Sea Dart vs RIM-162D vs Kin-SAM vs Gokdeniz ER vs Crotale Myriad vs JM61-RFS Dual AMCA vs J-16 Mi-171Sh vs Z-20H vs Merlin HM.2 Denel 35DPG vs Seahawk Sigma vs URWS vs RapidFire Comparison videos please. (Can be long term project.)
Pralay missile is very bad when the distance between you and enemy is lesser or equal to 1km.. Other ballistic missiles perfrom good but Pralay misses the target.
Power of indian force 😊🎉
Which mobile device you have?
@@Delpnaz IQOO 11
Pralay my new favorite. Better than df 100 💯
Rudal cacad lebih bagus rudal karambit.
@@Sonia_Godfray_Hindu i love vertical launch 🔥
@@RelikNT me too ❤️
@@RelikNT tell devs about the problem of Pralay please..
Nice joke df 12 vs pralay not comparisons 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 df 12 better any time
Sea Dart vs RIM-162D vs Kin-SAM vs Gokdeniz ER vs Crotale
Myriad vs JM61-RFS Dual
AMCA vs J-16
Mi-171Sh vs Z-20H vs Merlin HM.2
Denel 35DPG vs Seahawk Sigma vs URWS vs RapidFire
Comparison videos please. (Can be long term project.)
How you get 2 pralay missile ??
@@MkK-i1l because I've press account
Relink nt daghnou with rpk vikhar how performance pls ans me???
@@rohitsakpal2689 very bad, do not use any missile launchers
@@RelikNT tnx bro
Pralay missile is very bad when the distance between you and enemy is lesser or equal to 1km..
Other ballistic missiles perfrom good but Pralay misses the target.