I've been watching bitlife videos from years ago and I started to play it again. What a coincidence, this is definitely gonna make me play it even more 😭
I've been FortyDubz for 13 years and I was a Dubz before that. Let's have a Dubz show down. You and me!! And my name is Josh too. THIS IS A FIGHT FOR THE CENTURY!!!
The fact that this was posted SIX hours ago and only 36k ppl wanted to watch this and only 4k likes is crazy to me. A normal joshdub vid would have over a million...
I think you’re forgetting you’re on the dubdaddy channel not Joshdub. This channel only has 1M subscribers, theres no way he would have over a million likes.
Download BitLife for free here: bitlife.onelink.me/X6R5/k3lg07lk Be sure to check out the New Casino Expansion Pack. Thanks to BitLife for sponsoring!
I have bitlifeee
No… no I don’t think I will
Hi josh wait 1 day ago wtf
I Will download it and fuck it up😅
The only reason why josh is playing this is because it's a sponser, we'll never see thus game again
I wish this would be a thing he does again
My kids showed me this game, only because I asked why are we screaming "I died from AIDS" as loud as we can?? Insert bit life game. 🤣🤣🤣
Oh noo😅😅
Josh: don’t look that up.
Me: immediately search’s it up
Anybody else looking at his mustache and seeing the two vampire fangs
Oh no Josh is on BitLife 😭🙏
we're doomed
this is the quickest ive been to a video
I love how he just keeps aging without doing anything in the activities tab x'D or anything like that..
This is great, you started bitlife exactly like I did 😂
BitLife is wild ash😂😂
at school rn but im watching this shit
Nobody asked💀🔥🔥💯
Bro’s making the wrong decisions in real life 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥
YAY daddy uploaded 🎉 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Tbh this should be top comment (i just find it funny for no reason😭)
I've been watching bitlife videos from years ago and I started to play it again. What a coincidence, this is definitely gonna make me play it even more 😭
This game is so funny and fun. I can't wait to watch you play
love watching this at school lol
Like once a year I play bitlife for an hour or two, have fun with it, then uninstall it. I like seeing people's choices
i love bitlife sm
I've been FortyDubz for 13 years and I was a Dubz before that. Let's have a Dubz show down. You and me!! And my name is Josh too. THIS IS A FIGHT FOR THE CENTURY!!!
Joshdub already won 😂
your account is 6 years old
You ain't shit lil bro
This is a joke keep going but he isn't gonna respond to this
@thee_indians what a way to ruin it😒
@thee_indiansjoshs was made in 2021
WE LOVE YOU JOSH!!! Id love a response message dude, it would make my day.
watching this and getting to casually see the title change to be a bit more dramatic than just "I played bitlife.." is funny to me
You should have helped glue the mug to the desk lol
Feel like the worst school club a future criminal could join would be the science team. Also if you choose dealer.
😂😂😂 the glee music in the background has me dead 💀 😂😂😂
How does this video have like no views?! 😭😭 Josh deserves more!!
7:45 That's adorable lol
I've been playing bitlife for about 6 or more years now, I love it especially with GOD MODE!
22:22 Josh watch the movie called Teeth from 2008, it explains how that can happen XD sorry not sorry. Love the vids
I remember playing Bitlife on my iPod toutch lmao
being this early feels like a crime 😭
11:28 is this why you got arrested lol
Yay joshdub uploaded
Love the videos when’s the next horror with the boys?
You attacking people had me dying laughing keep up the hilarious videos
The fact that this was posted SIX hours ago and only 36k ppl wanted to watch this and only 4k likes is crazy to me. A normal joshdub vid would have over a million...
I think you’re forgetting you’re on the dubdaddy channel not Joshdub. This channel only has 1M subscribers, theres no way he would have over a million likes.
Always sunny reference love it 👌👌👌
Sigma sigma boy❤🎉❤ Love you soo much daddy
Lumberjack josh is amazing, loving the look "main man" ps. make more content with juicy.
I’m laughing hard 😂❤
We need more DubDaddy Gaming
😂😂😂😂😂😂 Love it
josh is the goat
joshy dubby needed him rent money..
I never thought I needed to watch a grown man fail a driving tests but apparently I do
Bro I just started playing this game, I feel called out. XD
Since i watched you i always ask myself if the most viewers are like kids or teens or even grown ups
The first time I played Bitlife some years ago, I kept picking fights with my sibling so they killed me with a chainsaw 😂
never seen josh playing with face cam on this video
Hey Josh how's it been
2 mins let's go 🤘🏻
I'm not doing this josh
Josh is playing bitlife 😂
*had a breakdown & tried to murder his ex after his second failed casino" damn near killed me, that was such a wild ride. RIP
yeh why did gen Z have to go with that hairstyle? it's not even ridiculous in the "f u mom and dad" sense, its just plain ridiculous lol.
we wont forget what you did dub daddy
Yay top 10❤🎉
This was hilarious
13 mins in and it doesnt look like he wil ever click the activities button.
11:32 XD thats crazy
wha da fwip 34 seconds is too early-
Josh dub bit life vid before gta 6
Hi dubdaddy
Thumb nail is fire
Made it to a joshdub video in under a minute?!?!?
23:24 is that a JoJo reference?
it took me way too long to find someone else who thought the same thing😭
Hi daddy dub
We got a dubdaddy bitlife video before gta 6 bro
Gaming channel now ? Lol
😅 well they have always done games.. but yeahhhh haha
3 minutes nice
damn 1 min
bro needed to pay rent
This video feels weird
Do it again and put all your money in the stock market while being a serial killer🔥🔥
Yayy here before 20 viewss
Sssh don't tell anyone but I caused that explosion in Belgium 😬
Am I the only one who sees Patrick Mahomes on the first guy Josh made?
Belgium mention raaaaaaaa!!
You should collab with Joshdub from The Boys 💥🦵💥
yooo in the first 20 min lets gooo
"Free to play" and yet Josh literally has to pay for literally the dumbest things in the game.
jojo part 5 refrence
Here in 29 minutes just to be scared
Bro is a facebook fact checker
Oh damn early gang.
6 mins ago
222-223 likes
😂😂😂 LOL
10 seconds am I late?
Crazy how people be crashing out over you getting sponsored by a game and making money via it.
Oh no not the itchy bottom