"Manners" is, for me, the PERFECT groovy rock track. It's immediately lovable (and I do LOVE it!). "Black Hole" on the other hand... I first heard it when I purchased The Maid's album Unseen World (amazing, btw). It's the last track. At the time I didn't particularly care for it and thought of "Black Hole" as filler. Sort of a chaotic, "see what we can do" type song to end the album. I also thought they'd never play it live. It's TOO crazy. Then, this video came out, and ONCE AGAIN, The Maids proceeded to drop my jaw. "Black Hole" is now one of my favorite songs. Other songs that may also break your brain are: "Why, Why, Why", "Different", and "Corallium". This band is effing UNBELIEVABLE! Thanks Sohum! 🕊
Yeah, what other reaction can you have to a 220 BPM speed punk ska funk shredder? Clearly this two-fer clip is intended to create maximum whiplash, and it succeeds completely. Every reaction is the same, like.... what? Band-Maid just flexing here. They have your attention, and they know it. I love at the end when Saiki sings her last word, she turns away from the camera her face almost disdainful, knowing she's done her part and the rest of the band will inexorably take us all out with the last few bars. Leaving each listener wondering what just hit them.
Flabbergasted, bewildered, overwhelmed -- I think that's a typical first reaction to Black Hole. It was mine, then after a few listens I started to understand what was going on and appreciate its complexity. It is now one of my favorite Band-Maid songs.
"Manners" - Miku thumbing her nose at all of the detractors who said that her concept was silly and would never work. "Black Hole" - Proof that she was right.
"Black Hole" will slow down when you get about 5-10 listens. For me it took that long to wrap my head around it. I didn't like it at first but after it slows down and you peel back all the layers of each instrument it's an awesome tune.......just give it some time. It's like a micro Rock Opera. Miku was bang on and really shined this entire show. I love watching her harmonize with Saiki, they're a great duo.
"Manners/Black Hole", the two-fer, was early in their career. It showed the amazing diversity of the group. "Manners" was a pure funk groove which anyone could love. "Black Hole" on the otherhand with its frenetic pace and distorted sounds is often disconcerting to people the first time they hear it. Once they hear it again, they realize it conveys the feeling of falling into a black hole. Band-Maid is so talented they can any genre, any sound, any meter and can turn it into something Band-Maid can do. That is why they have SO MANY die-hard fans around the world.
The songs and video are from 2021. I wouldn't call that "early in their career". The album they are from, Unseen World, had two groupings of songs, those that fans might feel comfortable and familiar with and those that pushed the boundaries of what Band-Maid had been up to then. Guess which fell in which lol
Whenever a reactor reacts to this video, they always gain my subscription. So now you have mine. This video will always be in my top three from the Maids. With Black Hole, I always envision that Kanami wrote the song on a Rubik's Cube. Jumbled it all up. And then the band played what they saw as someone solved the cube.
Dude, Band Maid music, simply put, is Band Maid doing Band Maid things. Trying to figure them out, your gonna trip a breaker.... 😎 I started in music around 9 in choir and piano and I'm 62 now with a home studio (guitar) and a few credits, just sayin' that Band Maid, compositionally is right up there with Rush, Yes, and others. Not to say they're prog tho they do some (as well as everything else in the catalog!) but for me, Kanami is one of the best writer/composers I've seen in quite a while. No limits, they do what serves the song and do it extremely well.
Typical? Hah reactor mortal- typical? Mix thrash, punk, speed metal, jazz, hard rock, rap, blues, and of course polka, many times all in the same song. That's your Band Maid typical right there. But be of good cheer, reactor mortal, even we hard core Maidiacs needed intubation after the first hearing of Black Hole ( side note- the BluRay concert that came with Epic Narratives BEGINS with Black Hole), Amadeus Kanami and the ladies take us for quite the magic carpet ride. And then have the audacity at the end to just " La la la la" their way out after all that, sheesh.
Great reaction and the little pigeon contacted Stephen Hawkins to help with the lyrics on "Black Hole". So far, this is the song with the fastest BPM at 215. Both of these songs are from one of the on-line concerts they streamed over the course of the pandemic (5 in all). When you see a video without an audience, this is the reason. Thanks for continuing to react to Band-Maid.
