The Freedom of Fretless Bass
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024
- Here are some fun grooves on my fretless Cortex that show the freedom & joy of playing fretless! I'm using a custom Cortex bass, built by excellent luthier Paul Lairat, strung up with Ernie Ball Cobalt Slinkys. It has a flamed maple fingerboard with epoxy, walnut body and spalted maple top, it's loaded with a single Nordstrand Dual Coil pickup with 2 band eq. I used a Darkglass Hyper Luminal compressor and a Rodenberg 707b booster, the signal was recorded straight into my Focusrite audio interface. Drums were recorded with Korg midi pads & Addictive Drums, mixing & mastering was done in Cubase. Thanks for watching!
This track's on my new EP Fretless Invaders, check it on Apple Music: / fretless-invaders-single
Bandcamp: remcohendriks....
Spotify: open.spotify.c...
Facebook: / gr00velab
Instagram: / groove_a_holic
Check out some fine Cortex basses: www.cortexbass...
Never tought someone could play funk, jazz, punk rock and metal at the same time
Minutemen plays a combination of blues, funk, country, jazz, classic rock, and of course, punk.
@Captain Bruh old slipknot recordings be like:
Listen to Primus.
This guy just created an entire retro side-scrolling action video game's soundtrack.
If River City Ransom and Double Dragon had a crossover.
I was you 1000 like hehe
@@oldeenglishd45 aaaaapp0110
I agree.
Sounds like a mega man song on drugs. Lol
When the groove is so funky that any “out of tune” notes feel like stylistic choices. Respect.
*ARE stylistic choices
I was thinking the exact same thing
It's a bass. There are no out of tune notes. Especially once there's no frets
....Until he decides to play with another instrument that uses notes (drums don’t count)
it's actually microtones
I am truly free, having never played bass guitar and thus having a bassless bass
@@jaykelley103 I am truly free, having forgotten about this comment entirely until being messaged here today. I have forgotten what a bass is and assume this video is about fish. Hell yeah, brother, catch a big'n
Where do you get the bass from? The clap of your asscheeks? ww
@@mycovoreI second this (I don't remember what your reply says)
@@si.ari.06 who am i
This guy laying a groove so deep, I tripped and fell into it.
So deep i found founding titan in there
I believe that groove fell into the Marianas Trench. 😳😳
You ok?
This dude's got more deep grooves than Willie Nelson's face
It's liek that shoop that got fished out and went right back in.
the tabs for this be like "ok, now hit fret 15.827 on the D string"
Bruhh 😭
lmao. nut.
The tabs would just be in hz instead of frets or note names lmao
That’s a fuckin great comment lol😂😂🤣
In the words of jaco, frets are just speedbumps for my fingers
Ahah did Jaco actually say that ? 😂
@@Orangibus I’ve seen that he said that from multiple sources, so I think so, yeah
And he was totally right.
Once u go fretless you'll never come back
that's great lol
@@alexcazzulli1082 what is the big difference that make u prefer fretless bass?
Never in my life have I heard anyone rip that hard on a bass guitar. Fretless or not. That's some skill, dude.
Gotta listen some more 😅😅
@@logminick5429please enlighten me with some names, this is the craziest thing i’ve heard too
There was a Florida man named Jaco that was ripping pretty hard in the 70s & 80s.
official tab for this just finna be a series of question marks
An Asian dude saying finna? Now I’ve seen everything.
@@Doer231 ... what does that have to do with anything
@@cupparuppa it’s to do with the dude using finna in his comment
Nah it will be... *shudder* ..... actual sheet music
@@Doer231 why does it matter that he’s asian?
as a violinist who was always put off from guitar because of the frets, i never knew this was an option and i must immediately try it so i can decide it's my new goal in life to be the best at it
Go for it
HELLO this was me too. Was a violinist from 5th grade thru senior year, but picked up a fretless bass in 10th grade and it's all I actually *want* to play anymore. 100% go for it.
big lap violin
memento mori :)
You definitely have some competition here lol
Turned this on in the living room, my roommate from across the house shouts, "oh, that's FUNKY!" Couldn't agree more.
