@@seanbannon7939 Spider is only one closer form what can handle human mind. It's not real form. REAL form living inside of Deadlights, but anyone who see it is going insane or dying and start "floating".
I loved Tim Curry as Pennywise. He has this crazed killer look in his eyes like he's taunting his victims. Love how they are bloodshot too. He communicates better than the newer pennywise with his intense expressions.
I must I admit I agree. His eyes make his interpretation so great. A lot of people now deny they were scared at the time - the're lying. I was not a kid, I had read the book and I was used to much more violent movies, but his interpretation made it really, and deeply scaring.
the old pennywise looks smarter and mischievous while the new one looks like mindless monster. but that's the point why clowns are scary. why the vintage clowns in the carnivals are creepy. they give you this creepy, silly, strange, funny, and scary all at the same time. the new pennywise looks like monster or alien and doesn't have that silly creepy clown feeling because he doesn't look like human anymore but more like alien. way overdone. the old pennywise makes you feel uncertain and uncomfortable, but as the same time he looks somewhat normal.
I hate how people are just bashing on the original movie and clown design. It was a good movie and scary clown design for it's TIME. Obviously technology and cinematography wasn't as advanced at the time back then than it is now. So please respect it's original movie adaption.
Technology and cinematography? Nah, this was made in 1990, you need to watch more movies if you think this is representative of what was capable back then
Sam Parker I wasn't talking about this movie obviously this movie is old I'm comparing it to the new movie where with the constant use of CGI, make up, cast etc. Considering that this is a miniseries/movie movies was still a new growing phenomenon so back in it time this movie was considered a classic and one of the best movies of it's time simply cause of it's cast and loyal adaptation to the novel as co.parsf to the new movie where technology is booming so obviously in terms of effects, cast, makeup, cgi it has the old on beat. What I'm trying to say is that people are hating on the old one simply because it isn't as advanced as the new one but ehat can you expect from a movie that was made in the 1990s I think it was made when technology was just reaching its peak.
I personally love both movies. I don't understand why people hate on the original. A lot of people say that the original clown is not scary! The whole point is the clown luring kids. So he appears to be a normal clown. So that when the kids see him they try and get a balloon. That's when he turns into some kind of demonic form. That's why they didn't make him that scary. I'm not trying to start a fight. I'm just expressing my opinion. Once again I think both movies are great I just don't understand why people bash on the original.
Stranger Things Fan: oKay one I love your name awesome can’t wait for season 3 ;) okay so the whole point of Pennywise is for the kids to be afraid if they are afraid then he feeds on their fear he saw that Georgie wasn’t afraid so he obviously had to get him some how and decided to give him a balloon or tell him to come and get it. But the whole point of Pennywise is to be really scary and try to make kids or in this IT movie adults scared and that’s what he feeds off of the new Pennywise does not look like a normal clown he is scary as hell he wants the kids to be afraid if they aren’t afraid then Pennywise has nothin to feed off of and then he will possibly starve if everyone just isn’t scared of him. There is gonna be a new IT coming out when they are adults (they won’t use the same people I heard Bill Skarskard (don’t know how to spell his name) Bill SkarSkard will still be Pennywise in the new one) I don’t think that one will be as good as the 1990 IT and the remake one of 2017 But yeah I don’t get why people hate on the original either this was hella scary back then and people were scared for life so for the most part it was pretty damn scary lmao but yeah I agree with you and you’re probably right and I’m wrong lmao and I read the rest of your comment I just wanted to point this out and maybe I’m wrong lmaoo
Tim Curry will forever be a treasure. Bill Skarsgard knows his craft, and I hate to compare the two, but Tim's portrayal, voice and animation still haunts and delights me whenever I revisit the original.
The remake was trash making the loser club in the 80’s and when they’re older in present day. So stupid, and no one can beat Tim Curry- the remake of Rocky Horror Picture Show bombed his voice is perfect and his looks match his description in the book. Being a made for TV film with no profanity or nudity it’s amazing how well it had been made. The remake completely failed… just like most remakes. Hollywood has run out of ideas, that’s why I rarely watch any films made after 2010, the odd time they might make a good one, but they just need to stop with the remakes already… leave the classics alone.
Yet i dont feel any atmosphere at all when it comes to new films. Thats what draws me to the old stuff. The grungy dingyness, they actually feel like they carry a weight to it and things down to movement sound design and manner of lighting *feel* immersive. New movies just feel too uber clean, sterile, lacking in identity, stock and edgy for edgyness sake that its lost all meaning because there's nothing but edgy. Even things like the abominable snowman from Rudolph and that What Scared Sue Ellen episode of Arthur actually creep me out than any new horror movie,comic, manga, anime or videogame that came out in recent years.
@@pheunithpsychic-watertype9881 I always found halloween/spooky-themed episodes in old cartoons to be more unnerving than most horror films nowadays too. Personally, i think Asian horror films are the best at using atmosphere and uneasiness to impact the audience. European horror too, but films such as Pulse, Audition, Ju-on, Ringu etc. Are all good examples of giving lingering fear.
Exactly, old movies are natural, and remember us that the most scariest thing is the human, and the 90 clown looks like a grandpa dreesed as clown trying his best to be scary, thats actually funny, but creepy, 2017 pennywise looks amazing, but its a lot cgi, and its too far from reality
I've only seen the remake, but this looks so much more terrifying. The new movie has great cinematography and everything looks stylized, like for a movie. Here everything looks sorta shitty, and I can almost imagine seeing Pennywise in real life. And that is absolutely terrifying. For a horror movie this type of cinematography is much more effective. The graveyard scene at 2:40 is so damn scary because of that.
The newer movies rely way too much on cheap jump scares and too much CGI. The series had much more character and personality and the horror element had more of a psychological element than lame jump scares.
@@AKSBSU there’s absolutely nothing scary about this movie. The “psychological” element is lacking, and the jump scares are stupid. Watched the whole thing and almost fell asleep.
The new IT’s clown is scary. I will give it that. But the original is bone chillingly creepy and makes you feel uncomfortable watching it. There is no cheap horror tricks in the original, just pure creepy-ness.
Adnan Ahmed he’s the closest either version has come to being as scary as the book one. He is willing to do more than Tim Curry, and reaches deeper into the fears of The Loser’s Club. But the book one will always be the scariest one.
Adnan Ahmed the old Pennywise is a joke. If you are actually scared by that then you are pathetic. Like seriously lol, I don’t understand how people can actually compare the original and the remake. Although the remake isn’t that scary, it definitely delivers on some genuinely creepy moments, and actually implements both the children’s fears and the clown aspect of Pennywise’s character really well. The old one... It’s just not scary, there is nothing creepy or subtle about Tim Curry’s performance, or anything genuinely terrifying about the way he preys on the children. It’s just a cheesy 90s made for tv B movie that people look back on with nostalgia brimmed glasses as actually entertaining.