I love how Miku's counter melodies and the La la la's give this song the feeling of playfully soaring around inside of a chaotic Black Hole! Love this band SOOO much!!
The Maids are a one of a kind rock group, with 5 top tier musicians in one group they have no fear, genre really makes no difference to them, from '70s' groove rock to '90s' punk rock, and they will step over the line to metal if thats what Kanami is hearing in her head. Black Hole confuses most reactors the first time, but if you sit down and listen to it more than once, it slowly starts to unravel in your mind. Thanks Sohum good reaction
6 words that say it all! 👇+ of course the pigeon scream! :) 🔥🤘 _____________________ 「 _"Our rock never dies ever. Forever!"_ 」 ♬ *BAND-MAID* - 'Manners' ♬🕊
I very much relate to your reaction here. Early in my discovery of BAND-MAID, I spent an evening going through their TH-cam channel in chronological order. By the time I reached the end of this 2-for-1, my mind was in teeny-tiny pieces. Black Hole broke me, and I may never be the same again.
The album Unseen World was written and recorded in 2020 during the pandemic lockdown. They didn't get to tour UW. Most of the _live_ debuts were at the online Okyujis like this one.Thanks for the reaction!
Thought you would like these ones. You said you wanted to hear more of the bass and drums and I thought these two songs would satisfy that but there is always more when it comes to band maid it’s always a trip!
Sohum, the other day I saw an epic "impromptu introduction" to the Band-Maid song "Honkai" by MISA and Akane. They do that often in their live concerts. The live video of the song is on TH-cam. I don't believe it's blocked. I think it's labeled BAND-MAID Honkai at Yokohama Arena. These impromptu moments are why it's both important and rewarding to see a Band-Maid concertive.
Saiki does more vocal flies (at concerts), ie Don't You Tell Me live, Domination live, Rinne live, Magie live, etc, etc. She uses it if she thinks the song needs it. But she sadly only does it live. She does more vocal flies than she has ever had done before lately, but she goes very tender and airy if the song is emotional. Miku has the cuter, but powerful enough vocal that her scream is not your usual scream, the blend of softer/cuter voice and harder/sussier voice is an essential part of Band-Maid sound.
If you like Miku's voice you should listen to a Miku song. I suggest the acoustic version of 'Sayonakidori'. Also, IMXO, You should keep the eating and drinking off camera. They way they "keep track of everything" it's literally tracks. They have in ear monitors with the backing tracks and who know what else. Once Akane accidentally unplugged herself and everyone started without her. Hilarious!
Miku is almost always more audible in the live videos. I don't know why, but she's historically been badly buried in their studio mixes. It's a shame, but also a good reason to check them out live. It always takes me a few listens to figure out what they're doing at all. Usually like 5 minimum, focusing on each member, one at a time, plus more to see how they're interacting, because they're always shifting things around. Akane's never just playing the beat. Misa's never just playing root notes. Half the time Kanami is shredding right through choruses. If you listen to Manners again, the whole song is basically a bass solo. Misa's still soloing at the same time that Kanami is. They don't GAF. Black Hole has a metal drum track, but vocally it's basically musical theater. They're all great players, that play tight together, but what really sets them apart is their courage in writing, as Miku screams in Manners. The lyrics for Manners are basically their manifesto. It's not manners, like being polite, but the manner by which they approach their music. The English is a little awkward in it, but that's part of their courage, too. They're just going to give it their best shot and put it out there. People can be smug and nitpick their grammar, but at the end of the day, they've supplanted a lot of legends of rock in the hearts of many of their fans. I don't know how many times I've seen people say something like, my favorite band was the Beatles for like 50 years, but now it's Band-Maid.
I love the Miku call out to us Mandaics at 6:03 ish, very cool!! Love these songs, thanks for sharing your reaction. Black hole "slows down" after you listen a few times...
