Thank you for sharing this with us, would've been a shame if nobody got to see it. Really not enough X-Men videos out there and this makes the mutants look extra cool. *thumbs up*
As misinterpreted or misdirected as these movies and their stories are, they paved the way for all the amazing comic book movies we get today and will continue to get. Plus the effects are pretty freaking amazing. "Marvel"ous editing by the way.
If its okay to ask. Could you maybe make a hero anime tribute; like anime shows of One punch Man and My Hero Acdemia with We will rock you. Just my opinion if you agree or not, plus it look really cool!!
I'm gonna watch this right before i see X Men Dark Phoenix presumably the last X Men fox movie before the X Men enter the MCU. NO i don't count The New Mutants because they have NO intertwines to the other X Men movies..
Movies - X-Men Days of Future Past X-Men Apocalypse Logan The Wolverine X-Men Origins Wolverine Deadpool Deadpool 2 X-Men The Last Stand X-Men First Class X2 X-Men
X-Men Universe: *X-Men (2000)* *X2: United (2003)* *X-Men: The Last Stand (2006)* *X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009)* *X-Men: First Class (2011)* *The Wolverine (2013)* *X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)* *X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)* *Deadpool (2016)* *Logan (2017)* *Deadpool 2 (2018)* *Dark Phoenix (2019)* *The New Mutants (2020)*
*Spoilers* Spidey in endgame: activate instant kill. Kurt in dark pheonix: i don't need a karen for that. Btw that is my favourite scene from dark pheonix
The "cue the music" part was perfect!
This video has reminded how awesome the X-Men are! Once again, awesome job.
Wolverine is so freaking cool dude
I've always loved the X-Men more than the Avengers.
Go X-Men!
Another phenomenal video man, just watched it on my channel! Cannot wait for the X-Men to enter the MCU!
Hey james storm may be in bp 2
James' YouNiverse here’s hoping for phase 4 to be centered around the X-men!
Trailer Blend Hey what software do you use to make this?
Queen Bohemian Rhapsody Cast Members:
Rami Malek - Freddie Mercury
Joseph Mazzello - John Deacon
Gwilym Lee - Brian May
Ben Hardy - Roger Taylor
I don't like MCU productions!
Thank you for sharing this with us, would've been a shame if nobody got to see it. Really not enough X-Men videos out there and this makes the mutants look extra cool. *thumbs up*
X-Men + Trailer Blend = AWESOME
Kick ass tribute. Excellent song choice and editing. Rock solid, good work.
People need to remember that the x-men films are just as epic as the avengers.
Awesome I've been waiting for this for a long time
This is perfection ❤️
As misinterpreted or misdirected as these movies and their stories are, they paved the way for all the amazing comic book movies we get today and will continue to get.
Plus the effects are pretty freaking amazing.
"Marvel"ous editing by the way.
Man ... You are doing AMAZING... love your edits.... Keep doing it...
Desde los 8 años los x-men son mi equipo favorito de MARVEL ❤
holy shit bro!!! This is lit af!!! Thank you for such a masterpeice dude
Amazing 👍👌 We will rock you ver.3
Why does this video only have 1k likes it should have 1 Million
This was wicked 🔥🔥🔥
Even dc trailers can look epic if they are based on this song
How can you ever root against the x-men?
I love this mix of the we will rock you song and the film orchestra. Great vid. Keep it up!
Let’s add Deadpool and Wolverine to this after the film had its run. At 1:06 I imagine “I am Marvel Jesus.” Would be at that moment.
I love the X-Men and this channel so much
this guy's got the right idea. He wore the brown pants
one of the best zingers I've ever heard. Proves that DP doesn't have to be R-rated to be funny
Fantastic and AMAZING!!
That was awesome.
Thank you Fox for giving a generation memories. But now it’s time to come home to Marvel!
Ryan needs to see this...
Now this is editing! Great work! and ending the vid with the statue of liberty classic scene, no less
From one editor to another, well done!
Loved it every time...👍👌👍👍👍👍
Say what you want about the X men there still iconic
Made me feel proud to be kinda of a geek
This is AMAZING and deserve more!
In mcu Avengers vs Fox x-men, in crossover epic ⚔️🔥👍
Awesome. bestm best
Pretty good man.
Who could ever believe that the director of the most and successful movies of the X-Men saga will direct Bohemian Rhapsody?
Love it
Pretty Dope Man😎 ... keep the Good work going !!! ♥️
Bruh that was awsome!!
Could you possibly mash this up with the other one...?