I remember the cemetery scene from when I was a kid seeing this on TV! Proof that Pennywise could reach any of them wherever they were. Richard Thomas's reaction is perfect!
Danny Kit tell me, how old was you when you watched the original and how old was you when you watched the new version? You can’t tell me that you aren’t going to find things less scary with age
What i liked the most about IT CHAPTER 2 is the fact that the movie shows how well the friends unite even after they have grown up. They still stayed the same in terms of their characters which wow-ed me the most. Ngl I nearly cry watching some scenes esp when Eddie died. It gives me goosebumps that how the director managed to ‘bring back’ the old memories to the new one in the latest movie. It’s amazing. A good friendship movie, honestly.
the new one is not scary whatsoever, i honestly felt embarrassed watching in the cinema it was just trying so hard that it was cringeworthy. Even if you were to disregard that the actors from stranger things were in it, it just felt like a stranger things spinoff as opposed to something that was actually trying to be scary to an adult audience.
The new clown is obviously evil, dark and creepy. The 90's clown looks more like a regular clown, he can even look like a nice guy simply dressed up, and the fact that you could believe someone was all nice and then turn into such a monster is way scarier than seeing something dangerous.
Akira Murakami I do think he was scarier because he seems so harmless at first. The new one looks and acts creepy so what kid would approch him? Even Gerogie was scared of him unlike the original so it didnt make sense why he reached down the sewer for his boat.
@@ricksorkin2522 it's quite clear what I mean. I'm talking about how now a days all they do is jump scares and unnatural cgi. Where they don't have as much of that stuff in the past so stuff was more psychologically scary and unsettling like The shining. Which is a lot more scary because there's nothing particularly frightening about it everything's just unnatural.
They've always tried to make them scary. That's the point of horror movies. I don't understand your thought process. The point of a horror movie is to make it as scary as it can be and this has always been the case.
im about 4/5ths of the way through the book and a friend asked me which rendition of Pennywise do I like the most and I can honestly say I cannot make that decision. Both actors did such a good job and different aspects/renditions of the character
I love this version so much for lots of reasons but one for coming off so simple, so natural it makes every scene, even the “normal” ones, eerie at least an so chilling, so unsettling at worst. Really fucked with my head every step of the way as a kid.
@@GoreyBits - Thanks an honestly, I think the best way to experience this movie is to watch it as a kid because it’s easy to look past just about everything that this movie has to offer as being scary when your an adult and don’t scare as easily. As a kid you get involved into the movie better because you can put yourself in the shoes of the movies main characters and be able to relate more in having that feeling of no one helping you, not believing you, an all you have is your friends to help you with something you don’t understand. This is why I still really love the 1990’s Goosebumps T.v. show, an the books for that matter, because it places you back to when you were a kid an not only do you have these creepy things happening to the main character, but they are made worse when you add the normal struggles as a kid where your not going to be taken seriously by an authority, you have to listen to grownups even though they may not be right, and you can’t even explain what’s going on let alone have evidence of the situation. This is where the life lesson, the power of friendship, comes in an saves the day in a pretty much subtle way.
@@n1thmusic229 As gen z who seen it when I was young I'll have to go with the old school crew. They did what they could without much CGI and gave it a good show
@@SlyXD-mb1so Original movie look kinda silly if watched from pov this days CGI but reason for me linking original movie better is that creepy atmosphere, it is so well done that it almost keep you uncomfortable.
@@32dras I agree. The ending clip in this video solidifies that. The atmosphere of the cast's surroundings are so surreal that you can't even tell what things or people are real and what are It's manifestation. It feels like the losers club isn't just fighting a clown monster, it feels like they are fighting Derry itself and the clown is its avatar.
I think they made a decent job with the new IT. The movie is long, but not boring for a minute, the actors are good, Pennywise is scary, I don't know why everybody hates it. There are a lot of crappy remakes but its not one of them. Even Stephen King likes the new IT. This is one of the best horror movies in recent years.
The 2017 It was so boring, the kids cursed too much for their age, pennywise was so cheesy. It was barely a horror movie. Just because you get kids to curse doesn't mean it deserved the R rating.
The original IT is far superior. Tim Curry absolutely nails Pennywise and blends comedy and horror perfectly. Skarsgard relies too much on being creepy without bringing the comedic aspects of the role as he should.
I actually think he's using the comedy better. It serves to emphasise his creepiness. Look at the scene where It breaks the glass in chapter 2. It looks kinda silly at first, but soon the way the head goes farther than any human head could, his child-like laught, just makes it look insanely disturbing.
I admire how well the series stayed true to the book, I wish the movie did the same. I also wish that in 10+ years a remake is made but instead it's a series so it can really capture what King wants us to feel
That was the point. No child anywhere would feel comfortable next to the 2017 pennywise. Kids like you don’t understand psychological horror. You need things to be in your face like “look look, I’m scary”. So they had to make him look scary
It’s incredibly uncomfortable when Ben sees his “father” on the lake. The way his voice gradually changes into the voice of Pennywise is eerie and reminds me of how in the book it says that the balloons blow in the opposite direction of the wind, truly disturbing. Also, Beverly’s father not seeing even a single drop of blood is terrifying… amazing movie
What I love about both 1990 and 2017 Pennywise is that they're both scary in completely different ways. 2017 Pennywise was more scarier looking and more menacing, but is a little more on the nose compared to the 1990 version where he wasn't as scary but was certainly more creepy in an uncanny valley sorta way.
Tim Curry is actually playing a great Pennywise, too bad the miniseries is bad. It was actually understandable since it doesn’t have the same budget like movie
Tim Curry is on point. Pennywise comes across as a creature that initially acts friendly but has a very malevolent presence. For all the campy special effects and music, this movie (series?) is terrifying. The effects are kind of reminiscent of Tales from the crypt and the 1999 House on Haunted Hill.
This "It" will always be the superior version. It's so effortlessly creepy (less is more) and hilarious. I've seen parts 1 and 2 of the adaptation and neither could compare. Too much going on.
I prefer this Pennywise, but I think Part 1 itself is probably the best adaptation. It was a great film. Neither compares to the novel though. The novel was one of the best horror reads ever and Pennywise in that was far more terrifying than either movie could hope to match. You get so much more insight into what IT actually is, and I’ll never forget how crappy the ending to Part 2 was just because I think it did Pennywise so dirty. The novel ending and final battle is much different.
