is a descendant of Sun Wu, the author of "The Art of War". Guiguzi had foresight but not yet got the divinatory lots and knew that he would be tortured by having his feet mutilated in the future, so he changed his name to Sun Bìn (臏). Pang Juan, who was a general in Wei State, thought that his talents were not as good as Sun Bìn, so he used a trick to trick him into coming to Wei State. He also fabricated charges and sentenced Sun Bìn to bìn's punishment. He cut off Sun Bìn's feet and tattooed his face, this is called tattoo punishment. Later, with the help of Qi's envoys, he defected to Qi and was appointed as a military advisor by King Wei of Qi. He assisted Qi general Tian Ji to defeat Pang Juan twice and won the battles of Guiling and Maling, establishing Qi's hegemony. .
So, what prediction does Guiguzi have for Trump’s death? The starting point of the decline of the United States began during Trump’s term. In 2018, he launched a high-tariff trade war against China and a technology war in 2019, followed by the outbreak of the epidemic in 2020. The debt has increased by US$7 trillion in the four years of Trump's term, and the debt has increased by US$9 trillion in the four years of Biden's term. The U.S. federal government's debt currently exceeds $36 trillion. The Bible refers to Trump and Biden as youth leader and child leader. This is God's will for this situation that people will oppress each other-man against man, neighbor against neighbor. The young will rise up against the old, the nobody against the honored (Isaiah 3:4-5).
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security estimates that there will be approximately 11 million foreign immigrants without legal status in 2022, and it is already difficult for some large cities that receive immigrants, such as New York, Chicago, and Denver, to provide them with housing and assistance. Since Biden entered the White House, a total of 8.7 million illegal immigrants have entered the United States illegally, more than 82% of whom came from the southern border. On April 2, during his campaign speeches in Michigan and Wisconsin, Trump used the word "animal" to describe illegal immigrants as "dehumanizing" and claimed that Biden's lax border policies had caused a tragedy of "blood bath in the United States."
Trump will take drastic measures to arrest and deport illegal immigrants, which will inevitably lead to bloody social unrest, and will also cause economic losses of 150 billion U.S. dollars every year. There will also be a serious shortage of labor, which will severely damage the productivity of the United States. Rather than letting the whole country be in turmoil, it would be better for Trump to be in turmoil alone (John 11:50). This was the main background for his personal assassination. On the other hand, he is also preparing to drastically cut 77% of the redundant federal government staff, which will also lead to fatal disasters. In particular, he plans to launch a struggle to eliminate high-ranking generals, which will intensify the gathering of murderers who want to assassinate him and take turns to attack.
Guiguzi’s prediction of Trump’s death is this:
Guigǔ líng qiān
Guigǔ Efficacious Sign Poem
Chuān liú hūn zhāo huò liánlián.
The flowing stream of lousy policies bring disasters one after another.
Pǔ shì jiàzhí qīmán tiān.
His universal values deceive God.
Yùjiàn xiōngshà bùjí huāng.
He has no time to be panicked when encountering the murder with evil spirit.
Cì rù dù fù xuèbēng wáng.
He is punctured by a knife into the abdomen, bleeding and died.
15/12/2024 Sunday《REFINERY FOR LIVING TWICE》Mysterious Master