And yet he's but a student to this wolf. It seems like whenever a strong animal comes to rule over all others, another one just pops up immediately afterwards.
1. 下載Play! 2. 到下方網站下載「boot-rom」檔案,ZIP的部分 3.把下載好的ZIP解壓縮,放到電腦路徑C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\Play Data Files\arcaderoms\akaiser之中 (akaiser資料夾要自己建立) 4.開啟Play!,可以看到機臺設定畫面 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.下面是用Play!開啟遊戲之後的操作,改完機臺設定才能玩 ⚠On PC⚠ Bypassing "IC CARD IS NOT FOUND" Hold your "1" button (can be set in Options -> Controller Manager) to access the machine settings. 持續壓住鍵盤上的1來改設定 Enable Coin Options -> Free Play 調成自由遊玩模式 Turn off Game Options -> Card Dispenser Enable 把出卡關掉(因電腦上沒有機臺晶片) 調整的時候會用到鍵盤的⬆⬇ 跟"Z",把設定調成ON或OFF等等 (Use⬆⬇ to select what you want to change. Press "Z" to enter coin options or game options. After that, press "Z" again to select what you want to change, and use ⬆⬇ to switch "on" or "off.") 調完之後,放開鍵盤上的1,應該會變成自由遊玩模式 Release the 1 button to return to the game, which should now start in FREE PLAY mode. Controls You can map your controls in Options -> Controller Manager. Player 1: Left & Right D-pad Player 2: Square & Circle(On PC, you should adjust by yourself.) Settings menu: 1
Siegfried is super strong all on his own, and now he has ninja skills too? Damn.
And yet he's but a student to this wolf.
It seems like whenever a strong animal comes to rule over all others, another one just pops up immediately afterwards.
hello想問下要怎麼玩 而且卡是怎麼刷的?
1. 下載Play!
2. 到下方網站下載「boot-rom」檔案,ZIP的部分
3.把下載好的ZIP解壓縮,放到電腦路徑C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\Play Data Files\arcaderoms\akaiser之中
⚠On PC⚠
Hold your "1" button (can be set in Options -> Controller Manager) to access the machine settings. 持續壓住鍵盤上的1來改設定
Enable Coin Options -> Free Play 調成自由遊玩模式
Turn off Game Options -> Card Dispenser Enable 把出卡關掉(因電腦上沒有機臺晶片)
調整的時候會用到鍵盤的⬆⬇ 跟"Z",把設定調成ON或OFF等等
(Use⬆⬇ to select what you want to change.
Press "Z" to enter coin options or game options.
After that, press "Z" again to select what you want to change, and use ⬆⬇ to switch "on" or "off.")
Release the 1 button to return to the game, which should now start in FREE PLAY mode.
You can map your controls in Options -> Controller Manager.
Player 1: Left & Right D-pad
Player 2: Square & Circle(On PC, you should adjust by yourself.)
Settings menu: 1
許多程式碼都在 Discord 中!
Evo.2-Evo.7 稀有卡
Teacher vs student