I got me roommates with that same vibe 🤘
It's got that fonky-chonky
@@worldf1re41 it do got that fonky chonky
@@mbrulz dude your phone is on fire
this guy's right hand technique is incredible
I think its his own technique called the lobster claw, I think he has a tutorial on it even
“What keys do you typically play in?”
Love this comment 😂💀
I don't play in keys. I play in maquams (imagine that last one is in italics I'm on my phone so I don't know how to do that)
Are you f*****g kidding me? This dude is off the hinges ! Pure genius.
They're called frets heehee
You see his beard, man hasn’t stopped jamming for ANYTHING
You’re allowed to swear here dude
@@Samford_ LOL.
@@Samford_ No go away 🤠
1:22 is every arcade game soundtrack when you make it to the boss battle
Shit just got real
Sounds like Super Thunder Blade
Sounds like when you start a jet pack joyride run
2:04 feels like the ending of a super mario level
And a nokia ringtone lol
I don't often watch the right hand. Whoa. Fascinating techniques. Strength. Precision. Bravo.
1:24 instantly sounded like I was fighting some final boss on a Sega Mega Drive/Genesis video game. That was awesome!
I thought I was fighting a final boss tbh
Sounds like the music of a rip-off of DOOM called ANGER. Still sounds like I’m fighting a boss though ngl
Oddly specific, but yes.
It reminded me of Doom
My thoughts exactly
Fretless bass can either sound like a series of farts, or it can sound like a beautiful harp. This sounds like a combination of the two.
That’s absolutely it, “beautiful farts”.
I can dig it. 🤓🤜🏻
This made me laugh so loud
This dude be slappin a funky ass fart-harp then.
So it's a Fharp !
Lol the amount of effort and skill that went into this only for it to be described as a fart
This man goes more places in 2 minutes than most musicians go in 2 albums.
I'd rather have quality over quantity
@@genustinca5565 why not have both
@@genustinca5565 he has both. Where are your videos,son🤷♂️?
But not on the floor, amazingly enough.
You are the best gay fretless player on TH-cam.
The algorithm just decided I needed this in my life again after 2yr. I approve!
Someone open up some windows, it's getting real FUNKY in here
i love this comment
I’m thinking we need to remove two walls in the room, to get the right kinda cross breeze going. That’s a dangerous amount of funk!
This style of music is actually called HurnKloot
Keep the windows closed! What are you trying to funk up the whole neighborhood here???
still comes no where close to the freedom of the stringless bass
Or my tennis racquet
Or my skin flute
Or my instrumentless bass
Or my drumless drum
I love my slide whistle
Entertaining to think that no one can ever play this exactly the way you did. Ever. It's completely and infinitely unique.
what about a monkey on a typewriter?
@@theophilfriedefürst i hope you're joking
@@purpled4864 what would be joking about?
Like a violin right?
just like a shit
its honestly sounds like pitch bending the whole time and it sounds amazing
This is the music that plays when I am walking down the sidewalk carrying LOTS of uneven boxes that pile over my head as I constantly slip but am able to keep my balance and the boxes from falling.
For me that’ll always be the Benny Hill theme song but this is a pretty good replacement 😂
“Sink the funkiest bass composition”
“Don’t fret homie I’ve got this”
I see what you did there.
Solid joke
That was an awesome joke, here is a cookie for effort: 🍪
Ha, I enjoyed this comment.
The fact that this was all one take is insane. Insane enough that here I am thinking of it a year later.
Yeah, he's awesome. He made me actually enjoy a two-minute bass solo!
Definitely impressive but I think the video is sped up?
I can asure you at his level, speed is the last thing you need to worry about.
@@natsugineo6695 true lol but still sus
What is feels like to step outside into the sun on a nice day after you rip the weed pen:
Lmao I read this as I got to that part of the song and I feel it
I didn't know that by removing the frets you effectively create a ghost drum set that gives you a beat every time you play the bass.
Nah, devs just patched it. You actually gotta buy a drum set now :/
You think too much. Carefully remove the frets, fill the gaps with some epoxy, sand it down, adjust the action again and play your BEEEP bass. Do not write a DoctorOfArts thesis before you understand things.