I watched the original It first when I was 10 or 11. Having just watched the remake, I can say without hesitation that the original will always be much scarier for me. No amount of special effects can top the original acting and storyline.
+The Paranormalist lolz he said when something doesn't look scary and turns out evil, that's scary... he never said the old Pennywise is scarier than the new one, so your answer makes no sense. Stop starting fights from nowhere about nothing.
While the new IT has the typical jumpscare/surprise horror theme like almost every horror movie now days, the original IT was more of a disturbing, psychological terror, and I love that
The old one is terrible, literally got so bored of it. Can honestly say its the longest most boring horror movie ive ever seen. And ive seen a few stinkers in my years. I couldn't make it through the whole film it was that boring to watch.
This more playful and funny version is a better version of the actual creature. A playful clown is how “it” would manifest, not a scary one. His goal is to charm children and then turn into their fear, not be scary and scare them away
Did you even saw the movie? The It scare children because he says they are more delicius that way, with more fear. He also likes to play with his pray, that is why he scares the childrem.
Pedro noronha Did you read his post? He said "turn into their fear" boy. IT isn't supposed to be scary out right because there would be no complexity in how IT toys with their minds. You need to read.
I don't know if you guys even read the book at all, but when I imagined what IT looked like, I imagined the new version of him now than Tim Curry's portrayal. I pictured him as the classic clown of the early 1900's. They pretty much nailed the look more so than the 1990's version. You all can say that Tim Curry was the better version, but I know some of you are just riding that train just for the sake of nostalgia and being 'first' instead of the actual faithful adaption. IT toys with his victims, lives off their fear and loves how it taste. Tim Curry did a pretty good job, but the original just doesn't hold up well with the effects, acting, and cheesy dialogue. Admit it, guys.
TBH I like the old clown design it looks more kid friendly like he could just have fun with a kid and then feast on him cuz the kid would think IT is just a regular clown trying to make u laugh
Ikr - I think that's why IT chose that form in the first place (if I remember correctly). You can just take one look at the new one and know he's bad news.
+V Loading Exactly. And that's THE fact all those silly millenials cockriding the new IT movie keep ignoring. Their new Pennywise looks like a run-of-the-mill CGI monster. Add the victorian porcelain doll garb, the buckteeth, and the Scooby-Doo-esque voice, and you've got an instant FAIL lol
I know Tim Curry's Pennywise is not true to the book and Bill's is more faithful. But everyone has their opinion and we must respect. I know it won't do you any good, but respect the opinions of others. I was very scared of the new IT, but I liked it anyway. Tim Curry wins by acting as a true clown, which was the purpose, and Bill wins by acting as a scary clown. Both are excelent.
@@tommytowse96 Yea, we know that but it can transform into all the stuff people are afraid of. It is also able to imitate behaviour, so why wouldn't it make sense to act like a real clown? I don't get your point
@@tommytowse96 IT takes the shape of a clown to seem friendly and inviting to children. Prey is easier to catch if it willingly walks over to you, after all.
The scene were his dad was in the lake was pure genuis ,the little lad who played georgy was very good the whole cast was brill cant say that bout the new one it was creap
Lol ikr, something about him looking real and authentic makes him more scary to me. The new penny wise seems to artificial. Idk best way I can explain it
In context of the movie, a lot of these scenes were scary as shit. It's not always about updated graphics or scenes, it's the mood it out you in with combination of cinematography and music. The original isn't scary by modern standards necessarily, but if you watch it at night in the dark without anyone joking about it, you'll jump and have your heart skip a beat more then once
Justin Blake you won't because the acting is so unbelievable and there isn't one scary scene even pennywise is more goofy than creepy the majority of the time
+meme123 lol more like "you won't because I'm a millenial who was born waaay after this (insert song, movie, tv show, toy or technology) was created and my standards are so low I'll settle with some run-of-the-mill CGI and cheap jumpscares". While it's clear you'll never understand what the OP said and explained, at least learn to respect the past. In 30 years time all your stuff will seem goofy and crappy to the new generations. :D
Big0taz0 so because I was born after the release of the mini series my opinion is somehow invalid? Good art doesn't age and this film clearly did and also not that it matters in any way but the majority of the horror films I'm into were made before this anyways I just think that this film only works when someone has seen it at a young age
+meme123 lol you don't make any sense. Nobody said your opinion is invalid. In fact it was YOU who literally negated the OP by clearly stating "acting is so unbelievable" and "there isn't one scary scene" as if it were an absolute truth. Tsk. And don't come with that "good art doesn't age" crap. As the saying goes "Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder". _A Trip To The Moon_ by G. Méliès was considered visionary in its time, today, over a 100 years later, many call it "an obsolete, corny POS" (and that's not limited to the TH-cam comment sections or the IMDb). Same with the Atari 2600. And with Disco music. The list goes on. All historically significant, yet scorned by today's youth almost in its entirety, obsessed with the new and the shiny (or the dark, bloody, gloomy, depressing and cynical, for that matter) as the true and only valid choices. Does the glove fit?
the performance of the clown in this film is simply magnificent. His expressions, his laughter, his gesticulations are horrible but so natural. you never see an actor but the evil clown
In my opinion this is so much better than the new version. I thought part 1 was lacklustre and a friend of mine walked out of part 2 so I never bothered, but the original was genuinely creepy.
His speech at the end perfectly explains why cosmic horror is so good.
"You'll never see me; you'll see only what your little mind allows".
That's basically everything about space
That's some deep shit.
The Fourth Kind is a perfect example of this
It could shift into any person, yet was a spider the whole time?
@@seanbannon7939 Spider is only one closer form what can handle human mind. It's not real form. REAL form living inside of Deadlights, but anyone who see it is going insane or dying and start "floating".
I loved Tim Curry as Pennywise. He has this crazed killer look in his eyes like he's taunting his victims. Love how they are bloodshot too. He communicates better than the newer pennywise with his intense expressions.
I must I admit I agree. His eyes make his interpretation so great. A lot of people now deny they were scared at the time - the're lying. I was not a kid, I had read the book and I was used to much more violent movies, but his interpretation made it really, and deeply scaring.
His eyes are red because of the makeup irritating them
@@KremIsis yeah, but some can tell the truth.
the old pennywise looks smarter and mischievous while the new one looks like mindless monster. but that's the point why clowns are scary. why the vintage clowns in the carnivals are creepy. they give you this creepy, silly, strange, funny, and scary all at the same time. the new pennywise looks like monster or alien and doesn't have that silly creepy clown feeling because he doesn't look like human anymore but more like alien. way overdone. the old pennywise makes you feel uncertain and uncomfortable, but as the same time he looks somewhat normal.
