Kindred. Re-Paint your "Mural", any way that you want. You still, won't reach PerFection! As it is NOT so much desirable, as a End-Game-Goal. Aka, "Perfection is a Road, NOT a, Destination!".- Chiun, from Remo Williams. Bka, GOOD SHITE, with this Re-Mix, Too! 🤔,😉
So glad this version exists somewhere. Thanks for uploading it. 👍
Best version by far imho. Thanks for the upload.
Kindred. Re-Paint your "Mural", any way that you want. You still, won't reach PerFection! As it is NOT so much desirable, as a End-Game-Goal. Aka, "Perfection is a Road, NOT a, Destination!".- Chiun, from Remo Williams. Bka, GOOD SHITE, with this Re-Mix, Too! 🤔,😉
Was pretty bummed when I went to listen to this after hearing Deadmau5 play it and heard the awful vocals. This version slaps tho.
kindrid shud stick to the"not house" motto...keep it real bro
or Not Hau5