Does anyone else know that the whole sun produces light and heat and that it also spins on its axis (about once every 27 days or so)? The sun (good old Sol) is not in tidal lock with us like the moon is. Using the letter "c" for any discussion regarding the sun is like saying my water faucet paved my driveway.
I have nothing but scorn for flat Earthers who flat Earth for money, but the genuine idiots, well they hold a special place in my heart. Mikey Smith is one such person.
It's neither, it is the silliest conspiracy myth and cult of all times. It beats every other one hands down, even QAnon sounds reasonable in comparison …
I’m sure there are many flat earthers who wish the more stupid ones would stop making them all laughing stocks. I’m minded of the best loony yet putting some earth in an oven baking tray and pouring in water to prove the earth is flat. It would be more believable if there was one explanation for how the Earth works as a whole, not how separate things like night and day, seasons, tides, eclipses, horizons, sun, moon, solar system, atmosphere, vacuums, stars, gravity, centrifugal force, tilt, turn, orbit, satellites work. Seems each has an explanation that interferes with all or some of the other factors. Whereas of course everything falls neatly into place if you accept the Earth is a tilted oblate spheroid orbiting the Sun 😂😂 Flat Earth is NOT a FACT, it’s not even a theory since there’s no agreed concept, just a series of tossers making up their own pet ideas.
@@justjeff386 YT you need internet one button to become flat erther.; Geting job: 12 yers of standard education with math and biology. Philosophy like: I know that I know nothing/You must know you don't know and hope mother of stupid. Than colege when you need to make more math accualy build mashines or chemical compound. Than you compeet witch people who have 3 years more expirience than you.
Works on my car engine alright. That get pretty hot so seems a sound experimental method to me. Best of all the method involves looking directly at the Sun to get a reading from the thermometer. This wonderful experiment is surely a candidate for the Darwin blind scientist of the year award.
3:00 Him drawing a pretty decent first half of the circle to represent Earth's orbit then just absolutely butchering the second half just killed me inside.
@@Tally2727 "the result of a brain seizure?" Sorry, but that'd be "flat out" impossible, (much like the flat Earth, of course) because he'd need to have a functional brain to suffer from a brain seizure!🤣 Flerfs still crack me up...*so* totally, hopelessly lost!🤣
@@Tally2727 You could be right. One more uncommon form of TF (Terminal Flatulence) has been known to cause an excess of hydrogen sulfide (fart gas) to build up within the victim's cranium. If so, that could certainly account for devout Flerfers thought processes being so crappy.🤣
My granddad was a miner. One day he dug too deep and fell out the bottom of the earth. We never saw him again but whenever i see a shooting star i think of grandpa burning up on reentry
no he said "remember to think critically, if you no how to do that" something he clearly does not, I am surprised he even knows the word, obviously knows not the definition.. unreal
@@ThomasTrue LOL! I actually made one of those years ago about an abusive game server admin. You might not get all the references but you'll still get a laugh out of it. Enjoy:
@Judokast36 wasn't with a laser tho... maybe re-watch the bit at 0:02? Infrared thermometers focus certain wavelengths of light, they don't emit visible light like lasers usually do. :-B
I'm not sure what there is to give up on, he has a mental disability or he's a f*cking idiot. Either way there's nothing to engage with; you'd have a better chance of teaching quantum mechanics to a cat.
Ok, to be fair, I know people which are much worse in terms of simple knowledge and logic reasoning. BUT most of these people I know, are just as productive in society as other more intelligent individuals. Thing is, these people I know and talk of, have a pretty descent self awareness and know they more often than not have just no idea whats going on. But if such a situation occures, said people dont pretend they know stuff and make up arguments on the spot just to not be proven wrong emmidiately. Flat earthers are also not automatically dumb. Hovind and DUbey prove that as fact. Those guys know exactly how to manipulate masses and milk em for the money. BUT something all flat earthers have in common (no matter if they actually believe their own bs): they are all absolute narcisissts and pathologically mentally ill.
He starts out talking about what happens over the year, but then suddenly he's talking about a daily cycle. And it's not this 'god-forsaken' C-shape, it's this other shape that TOTALLY doesn't look exactly like a C.
In his little mind, even though both were C shapes, since one was obviously a C and the other was "Backwards" it therefore could not be a C. Cognitive Dissonance in a nutshell!
The reason we have "night" is because the sun lamp gets really hot. Mikey's measurements of the sun prove that they can't keep it on 24/7 otherwise it will bust at some point. Pretty clever of them to invent the night to do that.
And also because they need to change the 💡. I'm guessing they use a latter and a very long stick to switch it off, then one of them dressed as ninja (but everyone knows it's pijamas) goes inside the secret chamber.
@@retired2920 Black holes aren't real because gravity doesn't exist, but sometimes flatearthers are running around in a circle trying to unscrew the bulb and they bump into eachother. Then the guy pedaling in the corner to keep the moon rotating around flatearth starts laughing so hard he has to stop, causing an eclipse. Duh 🙄😂
I love how he says we don't see the sun make a C in the sky. Then seconds later he says "what is happening is..." and proceeds to draw a perfect C. Ahhh yes the brain cells xD
what the heck are you talking about, it's clearly a D without the bracing line....super duper different, especially if you have zero spatial orientation ability!
It's the same logic when they put a lego person on the top of a globe and put one in Australia and then thinking tHe pErSoN iN aUsTrAliA wOuLd fAlL oFf
@@stevebounds4285 Clearly not enough as he was making absolutely zero sense. Perhaps if we drank enough, it might. I've thought, said and done some incredibly stupid things on booze.
