🎣 HARINGVLIETSLUIZEN & KIERBESLUIT | PredatorTour 2019 | European fishing tournament | Pike fishing

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 13 ธ.ค. 2024
  • The opening of the Haringvliet sluice is written in the Kierbesluit. Watch here whats involved in the implementation of this project.
    The opening of the sluice depends on the river discharge. The river discharge gives counter pressure to the salt water. This ensures that the water stays fresh at the freshwater intake points for agriculture and drinking water.
    What does it mean for the Predatortour in the coming years?
    Welcome to the European Predatortour. The European Predatortour is a predator fish competition which we fish in the Netherlands & Sweden. (Separate competitions)
    The European Predatortour is a predator fish competition which we fish in the Netherlands & Sweden. (Separate competitions)
    In our fishing competition we fish on predator fish. (Pikes - Zanders - Perches) The European Predatortour will be held in the Netherlands: lake Hollandsdiep, Haringvliet & Amer. In Sweden we fish at lake Vanern. The winner can earn the titel of: European Predator Fish Champion. The competition in Sweden is always at the end of April & the Netherlands always at the end of May.
    If you are interested in how to fish tournaments, this is your channel! Catch & release only!! Our slogan: "Be the best, catch the biggest!"
    For more information about the European Predator Fish Championship: www.predatortou... / www.predatortou...
    Download here your free Predatortour competition App:
    / predatour
    / predatortour
    / predatortour
    #EuropeanFishingTournament #FishingTournament #EuropeanFishingChampionship

ความคิดเห็น • 1

  • @Shapingthoughts
    @Shapingthoughts 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Verstond ik het nu goed dat de kier aan de buitenzijde maar 45 cm hoog is?