Can you make
I hate how people are just bashing on the original movie and clown design. It was a good movie and scary clown design for it's TIME. Obviously technology and cinematography wasn't as advanced at the time back then than it is now. So please respect it's original movie adaption.
Rʏᴜ Uᴄʜɪʜᴀ• Rᴇᴅ Hᴏᴏᴅ Tim curry nailed the shit out of it. just the perfect mix of creepiness and nightmares along with a little comedy
FaceAche And to top it off they showed it on network tv, forcing them to cut a lot of stuff from the book to get around the FCC.
Technology and cinematography? Nah, this was made in 1990, you need to watch more movies if you think this is representative of what was capable back then
Sam Parker I wasn't talking about this movie obviously this movie is old I'm comparing it to the new movie where with the constant use of CGI, make up, cast etc. Considering that this is a miniseries/movie movies was still a new growing phenomenon so back in it time this movie was considered a classic and one of the best movies of it's time simply cause of it's cast and loyal adaptation to the novel as co.parsf to the new movie where technology is booming so obviously in terms of effects, cast, makeup, cgi it has the old on beat. What I'm trying to say is that people are hating on the old one simply because it isn't as advanced as the new one but ehat can you expect from a movie that was made in the 1990s I think it was made when technology was just reaching its peak.
Someone hasn't seen T2 that came out 1 year after this
The weird circus music mixed with horror music is what actually makes this movie creepy as hell lol
true it gives a horrible sense of a off-putting circus were nothing seems right
I don't know if I'm the only one but doesn't the music sound similar to Killer Klowns From Outer Space?
I personally love both movies. I don't understand why people hate on the original. A lot of people say that the original clown is not scary! The whole point is the clown luring kids. So he appears to be a normal clown. So that when the kids see him they try and get a balloon. That's when he turns into some kind of demonic form. That's why they didn't make him that scary. I'm not trying to start a fight. I'm just expressing my opinion. Once again I think both movies are great I just don't understand why people bash on the original.
Stranger Things Fan: oKay one I love your name awesome can’t wait for season 3 ;) okay so the whole point of Pennywise is for the kids to be afraid if they are afraid then he feeds on their fear he saw that Georgie wasn’t afraid so he obviously had to get him some how and decided to give him a balloon or tell him to come and get it. But the whole point of Pennywise is to be really scary and try to make kids or in this IT movie adults scared and that’s what he feeds off of the new Pennywise does not look like a normal clown he is scary as hell he wants the kids to be afraid if they aren’t afraid then Pennywise has nothin to feed off of and then he will possibly starve if everyone just isn’t scared of him. There is gonna be a new IT coming out when they are adults (they won’t use the same people I heard Bill Skarskard (don’t know how to spell his name) Bill SkarSkard will still be Pennywise in the new one) I don’t think that one will be as good as the 1990 IT and the remake one of 2017
But yeah I don’t get why people hate on the original either this was hella scary back then and people were scared for life so for the most part it was pretty damn scary lmao but yeah I agree with you and you’re probably right and I’m wrong lmao and I read the rest of your comment I just wanted to point this out and maybe I’m wrong lmaoo
@@Yummbutterr Thank you so much! And im excited to! And i do see your point. We are both right xD
Stranger Things Fan: lmao yep we both areeeee 👍🏼 and yEssssssss
Im actyally more scared of old version he looks like real clown acts like real clown and....gives nightmares
And you got it right. Pennywise looks scary when he wants to be
This was the scariest movie for me as a kid a master piece of acting from a very talented cast and just expert story telling
😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡 shut up
I'm 6'2" a good 220 lbs, don't matter. This shit terrifies me I've never slept well since I saw this the first time
Tim Curry will forever be a treasure. Bill Skarsgard knows his craft, and I hate to compare the two, but Tim's portrayal, voice and animation still haunts and delights me whenever I revisit the original.
Make ur minds up oh it's ok i am the one who is here now in purgatory our i mean earth 😢no words left bye
The remake was trash making the loser club in the 80’s and when they’re older in present day. So stupid, and no one can beat Tim Curry- the remake of Rocky Horror Picture Show bombed his voice is perfect and his looks match his description in the book. Being a made for TV film with no profanity or nudity it’s amazing how well it had been made. The remake completely failed… just like most remakes. Hollywood has run out of ideas, that’s why I rarely watch any films made after 2010, the odd time they might make a good one, but they just need to stop with the remakes already… leave the classics alone.
The thing about old horror movies is that it looks so natural, while directors these days use different filters to build up a scary atmosphere.
honestly to me and imo stuff with less CGI scares me more.
If they could they would.CGI was developed back then.
Yet i dont feel any atmosphere at all when it comes to new films. Thats what draws me to the old stuff. The grungy dingyness, they actually feel like they carry a weight to it and things down to movement sound design and manner of lighting *feel* immersive. New movies just feel too uber clean, sterile, lacking in identity, stock and edgy for edgyness sake that its lost all meaning because there's nothing but edgy. Even things like the abominable snowman from Rudolph and that What Scared Sue Ellen episode of Arthur actually creep me out than any new horror movie,comic, manga, anime or videogame that came out in recent years.
@@pheunithpsychic-watertype9881 I always found halloween/spooky-themed episodes in old cartoons to be more unnerving than most horror films nowadays too. Personally, i think Asian horror films are the best at using atmosphere and uneasiness to impact the audience. European horror too, but films such as Pulse, Audition, Ju-on, Ringu etc. Are all good examples of giving lingering fear.
@Greek Goddess I’m just gonna ignore that comment lmao
I don’t know why but old horror movies hit different.
They do not heavily rely on CGI for good effects.
Exactly, old movies are natural, and remember us that the most scariest thing is the human, and the 90 clown looks like a grandpa dreesed as clown trying his best to be scary, thats actually funny, but creepy, 2017 pennywise looks amazing, but its a lot cgi, and its too far from reality
Prabh Sangha they cant make them as scary anymore because people have become immature
@@c1vic464 Haha xD
100th like
*K I S S M E F A T B O Y*
I’m dying of laughter 😂
strange that he didn't used the opportunity to kill Ben
@@OefenMC its FAT boy
The 2017 Pennywise is scary. But for me, nothing can give me nightmare the same as 1990 Pennywise.
2017 didn’t scare me but the 90s one that movie didn’t let me sleep
@@avatrax2329 because your older now dumbass my little brother is more afraid of the new one that this on
@@pcat_5644 yeah, the new one is alot more scarier than this old.
