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Mom Finds Out Her Son Is The Murderer...
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 16 ก.พ. 2025
- Mom Finds Out Her Son Is The Murderer...
Original Video: • Mom Horrified After 12...
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I like how Kai is in that big ass mansion watching the same stuff I normally watch alone
Right I saw this about a month or two ago n it really shook me as a parent
@@Sillyfamof8nigga he a human
.. cause Diddy did it😎
lol diddY😂
I could NEVER, in a million years, imagine putting my parents through some bull like this. Even when I was in the teens their approval was of the highest importance. I don't understand how dudes swear they love their momma but put them through so much crap. You see your parents breaking their backs to do the most they can do for a roof over your head, food on the table and on top of that they STILL try to get your birthday and Christmas together.
Even in my 30s I consider their input. May not do what my parents want me to do since I pay my own bills and living my own life but disappointing your parents at any age is painful. Love is an action word and you can't run the streets worrying your momma at every turn then claim that you love her.
This right here. Don’t get me wrong I definitely wasn’t an angel but I wasn’t actively looking to throw my life or my parents life away.
Bruh is there a 📠machine near you? I agree 100%
All of these kids can relate to one thing, no father was mentioned… and with the mom working hard and not always being there combined with them being influenced. It’s just sad to see.
who asked tho
:( this right here killed me.
bro hearing the audio recordings of the victims parents finding out they died broke me
And you have people in the chat making fun of them. It’s pathetic
@@SteezyDom It is Very sad
@@SteezyDomDefinitely pathetic. i believe most of his viewers are kids though & most probably haven’t even experience the death of a loved one yet.
They’ll learn and understand that pain at some point in their life.
Yeah, you could hear their world shattering in their screams & cries.
For real i dont even know why they showing that , its really private ...
Notice when mama got the yelling. The police don’t need to investigate or press him. Mama is doing it all for them
A 12yr old rolling w 17yr olds is a recipe for disaster
And I wish moms would have been more on top of it because her 12-year-old had no business being able to even hang out with them at all cuz what is 17-year-old going to be interested in the 12-year-old for either to bully him or to look out for him be a big brother or mentor help him get further along than he did or use him and do exactly what they just did to him set him up for failure
@@schoolvolgswithZioni ain’t reading allat (I’m lazy as shit)
@@schoolvolgswithZionshe is an addict that boy was failed, raised by the streets
In Germany, theres this story of a 14y/o getting stabbed multiple times by 17-18 year olds and left to die on a soccer field.
A couple of hours later they came back, checking on him, he was still alive and stabbed multiple times more. Because of a fckin argument.
You can look it up: "Kevin - Bremen". Its the first Wikipedia entrance. So yeah, absolutely agree.. It literally less than a Kilometre from where i lived at the time..
Most likely the kid told them he would tell their parents they took drugs or something similar..
@@schoolvolgswithZionthat's the problem right there I don't see why a 12-year-old and a 17-year-old can't hang out cuz I did I mean most 17 years old is adult special in Texas so what are you trying to say
I keep forgetting I'm watching a Kai Cenat video and then I get jumpscared by his voice💀
Right 😂
W kai
man he just made me jump😂
Fr 😂😂😂😂😂
I like how Kai let it play & didn’t talk too much, I hate when people keep interrupting to say nothing lol
Like asmongold every 7 seconds
I mean that’s what reacting videos mean to do
maybe try watching the original video
See I tried the same thing by not talking too much during my reaction videos and got cuss at for not talking enough. 😂😂😂 then another video cuss at me for talking too much -
bruh just watch the og video if you don't like the reactor to react
When the devil asks to dance, you better say never cuz a dance with the devil might last you for ever
Bars 🌡️🔥
I see what ya did there!
Legendary bar from the one himself!
Underrated artist and song fr
Might? Think u meant will
@@Thesevenisover the line was from a song.
Probably the worst shi you can go through as a parent
Fr do
fr and she handled it better then most parents would
@@BLSTCSteez47who cares about the thugs momma what about the kids who got head shotted 😢
Fr tho
@@osknyo cringe.
the amount of people spamming L MOM as if there aren't 3 dead children, 3 families that were ruined. Nah she's an L mom for helping the investigation. insane
Yea that surprised me too, chat literally wants the mom to lie to protect her child who is a murderer.
cuz they think cops are evil or something. They rather defend a cold blooded murderer. Him being black helps for sympathy points ig.
I will agree with L mom but in the regards of them not raising these kids right. Single mom or not you gotta teach and raise your kids right from the start.
