Well done for this podcast. These kind of guests are my favourite as they have loads of experience and informed knowledge to share. Both Prof Warrington (from a previous Podcast) and Prof Pirotta taught me at UOM :) Another guest I would suggest is Prof Torpiano.
Minkejja li għamilt sa 14 il-sena Skola . Ivvutajt Darba f`għomri . Dak `is-Survey`li sarr u li sab - li aktar ma mort skola jew li anqas li mort juri xi kemm tkun ivvutat -survey , tikka baŻżżżżżżżżżżżżżżwi . Above all podcast mill-aqwa .
I could spend hours listening to Profs Pirotta ❤
Well done for this podcast. These kind of guests are my favourite as they have loads of experience and informed knowledge to share. Both Prof Warrington (from a previous Podcast) and Prof Pirotta taught me at UOM :) Another guest I would suggest is Prof Torpiano.
Minkejja li għamilt sa 14 il-sena Skola . Ivvutajt Darba f`għomri . Dak `is-Survey`li sarr u li sab - li aktar ma mort skola jew li anqas li mort juri xi kemm tkun ivvutat -survey , tikka baŻżżżżżżżżżżżżżżwi . Above all podcast mill-aqwa .