@@voornaam3191 what
@@voornaam3191 what
@@voornaam3191 what
That dark groove that starts at 1:03... A mix of Rush and Tool, and I really dig that.
@Umut Kaymaz Zep's No Quarter? I don't quite hear it from memory, but I'll compare!
Oh jeez.. "By Led Zeppelin" haha. I didn't even see you wrote that. Ignore my previous comment.
Over here trying to think of any other No Quarter haha.
Yes, I'm a die-hard Zep fan. I still don't hear it, but I'll be the first to admit that isn't a favourite song of mine, so I don't frequent it.
Farewell by Pandora101
I get more A Perfect Circle than TOOL but close enough, still Maynard xD
Hello fellow Pinkerton lover
I fucking love the drifting tuning of fretless bass. It's the same with old analog synths, the slight fluctuations make it sound bigger and more organic.
I agree!
Is it an acquired taste?
@@TrillMurray I'm not OP, but I would say it is.
Listen to the band Japan, you may learn to like the sound.
@@TrillMurray oh it absolutely is. If I'm being a 100% honest, fretless used to sound really cheesy and 80s passe to me. I just thought of it as a gimmick tbh. But there's bass players like Les Claypool, Tony Levin, and Mick Karn that actually know how to use it in unique and powerful ways. They approach it like a totally different instrument than your standard bass and that's what separates them from others who just play it like a regular bass. Fretless is basically an electric stand up bass turned sideways but even just that opens up a whole new world of possibilities when it comes to technique.
Veeery good observation! 🌼💐🌻🌺
Without a doubt one of the best things I’ve ever heard
you really can't find anything else like this. this solo is just so unique.
Have you ever listened to Primus?
@@kitchenbriks3685 yeah
That, my fellow bassists, is a demonstration of untold hours of practice, learning, dedication, and pure love of the groove - and more practice. :) A masterclass in right and left-hand technique with more "Oh no you didn't!" joy. Well done, sir!
What a monstrous bass player. I couldn't agree with you more.
Yeah he took a big fat dump all over my self esteem. Rightfully so.
Without even knowing how to play I can tell how much he truly enjoys his craft
His playing is legendary, but let's also take a minute to appreciate what a beautiful instrument he's playing.
I want one
It looks soo great
I think it’s a really bizarre bass, but it adds so much to the video. The tone the wood grain. It’s wild man
@@jreschke5 I always find bass or guitars look a bit weird without frets, but I just love the grain and colour.
He makes it sound like drums too incredible!
This really sounds like the theme that plays in shows when the main characters eat some berries or mushrooms and start hallucinating.
Damn so true
We are on the same page about that
Yeahhh no it doesn't m8 :/
@@cinnamonsinner4619 Oh no, I've been destroyed by your passive agressive statement
@@bypig owned and trolled
1:03 that riff ...omg
0:00 that two minute long riff... *0MG!*
Very RATM like
I think it sounds like a combination of rage and Tool
@@chiarosuburekeni9325 100%
Sounds very like black sabbath to me
I want this to be an entire album just this.
Hell ya!!!
Check out Michael Manring
That was good.
he has an EP on spotify !
primus. listen to primus.
this should be a bass advertisment
this is like mario kart when a lightning hits you and the music goes so WeiRd
Or more like when you get ran over and squished
The passage from 1:03 is one of the most interesting things that I ever heard.
We want more of that!
while not the same groove, if you want the same style of bass riff, Tool - 46 & 2
^ also, the band Cynic (bassist Sean Malone) and basically anything Steve DiGiorgio did especially with Death. 10/10
Sounds like what Steve Vai did with "Candle Power"
@@tomboomeronacrvim new, what does this mean
@@kozuta8858 Tool is the band, 46 and 2 is the song name
Imagine being the guitarist in a jam with this bass
You are now rhythm guitar. Have fun.
@@pirtouine still will be insanely difficult
I'd just be watching with my jaw on the floor!
the chords and descending line at 1:16 hit me in my rocknroll soul
This dude could probably play a hell of a Seinfeld intro
Did h know Seinfeld is for gay ppl?
@@ugmsjc4779 uh oh turns out youtube commenters are gay too
Seinfeld was done on a synth, not a bass. True story.