This should be used for marathons
uouuu, isso está incrível, adoro Xmen
Love the music but miss your X-men version X gon give it to them.
13th Squad it was blocked 😕
Trailer Blend yeah sorry to hear about that.
Everybody: Good job , good music, good movies
Me: Why is Quicksilver so cute-
Awesome love your content, keep it up,
P.S. could you do a Jurassic world/park tribute? I think you would do great 👍
we need more X-Men videos. there are mostly mcu videos. X-Men gets no spotlight or credit for basically starting the mcu.
epic simplement epic
Young man: show ice man
Hard man: show colossus
Old man: show old logan
Poor man: show gambit
It's genius
Yass this is too gooddd
This makes the xmen movies look a lot better, since the timeline doesn't make any sense.
YES YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
omg this is amazing
Stan-Lee: i'm such the father of greatness. Jack kirby: hold my beer
@@legendarycreator8519 😂😂😂😂 nope stan lee has not created one sigle x-men
@@oninja1205 but he is better
@@legendarycreator8519 lol no he only created 11 heros by himself 😂😂
I love you for Cerebro at the end
dude this is awesome! What version of we will rock you is this?
Queen Bohemian Rhapsody Cast Members:
Rami Malek - Freddie Mercury
Joseph Mazzello - John Deacon
Gwilym Lee - Brian May
Ben Hardy - Roger Taylor
Avengers won't ever overshadow X MEN !!!!
Wtf I love this
We need a marvel tribute avengers and x men
However inconsistent this franchise may be, it makes for one hell of a tribute video
Got my like
1:01 Dark Phoenix
Didn't add the new mutants. *Sobs* Just kidding Very well done!
I wish I could see half of these characters in the mcu
Better send-off than Dark Phoenix
#NoRespectForNewMutants (but still this is a boss video!)
when roger taylor himself is an x-men
If its okay to ask. Could you maybe make a hero anime tribute; like anime shows of One punch Man and My Hero Acdemia with We will rock you. Just my opinion if you agree or not, plus it look really cool!!
I loves these ton but you a recommendation can you do a dc one one next
This is awesome but it wouldve been great if you added the trailers for The New Mutants and Dark Phoenix into this
Ayun Khan this is old.
@@TrailerBlend yea. You made it beautifully in December 2018. The trailers were already released by then.
5 dislike
Me: *perfectly balanced*
Bryan Singer for X-Men and Bohemian Rhapsody.
Muito foda...chega arrepiei
I'm gonna watch this right before i see X Men Dark Phoenix presumably the last X Men fox movie before the X Men enter the MCU. NO i don't count The New Mutants because they have NO intertwines to the other X Men movies..
l am fan of avengers only so l like his avengers we will rock u video
Are you gonna update this once more once Dark Phoenix and New Mutants come out?
Yes, do it!!!
@@lojantaMight have to include Deadpool and Wolverine too.
@@john03ification Wow, the dedication. Or the memory. I admire hah
X-Men Days of Future Past
X-Men Apocalypse
The Wolverine
X-Men Origins Wolverine
Deadpool 2
X-Men The Last Stand
X-Men First Class
And then Ben Hardy plays as Roger Taylor in Bohemian Rhapsody
Miss you logan
X-Men Universe:
*X-Men (2000)*
*X2: United (2003)*
*X-Men: The Last Stand (2006)*
*X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009)*
*X-Men: First Class (2011)*
*The Wolverine (2013)*
*X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)*
*X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)*
*Deadpool (2016)*
*Logan (2017)*
*Deadpool 2 (2018)*
*Dark Phoenix (2019)*
*The New Mutants (2020)*
Please do one for dc with the same song...please
Bro please remix this and mcu movies including venom
Do we will rock you of fox- marvel movies
I noticed that every time it said 'big disgrace' it showed a clip from The Last Stand.
Can u do one on quick silver with playing a herors gonna save me just in time
star lord maybe, i have a few other projects i want to get done.
@@TrailerBlend ok thank u u dont have to do the video and good luck and take ur time master pieces like this take tike
GOTG vol 2 “Come a little bit closer” with X2 Nightcrawler White House, make it happen
X-factor detacted!
defenders (marvel Netflix) montage with come as you are (nirvana) as the music.
*Spoilers* Spidey in endgame: activate instant kill. Kurt in dark pheonix: i don't need a karen for that. Btw that is my favourite scene from dark pheonix
Quicksilver Ajajjaja
Do for shazam we will rock you pleaze
Year 2020