Shania Yan Amador this is a two way relationship and it's time you say hello to me - using my name as your 🩷💜🩷💜 husband Mr. Edward L Amador and write me a letter 💌 of 💕 love from your inner feelings for a change ❤️❤️ and let's set a date for starting a family together.
Such a beautiful voice!
many blessings to this girl this song hits me in ways you’ll never know. Mahalo nui for this song😉🤙🏽❤️
She's my angel from Heaven; best of the best.
You are my way,
Rest of my destiny the trials in my world now is change by smiling the love of romance and God...❤💍
Brio Satya 15148
Shania Yan Amador this is a two way relationship and it's time you say hello to me - using my name as your 🩷💜🩷💜 husband Mr. Edward L Amador and write me a letter 💌 of 💕 love from your inner feelings for a change ❤️❤️ and let's set a date for starting a family together.