She was beautiful,she was captivating,she was graceful/elegance,kind,witty and articulate ( a first-rate ballerina,sensational actress,a wise mentor ).Cambodia is a darker place in her absence,Piseth was our Shining STAR !!! Said a Commentator SithSereyPheap1.
Well, she said she love him sincerely in her diary book, so meaning no one is forcing her to take someone else husband. Think about it you all if something like this happen to u, if someone took your husband from you how you all feel? No offend just my opinion .
Youre talking to Cambodian people- the majority have low IQs. They just want to hate Bun Rany just because he's Hun Sen's wife, but really women shouldn't mess with another woman's husband. They just love Piseth Pilika because she was a beautiful famous star and artist and that was it. They don't see her faults. Of course she didnt deserve to get shot and of course she deserve justice but yes, like she herself said, she was playing with fire. Hun Sen, a man so powerful, yet he is afraid of his wife. It may have been more of an infatuation on his part though and not true love. He may really love his wife because he chose his wife over her. He's very powerful man- he can always kill his own wife to be with her if he really loved her. This shows his priority is his wife and family.
Women not smart if too jealous need control husband not killed women around you husband. Life one person very expensive. But you still can't stop him have another woman like I know her husband have two or three women and have children's too. I'm a woman and married,my husband have girl friend. I know I done smart Way, I don't kill that lady I make friend with my husband very close to her nice to her,.then she sorry to me and said goodbye to my husband. She told him you have good wife love her care her more. After that my husband never have girl friend again. I'm hope married woman use smart Way.
@@idontknowwhatnameshouldiput te rrrttttttttt te rythme tt trop y avoir tyyyy tt yyyyyhyhhyyhyyyhhhhhhhhhhhhyyh j’y ut un vvv bb bhfçggfgggg. Vvvvvvvvvv XX c cf te ré ré et ce fg ce fer r ré ré frr ré f FC cf te ré de ré errer de f se ré ré en ´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´pppoppppp
*វីដេអូប្រភេទនេះខ្ញុំចូលចិត្តណាស់ ព្រោះវាបានធ្វើឲ្យប្រជាជនកម្ពុជាស្គាល់ពីឃាតករមានលុយមានអំណាចលាក់មុខ សូមធ្វើវីដេអូប្រភេទនេះថែមទៀត អរគុណវិទ្យុអាសុីសេរី*
@@MolMdk ខ្ញុំមិនយល់ពាក្យអ្នកទេ
ពិតជា មេភ្នែកលិបហ្នឹងហើយជាអ្នកបញ្ជា
មែនហើយ 💯%ខ្ញុំក៏តែងតែហៅវាថាៈឬដែរនិងទៀតផងព្រោះតែវាភ្នែកលិបដូចឝ្រាប់ស្កួយនិងថ្ពាល់វាហើមប៉ោងដូចជ្រូក ឥឡូវមានអ្នកហៅវាមីភ្នែកលិបដែរ😄...
@@Neverforgetthismemorizeគេគ្រប់គ្នាដឹង្យថាអ្នកណាជាឃាដករនោះ ប៉ុន្តែគេខ្លាចណាស់ តែដេញតុងទីនទិញសំបុត្រឡើងយន្តហោះក៏អត់ទាន់ដែរ សូម្បីតែស្បែកជើងក៏ពាក់មិនត្រូវគូរផងគ្មានបានលាកូនប្រពន្ធអីទាន់ទេ
She was beautiful,she was captivating,she was graceful/elegance,kind,witty and articulate ( a first-rate ballerina,sensational actress,a wise mentor ).Cambodia is a darker place in her absence,Piseth was our Shining STAR !!! Said a Commentator SithSereyPheap1.
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ប្រទេសកម្ពុជាយើងសាហាវណាស់ អ្នកដែលមានសមត្ថភាពក្នុងការសម្តែង និងអ្នករិះគន់អំពីបញ្ហារបស់អ្នកដឹកនាំនិងអ្នកធ្វើនយោបាយដែលធ្វើឲ្យប៉ះពាល់ដល់ប្រទេសជាតិ ត្រង់នេះហើយដែលធ្វើឲ្យប៉ះពាល់ដល់អ្នកមួយចំនួនធំ
Her inner beauties,grace and elegance is revealing,even in her rough draft Khmer essays and handwritings.