Moms in an out of jail too its a crazy state of life that rubs off on your kids
@onlytonyjr takes a village to raise kids. Ppl need to understand this. Only so much a single parent can do alone
To the youth never put yourself in this position, this is sad. I hurt for the parent 😢.
It's not hard to not kill people...
@@badcornflakes6374 of course not. but peer pressure & bad influences is what usually gets these kids in places like this.
The parent is part of the problem 🙄
@@badcornflakes6374some of them get into situations where they have to or they get killed
@@SoldierOfLoveForNowLack of education lol.
Reaper’s mom you can tell is just so done with his acting up bs. This story is so sad as an entirety.
chat saying L mother is a prime example of what sets the black community back while other communities are moving forward... shit's sad 🤦🏽♀
This doesn’t just happen in the black community…
Def a L MOTHER. they should be acting like this in the house not in front of police without a lawyer idiot. Just ignorant fr
@Ksmoovey naa but the majority of it is, and it a culture problem. Rap music idolizes this behavior
she just got her son into a world of trouble. she should’ve told her son to stay quiet, no matter what.
Bro didn’t hesitate at all when pulling the trigger, but cried like a baby when he was accused of a crime.
he 12 what you expect ngl not condoning but he not old enough to think straight.
@@Swagboi301these niggas in Fanum's reaction and the actual video like the original video acting like a 12 year old's brain is developed enough to know what to do in a situation like that and when I say this kid had no other choice he actually didn't because even if they were just scaring him with the threats a kid won't be able to tell so in his mind it's either he shoots the girl who was going to get murdered anyway or just shoot her get to live and get to know your momma safe he had no good option but he chose the better one but that's just my op
He's fucking 12 I'm 17 and personally I would have been done that my mom's life being on the line changes everything like what was he to do he can't tell if they are bluffing or not he's a kid in a really awful situation he was acting of of instinct of a DEVELOPING brain and charging a fucking 12 year old as an adult is crazy, Rob is 17 for him and Tahj whose 16 is still bad because they aren't even actually legal adults but they pushed it with a 12 year old
@Swagboi301 I expect a 12 year old to do normal things like play sports or video games, not murder other innocent kids...
@@keneunaegbu851 true but he was mislead i don’t think he woke up itching for one.
Rob's mom is the only one i have EVER seen in those interrogation videos, that did the right thing. She actually demanded accountability from her son. You can tell she has been through a lot of bullshit dealing with her sons behavior while trying to provide for him and is just tired of it.
A real mom wouldn't has let her son speak without a lawyer.
She should know never to speak to police without a lawyer guilty or not. He is 17, he doesn't know this. Mom should had told him and let him decide.
@@Fdm4mula or she finally showed him where his actions lead him
@@Fdm4mula Maybe even the mother doesn't know they need a lawyer or she is so stressed at the moment that she doesn't realise she should ask for a lawyer. In such situation I also wouldn't think clearly.
This isn't about if she is a real mom or not people under lot of stress cannot think properly
She regretted once she realized they was still charging him. That’s why after she said don’t speak with out a lawyer
@@michaelasumberova4228 they got read their Miranda rights... and before she left for work she told police
"I do not want my son talking anymore without a lawyer" AFTER HE ALREADY TOLD EVERYTHING.. she just didn't care, she was tired i understand but
Idk why it took her so long..sad. Now the son is going to life a ROUGH life in and out of jail ladled as a "snitch" with KTM tattooed on him (cause he was basically peer pressured by his mom and police.).. he won't lie long (lord forbid).. but the prison/streets HATE snitches
i knew sosa and layla. my uncle works in the prison where rob is being held. i asked him about it on christmas and they said they all got life sentences. kai showing this on stream is so crazy, but i’m so glad its getting the recognition this case deserves.
What?!?! That’s crazy😕
Fr bro
Maybe the 12 year old should have a gotten a lighter sentence
That's sad to hear. I had hoped, due to his mom's well-intended intervention, the judge would recognize that the kid gave up a lot of information a lawyer wouldn't have let him do. Certainly he deserves to pay but a life sentence for a 12 year old is too much and nobody can change my mind on that. I pray they find some peace.
