@@davewong4834 Could you please elaborate in more details? My first house in Canada, lack of experience, the tap was broken due to temperature.. As you can imagine, there's no magical temperature as to when your pipes will freeze, but the generally accepted thought is that most pipe-bursting occurs when the weather is twenty degrees or less. Obviously, the colder the weather, the greater the chance of your pipes freezing.
@@Wings3388 We should remind ourselves to shut off the outdoor water supply from inside, usually locates in the basement. The pipe burst is not due to the cold temperature, but when the pipe is full of ice.(not drained properly). Once it expands when it warms up, with the rising temperature, the entire basement will be flooded, causing tens of thousands of dollars of damage. In some cases, it is not covered by your insurance policy.
雪地駕駛並不難,但有雪胎並非萬能,冰地落斜轉彎起步兼去到紅燈位提前收油定過埋佢,完全耍靠經驗技術搭夠。還有如超強疾風加上能見度差雪暴或大霧下駕車,尤其在繁忙時段行 Deerfoot Trail 就更加耍萬二分小心。
Thank you for sharing
Drivers overlook the option to gear down to 2nd or 3 rd gear, it will give the vehicles more traction on the icy roads.
Thank you for sharing.
你既channel提供既資訊好有參考價值,亦可以令我從一個獨特既角度去理解呢個城市, thank you!
車上物資其實都可以分開within city or out of town. Out of town 要帶食物、毛氈、電筒和蠟燭。
Thank you so much!
Thank you for your sharing. 好實用資料幫助新移民.
A common mistake, people forget to turn it off in the fall. Could result in very expensive damage.
@@davewong4834 Could you please elaborate in more details? My first house in Canada, lack of experience, the tap was broken due to temperature.. As you can imagine, there's no magical temperature as to when your pipes will freeze, but the generally accepted thought is that most pipe-bursting occurs when the weather is twenty degrees or less. Obviously, the colder the weather, the greater the chance of your pipes freezing.
@@Wings3388 We should remind ourselves to shut off the outdoor water supply from inside, usually locates in the basement.
The pipe burst is not due to the cold temperature, but when the pipe is full of ice.(not drained properly). Once it expands when it warms up, with the rising temperature, the entire basement will be flooded, causing tens of thousands of dollars of damage.
In some cases, it is not covered by your insurance policy.
Thanks for sharing
Thanks for watching!
Thanks for sharing. It is useful.
Glad it was helpful!. Thank you.
非常實用的建議! 謝謝分享👍👍
Thank you. 多謝你
Good suggestions!
玻璃水應該叫做windshield washer fluid, 正確清潔玻璃內外表面之後換一對新既水撥都好重要,可以留意有D 水撥winter rated既較適合冬天用
另外如果前玻璃有冰或積雪千其唔好懶醒用水撥撥走D 雪,不知幾多人因為咁整攣支wiper arm又或者燒左個wiper motor, 如果你架車係仲有new car warranty既話呢D 情況廠方隨時唔cover 車主造成既呢D damage....
記得一定要check清楚架車既頭尾燈有冇燒燈膽,天氣差果陣開頭燈(唔係high beam/ 高燈!!)
過江龍叫 jumper cable, 你講一舊電要黎撻車果D 係booster pack, 留意black friday Canadian tire有冇做特價,最好買買一個有連埋電氣泵既都好有用
AMA 或者我地vancouver BCAA果D 叫roadside assistance, 買既話買個好D 既package, 如果真係要拖車既話平果D package只係cover 好少距離,行冇兩個街口已經要你自己俾
all wheel drive 其實唔太重要, 反而用一套好既冬天呔加埋drive according to the road condition係最最最最重要!
Winnipeg 有無roadside assistance?
Thank you. Good suggestion
@@aalam76 唔好客氣, 我好enjoy雪地渣車只係宜家老左唔想再鏟雪hahah
Thank you for sharing 👍
No problem 👍 Thank you for watching
你好呀,如果有機會可唔可以分享吓冬天住house 嘅家居保養。我聽過其中一個係就算唔向屋企都一定要開heat,如果唔係會爆水管,仲有冇其他需要注意嘅地方?謝謝你!😊
若你屋前有行人路, City By Law 要你在 24 小時內,剷去你屋前範圍行人路的積雪,若不剷雪,有路人因此受傷,你要負上責任!
@@aalam76 明白了,我明年五月很可能來Calgary做一段時間實習,先來感受一下環境。說不定以後搬來Calgary
@@aalam76 我是挺向往这边的,在温哥华没有在加拿大的感觉。大家都比较焦虑
10:30 This should not be the true highway driving conditions in Calgary, why cars driving on a wrong pattern?
The video doesn't reflect the true condition of Calgary's driving.
@rain如果大風雪路面全白已經睇唔太到灰黑真正路面顏色的話就真係唯有睇雪上面既呔紋,同前車保持一大段距離,cut線打左燈俾周圍駕駛者睇清楚你想點轉線,同時轉線扭軚動作一定會smooth, 轉緊線果陣千其唔好驚突然縮油或俾油,呢D 動作好易令你跣呔既情況加劇
10:30 左上右落?
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