@@praklong4288 What that mean?
@@praklong4288 បានធ្វើ❤️
@@praklong4288 ០៨ៀផៀកឲកិលកកកៀៀឱ
ៀឥើ់ផង៨ក៨ិផ៨ឮឮផោោ៩ផ៩ផុំិក8៨៨៨៨៨ោផ៩៩ៀ9 ោោោោ៩ោ៩់លើ៊
@@praklong4288 ០៨ៀផៀកឲកិលកកកៀៀឱ
ៀឥើ់ផង៨ក៨ិផ៨ឮឮផោោ៩ផ៩ផុំិក8៨៨៨៨៨ោផ៩៩ៀ9 ោោោោ៩ោ៩់លើ៊
បើគិតបានស្រឡាញ់ហ៊ុនសែន ច្បាស់ណាស់ខ្មែរនិងមានសន្តិភាព ហើយយួននឹងមិនបានប្រទេសពីខ្មែរ ហើយបានសម្លាប់
គេមិនរកឲ្យទេ ព្រោះបកស្រាយរឿងថ្នាក់ដឹកនាំខ្លាំងពេក
So sweet
Smart clever ability to excellence
Well, she said she love him sincerely in her diary book, so meaning no one is forcing her to take someone else husband. Think about it you all if something like this happen to u, if someone took your husband from you how you all feel? No offend just my opinion .
Youre talking to Cambodian people- the majority have low IQs. They just want to hate Bun Rany just because he's Hun Sen's wife, but really women shouldn't mess with another woman's husband. They just love Piseth Pilika because she was a beautiful famous star and artist and that was it. They don't see her faults. Of course she didnt deserve to get shot and of course she deserve justice but yes, like she herself said, she was playing with fire. Hun Sen, a man so powerful, yet he is afraid of his wife. It may have been more of an infatuation on his part though and not true love. He may really love his wife because he chose his wife over her. He's very powerful man- he can always kill his own wife to be with her if he really loved her. This shows his priority is his wife and family.
Thank you
បើពិត ខ្មែរ ៗ ផ្ទុះហើយ 😮
ជា វិជ្ជា😢
អ្នកណាហ៊ានបើជួបសម្លាប់ កម្មពៀរមានពិត
នេះជាប្រវត្តិសាស្ត្រពិត ជនដៃដលនិងអ្នកបញ្ជារច្បាស់ជាមិនអាចរួចខ្លួនបានទេ នៅថ្ងៃណាមួយ
ពិលិកា ក្រែងមានស្វាមីហើយ ឈ្មោះខៃប្រសិទ្ធ ម្តេចទៅសាងស្នេហា ជាមួយ អ៊ុំវិញ? ហើយនេះមិនមែនមកពី កម្មរបស់ពីលិកាផិតប្តីទេឬ?
Up tt tutor and tI love then su I love tt USA Hx was a great
@@sasasavy1427 ទេមិនមានអ្នកណាបង្ខំឡើយគឺស្រលាញ់គ្នាដោយចិត្តនិងចិត្ត
Women not smart if too jealous need control husband not killed women around you husband. Life one person very expensive. But you still can't stop him have another woman like I know her husband have two or three women and have children's too. I'm a woman and married,my husband have girl friend. I know I done smart Way, I don't kill that lady I make friend with my husband very close to her nice to her,.then she sorry to me and said goodbye to my husband. She told him you have good wife love her care her more. After that my husband never have girl friend again. I'm hope married woman use smart Way.
Đến bây giờ 2024 ở bên Cambodia vẫn có cái gi đó không an toàn ở đất nước này. Không biết bao giờ Cambodia mới cấm được hẳn tình trạng như này nhỉ
អ្នកធ្វើកម្មណា អ្នកទទួលកម្មនោះ
Sadhu sadhu sadhu
គាត់ស្អាត បានតាលង់
៨ ៨៨. ៨៨៨៨៨៨៨៨ ៨
@@sasa774 បានន័យថាមិចបង?