@@snowdogthewolf While I appreciate your generosity and compassion in your suggestion, I highly doubt that any of us could drink enough to have that make sense.
@@psyenz8946 lol That's what I was saying. I'm Canadian and this dipshit having a global audience is upsetting and embarrassing, just for the fingernails alone.
I mean I'm no stranger to peeing at the side of the road, but firstly I ensure I'm as out of sight as possible, and secondly...I don't record myself doing it and put it online 😂 FML
Most men have pissed in public sometime in their life. But yeah, the smart ones don’t record it for TH-cam. Roadtrips were built around pissing in the ditch or behind a tree
Dunning Kruger paper had nothing to do with the "Dunning Kruger effect". The "Dunning Kruger effect" is a "phenomenon" formed from someone who "Dunning Kruger-ed" Dunning-Krugers original paper. So everyone using "Dunning Kruger" as a thing is secret club member.
@@ExistenceUniversity what are you even on about? Who exactly do you think brought up the subject of the DK paper?! o.O Also, are you saying that phenomenon was not part of (or described in) the DK paper/study? :-?
@@irrelevant_noob Yes, I am stating that the Original paper has nothing to do with the "Dunning Kruger effect". A pop science writer misunderstood the paper and invented the Dunning Kruger effect based on there work, but they work did not reflect that phenomenon. The "Dunning Kruger effect" is a Dunning Kruger effect caused by too much confidence and too much ignorance about the original Dunning and Kruger paper. It's actual quite interesting to say the least lol
@@ExistenceUniversity well, it might not have been CALLING it "the DK effect" just yet, that term likely came out later. But it still described an effect, that is today called the DK effect. The DK effect itself is so notable that it has its own wikipedia article. The DESCRIPTIONS are what you seem to be against, not the existence of the effect itself... (even though alan did not provide any specific description that you could contest.) And to address the video you mentioned ( kcfRe15I47I ), it's got a mistake at 5:27 ;-) Also at 5:58 it says there is even some evidence for the description that you're against, although maybe that might be a "Dunning-Sanchez" effect. ^^
I missed how he gets from "Earth's orbit traces out a 'C' over 6 months" to "we should see the sun trace out a 'C' in the sky". The moon also (relative to Earth) traces out a "C" roughly every two weeks, but Earth is nearly stationary in the lunar sky. -I think it wobbles around a little-
If someone were to ask me what I thought of flat Earth. My answer would be: "I really enjoy Terry Pratchett's work. My favourite books from his Discworld series are 'Nightwatch' and 'Hogfather'."
@@jollybodger Shush don't give them that idea. Heavens above Terry would laugh his head off. Miss him and his works so much. I can't believe he's been gone nearly 8 years now. I cried on and off all the day he died, on my birthday saddest birthday yet.
I have just critically considered Mikey's wonderful explanation of how our world works, and until now, never realized that the Sun actually orbited the Earth somewhere outside the mythical ice wall. He obviously never critically thought about that.
It's not just Mikey. It's flerfs in general. They mostly try to poke holes in the heliocentric reality, because they know they can't explain one thing about the flat earth without contradicting something else.
@Artizzy 2k2k on top of that, they're also just too lazy to try. So instead, they'll try to bully people into accepting without question because it boost their egos.
"Remember to critically think and ask questions, if you know how to do that." There is such a soul crushing lack of self awareness, it caused my physical pain.
@@SupComRaiden2 That did occur to me, too. I'm not totally convinced that he isn't a Poe. But the more I see of his material, the more I think he's just that stupid.
You see, critical thinking is great until you start to think about how flat earth claims don’t work, then you’re automatically converted from critical thinker to NASA shill.
@@mrpositronia That's the thing, there's no evidence he does either. Just the supposition that "he must be because other's as close to his level of stupid has been confirmed to". This observation is a good start but not enough for confirming it.)
Flat earther dies and when he meets god he asks “God is the earth flat?” God- “no my child the earth is a sphere” Flat earther - “wow…..this conspiracy goes deeper than I thought”
I love that he, and I wonder if he realized it at the time, portrayed himself as a "jackass." If he didn't, it would be so hilarious because it is just. so fitting.
@@johnhiggs325 oh god, here I go ranting again… …basically 50% of the human kind proves it daily. Below average thinkers ask stupid and mundane questions. ”there are no stupid questions” is just another Santa Claus for kids to stay curious and feel good about themselves. God forbid we told actual facts to kids instead of filling them with myths, stories and legends when they are at their crucial years of building a view of the world. My head was about to explode when I tried to understand how can god creating the universe and world in a single week and billions of years of cosmological evolution be true at the same time. Big Bang and Magical creation? I was presented with the classic personified god standing there, doing magic tricks so it wasn’t even of any of that Spinoza’s god stuff or such. I never bought the biblical story and felt like a liar for some time until I noticed that nobody else took it serious here either. Then I simultaneously realized everyone around me are liars. I live in Scandinavia so this might offer some perspective to the Christianity and seriousness of the practice. I was a kid in nineties.
Mikey: Says that if the Earth were rotating around the sun, we would see the sun make a C shape. Also Mikey: 5:06 proceeds to draw the movement of the sun in a C shape
It's the perfect flerf strategy, though. If they sit there and argue with you about the semantics, they don't have to confront any actual facts. And when you walk away from the conversation because they're behaving like a petulant child, they can tell their flerf friends about how they totally owned a glober.
I love how, despite my best efforts, I could not find any mention of this guy or his channel at all, and every effort to do so just kept bringing me back to SciManDan.