@@oaktadopbok665 oh, you follow Davie504 too huh?
The fretless bass is such a magical instrument, it feels like something from another dimension
Correction, it is the key for opening the fourth dimension.
I imagine this is what a bass sounds like to someone who is high and drunk at the same time.
Can confirm
I currently am. Groove is the sauce!
That's because you have done neither. Someone who is high and drunk might just walk away. It's completely bloody irrelevant anyway.
Then imagine what THIS sounds like to someone who's drunk and high!
@@daemiand9657 it was a joke.
The base is so funky the frame can't take any more funk except a little of his hair showing
If we were to gaze upon the face of Funk manifest themself, we would die immediately.
Seinfeld cut scene music for the episode when Jerry and Kramer take acid
Very nice 😎
Sounds like Black Seinfeld
every single sound a bass makes is seinfeld
Meanwhile, George gets his knees broken by some loan sharks and Elaine eats from the trash to impress her new homeless boyfriend
tony frankling was the reason i switched from classical guitar to fretless bass in my late teens, you are the reason I got one with a maple fretboard.
fretless is truly amazing, and is the only insturment I play now. I sold all of my guitars and pianos, dont need them, only fretless.
I don't believe there's a more expressive instrument.
@@fakhourikakeesh5527 that would be the equivalent of a local mma gym bro taking on the ufc champion.
What I love about fretless bass is that it always has a melancholic sound to whatever is played. Tbh I never heard such a happy and fun sounding fretless bass.
No matter how many times I try to avoid the bass, i always fall in love with it again every single time. The tang of it is such a beautiful sound. Easy to pick up, but hard to master. The only instrument I've played for 10 whole years straight. I pick it up, I can't focus on anything else, I just want to play it all day.
I'll never get tired of your unconventional yet highly effective technique.
Who cares about conventional technique anyway
That’s what she said!
It looks pretty conventional to me, like Victor Wooten. Three finger and thump very effective.
But everybody has their own style.
@@kalidesu No offence, but if this technique looks like Victor's to you, you must be blind. Remco is plucking with 3 fingers with only one stroke direction (and the thumb is resting on the string that it will pluck), and Victor uses 'double thumb' technique, which involves only 2 fingers, one slapping and one popping (the thumb doesn't rest on the string at all before the downstroke and rests at the string below before the upstroke)
Not sure what conventional technique is, thought I was getting it until read the last comment and has nothing to do of why I liked the video
I love this. So catchy, subtle reminders of Claypool, but definitely your own original sound. 10/10 man, so many intricate little sections that could be their own whole soundscape.
i was wondering if anyone would mention claypool. i completely agree with you!
If you want bass soundscapes, check out Michael Manring
Mick Karn
Ayyy another Les Claypool fan!!!
I totally agree,I was looking for this comment, because it totally had a Claypool vibe.
i love how humans have spend hundreds of years evolving stringed instruments. going from fretless to movable frets and the eventuality everyone decided to put in permanent frets only for us humans to go AAALLLL the way back to fretless because it sounds weird or interesting to us XD
Hahah human nature, gotta love it
I mean, all orchestral string instruments are still played fretless. Once you’ve gotten your finger placement to muscle memory, it gives you a lot for freedom.
Yup, created cars and machines to covnienetly move shit, then created a gym for physically lifting shit.
Created softwares to make music, but still bought a guitar and drums for physically creating music
The list goes on mate, we create things for convenience but we also create inconvenience to get the primal feeling of overcoming struggle. It's something evolutionarily imbibed in us.
return to monke
full circle bro, its the way of progress.
Nothing brings me more joy than watching bassists work their magic
i hope no one with perfect pitch listens to this... I can only imagine
Present! It just sounds extra weird to me but still a banger
Trying to identify the notes is like getting a blind guy to name every colour he sees at a rave as the colours are changing
it's not like microtonality is rare in music.
@@jedinxf7 It definitely is in Western music. Dunno where you're from.