Ok 👌💓😌
RIP 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢🎉
បៀតបៀនគ្នាដើម្បីអ្វី? ទីបំផុតជីវិតគ្រប់គ្នាបានអ្វី?🤔
ពូជយួន តែងប៉ុនហ្នឹង😊
ដឹងហើយ តើមានអ្នកណាហ៑ាន ធ្វើអីគាត់?
Now today she will go to see her tomorrow
บ้านเมืองไม่มีกฎหมาย หามือปืนไม่เจอ
រឿងគ្រប់យ៉ាងនឹងត្រូវបើកកាយទៅតាមពេលវេលារបស់វា បើទោះជារដ្ឋបាភិបាលខំបិទបាំង
មនុស្សប្រុសដូចតែគ្នា កុំបន្ទោស តាសែន
ប្រវត្តិសាស្ត្រ គឺ ប្រវត្តិសាស្ត្រ ,គ្មានអ្នកណាអាចក្រឡៃប្រវត្តិសាស្ត្រ បានសោះឡើយ ,បើថ្ងៃនេះកើតមានរឿងអីក្នុងសង្គមហើយនោះរឿងនោះត្រូវបានគេកត់ត្រាទុកអស់ហើយ ,មិនមែនអ្នកកត់ត្រាមានតែសំរាប់អ្នកកាន់កិច្ចការរដ្ឋនោះឡើយ ,អ្នកចេះដឹងផ្សេងៗក៏គេបានកត់ត្រាទុកដែរ។ កុហក់ខ្លួនឯងបាន កុហក់គេមិនបានទេ ។ការពិតវានៅតែជាការពិត ។
Cô này đẹp quá nhưng không biết sao cô ấy chết
Khmer Song of the Day : If Ever You're In My Arms Again................Peabo Bryson.
Play nobody know you feel me
@@ryghg4008 ៩ ៩
ស្រុកខ្មែរពុករលួយព្រោះតែមន្ត្រីភ្លេចដេឺមកំណេីត បែជាទៅជាបង្កេីតលេីកតំកេីងពូជសាន៏ដ៏ទៃ 😜👈
Vợ ông hun sen đứng sau vụ này
Rfa khmer
ចុះក្រែងគាត់មានប្ដីហើយ ម៉េចបានលួចទាក់ទងនិង បុរស់ខ្លាំងទៀត
អាល្ងង់ ចុះឯងដែរឃើញ គេមានប្រពន្ធហើយលួចមានស្រីអត់
ទោះបីគាត់មិនព្រមទាក់ទង បងគិតថាគាត់អាចធ្វើអីបាន បើគេចង់បានហើយ
@@idontknowwhatnameshouldiput te rrrttttttttt te rythme tt trop y avoir tyyyy tt yyyyyhyhhyyhyyyhhhhhhhhhhhhyyh j’y ut un vvv bb bhfçggfgggg. Vvvvvvvvvv XX c cf te ré ré et ce fg ce fer r ré ré frr ré f FC cf te ré de ré errer de f se ré ré en ´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´pppoppppp
លត្ថផលផិតក្បត់គ្នាចឹងហើយ មានប្ដីប្រពន្ធហើយត្រូវស្រលាញ់គ្នាស្មោះនឹងគ្នា
ប្តីដើមជាតួកុនសង្ហាអស់ទាស់ បើគ្មានការគម្រាមកំហែងតើអ្នកណាដាច់ចិត្តក្បត់ទៅយកសាហាយមុខដូចជុចនោះ យល់អត់?
មេីលហេីយ សឹងស្រក់ទឹកភ្នែក
Cheaters are khmers Yernk teat are Cheaters are Cheaters khmers khmers anyway 1CHIVIT
That’s very badly in Cambodian
Sis too klang
Cheaters are Cheaters s0 what anyway by laws in