Love this channel! What kills me is they all have a different picture to "try " to explain day and night. Don't even ask them about seasons. Not one of these folks is a Pilot, in Navigation, Science, Engineering. Just folks that sit home and come up with ideas. School is essential! Words matter. I can't.. I just can't .... Good luck Sci Man Dan.
It boggles the mind how they can get something soooo simple soooo wrong. I honestly don't have words for it, i remember understanding this as a young child. I struggle to understand what he is trying to say because its so ludicrous, hurts my brain.
english is screwed up... we have sun, son none, nun, why not sone, but there is one and won so why isnt none like nwun or swun or swon but one could be own cuz there is bone and not bun or bown but there is blown but blone isnt blun..... now could you imagine Mikey trying to let this filter thru his head?
I immediately went to the "what about the Southern Hemisphere?" question - but you covered it!! Thanks for all your work on combating these folks' delusions!
My very first thought was "how does he explain people in the southern hemisphere seeing the sun in the north" glad I'm not the only one thinking like that
It’s worse than that though as just now for example the sun rises just south of east and sets just south of west in Sydney although it is getting closer and closer to rising and setting East and West every day now. How you can make this work on a flat earth with its vanishing distance for objects and a close sun that isn’t changing in size throughout the day I don’t know.
4:50 No? We don't see a horizontal "c" shape as the sun, because we aren't on a 2D plane. We see things in 3 dimensions. We can see both above, and below our "horizontal view line?" (Ooof. Dan owes me a big "Got'em")
Interesting that when challenged to "explain" one of their weird beliefs, you are likely to be given a link to a Dubay vid that doubtless served to recruit the flattard, but which has (as usual) nothing sensible or defensible therein. Despite exhorting us to "think for ourselves", they invariably demonstrate their own inability to do so, preferring instead to parrot the shite sold to them by their FE priests. The flattard "Flat Earth" is a prime example of this.
I love his mic drop moment when he throws the pen down and tells people to critically think because that's what he does. Lol. Imagine what it must be like to be that stupid.
I can’t. I cannot comprehend þat level of ignorance. I’m sure as a child þere was, but I don’t remember a time when I couldn’t understand something þat simple. I’m pretty sure he isn’t þat ignorant himself. I mean, fairly ignorant to be sure, but not ÞAT ignorant. I just þink he wants Dan to make him famous. Þen again, in þat last one he was pretty passionate about it… maybe he is a complete moron. 😂
The nitpicker in me was ready to interject that the orbit is not really a circle, more like an ellipse... and even then it doesn't reach the old location, it's like a "flowery" spiral. :-B
Mikey really needs to try to model this in three dimensions. I recall seeing a small model of the Sun, Earth and Moon that used a chain driven gear arrangement to move the Earth around the Sun, rotate the Earth on its axis, and move the Moon around the Earth while keeping its one side facing the Earth. And it wasn't that complex a mechanism!
This guy's right though, the ability to ask questions is important. Equally important is the ability to rationally answer those questions, and that's where he seems to struggle.
its a factless fact, love how aggressive he is and big himself up because he can critically think and know what a half his. I am sure his nursery school teachers are very proud, well done Mikey
It's not so much the peeing in public that I have a problem with, if you really gotta go and there's no toilet available, you've really gotta go. It's that he actually filmed himself doing it and posted it on youtube...
I had a stressful day. Watching this video and reading the funny comments from you guys really helped. Great community here! Flat earther have their place as comedic relief.
Got a head injury years ago and have been instructed by the neurologists I've had over the years to draw basic things like circles and Cs countless times. Everytime this guy drew one it would have caught the interest of any neurologist watching it.
reminds me of a VERY old comic book villain i read about in a book: "lord lazee". he used robots that he controlled from his "control couch", which he NEVER LEFT.
Go to for 15% off your order! Brought to you by Raycon
pls dont buy these you can get way better for way cheaper just do some research.
But with that being said love the content keep it up.
@@whyareyouhere3696 this guy is right. I love the content, but the ad is almost as bad as Raid Shadow Legends.
Sorry man, I bought these they are the worst earbuds on the market. Huge disappointment.
Does anyone else know that the whole sun produces light and heat and that it also spins on its axis (about once every 27 days or so)? The sun (good old Sol) is not in tidal lock with us like the moon is. Using the letter "c" for any discussion regarding the sun is like saying my water faucet paved my driveway.
Crap sponsored video AGAIN. Stop being a sell out.
You have your damn Patreon.
I have nothing but scorn for flat Earthers who flat Earth for money, but the genuine idiots, well they hold a special place in my heart. Mikey Smith is one such person.
Flat earth is not a theory. It is a disproven hypothesis. And I also get upset when somebody calls it theory.
It's neither, it is the silliest conspiracy myth and cult of all times. It beats every other one hands down, even QAnon sounds reasonable in comparison …
It's barely a malformed conjecture.
Not even. I suggest flat earth joke or flat earth scam.
Yep. Scimandan got something wrong for once.
Best comment of the day! Nailed it!
I like how he’s comparing 6 months of earth movement to a single day.
And he has said himself three sentences before, that half a circle represents half a year and then continiues to explain what we don't see in a day. 😆
lol so right, I thought exactly the same.
I’m sure there are many flat earthers who wish the more stupid ones would stop making them all laughing stocks. I’m minded of the best loony yet putting some earth in an oven baking tray and pouring in water to prove the earth is flat. It would be more believable if there was one explanation for how the Earth works as a whole, not how separate things like night and day, seasons, tides, eclipses, horizons, sun, moon, solar system, atmosphere, vacuums, stars, gravity, centrifugal force, tilt, turn, orbit, satellites work. Seems each has an explanation that interferes with all or some of the other factors. Whereas of course everything falls neatly into place if you accept the Earth is a tilted oblate spheroid orbiting the Sun 😂😂 Flat Earth is NOT a FACT, it’s not even a theory since there’s no agreed concept, just a series of tossers making up their own pet ideas.
