i know this was ten months ago but i just have to say this some people actually just wanted him to click the available skills like me so i could tell which character i want for my next playthrough
Logan is badass my favorite character.... One time i threw one of those exploding knives at a ram and te knife came back but the ram still exploded awesome
i know this was ten months ago but i just have to say this some people actually just wanted him to click the available skills like me so i could tell which character i want for my next playthrough
Logan is badass my favorite character....
One time i threw one of those exploding knives at a ram and te knife came back but the ram still exploded awesome
he's epic around level 30 if you build him right, though Sam B is a true bad ass
Logan think is the best who doesn't want to throw lots of knifes :-P
@MrKnobDoor i have to disagree logan is my faveriout character beacse he is sick ass at throwing anything :p
Logan an me are so much alike...I was voted sexiest texan in 2012. Hurrdurr...
Lame joke..but I'm bored :(