90s movie series was wicked,,,
I don't know why, but the part that gets me the most is when Ben is in the cab and Pennywise is standing there waving. That gives me chills, yikes
Oh my god me too 🙂 That’s my all time favorite scene of this movie ❤️
Fuck yeah that gave me chills! It’s still does if I get sucked into the movie.
The balloon gave me a lil jump scare
5:09 "Silly boy you still think you can see... meeeeee? you'll never see me."
idk why but he said it so hilarious
Diego Juarez truuuueee
Uoy Kcuf Lmao
fazbear 87 yesss cavs
Uoy Kcuf HAHA
Uoy Kcuf and his name is JOHN CENA
Man I saw this as a kid and seeing it now I gotta say penny wise is a cheery bastard when he wants to be
*when it wants to be, not he...ha sorry had to say "it" ha.
Georgie Garza lmao you're right tho you smart ass
It's funny though 😂
Enclaveforce2000 -_- watch the mcdonalds version LMAO
Yeah I'd Like to be He's Friend.... Kinda... IT Would Be Fun Sorry..... 😂😂
Tim Curry is a legend
Your name isfartworthy
@@godfreynyarambi9217 wft?
Anissa Reyes ever time I see home alone 2 and when he smiles I go back to this movie and hide my little self
Anissa Reyes I wish to meet him in person I’m huge fan
I've only seen the remake, but this looks so much more terrifying. The new movie has great cinematography and everything looks stylized, like for a movie. Here everything looks sorta shitty, and I can almost imagine seeing Pennywise in real life. And that is absolutely terrifying. For a horror movie this type of cinematography is much more effective. The graveyard scene at 2:40 is so damn scary because of that.
The newer movies rely way too much on cheap jump scares and too much CGI. The series had much more character and personality and the horror element had more of a psychological element than lame jump scares.
Yeah they definitely rely on cgi nowadays back then they couldn’t so they had to do it irl as best as they could!
@@AKSBSU there’s absolutely nothing scary about this movie. The “psychological” element is lacking, and the jump scares are stupid. Watched the whole thing and almost fell asleep.
I liked it
Not much of a jump scare movie but still twisted horrifying and a lil goofy all at the same time
I can't tell if you're joking like you sound like your joking
Pennywise straight up roasted everybody at 4:05
Mr. Randooom Bruh moment
I know so funny
Hey bbbbbbbbbbillly!
The new IT’s clown is scary. I will give it that. But the original is bone chillingly creepy and makes you feel uncomfortable watching it. There is no cheap horror tricks in the original, just pure creepy-ness.
JohnACorp782 Cheap Jump Scare Fan 👀
@@Wilma_Dickfit_huh the new pennywise isnt even a little bit scary unlike the original one.
Adnan Ahmed he’s the closest either version has come to being as scary as the book one. He is willing to do more than Tim Curry, and reaches deeper into the fears of The Loser’s Club. But the book one will always be the scariest one.
@@Wilma_Dickfit_huh I wasnt scared or intimidated by the new Pennywise at all. Whats up with the stupid Scooby Doo voice lol?
Adnan Ahmed the old Pennywise is a joke. If you are actually scared by that then you are pathetic. Like seriously lol, I don’t understand how people can actually compare the original and the remake. Although the remake isn’t that scary, it definitely delivers on some genuinely creepy moments, and actually implements both the children’s fears and the clown aspect of Pennywise’s character really well. The old one... It’s just not scary, there is nothing creepy or subtle about Tim Curry’s performance, or anything genuinely terrifying about the way he preys on the children. It’s just a cheesy 90s made for tv B movie that people look back on with nostalgia brimmed glasses as actually entertaining.
Old Pennywise is actually really funny, I like his character design
I remember the cemetery scene from when I was a kid seeing this on TV! Proof that Pennywise could reach any of them wherever they were. Richard Thomas's reaction is perfect!
The 2017 gave me jump scares.
The 1990 gave me chills and nightmares.
That's the difference.
If you got jumpscared in the 2017 one, then you were watching a different film. The film doesn't relay on jumpsacres 🤦♂️
The new ones rely too much on in-your-face horror
Probably because you were incredibly young compared to your age now watching the new one? Did you ever think of that?
@@Phenomenal36 nope, I think it boils down the difference between in-your-face shocks VS subtle, psychological creeps.
Danny Kit tell me, how old was you when you watched the original and how old was you when you watched the new version? You can’t tell me that you aren’t going to find things less scary with age
What i liked the most about IT CHAPTER 2 is the fact that the movie shows how well the friends unite even after they have grown up. They still stayed the same in terms of their characters which wow-ed me the most. Ngl I nearly cry watching some scenes esp when Eddie died. It gives me goosebumps that how the director managed to ‘bring back’ the old memories to the new one in the latest movie. It’s amazing. A good friendship movie, honestly.
The 1990 pennywise clown is psychotic realistic and traumatizing
80s and 90s horror movies just hit differently
Personal opinion…the laugh is definitely creepier than the new one, just sends chills down my spine almost every time
I agree. I love Tim Curry’s performance in general.
the new one is not scary whatsoever, i honestly felt embarrassed watching in the cinema it was just trying so hard that it was cringeworthy. Even if you were to disregard that the actors from stranger things were in it, it just felt like a stranger things spinoff as opposed to something that was actually trying to be scary to an adult audience.
The new clown is obviously evil, dark and creepy. The 90's clown looks more like a regular clown, he can even look like a nice guy simply dressed up, and the fact that you could believe someone was all nice and then turn into such a monster is way scarier than seeing something dangerous.
Akira Murakami I do think he was scarier because he seems so harmless at first. The new one looks and acts creepy so what kid would approch him? Even Gerogie was scared of him unlike the original so it didnt make sense why he reached down the sewer for his boat.
yeah....it doesn't make much sense.
I agree
vianjelos That's why its scary
Akira Murakami either way, he'll die as soon as he meets me.
It's very nice of Pennywise to not only dug some holes for his victims but also let them decide which one they'll choose to be in.
Tim Curry is a gift to the world! We’re so lucky he exists!
Couldn’t agree more
What does he have to do with the video? He doesn't voice the clown and its JIM CARRY
@@Momo-zs9nk LOL!!!!!
@@Momo-zs9nk no it’s tim curry dumbass lol
So true
The problem with scary movies nowadays is that they try too hard to make them scary, back then it came naturally and even looked natural
I agree and especially psychological horror bc it's like nothing particularly made scary about it it just is bc it's unnatural
Or more realistic unlike a crazy killer zombie or sum
@@rachelbrougher670 wat
@@ricksorkin2522 it's quite clear what I mean. I'm talking about how now a days all they do is jump scares and unnatural cgi. Where they don't have as much of that stuff in the past so stuff was more psychologically scary and unsettling like The shining. Which is a lot more scary because there's nothing particularly frightening about it everything's just unnatural.