@@Qb3nsis i honestly agree. i know what they did was wrong, but at the same time where the 12 year old kid is coming from and if thats the full truth i don’t feel that he deserves it one bit. nobody can change my mind about him. that kid didnt know what he was getting himself involved into and if it really was they were threating to k!ll his family its extremely messed up in my opinion. i have no sympathy for the other two one bit. mikey was one of the sweetest men ive ever met. he never deserved it neither did layla. i didnt know her that well, but it sucks especially since there 1 year anniversary was coming up 20 days after this all took place. i always heard nothing but good stories about her. i have no say on the other girl because i didn’t know her, but i still feel for her and her family. hearing mikeys dad break down on the phone like that hurt my heart. i waited a year for this documentary to come out and it still took me about 45 minutes to bring myself to watch it because i knew the phone calls of his dad would be in it.
W mom for real with the “Reaper”. Y’all saying she don’t care about her son and she an L mom, these boys committed murder, not manslaughter, murder. It’s a difference. He did something stupid and wanted to big and bad while being in a gang and he chose to hang around these people. That was his decision. He decided to hang around these people, he decided to join the group and do everything with them. That’s on HIM. He decided to do all of that and putting all this pressure on his mom because it’s not the first time he’s been in jail. W mom for telling her son what’s up and not letting him slide for what he did.
that's understood, his mom has no business speaking on any of his actions to police. She's not responsible for his actions. What the son did was NOT RIGHT at all. his mother's upbringing of him enables him to behave and act on irrational emotions without thinking (especially if there wasn't a father in his household, he re-acts out the ways his parents/friends expressed anger, its learned behavior).L for mom because she waits until after he literally un-alives someone, cries her heart out, then shows up to be proactive in an investigation after the fact. This is happening all while she knowingly siding against her own son, even helping the police get a confession. Now let's say he gets life in prison, he'll go to prison and be labeled as a snitch, they don't last long at all in prison. so yes, Mom failed. logically...Is that helping him? NO! is she going to help him in prison!? NO! why is she helping the police!?!?!? L FOR MOM!!
@@DaIggaur actually a joke. he brutally killed ppl for chump change and ur mad at the mom for holding him accountable? THATS WHATS SHES SUPPOSED TO DO! That’s a real mother.
@@DaIgga3 dead children, three entire families ruined and you’re saying L mom? AND you feel bad for the murderer for being labeled a snitch? Who gives a fuck about them they can rot. You’re a clown
The part with the chat that was funny to me, was that at the moment I predicted that they waa gonna go from "L son" to "L snitch" was at the exact moment it happened 💀
@@DaIgga I believe it is helping him. You can kill someone and expect not to get a punishment for it. You do the crime, you do the time.
I also understand where you’re coming from because he should have had a lawyer with him, but he murdered someone. He needed to go to jail for it. Now her helping the police question him without a lawyer is different, but she also taught her son that since he did the crime, he needed to do the time. Especially since murdered a 16 year old, it makes it worse because it’s kids killing kids. He chose to be in that environment and to be around those people, and his mom was right for not letting him get away with it.
Kai’s entire chat is so cringe it’s actually annoying ash. U can just tell none of them understand the severity and position these people were put in.
their all kids who do nothing but stay home and watch streams
@ Ong shi just sad
yeah it's like 100k undeveloped brains/trolls i wouldnt take them too serious
Fr like they r all 9 year iPad kids that are wanna be gangsters
their entire audience are 8-12 years old
people saying "LMAO" in the chat while watching something like this need to go to therapy
fr, like this shit not funny
❤ ignorance is something that you can't change in some of these kids no matter what you do all you can do is shake your head because to laugh at children setting theirself up for failure never be able to reach adulthood and never be able to work a honest job never be able to graduate walking across any stage because they'll be walking across the jailhouse stage as adults if they don't get tried and the death penalty they may not never breathe another breath or they just live out the rest of their days for killing these people in the manner that they did no one is looking at the lives that are lost even the ones that are still alive their lives are lost and the ones that's laughing probably ain't got s*** to go for their self anyway they don't hear watching Carl cannot and all the TH-cam videos in the world cuz they ain't got s*** to do but talk about somebody else's misfortune why they set up with one ply toilet paper
Therapy is not useful for such degenerative behavior, social media has turned young people into desensitized narcissistic psychopaths.
@@julianazrodriguezthere are too many kids on the net being exposed to shit they shouldn't be man
deadass bro that shit is sad asf
You know I felt bad for that kid, until I came to the comments and had to be reminded of the reality of the situation.
He's 12. I still feel bad for him.
W moms, hold these kids accountable. Yk how heartbreaking that must’ve been for her.
W mom's?? They're the reasons the kids are like that in the first place.