OK, you've heard the oldest, grooviest, acoustic, rarest, fastest, tear-jerkiest and now you need to react to their alter-ego... Band Maiko. There are 2 MV's "Secret Maiko Lips" and "Gion-cho" 🤘
Heavier band maid music ... : Rinne (MV). Warning Without holding back (MV) - instrumentals - Don't be long - instrumentals. and more superbs song to react like ... Hate? (Official live video) Domination (Official live video) Freedom (Official live video) Onset (instrumentals) Dice (MV) Blooming (MV) Play (Official live video) Shambles (MV) Unleash Moratorium (Official Live) Don't let me go Choose Me (MV) Yolo Different After Life ...
WARNING! (maybe your next B-M song?) It's bad MANNERS to stop listening to Band-Maid because you'll feel starved for musical excellence and joy and fall into a BLACK HOLE of emptiness... probably! 🤔 Thx, Sohum!
@@Sohum 🙏 And I like your thoughtful analysis, Sohum. Although with over 140 B-M songs, and you've only reacted to maybe 15 so far, and each song is unique -- a trait the Maids always put into their writing and playing -- you might only be at around 10% of really knowing and appreciating their wide-range diversity and cleverness. ;-)
I’m a musician. The first time I heard “Black Hole,” I didn’t get it. Didn’t like it. I can’t share my initial thoughts because they aren’t kind. However…I kept telling myself that despite not hearing anything cohesive, I knew that Kanami wrote it. And that each one of the Maids were executing their duties perfectly. I just couldn’t hear it. Same feelings when you hear some experimental jazz. After a few dozen listens, I still don’t particularly enjoy it, but I think I can hear what they’re trying to convey. What can you do with your knowledge about actual Black Holes? My favorite part is understanding that they aren’t known by direct observations, but by the observations of the effects they have on nearby space and objects. That’s something we can apply in different ways. Deductive reasoning.
HA! You thought you knew them. Besides Black Hole there's Different or Rinne. There's more. If you want to hear Miku sing listen to Sayonakidori from the acoustic concert.
I felt exactly as you regarding Black Hole. I did NOT get it in the first listening. I actually was annoyed that they paired the fantastic version of Manners with this chaos. But, I have learned, after seeing lots of reactions, to really appreciate it. And now, I can easily listen through it and find it fantastic. Still think it is a bad mix with Manners. Seldom want to listen to both those two songs at the same time. They are too different. BTW - I use to say that Black Hole is five girls playing six different songs at the same time, Miku doing two. And in sync.
Thanks for the wonderful reaction. Two wonderful songs and a lovely Covid crowdless online performance, but I'm not a fan of the mix - way too bass and drums heavy. If the lead guitar were pushed forward to be on par at least with the rhythm guitar, it would sound so much better! Too often the lead guitar sounds like it's coming in from the room next door, which is a shame.
If I remember well this is the fastest song Kanami wrote... and in this whole apparently caothic composition there is no note out of place or out of sync... and they are playing live...
Kiwi time!? I just don't get it, eating (smacking) while reacting)! too bad... one of the reactors I actually enjoy doing the worst thing for people like me. Time for me to check out!
It didn't put me off that much but I kinda get it. Reactors expect us to tune in and pay attention but then do something like that and we're supposed to treat the reaction as serious, as worth our time? Not like it needs to be so formal but same thing as reactors who vape during the reaction. If you can't keep it together and focus and take care of your bodily needs before and after (or edited out during) why should we spend our time here?
Best band in the world
"Manners" is, for me, the PERFECT groovy rock track. It's immediately lovable (and I do LOVE it!). "Black Hole" on the other hand... I first heard it when I purchased The Maid's album Unseen World (amazing, btw). It's the last track. At the time I didn't particularly care for it and thought of "Black Hole" as filler. Sort of a chaotic, "see what we can do" type song to end the album. I also thought they'd never play it live. It's TOO crazy. Then, this video came out, and ONCE AGAIN, The Maids proceeded to drop my jaw. "Black Hole" is now one of my favorite songs. Other songs that may also break your brain are: "Why, Why, Why", "Different", and "Corallium". This band is effing UNBELIEVABLE! Thanks Sohum! 🕊
That is the appropriate reaction to a first listen of Black Hole, indeed!