They've always tried to make them scary. That's the point of horror movies. I don't understand your thought process.
The point of a horror movie is to make it as scary as it can be and this has always been the case.
We all FLOAT down here...
Diego Juarez
Most of us do. Not me, though😔.
wjfox2006 fuck no
wjfox2006 I
Po0 v. KHCXS☆□□▪
im about 4/5ths of the way through the book and a friend asked me which rendition of Pennywise do I like the most and I can honestly say I cannot make that decision. Both actors did such a good job and different aspects/renditions of the character
What a fantastic novel, eh?
I love this version so much for lots of reasons but one for coming off so simple, so natural it makes every scene, even the “normal” ones, eerie at least an so chilling, so unsettling at worst. Really fucked with my head every step of the way as a kid.
Same here, and I agree!
@@GoreyBits - Thanks an honestly, I think the best way to experience this movie is to watch it as a kid because it’s easy to look past just about everything that this movie has to offer as being scary when your an adult and don’t scare as easily.
As a kid you get involved into the movie better because you can put yourself in the shoes of the movies main characters and be able to relate more in having that feeling of no one helping you, not believing you, an all you have is your friends to help you with something you don’t understand.
This is why I still really love the 1990’s Goosebumps T.v. show, an the books for that matter, because it places you back to when you were a kid an not only do you have these creepy things happening to the main character, but they are made worse when you add the normal struggles as a kid where your not going to be taken seriously by an authority, you have to listen to grownups even though they may not be right, and you can’t even explain what’s going on let alone have evidence of the situation.
This is where the life lesson, the power of friendship, comes in an saves the day in a pretty much subtle way.
Yeah, kid me watched this movie a douzen times, and I had a fear of clowns thanks to it, nowadays its more of a dark comedy but I still love it
This is WAYYY scarier than the new one
I personally think no way but because I’m gen z I’m used to cgi making fear not the actual performance
@@n1thmusic229 As gen z who seen it when I was young I'll have to go with the old school crew. They did what they could without much CGI and gave it a good show
@@SlyXD-mb1so Original movie look kinda silly if watched from pov this days CGI but reason for me linking original movie better is that creepy atmosphere, it is so well done that it almost keep you uncomfortable.
@@32dras I agree. The ending clip in this video solidifies that. The atmosphere of the cast's surroundings are so surreal that you can't even tell what things or people are real and what are It's manifestation. It feels like the losers club isn't just fighting a clown monster, it feels like they are fighting Derry itself and the clown is its avatar.
@@32dras well I mean it is on a tv budget since this was a 2-part miniseries TV movie.
I think they made a decent job with the new IT. The movie is long, but not boring for a minute, the actors are good, Pennywise is scary, I don't know why everybody hates it. There are a lot of crappy remakes but its not one of them. Even Stephen King likes the new IT. This is one of the best horror movies in recent years.
The GodFather He isnt human,Are you stupid? He isnt a clown he is a demon.
@@JCaesar71306 I love the old and new..
Jew Boy Opinions exist
The 2017 It was so boring, the kids cursed too much for their age, pennywise was so cheesy. It was barely a horror movie. Just because you get kids to curse doesn't mean it deserved the R rating.
The new is better
The original IT is far superior. Tim Curry absolutely nails Pennywise and blends comedy and horror perfectly. Skarsgard relies too much on being creepy without bringing the comedic aspects of the role as he should.
I actually think he's using the comedy better. It serves to emphasise his creepiness. Look at the scene where It breaks the glass in chapter 2. It looks kinda silly at first, but soon the way the head goes farther than any human head could, his child-like laught, just makes it look insanely disturbing.
I don't think you understand characters like pennywise. his sense of humor isn't supposed to be funny to the audience only to him.
I admire how well the series stayed true to the book, I wish the movie did the same. I also wish that in 10+ years a remake is made but instead it's a series so it can really capture what King wants us to feel
To be honest, penny wise 1990 version is scarier then the new version.
The way Pennywise says deadlights is just too perfect
5:17 Hahahyou've never seen me
I always loved that abrupt switch he does. What an actor.
Georgie was having a good time until Ronald McDonald came. Also the old Pennywise looks calm.
Calm? Not really. Looks anything but? Right lunatic.
That was the point. No child anywhere would feel comfortable next to the 2017 pennywise. Kids like you don’t understand psychological horror. You need things to be in your face like “look look, I’m scary”. So they had to make him look scary
@@TheLivingNightm4re ?
@@TheLivingNightm4re tu5hturhruehruhru4hru4hruyr ryxutxtusyrzu
It’s incredibly uncomfortable when Ben sees his “father” on the lake. The way his voice gradually changes into the voice of Pennywise is eerie and reminds me of how in the book it says that the balloons blow in the opposite direction of the wind, truly disturbing.
Also, Beverly’s father not seeing even a single drop of blood is terrifying… amazing movie
What I love about both 1990 and 2017 Pennywise is that they're both scary in completely different ways. 2017 Pennywise was more scarier looking and more menacing, but is a little more on the nose compared to the 1990 version where he wasn't as scary but was certainly more creepy in an uncanny valley sorta way.
0:51= "Hi son, it's dad! Never mind that I'm in the middle of a swampy marsh in my full-dress Air Force blues"
Tim Curry is actually playing a great Pennywise, too bad the miniseries is bad. It was actually understandable since it doesn’t have the same budget like movie
The movie had a big budget and the CGI still sucked.
IT(2017) would’ve looked way better if it used practical effects
Yeah it just sucks because they couldn't really show the kills. It's really not scary at all because of that.
It was also a network production, so they couldn't go all out with the blood and horror.
Still, it was as good as it could have been
I don’t get it why does the movie barley have any budget just to show penny wise biting somebody then it turns offscreen they should have the budget
Tim Curry is on point. Pennywise comes across as a creature that initially acts friendly but has a very malevolent presence. For all the campy special effects and music, this movie (series?) is terrifying. The effects are kind of reminiscent of Tales from the crypt and the 1999 House on Haunted Hill.
4:07 okay but the way that It says BUH BUH BUH BILLY BOY kinda has me dead
*Bi..Bi...Bi...Billy boy
he was trying to channel the beach boys song 'barbara ann'' lol
This "It" will always be the superior version. It's so effortlessly creepy (less is more) and hilarious. I've seen parts 1 and 2 of the adaptation and neither could compare. Too much going on.
