Honestly just practise, I played a lot of retake servers, deathmatch and aimbotz in the beginning. Also used to watch how other good players played and try to play similar
How many times have you been called a cheater because I play aggressive just a little bit worse than you, but I get called a cheater every fucking time?
croshair settings?
any suggestions on how to get good/better at the game, currently im stuck at 9k elo and ur super good
Honestly just practise, I played a lot of retake servers, deathmatch and aimbotz in the beginning. Also used to watch how other good players played and try to play similar
grafics settings??
Basically using donks settings, colorwise you just need to higher the saturation either nvidia filter
How many times have you been called a cheater because I play aggressive just a little bit worse than you, but I get called a cheater every fucking time?
Det händer en hel del, bara att kolla min steam profil 😂