Yeah, what other reaction can you have to a 220 BPM speed punk ska funk shredder? Clearly this two-fer clip is intended to create maximum whiplash, and it succeeds completely. Every reaction is the same, like.... what?
Band-Maid just flexing here. They have your attention, and they know it. I love at the end when Saiki sings her last word, she turns away from the camera her face almost disdainful, knowing she's done her part and the rest of the band will inexorably take us all out with the last few bars. Leaving each listener wondering what just hit them.
Flabbergasted, bewildered, overwhelmed -- I think that's a typical first reaction to Black Hole. It was mine, then after a few listens I started to understand what was going on and appreciate its complexity. It is now one of my favorite Band-Maid songs.
"Manners" - Miku thumbing her nose at all of the detractors who said that her concept was silly and would never work.
"Black Hole" - Proof that she was right.
"Black Hole" will slow down when you get about 5-10 listens. For me it took that long to wrap my head around it. I didn't like it at first but after it slows down and you peel back all the layers of each instrument it's an awesome tune.......just give it some time. It's like a micro Rock Opera.
Miku was bang on and really shined this entire show. I love watching her harmonize with Saiki, they're a great duo.
Miku's lyrics in Black Hole are just the most imaginative and yet factually accurate re. Black Holes. Just genius, yet again and again.
BLACK HOLE is a three minute symphony.
"Manners/Black Hole", the two-fer, was early in their career. It showed the amazing diversity of the group. "Manners" was a pure funk groove which anyone could love. "Black Hole" on the otherhand with its frenetic pace and distorted sounds is often disconcerting to people the first time they hear it. Once they hear it again, they realize it conveys the feeling of falling into a black hole. Band-Maid is so talented they can any genre, any sound, any meter and can turn it into something Band-Maid can do. That is why they have SO MANY die-hard fans around the world.
The songs and video are from 2021. I wouldn't call that "early in their career". The album they are from, Unseen World, had two groupings of songs, those that fans might feel comfortable and familiar with and those that pushed the boundaries of what Band-Maid had been up to then. Guess which fell in which lol
Whenever a reactor reacts to this video, they always gain my subscription. So now you have mine. This video will always be in my top three from the Maids.
With Black Hole, I always envision that Kanami wrote the song on a Rubik's Cube. Jumbled it all up. And then the band played what they saw as someone solved the cube.
Dude, Band Maid music, simply put, is Band Maid doing Band Maid things. Trying to figure them out, your gonna trip a breaker.... 😎 I started in music around 9 in choir and piano and I'm 62 now with a home studio (guitar) and a few credits, just sayin' that Band Maid, compositionally is right up there with Rush, Yes, and others. Not to say they're prog tho they do some (as well as everything else in the catalog!) but for me, Kanami is one of the best writer/composers I've seen in quite a while. No limits, they do what serves the song and do it extremely well.
Every track is different and a surprise.
You have hit 5% of what's yet to discover.
Keep em coming Sohum.
you got it
Typical? Hah reactor mortal- typical? Mix thrash, punk, speed metal, jazz, hard rock, rap, blues, and of course polka, many times all in the same song. That's your Band Maid typical right there.
But be of good cheer, reactor mortal, even we hard core Maidiacs needed intubation after the first hearing of Black Hole ( side note- the BluRay concert that came with Epic Narratives BEGINS with Black Hole), Amadeus Kanami and the ladies take us for quite the magic carpet ride. And then have the audacity at the end to just " La la la la" their way out after all that, sheesh.
Great reaction and the little pigeon contacted Stephen Hawkins to help with the lyrics on "Black Hole". So far, this is the song with the fastest BPM at 215. Both of these songs are from one of the on-line concerts they streamed over the course of the pandemic (5 in all). When you see a video without an audience, this is the reason. Thanks for continuing to react to Band-Maid.
220bpm I thought I heard.
I love how Miku's counter melodies and the La la la's give this song the feeling of playfully soaring around inside of a chaotic Black Hole! Love this band SOOO much!!
