Pike Festival 2022

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 23 พ.ย. 2022
  • Anul acesta sa tinut de asemenea Festivalul Stiucii in Norvegia. Eu si Robert Preda am decis sa participam impreuna sub denumirea de 'Team Lukas&FishingTrips'. Au fost 2 zile de concurs 27 si 28 August 2022.
    Prima zi am pescuit mult pana sa descoperim ca stiucile erau pe apa mica si prima a venit undeva dupa ora 14:00 pe care am si scapat-o deoarece a intrat in iarba si nu a fost agatata bine. Inainte pescuind pe apa mai adanca am dat si de salau si bibani. Ne-am clasat pe locul 15 din 73 de echipe participante cu un total de 398 de puncte din primele cele mai mari 5 stiuci. Noi am fost multumiti de anul acesta si cu siguranta o sa revenim si anul ce vine. Va dorim vizionare placuta!
    ( This year the Pike Festival was also held in Norway. Robert Preda and I, decided to participate together under the name of 'Team Lukas&FishingTrips'. There were 2 days of competition on August 27 and 28, 2022. The first day we fished a lot until we discovered that the pike were in shallow water and the first one came somewhere after 14:00 pm which I missed because it got into the grass and was not hooked well. Before, fishing in deeper water, I also caught zander and perch. We ranked 15 th out of 73 participating teams with a total of 398 points from the biggest 5 pike. We were satisfied with this year and will definitely come back next year. We wish you to enjoy the video! )
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  • @larisapascu9426
    @larisapascu9426 ปีที่แล้ว

    Anul viitor aveți amândoi pălărie de cowboy 🤠🤠🤠