I just found out that you can cut an access panel out from the top. It is easy with an air nebbler. The air nibbler is safe and secure. Go to harbor freight or Northern tools. Northern Tools nibbler is half the price of the Harbor freight. This is a game changer for everyone. This saves a ton of work and it is the best way. You need an access panel to the fuel pump. You will have to make a metal panel to cover the hole. Use a rubber gasket under the panel. Use ten metal screws to secure the panel from any water or dirt. Toyota should have made an access panel for this job. You did a fabulous job. You are #1!!!
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You are the Master!!!! Unbelievable video! A professional job all the way!!!😍
I just found out that you can cut an access panel out from the top. It is easy with an air nebbler. The air nibbler is safe and secure. Go to harbor freight or Northern tools. Northern Tools nibbler is half the price of the Harbor freight. This is a game changer for everyone. This saves a ton of work and it is the best way. You need an access panel to the fuel pump. You will have to make a metal panel to cover the hole. Use a rubber gasket under the panel. Use ten metal screws to secure the panel from any water or dirt. Toyota should have made an access panel for this job. You did a fabulous job. You are #1!!!
+@erroldillon1548 Thanks for the feedback! 1aau.to/m/Shop-TRQ
Anyway to change only the fuel filter and not the whole fuel pump assembly?
Guess I won’t be doing this repair. 😢
1989 model pls