I heard he did this part in 2 weeks without planning it. I know its not his best but if it's true it explains it and its killer for an unplanned part. Im glad he put it out. Big up to Bobby!
The people who say the filming isn't good are essentially say the filming is TOO GOOD for their liking. Because this is not by any standard "Bad filming." He gets as close to the action as possible. This is the best you can possibly film, in this style. This takes immense talent. Much more than it takes to stand 5 feet away from the skater.
so many jocks sit back and talk shit on chris or even vx as a whole. i would love to see these muppets go out in the street and stay so close to the action whilst keeping the whole skater in frame and not cop multiple boards to lens. Theres a reason why you see the name chris at the bottom of so many films.
The filming was not great. I get it was mixed but the first and last shots were the best. So literally 2 seconds of this video were good. Haters gonna hate...
Bobby is a G his footage is like finding money on the ground you get stoked
hahahaha facts
Big facts no matter what part
I love it when super 8 film an vx is combined. Sick filming as well, congrats Bobby and Chris.
I think it was "Right Foot Forward" that Bobby was in, and that was the 1st I heard/seen of him and was an instant fan! 🍻 Cheers
This just made my night. Classic Style.
New Worrest footage is never a bad thing. Hectic as usual
One of the best to do it
I heard he did this part in 2 weeks without planning it. I know its not his best but if it's true it explains it and its killer for an unplanned part. Im glad he put it out. Big up to Bobby!
When i see the name Bobby Worrest I click
Fav skater
this guys underrated .. so good !
wish both Suciu and Bobby were back on that 3 part drop a year shit annually
not nearly enough footy
360 flip at 1:17 is the truth!
It's like he pauses in the air slightly before coming back down.
A thing of a beauty
Damn Drehobl, Gonz,Cromer, Manderson ETC Krooked has such a dope team Skating Spitfire wides for life.
ahh i love a good bobby worrest part
Noseslide on that wave ledge!!!!!!
Legend skater
Bobby Worrest X Sonny Thompson. Thumbs up!
song ????
What's the name of that song?
Anyone know the song?
Not in my country's iTunes 😞
Pitcrew legend
BS tail enes muro que queda en barcelona por la Sagrada Familia insane
style too good, film too short
Chichunug that was Brad cromer
the god
The people who say the filming isn't good are essentially say the filming is TOO GOOD for their liking. Because this is not by any standard "Bad filming." He gets as close to the action as possible. This is the best you can possibly film, in this style. This takes immense talent. Much more than it takes to stand 5 feet away from the skater.
Shitty filming.
Not your preferred style. And you're some random who could never in a million years film like this, so it doesn't really matter much.
so many jocks sit back and talk shit on chris or even vx as a whole. i would love to see these muppets go out in the street and stay so close to the action whilst keeping the whole skater in frame and not cop multiple boards to lens. Theres a reason why you see the name chris at the bottom of so many films.
I think there is such a thing as too close these days
If only the filmer could
get a tad bit closer..
Bobby worrest is sick. That being said this part is kinda weak for bobby ..
The best hidden porn on youtube
The filming was not great. I get it was mixed but the first and last shots were the best. So literally 2 seconds of this video were good. Haters gonna hate...
you're tripping
Have to agree witht his
Chris Thiessen's filming is the worst. The whole video was shit because of it.
i actually enjoyed the filming
haters gonna hate but ur the one hating lol