Despite being a short clip so did he totally forget what he started out talking about.
The fact this guy (mike) can can even figure out how to make and post videos on TH-cam is amazing
A good programmer makes software work for idiots.
That's more of a compliment to TH-cam for being so intuitive lol
@@justjeff386 YT you need internet one button to become flat erther.;
Geting job: 12 yers of standard education with math and biology. Philosophy like: I know that I know nothing/You must know you don't know and hope mother of stupid. Than colege when you need to make more math accualy build mashines or chemical compound. Than you compeet witch people who have 3 years more expirience than you.
@@kacpermalina308 I'm afraid I don't understand what you are saying.
In the 'C' shape example, he flip flops between 6 months and a single day, what is this guy on?!
Not enough, or too much.
Six months and half a day...
shear instinct.... the only thing keeping him alive...
yes i am disappointed that scmandan did not comment on that.
Goes between 6 months and 12 hours in the same breath and dares to declare that he thinks critically.
"its driving me nuts"... already there my man, already there
Most flerfs can't think in 3D, Mikey can't think in 2D
He thinks in "C", or was it reversed??...... Dang!! Rgr
Most flerfs can't think in 3D, Mikey can't think... (That's it)
Mikey can't think. Full stop.
Who ties his shoes for him? Who stops him from running into the road?
These guys make me feel really intelligent. God bless.
Not only peed in public, but _recorded himself doing it_ and then _made the conscious decision to post it on the internet_ !
I still haven't figured what point he was demonstrating (no pun intended) but then I'm not an intellectual giant like him.
Just a result of his critical thinking skills.
@@sheltongolden4394 more like critical drinking skills
Lots of fetish groups out there?
I'm sorry, when he said "remember to critically think", I genuinely burst out laughing. The irony is hilarious
Works on my car engine alright. That get pretty hot so seems a sound experimental method to me. Best of all the method involves looking directly at the Sun to get a reading from the thermometer. This wonderful experiment is surely a candidate for the Darwin blind scientist of the year award.
Don't think with logic, think only with your emotions. That's the only way to become a flerf.
3:00 Him drawing a pretty decent first half of the circle to represent Earth's orbit then just absolutely butchering the second half just killed me inside.
that is evidence that he can only see in 2d
The first circle was just a result of a brain seizure
@@Tally2727 "the result of a brain seizure?" Sorry, but that'd be "flat out" impossible, (much like the flat Earth, of course) because he'd need to have a functional brain to suffer from a brain seizure!🤣
Flerfs still crack me up...*so* totally, hopelessly lost!🤣
@That 70's Guitarist must of just been gas in his head then.
@@Tally2727 You could be right. One more uncommon form of TF (Terminal Flatulence) has been known to cause an excess of hydrogen sulfide (fart gas) to build up within the victim's cranium.
If so, that could certainly account for devout Flerfers thought processes being so crappy.🤣
My granddad was a miner. One day he dug too deep and fell out the bottom of the earth. We never saw him again but whenever i see a shooting star i think of grandpa burning up on reentry
Awww, That's so sweet!
How did he get back on top? Can we harness such POWER???
thats stupid. he is in China.
Grand dad, if you're up there...
I shall never forget the sight of a grown-up man trying to take the Sun's temperature with a room thermometer
A true classic, from it´s first moment... Rgr
Reminds me of the Nibiru kooks who will photograph the sun through an old floppy disk because it "demagnetizes" the light . . .
@@mikeguilmette776 Wait, what? Who did this ? I need to watch 🤣
@@Mangaka-ml6xo I saw on an episode of How the World Ends on AHC . . . several of those loons are interviewed . . .
@@mikeguilmette776 Thanks! I'm going tot ry to find it!
I was cracking up when he threw his pen on the desk in triumph and said, "See you later folks! Start to think critically because that is what I do."
no he said "remember to think critically, if you no how to do that" something he clearly does not, I am surprised he even knows the word, obviously knows not the definition.. unreal
Actually, you're both right. He said: "remember to think critically, if you know how to do that, because that's what I do"
Definite shades of the "Pencil of Doom" in the Hitler Rant Parodies videos.
An apple is capable of critically thinking better than him
@@ThomasTrue LOL! I actually made one of those years ago about an abusive game server admin. You might not get all the references but you'll still get a laugh out of it.
After his "measuring" of the sun's temperature with a bloody laser, you can only throw your hands up in the air and just give up on people like this.
Yes, but they provide comical entertainment content.
Or you could encourage them for more laughs? 😂
@Judokast36 wasn't with a laser tho... maybe re-watch the bit at 0:02? Infrared thermometers focus certain wavelengths of light, they don't emit visible light like lasers usually do. :-B
I'm not sure what there is to give up on, he has a mental disability or he's a f*cking idiot. Either way there's nothing to engage with; you'd have a better chance of teaching quantum mechanics to a cat.
@@irrelevant_noob The laser is used to aim the IR sensor.
Flerfs think it is the visible laser somehow doing the measuring.
The guy is comparing a year (weird C-shape) to a flat-earth day lol
Mikey: “I know how to critically think”.
Everyone else: “Well I’m afraid all the available evidence suggests otherwise”.
He might know how to think critically, unfortunately he's shit at doing it
Stop giving "think" a bad name. He had none of that.
@flat_earth_forever Nah. We just prefer facts over ignorance. You should try it some time.
*rapidly presses X*
Also he films himself peeing ? Is that to investigate what went wrong , when his shoes are always full of pee ?