Would like to add how disgustingly awful the 2019 movie was. I was livid !!! Lol
I prefer this Pennywise, but I think Part 1 itself is probably the best adaptation. It was a great film. Neither compares to the novel though. The novel was one of the best horror reads ever and Pennywise in that was far more terrifying than either movie could hope to match. You get so much more insight into what IT actually is, and I’ll never forget how crappy the ending to Part 2 was just because I think it did Pennywise so dirty. The novel ending and final battle is much different.
Take off your nostalgia glasses. This shit is more funny than creepy.
Harold, shut up ! I am so sick of people like you.
@Jayden, I wanted to read the novel, but the disturbing bits changed my mind. I had no idea Beverly was uh...
I honestly love both versions! 🖤🖤🖤
Same here!
I remember watching these IT compilations as a small kid with my friends, not even knowing about the movie. I saw nightmares for weeks lol
How does a clown scare you and not Yuno Gasai? She’s fucking terrifying.
@@katylepetsos7512bro what?
Tim Curry did a bad ass job as Pennywise i also love Bill Skarsgård's performance to like if u agree
Are u fucking stupid ?
Mr. Movie Maker You can’t be serious 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
They were both exceptional, bill a little more than Tim, but that's mainly because of their facial composure and the graphics.
Sir Creepypasta ajajja shut up moron! More respect to the legend tim curry!!
2:16 "Aaand this is how I got so flexible by taking yoga class."
I loved this movie, it was and is excellent. Tim Curry turned in a classic performance as Pennywise The Clown.
This really creeped me out as a kid. It's more bearable now...and I think the blood and some of the effects seem more realistic than the original
I watched the original It first when I was 10 or 11. Having just watched the remake, I can say without hesitation that the original will always be much scarier for me. No amount of special effects can top the original acting and storyline.
when something doesn't look scary but turns out evil, thats scary,
Brandon Cornejo scares the shit out of me lol
No, it's not scary. Especially not Tim Curry's Pennywise. The new Pennywise is scarier.
+The Paranormalist lolz he said when something doesn't look scary and turns out evil, that's scary... he never said the old Pennywise is scarier than the new one, so your answer makes no sense. Stop starting fights from nowhere about nothing.
Brandon Cornejo
Wait when did he became scary?
I'll never forget running home at 7 pm after hanging out with the neighborhood kids to watch it on sci-fi channel!
Like new "It" too, but nothing can beat creepy atmosphere of original movie.
We all float down here in the comments section
Ghosty Bray nah we sink up here
Hey my comment got likes : )
We all meme down here
Un-broken and victorious do they float
Ghosty Bray were all afraid down here in the comments section 😂
5:00 k i s s m e f a t b o i
Succ Lord s
Funny shit.
Succ Lord k
Succ Lord Lord help you..
Succ Lord ahhaha lmao
the classic horror movies are really the best, these also deserved an Oscar!!
4:07 when he starts spitting bars
Her: You're gonna be a dad...
Me : 1:20
This deserves so many more likes
@@mikehunt3463 Haha lol
I died laughing until I realized your son is fatherless
@@TheWalterHWhite 🦊
I'm glad that the comments aren't dissing the 2017 version but love this version too. Wish that there was more people like this.
2:54 his sorry will always get me just so funny the way he says it 😂
While the new IT has the typical jumpscare/surprise horror theme like almost every horror movie now days, the original IT was more of a disturbing, psychological terror, and I love that
Him going down that pipe sitting like that idk why but it makes me laugh
Loto 7
This clown at the moon!!!
“KiSS mE FAt BoI”
I laughed so hard at that part 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
why am I watching this at night after watching the new movie. BTW ITS REALLY GOOD :D
I like the old one waay better.The new one is a great horror movie, but I kinda miss the atmosphere that's been created when u watched the old one
The old one is terrible, literally got so bored of it. Can honestly say its the longest most boring horror movie ive ever seen. And ive seen a few stinkers in my years. I couldn't make it through the whole film it was that boring to watch.
YahoolYafool I respect your opinion.
One of my favorite movies of all time
I'm sorry but it's hilarious
It wasn't a movie, It was a two- episoded tv miniseries
This was actually a really good mini series. They did a great job on it.
IT (2017): Pennywise is 10/10 creepy, not scary
IT (1990): Pennywise is 10/10 creepy, not scary
Both: Still creepy, not scary
The kids are so vacuous, I almost want Pennywise to win. Didn't scare me at all, IT.
Ringu on the other hand......
@@lonestar6709 Ringu isn't scary especially compared to the remake.
Man the 1990 IT is creepy
Nope it isn't the 2017 one is worst
Pelicula cabAllo de guerra
1990 is scarier
skull trooper fuck you 1990 gave me the nightmares,2017 it ain’t even scary at all
@@mertdemiraydin1013 But you still have a fortnite youtuber pfp. Smh. Try being a smartass next time.
At the time, I didn’t think a movie could get any scarier 😂
This is WAYYYY more terrifying than the new one. This one is just more natural and realistic
The new is has more Blood & it is more realistic. But I still like the original.
Well yes but actually no
@@CSS-Tails_Forever !a
@@rosemariaothman6241 what.
I like the new one better
I remember Tim Curry more as the professor from Scary Movie 2 lol
Or Clue and the Movie Legend
The guy killed in the steam room on charlie's angels
This more playful and funny version is a better version of the actual creature. A playful clown is how “it” would manifest, not a scary one. His goal is to charm children and then turn into their fear, not be scary and scare them away
Did you even saw the movie? The It scare children because he says they are more delicius that way, with more fear. He also likes to play with his pray, that is why he scares the childrem.
Pedro noronha Did you read his post? He said "turn into their fear" boy. IT isn't supposed to be scary out right because there would be no complexity in how IT toys with their minds. You need to read.
This! Tim Curry's portrayal was 100 times better, the "new Pennywise" has no charm/personality, It's just CGI.
I don't know if you guys even read the book at all, but when I imagined what IT looked like, I imagined the new version of him now than Tim Curry's portrayal. I pictured him as the classic clown of the early 1900's. They pretty much nailed the look more so than the 1990's version.
You all can say that Tim Curry was the better version, but I know some of you are just riding that train just for the sake of nostalgia and being 'first' instead of the actual faithful adaption. IT toys with his victims, lives off their fear and loves how it taste. Tim Curry did a pretty good job, but the original just doesn't hold up well with the effects, acting, and cheesy dialogue. Admit it, guys.
TBH I like the old clown design it looks more kid friendly like he could just have fun with a kid and then feast on him cuz the kid would think IT is just a regular clown trying to make u laugh
Ikr - I think that's why IT chose that form in the first place (if I remember correctly). You can just take one look at the new one and know he's bad news.