The Maids are a one of a kind rock group, with 5 top tier musicians in one group they have no fear, genre really makes no difference to them, from '70s' groove rock to '90s' punk rock, and they will step over the line to metal if thats what Kanami is hearing in her head. Black Hole confuses most reactors the first time, but if you sit down and listen to it more than once, it slowly starts to unravel in your mind. Thanks Sohum good reaction
Happy birthday Akane!!!!
6 words that say it all! 👇+ of course the pigeon scream! :) 🔥🤘
「 _"Our rock never dies ever. Forever!"_ 」 ♬ *BAND-MAID* - 'Manners' ♬🕊
From Now On will blow your mind.
I very much relate to your reaction here. Early in my discovery of BAND-MAID, I spent an evening going through their TH-cam channel in chronological order. By the time I reached the end of this 2-for-1, my mind was in teeny-tiny pieces. Black Hole broke me, and I may never be the same again.
You put yourself through it, but hey you're on the other side now ;)
Only Band-Maid does Black Hole. No other band could put this together.
Mincho wrote this one to challenge her bandmates to their limit. They responded.
The album Unseen World was written and recorded in 2020 during the pandemic lockdown. They didn't get to tour UW. Most of the _live_ debuts were at the online Okyujis like this one.Thanks for the reaction!
10:04 one of Akane's sickest fills IMHO. 🔥
Misa reminds me of how Chris Squire of Yes could punish you with a bassline.
Thought you would like these ones. You said you wanted to hear more of the bass and drums and I thought these two songs would satisfy that but there is always more when it comes to band maid it’s always a trip!
Sohum, the other day I saw an epic "impromptu introduction" to the Band-Maid song "Honkai" by MISA and Akane. They do that often in their live concerts. The live video of the song is on TH-cam. I don't believe it's blocked. I think it's labeled BAND-MAID Honkai at Yokohama Arena. These impromptu moments are why it's both important and rewarding to see a Band-Maid concertive.
I'll check that out :)
Miku is mixed more forward live than she is on studio recordings.
Saiki does more vocal flies (at concerts), ie Don't You Tell Me live, Domination live, Rinne live, Magie live, etc, etc. She uses it if she thinks the song needs it. But she sadly only does it live.
She does more vocal flies than she has ever had done before lately, but she goes very tender and airy if the song is emotional.
Miku has the cuter, but powerful enough vocal that her scream is not your usual scream, the blend of softer/cuter voice and harder/sussier voice is an essential part of Band-Maid sound.
If you like Miku's voice you should listen to a Miku song. I suggest the acoustic version of 'Sayonakidori'. Also, IMXO, You should keep the eating and drinking off camera. They way they "keep track of everything" it's literally tracks. They have in ear monitors with the backing tracks and who know what else. Once Akane accidentally unplugged herself and everyone started without her. Hilarious!
Miku is almost always more audible in the live videos. I don't know why, but she's historically been badly buried in their studio mixes. It's a shame, but also a good reason to check them out live.
It always takes me a few listens to figure out what they're doing at all. Usually like 5 minimum, focusing on each member, one at a time, plus more to see how they're interacting, because they're always shifting things around. Akane's never just playing the beat. Misa's never just playing root notes. Half the time Kanami is shredding right through choruses. If you listen to Manners again, the whole song is basically a bass solo. Misa's still soloing at the same time that Kanami is. They don't GAF.
Black Hole has a metal drum track, but vocally it's basically musical theater.
They're all great players, that play tight together, but what really sets them apart is their courage in writing, as Miku screams in Manners. The lyrics for Manners are basically their manifesto. It's not manners, like being polite, but the manner by which they approach their music. The English is a little awkward in it, but that's part of their courage, too. They're just going to give it their best shot and put it out there. People can be smug and nitpick their grammar, but at the end of the day, they've supplanted a lot of legends of rock in the hearts of many of their fans. I don't know how many times I've seen people say something like, my favorite band was the Beatles for like 50 years, but now it's Band-Maid.
I love the Miku call out to us Mandaics at 6:03 ish, very cool!! Love these songs, thanks for sharing your reaction. Black hole "slows down" after you listen a few times...