It's scary knowing people this deranged just run around unattended!
amazing, but i'm sure when he's out in the world, people slap him like a misbehaved child.
It is, specially if they have access to weapons
@@franciscosustek7249 Anything can be turned into a weapon with the intent to do harm.
@@pandakicker1 Yes, but some weapons are vastly more effective than others. There’s a reason we don’t have a problem with mass ink pen stabbings.
Ok, to be fair, I know people which are much worse in terms of simple knowledge and logic reasoning. BUT most of these people I know, are just as productive in society as other more intelligent individuals. Thing is, these people I know and talk of, have a pretty descent self awareness and know they more often than not have just no idea whats going on. But if such a situation occures, said people dont pretend they know stuff and make up arguments on the spot just to not be proven wrong emmidiately. Flat earthers are also not automatically dumb. Hovind and DUbey prove that as fact. Those guys know exactly how to manipulate masses and milk em for the money. BUT something all flat earthers have in common (no matter if they actually believe their own bs): they are all absolute narcisissts and pathologically mentally ill.
"remember to critically think ... IF you know how to do that!" Mikey speaking words of wisdom!
I think he's confusing "critique" with "critical". An easy faux pas?
Yet he doesn't practice what he preach
You can’t critically think anyway. It’s think critically. He can’t even speak
I have this hunch that his mom never forgot to critically drink...
He started to say, "In high school," but then remembered he didn't make it that far. 🤣
The irony of telling people to "Just wake up, man!" while lying in bed.
'Flerfs' and 'Mud Flooders' are impervious to irony - and to fact.
Flatties 😆😂
@@-oiiio-3993 Impervious to knowledge and all forms of education, too.
Be careful not to be so "awake" that you're "woke". (If you think that's a bad thing.)
yeah while lying flat in bed ;)
He was going to say "high school", but then he remembered that he never attended it.
All I heard was "high in school"
Yeah I bet he was
"There is no C shape, this is what we see" proceeds to draw a C shape. Literally face palmer on that one
No, it is facing the other side. So clearly not a “C” 😂
@@edwinkm2016 Yeah, hard to top that level of fail, lol
Worse is that he doesn't catch that the orbit around the sun is whats seen with the solar analemma, not the sun's daily traversal of the sky.
He starts out talking about what happens over the year, but then suddenly he's talking about a daily cycle. And it's not this 'god-forsaken' C-shape, it's this other shape that TOTALLY doesn't look exactly like a C.
In his little mind, even though both were C shapes, since one was obviously a C and the other was "Backwards" it therefore could not be a C.
Cognitive Dissonance in a nutshell!
He is priceless - the gift that never stops giving. What amazes me is how his friends and family let him go on making an absolute idiot of himself.
9:08 Love how he's telling people to wake up, while he himself cannot bother to get out of his bed to make a video.
It's a pretty on-the-nose accidental metaphor
The reason we have "night" is because the sun lamp gets really hot. Mikey's measurements of the sun prove that they can't keep it on 24/7 otherwise it will bust at some point. Pretty clever of them to invent the night to do that.
And also because they need to change the 💡. I'm guessing they use a latter and a very long stick to switch it off, then one of them dressed as ninja (but everyone knows it's pijamas) goes inside the secret chamber.
@@fastforward83 But wait if the light goes out would that leave a Black Hole
So the night it so that they can shut the huge lamp and allow it to cool down. I hear sometimes they also change the bulb 💡 during the night time.
Would explain why my energy bill is in the firmament right now
@@retired2920 Black holes aren't real because gravity doesn't exist, but sometimes flatearthers are running around in a circle trying to unscrew the bulb and they bump into eachother. Then the guy pedaling in the corner to keep the moon rotating around flatearth starts laughing so hard he has to stop, causing an eclipse. Duh 🙄😂
I love how he says we don't see the sun make a C in the sky. Then seconds later he says "what is happening is..." and proceeds to draw a perfect C. Ahhh yes the brain cells xD
what the heck are you talking about, it's clearly a D without the bracing line....super duper different, especially if you have zero spatial orientation ability!
*cell. got your back.
@@DeanBrah it’s seen as a C if you live on the other side of the earth
It's the same logic when they put a lego person on the top of a globe and put one in Australia and then thinking tHe pErSoN iN aUsTrAliA wOuLd fAlL oFf
I think I gave myself brain trauma when I slapped my forehead after these videos
I don't know how you do it mate. Dealing with these people and watching their videos must melt you're brain🤯. Keep up the good work Dan👍.
Great comic relief from Mikey. He's such a deep critical thinker
That poor man. This was difficult to watch. I can only hope his loved ones get him the help he needs.
Either I have had too much bourbon or not enough because I’m completely confused as to the point he was trying to make…
@@stevebounds4285 Clearly not enough as he was making absolutely zero sense. Perhaps if we drank enough, it might. I've thought, said and done some incredibly stupid things on booze.
@@snowdogthewolf While I appreciate your generosity and compassion in your suggestion, I highly doubt that any of us could drink enough to have that make sense.
And some nail clippers, my god
@@psyenz8946 lol That's what I was saying. I'm Canadian and this dipshit having a global audience is upsetting and embarrassing, just for the fingernails alone.
I mean I'm no stranger to peeing at the side of the road, but firstly I ensure I'm as out of sight as possible, and secondly...I don't record myself doing it and put it online 😂 FML
Most men have pissed in public sometime in their life. But yeah, the smart ones don’t record it for TH-cam.
Roadtrips were built around pissing in the ditch or behind a tree
@@YomommasStankPoon If he farted as well, it would enable us to conclude that Mikey is all piss and wind.