+V Loading Exactly. And that's THE fact all those silly millenials cockriding the new IT movie keep ignoring. Their new Pennywise looks like a run-of-the-mill CGI monster. Add the victorian porcelain doll garb, the buckteeth, and the Scooby-Doo-esque voice, and you've got an instant FAIL lol
this movie scared me so badly when it was on tv back in 1990, I was 8 years old and I had nightmares about clowns for weeks.
I remember Tim Curry more as the manager guy form the Hotel in Home Alone 2 😂
Sky Wonder he is famous for rocky horror and playing the devil.
"What's the matter? Store wouldn't take your STOLEN credit card!"-Tim in Home Alone 2---and "Stay in your rooms-there is an insane guest with a gun!"
Or Nigel Thornberry :O
i will never forget when he smiled and looked like the Grinch
@@emmanuellara5166 my favorite moment
I know Tim Curry's Pennywise is not true to the book and Bill's is more faithful. But everyone has their opinion and we must respect. I know it won't do you any good, but respect the opinions of others.
I was very scared of the new IT, but I liked it anyway. Tim Curry wins by acting as a true clown, which was the purpose, and Bill wins by acting as a scary clown. Both are excelent.
IT is not a clown , IT is a alien ... whats hard to understand man
@@tommytowse96 Yea, we know that but it can transform into all the stuff people are afraid of. It is also able to imitate behaviour, so why wouldn't it make sense to act like a real clown? I don't get your point
@@tommytowse96 IT takes the shape of a clown to seem friendly and inviting to children. Prey is easier to catch if it willingly walks over to you, after all.
@tommy towse It is an alien sure but it prefers the shape of a clown cause it’s easier to lure kids.
てんてんちゃん 今の奴らはとりあえずスマホ取り出して撮影しだすだろw
Tim Curry is an absolutely phenomenal actor. I hope he’s doing well today
I love the part where the see Stan's head in the fridge
That is my favourite part of the movie as well.
I feel like such an asshole for laughing, but how else is there to react?
Wolf Lover did stan die?
Heaven ! Yes he killed himself in the mini series
ramiro gutierrez thats kinda stupid, i hope stan doesnt commit suicide for the next sequel of 2017 IT
4:15 Roasting and traumatizing each of his victims. Pennywise is such a troll Lmao 😂
I'm a 35 year old man and this movie STILL terrifies me.
Wait a 35 year old guy watches youtube?
@@syncer1 Yes. My Grandson set it up for me.
@@syncer1 35 isn't even that old mate.
Tucker Meuschke that ain’t even old lmao
Tucker Meuschke Anyone can watch TH-cam no matter how old they are
The scene were his dad was in the lake was pure genuis ,the little lad who played georgy was very good the whole cast was brill cant say that bout the new one it was creap
Idk why but old Pennywise creeps me out more than new Pennywise
How in the fuck I find (old) penny wise is funny/scary. (New) pennywise is more scary/terrifying
Are you a 12 yr old kid?
ŠŞJ ĢØĐ ĞÓĶŰ nah, but his voice creeps me out more
Old pennywise seems more real/authentic. Scarier.
Lol ikr, something about him looking real and authentic makes him more scary to me. The new penny wise seems to artificial. Idk best way I can explain it
30 yr old here. This terrified me as a kid growing up!! The new one is more of a comedy.
This here is the real deal
In context of the movie, a lot of these scenes were scary as shit. It's not always about updated graphics or scenes, it's the mood it out you in with combination of cinematography and music. The original isn't scary by modern standards necessarily, but if you watch it at night in the dark without anyone joking about it, you'll jump and have your heart skip a beat more then once
Justin Blake you won't because the acting is so unbelievable and there isn't one scary scene even pennywise is more goofy than creepy the majority of the time
+meme123 lol more like "you won't because I'm a millenial who was born waaay after this (insert song, movie, tv show, toy or technology) was created and my standards are so low I'll settle with some run-of-the-mill CGI and cheap jumpscares".
While it's clear you'll never understand what the OP said and explained, at least learn to respect the past. In 30 years time all your stuff will seem goofy and crappy to the new generations. :D
Big0taz0 so because I was born after the release of the mini series my opinion is somehow invalid? Good art doesn't age and this film clearly did and also not that it matters in any way but the majority of the horror films I'm into were made before this anyways I just think that this film only works when someone has seen it at a young age
+meme123 lol you don't make any sense. Nobody said your opinion is invalid. In fact it was YOU who literally negated the OP by clearly stating "acting is so unbelievable" and "there isn't one scary scene" as if it were an absolute truth. Tsk. And don't come with that "good art doesn't age" crap. As the saying goes "Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder".
_A Trip To The Moon_ by G. Méliès was considered visionary in its time, today, over a 100 years later, many call it "an obsolete, corny POS" (and that's not limited to the TH-cam comment sections or the IMDb). Same with the Atari 2600. And with Disco music. The list goes on. All historically significant, yet scorned by today's youth almost in its entirety, obsessed with the new and the shiny (or the dark, bloody, gloomy, depressing and cynical, for that matter) as the true and only valid choices.
Does the glove fit?
Justin Blake
Miley s. それな
the performance of the clown in this film is simply magnificent. His expressions, his laughter, his gesticulations are horrible but so natural. you never see an actor but the evil clown
In dieing of laughter
My favorite part was beaverly talking to the dead kids
Or to the sink
Yes thats my fevorite to 2017 olso my fevorite
The will all float... What does that mean?????
delo 23 When you're in water or some sort you'll float when you're dead in the water
DarknessThe Butthead Please learn to spell
Now I remember why I was afraid of the shower and drains for so long.
Her: "I'm pregnant"
Me: 2:17
thanks now my neighbours are awake u just sent me
the drunken ramblings north east UK LMAFO bro I was dying and when I saw ur comm ma parents wake up Chill-
I would go into a drain too lol
In my opinion this is so much better than the new version. I thought part 1 was lacklustre and a friend of mine walked out of part 2 so I never bothered, but the original was genuinely creepy.
Did anyone notice that this was made 1990 and 27 years later IT Came a new movie on 2017
woah I've never noticed that before
not your business i love how you commented with sarcasm HAHAHA
AnesYTG they planned that sweetie
And he came back again in 2019
Yea and we were like the children in the movies, we were kids watching the miniseries back in 1990 and adults watching the movie
I find this more disturbing than the new one tbh
scaryazz same But the scene with the paper boat in 2017 is way scarier for me
you'll float SAME! I was like don't remember that in the original
scaryazz same btw 100th like
+penny wise wkwkwk.....
@@maia1888 Not with the Scooby Doo voice and the stupid CGI mouth lol.
Apparently, the people of Japan love this video.