Our stories are collected from the internet and shared by users. So they may not be as perfect as a fully edited version. Thank you for your comments. We will try to develop to bring a better experience.
Stupid, if she owed 51% of the firm, she didn't need to cancel licensing or contact clients. She could fire all the board members, including her sister and dad. She doesn't need them to resign.
Yeah for real, no one was really punished for their actions. Sure they were forced to step down but, they still own 49% of the company, so the sister and father can just sit on a beach somewhere collecting profitsharing.
This story has more plot holes than a country back road
Our stories are collected from the internet and shared by users. So they may not be as perfect as a fully edited version. Thank you for your comments. We will try to develop to bring a better experience.
The Norman Osborn scene comes into my head... "You cant do this to me. I started this company!"
Stupid, if she owed 51% of the firm, she didn't need to cancel licensing or contact clients. She could fire all the board members, including her sister and dad. She doesn't need them to resign.
Thank you so much for your support!
Welp, I'm happy with a 25% share in dividend on a company that has a 150M revenue :-P
Yeah for real, no one was really punished for their actions. Sure they were forced to step down but, they still own 49% of the company, so the sister and father can just sit on a beach somewhere collecting profitsharing.