@@YomommasStankPoon He's just trolling us all and giving us a hint by literally "Taking the piss".
The fact he tried to use a geocentric model to prove his point is absolutely hilarious 😂😂😂
You mean heliocentric? Or i misunderstood your comment
Both earths are globes. He just don't know.
I kind of feel bad for him. Debunking him feels like kicking a puppy.
Because mentally speaking that’s exactly what is happening.
sacrifices have to be made to preserve the herd.
A stupid puppy
A retarded puppy.
If the puppy has rabies and is a danger to the collective good, one has to do what seems harsh.
The first rule of the Dunning Kruger Club is you don't know you're a member.😂
Dunning Kruger paper had nothing to do with the "Dunning Kruger effect". The "Dunning Kruger effect" is a "phenomenon" formed from someone who "Dunning Kruger-ed" Dunning-Krugers original paper. So everyone using "Dunning Kruger" as a thing is secret club member.
@@ExistenceUniversity what are you even on about? Who exactly do you think brought up the subject of the DK paper?! o.O Also, are you saying that phenomenon was not part of (or described in) the DK paper/study? :-?
@@irrelevant_noob Yes, I am stating that the Original paper has nothing to do with the "Dunning Kruger effect". A pop science writer misunderstood the paper and invented the Dunning Kruger effect based on there work, but they work did not reflect that phenomenon. The "Dunning Kruger effect" is a Dunning Kruger effect caused by too much confidence and too much ignorance about the original Dunning and Kruger paper. It's actual quite interesting to say the least lol
@@ExistenceUniversity well, it might not have been CALLING it "the DK effect" just yet, that term likely came out later. But it still described an effect, that is today called the DK effect.
The DK effect itself is so notable that it has its own wikipedia article. The DESCRIPTIONS are what you seem to be against, not the existence of the effect itself... (even though alan did not provide any specific description that you could contest.)
And to address the video you mentioned ( kcfRe15I47I ), it's got a mistake at 5:27 ;-) Also at 5:58 it says there is even some evidence for the description that you're against, although maybe that might be a "Dunning-Sanchez" effect. ^^
5:26, "For those of you who don't know how to split things in half..."
Ah, that's his target audience. It all makes sense now.
I felt some of my brain cells dying as he spoke
So Mikey says this yearly process is not what we see in 24 hours, well done Mikey (very slow clap 👏)
I missed how he gets from "Earth's orbit traces out a 'C' over 6 months" to "we should see the sun trace out a 'C' in the sky". The moon also (relative to Earth) traces out a "C" roughly every two weeks, but Earth is nearly stationary in the lunar sky. -I think it wobbles around a little-
If Dan played a Dog barking for 10 minutes it would make more sense than Mikey.
It was torture.
Sorry, I've got to stick up for them. They're extremely loyal and very intelligent................dogs that is.
Nah, depends on the dog! 🤣🤣
@@antondovydaitis2261 woof woof bow wow, etc.
Did he actually prove that what we've been told to be HALF A YEAR on globe earth is actually ONE DAY on flat earth? What a genius.
Mikey's better at drawing circles than he is at understanding.
True, and he can't even draw a very good circle.
now that is a burn ;)
Mikey should try his hand at spherical trigonometry.
No joke a couple of those half circles were looking pretty alright for a freehand scribble, it falls flat after that though.
I like that he starts to say "high school" but corrects himself to just "school".
Wonder why he did that?
Because we were taught a simplified form of the heliocentric model back in elementary school. (sigh)
I have a hunch that the only "high" he could associate with school is getting it while being there.
If someone were to ask me what I thought of flat Earth. My answer would be: "I really enjoy Terry Pratchett's work. My favourite books from his Discworld series are 'Nightwatch' and 'Hogfather'."
Turtles all the way down ....🥰
I fear for the day a flerf finds the Discworld novels and tries to explain them away as fact, like christians do with the bible.
@@jollybodger Shush don't give them that idea. Heavens above Terry would laugh his head off. Miss him and his works so much. I can't believe he's been gone nearly 8 years now. I cried on and off all the day he died, on my birthday saddest birthday yet.
once upon a time ago - there was a place called MENTAL INSTITUTIONS !! ,... he's proof we need to reestablish those places !!
I have just critically considered Mikey's wonderful explanation of how our world works, and until now, never realized that the Sun actually orbited the Earth somewhere outside the mythical ice wall. He obviously never critically thought about that.
Flerfs can only explain one thing at a time. When you put multiple together they clash and fall apart.
It's not just Mikey. It's flerfs in general. They mostly try to poke holes in the heliocentric reality, because they know they can't explain one thing about the flat earth without contradicting something else.
@@TheModdedwarfare3 they literally can't make a single model of flat earth work because every explaination interferes with eachother
@Artizzy 2k2k on top of that, they're also just too lazy to try. So instead, they'll try to bully people into accepting without question because it boost their egos.
Flerfiness doesn't need to make sense or even be consistent.
All you need is belief and a room temperature IQ.
"Remember to critically think, folks!" Good one Mikey! 🤣
"Remember to critically think and ask questions, if you know how to do that."
There is such a soul crushing lack of self awareness, it caused my physical pain.
It's either a lack of self-awareness or one of the best trolls of all time. Hard to tell which.
@@SupComRaiden2 That did occur to me, too. I'm not totally convinced that he isn't a Poe. But the more I see of his material, the more I think he's just that stupid.
@@seraphinaaizen6278 Possibly, it's really hard to tell.
You see, critical thinking is great until you start to think about how flat earth claims don’t work, then you’re automatically converted from critical thinker to NASA shill.