@@JerryLeeHowell2 not as rare as you would think, most choirs tune microtonally
This just sounds life this man is playing every song from an album and every 20 seconds he switches to a new track
That groove goes so damn hard even he can't sit still
That was incredible sound wise, nobody does anything like it. One of a kind mate. :)
Wow, that was amazing. I'll bet that guy is a sick drummer, too. I sure hope he makes his living playing music. I know I'd pay to go see him. An absolute master of his craft.
I have a hollow body guitar that I made fretless about five years ago. I had intended on re-fretting the fingerboard, but I decided to see how it played without frets when I removed them, strung it up, and I was hooked on the sound. This video gave me some interesting ideas on things to try later. Thanks RGL!
So good. Someone can only play this on a fretless; a completely different art/skill.
absolutely gorgeous instrument and composition. Amazing, brother. Liked and Subbed
dude i’m not even a bass player but this is crazy good
In my opinion one of the best fretless bass solos ive heard in a while
1:04 was the best part for me, damn
0:00 to 2:15 for me!
yeah he should definitely elaborate on this part and make this a separate piece
I'm going to jam to that
It's actually the end riff of limp bizkit's counterfeit
Best bass playing I've ever seen
You're joking right?
@@JadeMaru nah, I don't hear a lot of bass anyway
@@eoah1359Look up CharlesBerthoud
@@JadeMarubro it’s just so good
@@JadeMaruwhat’s so bad about it
why is it that almost every older man with dreads knows how to shred bass
Other way round. When you can shred, God sends his angels down to bless you with dreads.
@@frankgrimes7388 why should a hair style be restricted to any one race?
@@frankgrimes7388 it’s a hairstyle. Hairstyles aren’t color coded. Hardass
@@frankgrimes7388 racist moment
@@frankgrimes7388 They probably wear dreads to estrange clowns like you, who make race and appearance based assumptions.
He does his own zoom edits whilst playing whatta mad lad
holy shit, this guy's playing is so precise yet so effortless looking, probably from like AT LEAST 20 years of practice i'd say. how've i never heard of this guy?
Maybe he’s a studio/gigging musician. A lot of guys on the market for any instrument have started channels like this, sometimes just so they can get fame aside from being stitched onto a bigger label or a bigger name in the industry.
Gigging can be rewarding, though it usually doesn’t come with the perks of a bigger following. They either fall into obscurity, or they gain a “cult following”, though that’s hardly enough to make it into the Hall of Fame. I feel like if players like “Ready” Freddie or Lee Sklar, for example, started channels like this in their hay day, they might’ve been able to keep a lot of the YT musicians in their place lmao jk.
YT is a fickle beast, because while it doesn’t give much in terms of side revenue, it can at least help these guys build their names so they have a better shot at cementing their names even long before they get recruited by household name bands. But a lot of the work going towards building a brand also requires them to either pick up as many gigs as possible to make ends meet, or to build up hype behind their own solo stuff like Victor Wooten or Jaco Pastorius.
But because audiences are naturally more inclined to flock towards singers and guitarists, you’re gonna take a lot longer to get found if you’re on bass or drums, meaning even if you’re better than some of the best famous bassists/drummers you’re not gonna get picked up for a while unless you either start in a band that’ll eventually get big, do tryouts for existing bands looking for replacements (and risk fading into obscurity anyways), or doing social media on the side while you do whatever you wanna do.
@@SalvadorButtersworth he's hitting the notes precisely, is he not?
@@aquarius5264 Not the notes of the traditional tone scale
@@SalvadorButtersworth 12 tone is over rated
An unequivocally inspiring groove machine, mind-blowing technique, psychedelic sound and huge emotion, well done, and a huge honor, a pleasure to listen to
If we look for the shit, we will find that in everything there is shit, the groove is crazy, the rhythm is good, the sound can be fixed and it's mostly a matter of taste, insulting nature and criticism is not constructive, it's harder to fix
I understand that you are not interpreting correctly, so we will write to you directly, every sound can be corrected and interpreted according to personal taste, there is a way to write reviews. People who are disgruntled like you cannot be corrected compared to a sound. You will learn to criticize and it is also allowed to praise. and be a human being first
I like how his hair becomes more prominent as the video progresses.
1:04 I'm listening with headphones on and that part made my brain feel like it was being tickled. Truly mind bending stuff there.