OK, you've heard the oldest, grooviest, acoustic, rarest, fastest, tear-jerkiest and now you need to react to their alter-ego... Band Maiko. There are 2 MV's "Secret Maiko Lips" and "Gion-cho" 🤘
I think the only one you can guarantee is a guitar solo. Those tracks without one are the exception to the rule.
"Glory" being the main one that springs to mind :)
Heavier band maid music ... :
Rinne (MV).
Without holding back (MV) - instrumentals -
Don't be long - instrumentals.
and more superbs song to react like ...
Hate? (Official live video)
Domination (Official live video)
Freedom (Official live video)
Onset (instrumentals)
Dice (MV)
Blooming (MV)
Play (Official live video)
Shambles (MV)
Moratorium (Official Live)
Don't let me go
Choose Me (MV)
After Life
WARNING! (maybe your next B-M song?) It's bad MANNERS to stop listening to Band-Maid because you'll feel starved for musical excellence and joy and fall into a BLACK HOLE of emptiness... probably! 🤔 Thx, Sohum!
love your creativity hahah
@@Sohum 🙏 And I like your thoughtful analysis, Sohum. Although with over 140 B-M songs, and you've only reacted to maybe 15 so far, and each song is unique -- a trait the Maids always put into their writing and playing -- you might only be at around 10% of really knowing and appreciating their wide-range diversity and cleverness. ;-)
Kanami published a full instrumental score for this with an instrumental cd of all the album, trying to follow this can provoke serious trauma.
I’m a musician. The first time I heard “Black Hole,” I didn’t get it. Didn’t like it. I can’t share my initial thoughts because they aren’t kind.
However…I kept telling myself that despite not hearing anything cohesive, I knew that Kanami wrote it. And that each one of the Maids were executing their duties perfectly. I just couldn’t hear it. Same feelings when you hear some experimental jazz.
After a few dozen listens, I still don’t particularly enjoy it, but I think I can hear what they’re trying to convey.
What can you do with your knowledge about actual Black Holes? My favorite part is understanding that they aren’t known by direct observations, but by the observations of the effects they have on nearby space and objects.
That’s something we can apply in different ways. Deductive reasoning.
So that's the word for it! Spaghettified🤘
Maidiac ur not even close , the maids have 150+ songs , n not a bad song in there
150, wow, im so ready...
I ❤ spaghetti 😊
HA! You thought you knew them. Besides Black Hole there's Different or Rinne. There's more. If you want to hear Miku sing listen to Sayonakidori from the acoustic concert.
Try NO GOD live if you haven't yet. It's crazy too, Misa has a section that will blast your senses.
I felt exactly as you regarding Black Hole. I did NOT get it in the first listening. I actually was annoyed that they paired the fantastic version of Manners with this chaos. But, I have learned, after seeing lots of reactions, to really appreciate it. And now, I can easily listen through it and find it fantastic. Still think it is a bad mix with Manners. Seldom want to listen to both those two songs at the same time. They are too different. BTW - I use to say that Black Hole is five girls playing six different songs at the same time, Miku doing two. And in sync.
Thanks for the wonderful reaction. Two wonderful songs and a lovely Covid crowdless online performance, but I'm not a fan of the mix - way too bass and drums heavy. If the lead guitar were pushed forward to be on par at least with the rhythm guitar, it would sound so much better! Too often the lead guitar sounds like it's coming in from the room next door, which is a shame.
If I remember well this is the fastest song Kanami wrote... and in this whole apparently caothic composition there is no note out of place or out of sync... and they are playing live...
So you're at about 10%
Kiwi time!? I just don't get it, eating (smacking) while reacting)! too bad... one of the reactors I actually enjoy doing the worst thing for people like me. Time for me to check out!
It didn't put me off that much but I kinda get it. Reactors expect us to tune in and pay attention but then do something like that and we're supposed to treat the reaction as serious, as worth our time? Not like it needs to be so formal but same thing as reactors who vape during the reaction. If you can't keep it together and focus and take care of your bodily needs before and after (or edited out during) why should we spend our time here?