@@SupComRaiden2 I highly doubt he's not serious with what he does and say.
I been subbed for a long time, and I hope you hit the goal. Thank you for the great content! I hope this helps you get there.
Mikey may piss in public, but at least he doesn't drink it... unlike some people.
That is about the best compliment I can offer him.
There's no evidence to suggest he doesn't.
Willing to bet if Dan said not to drink piss, Mikey would do it just to spite Dan xD
@@mrpositronia That's the thing, there's no evidence he does either. Just the supposition that "he must be because other's as close to his level of stupid has been confirmed to".
This observation is a good start but not enough for confirming it.)
Lmao He's obviously autistic.
@@guytheincognito4186 we live in a world were evidence is moot now.
The amount of times you said "theory" near the end just warms my heart
6:30 This diagram is hilarious. One end of the diagram: "Rises," the other end, "West." Makes perfect sense!
Flat earther dies and when he meets god he asks
“God is the earth flat?”
God- “no my child the earth is a sphere”
Flat earther - “wow…..this conspiracy goes deeper than I thought”
I love that he, and I wonder if he realized it at the time, portrayed himself as a "jackass." If he didn't, it would be so hilarious because it is just. so fitting.
Lol 😂 great point bro
He definitely didn't notice it, and now it's a hilarious thing to witness.
I love how happy he sounds with his explanation hahaha as if he's finally proven it
No Mikey, no.
Slam dunk! Nailed it! Perfect argument!!😂😂
Ignorance is bliss.
it was that simple
I feel so bad that Mikey actually does ask questions but genuinely can't understand the answers.
“There are No Stupid Questions” is a lie and Mike prove it constantly.
@@johnhiggs325 oh god, here I go ranting again…
…basically 50% of the human kind proves it daily. Below average thinkers ask stupid and mundane questions. ”there are no stupid questions” is just another Santa Claus for kids to stay curious and feel good about themselves. God forbid we told actual facts to kids instead of filling them with myths, stories and legends when they are at their crucial years of building a view of the world. My head was about to explode when I tried to understand how can god creating the universe and world in a single week and billions of years of cosmological evolution be true at the same time. Big Bang and Magical creation? I was presented with the classic personified god standing there, doing magic tricks so it wasn’t even of any of that Spinoza’s god stuff or such. I never bought the biblical story and felt like a liar for some time until I noticed that nobody else took it serious here either. Then I simultaneously realized everyone around me are liars. I live in Scandinavia so this might offer some perspective to the Christianity and seriousness of the practice. I was a kid in nineties.
When someone who is asleep tells us to wake up, I adore it.
Mikey: Says that if the Earth were rotating around the sun, we would see the sun make a C shape.
Also Mikey: 5:06 proceeds to draw the movement of the sun in a C shape
well, he obviously can't see it, because it is a mirrored C - flatters can't bend their minds in such ways! LOL
Wow! Look at Mikey growing up. He can almost draw already!
To be fair his drawing skill is about on par with his cognitive reasoning skill. I wonder if he has developed object permanence yet.
Awesome. I'm amazed he can manage to sit and breath at the same time.
That must be why he had to lie down 😂
holy cow sci-man, almost half a million. i remember when it was the push to 10k!!!! congrats my man, what a journey.
"So you want to discuss your flat earth theory..." - "IT'S NOT A THEORY!!1eleven" - "I'm sorry, your flat earth delusion, then...."
It's the perfect flerf strategy, though. If they sit there and argue with you about the semantics, they don't have to confront any actual facts. And when you walk away from the conversation because they're behaving like a petulant child, they can tell their flerf friends about how they totally owned a glober.
man the sun is hotter than i though.... 200 degrees? jeez 🤣
Well I just repeated his hi IQ research, and the sun is -6°C today, I have emailed NASA with this scary information 🤣
@@dogwalker666 oh NO!!! 🤯
@@dogwalker666 And I got +5°C on my balcony as sun temperature. Do I have a sun of my own? A new conspiracy theory coming soon.
@@phtevenj we need to warn everyone 🤣
@@freddan6fly you might, or perhaps they restarted it and it is warming up, we need to keep checking.
Well... the good news is Mikey has almost figured out how to draw a circle... next week they start covering how to color and stay between the lines...
@@MidwestFarmToys Mikey is harmless, but his drawing ability is agreeably the least of his problems...
I love how, despite my best efforts, I could not find any mention of this guy or his channel at all, and every effort to do so just kept bringing me back to SciManDan.
Millennia of great thinkers and Mikey comes along to prove them all wrong. Impressive
He's right in one thing. Flat Earth isn't a theory. It's barely a hypothesis. 😂
I'm still trying to figure out how/why he was comparing a yearly rotation to a daily rotation.
Love this channel! What kills me is they all have a different picture to "try " to explain day and night. Don't even ask them about seasons. Not one of these folks is a Pilot, in Navigation, Science, Engineering. Just folks that sit home and come up with ideas. School is essential! Words matter. I can't.. I just can't .... Good luck Sci Man Dan.
It boggles the mind how they can get something soooo simple soooo wrong. I honestly don't have words for it, i remember understanding this as a young child. I struggle to understand what he is trying to say because its so ludicrous, hurts my brain.
At least he spelt ‘sun’ correctly.
But failed at the pronunciation..1 out 2 is actually pretty good?
english is screwed up... we have sun, son none, nun, why not sone, but there is one and won so why isnt none like nwun or swun or swon but one could be own cuz there is bone and not bun or bown but there is blown but blone isnt blun..... now could you imagine Mikey trying to let this filter thru his head?
Classic :)
@@bunnykiller through. Thorough. Though. Tough. Thought. Cough. Drought.