0:45 so sick holy shit
thank you youtube algorithm for brining me back to this video every few months
This is soooo much better than the standard slap bass solos that EVERYBODY is doing. Note: If slap bass is all you’ve got in your toolkit, you just sound like every other bassist on the planet. No one sounds like THIS guy!
Yeah I was thinking this too.
Please never stop making these
Finally, after 6 years, I got a second bass, and it’s fretless. Oh boy, I’ve never felt this much freedom in my life.
@@wendigo445 Bass is a really fun instrument, I think every guitarist should try it out, and vice versa. With the internet nowadays, self-teaching has never been easier. Shopping for one pretty much goes the same as it does for a guitar, of course. I say, if you want to play, then go for it. It’s a great investment if you put your mind to it.
i've been addicted to this song, it is so goooodd
Yooooooooo that Bedlam in Goliath album sitting front and center back there! My man
This man is one of the greatest I swear, so damn good
If so where's the number one hit,on the radio?..... but yes,he has talent.🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
@@arturoacosta6583 someone can be one of the greatest without a number one hit. the charts aren't based off of talent, its based off what people listen to, so trying to use them in an argument on whether someone is one of the greatest bass players is a relatively weak point.
@@arturoacosta6583 If you’ve listened to the radio any time lately it should be obvious that talent and chart position have nothing to do with each other!
@@arturoacosta6583 your argument is a fallacy, Remco has infinitely more talent than what you’d hear on the “most listened songs” radio
@@arturoacosta6583 your comment is so dumb i lost brain cells lol
I’m kind of obsessed with this, it’s actually amazing. I just feel like your whole vibe is what the world needs right now. thank you.
This songs perfectly describes how it feels being high
1:16 best bit for me love it
There’s a year’s worth of lessons in less than 3 minutes of playing! Wow!
We know what this guy can do with just a bass and a drum track or drummer. Imagine if he had a full band.
I love whenever this video pops up in my recommended
I am, again, reminded how small of a musician I am in the presence of people like this guy. God damn this stuff fills me with life and inspiration, what a fucking groove.
Never saw a right hand style quite like that. Paired with great intonation, makes for a fresh new sound.
This is one of the coolest things i've ever seen
Wild sounds. Love it! You have fingers made for being a musician!
Guitar Gal I know says, "Going fretless is like going commando
The freedom is great - but you need to be more aware and careful..."
I remember watching that classic les claypool solo thinking "this guy is the absolute best at his instrument". I was wrong.
This is what i imagine Les Claypools farts sound like.
@@jb-if7sg fuck yea they do!
Wow! Finally some amazing groovy funky musical bass playing. Congrats ❤ ! It's not only annoying slapping. It's very very cool!
Freedom! Thanks, Remco 😎🎸🎸🎵
It sounds like a derpy game’s soundtrack, amazing!
New Single “Bananas” Out Now! My 2nd feature recording with The Big Ol’ Nasty Getdown and another absolute monster line-up. Funky jazzy grooves with the legendary Jack Irons on drums, Keith Anderson killing it on saxophone, Bobby Sparks II on keys, Tim Stewart on guitar, me on bass and Jim Loughlin on percussion. Produced by John Heintz, mixed by Fabrizio Grossi and mastered by Maor Appelbaum.
Check it out on Spotify:
Apple Music:
Or listen on any other music streaming service to Bananas (feat. Remco Hendriks) by The Big Ol’ Nasty Getdown.
When listening, you’ll see the amazing cover art by Jeff Wood of Zen Mystic Studio, probably the funkiest monkey you’ll see all year, no joke!
“Bananas” will be out soon on vinyl as side B of a very sweet “Trill Seekers” 7-inch gatefold single. It’s already at the pressing plant and will be out later this year, more info soon!
Here you can listen to side A “Trill Seekers”:
Apple Music:
Vinyl pre-orders and cool merch coming soon, thanks for listening!
God bless, dude!
This video alone is the reason why i picked up a frettless
And you will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. -Jeremiah 29:13
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. -John 3:16
Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out.
-Acts 3:19
Great sounding bass. Great playing to go along with it. Love the wood grain on this thing.