@@mo0kthechef And hiccough.
Funny how he said “don’t bring your belief into my world” lol.
I immediately went to the "what about the Southern Hemisphere?" question - but you covered it!! Thanks for all your work on combating these folks' delusions!
"We don't see a C shape, what we actually see is a C shape." Lol!
He LITERALLY made an ass out of himself.
I can only watch a few of these before I have to throw myself through the window
My very first thought was "how does he explain people in the southern hemisphere seeing the sun in the north" glad I'm not the only one thinking like that
It’s worse than that though as just now for example the sun rises just south of east and sets just south of west in Sydney although it is getting closer and closer to rising and setting East and West every day now.
How you can make this work on a flat earth with its vanishing distance for objects and a close sun that isn’t changing in size throughout the day I don’t know.
4:50 No? We don't see a horizontal "c" shape as the sun, because we aren't on a 2D plane. We see things in 3 dimensions. We can see both above, and below our "horizontal view line?" (Ooof. Dan owes me a big "Got'em")
"The flerfs" Never fail to make us laugh, comedy gold every time 🤣😂🤣😂
Interesting that when challenged to "explain" one of their weird beliefs, you are likely to be given a link to a Dubay vid that doubtless served to recruit the flattard, but which has (as usual) nothing sensible or defensible therein. Despite exhorting us to "think for ourselves", they invariably demonstrate their own inability to do so, preferring instead to parrot the shite sold to them by their FE priests. The flattard "Flat Earth" is a prime example of this.
I love his mic drop moment when he throws the pen down and tells people to critically think because that's what he does. Lol. Imagine what it must be like to be that stupid.
I had to pause the video because I was laughing so hard.
I don’t think even with my vivid imagination I can imagine how this man redefines stupid.
I can’t. I cannot comprehend þat level of ignorance. I’m sure as a child þere was, but I don’t remember a time when I couldn’t understand something þat simple. I’m pretty sure he isn’t þat ignorant himself. I mean, fairly ignorant to be sure, but not ÞAT ignorant. I just þink he wants Dan to make him famous.
Þen again, in þat last one he was pretty passionate about it… maybe he is a complete moron. 😂
"Imagine what it must be like to be that stupid." ??
No need to imagine.
Mickey has given up a GREAT example...
As I said in an earlier reply ... if he had a second brain it would be lonely
Just watching him try to draw a circle says a lot
The nitpicker in me was ready to interject that the orbit is not really a circle, more like an ellipse... and even then it doesn't reach the old location, it's like a "flowery" spiral. :-B
Yea i thought the same. Then i saw the laptop and wondered how he is coming about enough money to pay for it....
i mean hes holding the camera in his other hand but i could still do better.
@@URAGOOFUS Meaning he's so unconvinced of his own theories that he's unwilling to spend $5 to buy a stand to prop the camera in.
@@darrennew8211 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
"Remember to critically think" Man's measuring the Sun's temperature with a laser thermometer XD
Great video, I’m amazed how you find these people, poor Mickey, he seems so critically thinking confused
Mikey really needs to try to model this in three dimensions.
I recall seeing a small model of the Sun, Earth and Moon that used a chain driven gear arrangement to move the Earth around the Sun, rotate the Earth on its axis, and move the Moon around the Earth while keeping its one side facing the Earth. And it wasn't that complex a mechanism!
Mikey's professional scale diagrams are proof enough of his grasp on reality.
This one is actually sad to me. Poor guy is just so messed up.
He is an excellent example of the Dunning-Kruger Effect.
This guy's right though, the ability to ask questions is important. Equally important is the ability to rationally answer those questions, and that's where he seems to struggle.
its a factless fact, love how aggressive he is and big himself up because he can critically think and know what a half his. I am sure his nursery school teachers are very proud, well done Mikey
I'm so confused, are you a flat earther or not?
It's not so much the peeing in public that I have a problem with, if you really gotta go and there's no toilet available, you've really gotta go. It's that he actually filmed himself doing it and posted it on youtube...
Luckily the density of his urine took it towards the ground, and not upwards in his face!
Reality TV is not always pretty.
Keep on rockin in real world Dan! I’m happy for you that these fools are steady giving you income. Great content!
i love the amount of confidence in his wrong answers.
yeah, he could be a socialist
I love the confidence of the guy, at least if you gonna fail do it with gusto.
I have to say, I do like how Mikey appropriately depicts himself as a talking jack-ass.
the way he was measuring the temperature of the sun made him seem like a top level comedian
Y'know, I've been on this earth for 68 years, and it has never once occurred to me to film myself while peeing.
For such a young boy (4), that first person you argued against, sure had a deep voice. I am sure he will understand logic when he grows up.
I had a stressful day. Watching this video and reading the funny comments from you guys really helped. Great community here! Flat earther have their place as comedic relief.
Got a head injury years ago and have been instructed by the neurologists I've had over the years to draw basic things like circles and Cs countless times. Everytime this guy drew one it would have caught the interest of any neurologist watching it.
He seriously does show signs of mental illness. And I am not saying that to put him or anyone down.
Good smile here,will be sending that poor man a hug🫂
I never thought of trying to start a social revolution while sitting in my bed. I would at least get up and set up a background!
reminds me of a VERY old comic book villain i read about in a book:
"lord lazee".
he used robots that he controlled from his "control couch", which he NEVER LEFT.
@@ericb3157 "Destroy him, my robots" to quote the old Commodore 64 video game!
Gets rotation and orbit confused; but yes this guy is qualified to turn all of science on it's head
man, even the geocentrists knew we were on round ball, even if they had all the other stuff wrong lmao