@ nah after a certain point kids are old enough to make their own decisions. Ones that parents no longer influence. Them young men knew better n aint do better.
@@2Girlz1Mic they all minors, its on her tbh
@@dai6419 i disagree & thats okay.
@dai6419 these kids are old enough to know killing someone is wrong. They shouldn't have to be told that, it's common sense.
Y’all calling this video sad, but promote music from rappers glorifying and romanticizing this SAME EXACT THING. Killing, stealing, robbing, and being “shiesty.” Our community needs to WAKE UP!
Black men disproportionately overrepresent the prison system. 1 out of every 3 black men will statistically go to prison. This is an EPIDEMIC. Let’s stop perpetuating our own plight!
Lmao I was jus thinking the same shi
damn u right..
Kai plays the music that describes this very behavior and even sings along to it knowing he has a young audience. Obviously us correctly developed and raised people understand that those type of songs have no influence over our actions. But you really gotta think that there are kids that are behind in development, or just not being raised right and they really do take these songs to heart and are easily influenced especially if they feel like they can garner attention from this lifestyle. I don’t even understand why rap is so popular, it’s the same bs everytime in every song, making money, having some shooters, only seeing women as objects, doing drugs, blah blah blah. It promotes nothing of value only vanity, ego, selfishness, and if you really listen it’s sometimes a cry for help while everyone listens gleefully. Then they get all shocked and sad when their favorite rapper dies from an overdose. I listen to music I relate to, I don’t see why anyone would listen to music that perpetuates a lifestyle they don’t even live or why it’s a fantasy for some.
@@Dontrolling absolutely!! You wrote this well and its very true. This is all common sense stuff but these days we throw common sense right out the window.
Also, what’s funny about robs whole logic of not wanting to be a snitch is the fact he took a life yet is worried bout getting offed himself…. Pure hypocrisy. That young mind is so deluded n broken.
I agree 100%
The recordings of Laylas grandparents and the recording of Michael’s parents reactions is so heartbreaking to hear. They genuinely sound heartbroken. So heartbroken they can’t even talk. RIP to the victims
Ppl saying L mom have gotta be 13-16 year olds or adults who ain’t have no good parents or disrespected their good parents.
That aint even a excuse, sure parents have a lot influence of their kid but the older you should mature 💀
@ it’s a valid possibility of them being young given it’s Kai stream, also around that age I was stupid thinking all kinds of things were “cool”. Saying a mom is a L for wanting her kid to own up to a whole ass murder, 3 especially, is just insane immaturity. Whether they actually young or not, it’s wild to see a story like this and think the moms are Ls cuz they want they kid to own up to the heinous ass crime they did.
mom shouldve told him to shut the hell up and ask for a lawyer she got her own son fucked over
@@vince-xe4wfi am that age (14)and i heavily disagree, no normal teenager says these things
@@OlaMimor real
Focus on the pain in the mothers voice, as she tries to provide a healthy childhood as best she can to her son, clearly trying to guide him on the right path, only for him to be sucked into the life by the same promises that have killed thousands of others. It's so depressing because you can tell this is what shes been trying to avoid her entire parental life, ending up in this room going through a conversation like this.
facts man and she just got a promotion at work, idk how she'll be able to work knowing her son is just not gonna be there ever again it's devastating shit. you can tell she was trying her best as what it seems like a single mom, which i imagine makes it 10x harder.
@@CUTTINGIRONVALfr my heart breaks for her
Difficult to parent in the USA. Even here in Canada, it was starting to seep into our low socioeconomic areas, including where I grew up. I knew multiple Somalian kids living with both parents, doing decent in school, who still somehow ended up joining gangs. Why? Because of peer pressure, and somewhere along the line their value systems became centered on making quick money, and the best way to do it was illegally.
For those of us who were Black and academic, they called us dorks, nerds, and whitewashed. They thought being gangsta was cool, they started wearing their pants to their knees, always hung out in groups and became delinquents in school. Mind you, this is among kids with strict Somalian parents (most of whom were oblivious to the actions of their kids), who would have beaten their kids if they knew what they were up to. One kid did get found out, his parents sent him back to Somalia to an Islamic School, he came back super religious a year later, only prayed and studied after that... Transpose that scenario to a Black American household, it would not play out the same because they're alot more lenient than African parents, so even if they do find out their kid is a gangster or a wannabe, what are they going to do about it? Where can they send them?
Also, because of the racial history and tension in the USA, some Black American parents simply blame the system/structural factors (systemic racism, white supremacy, flawed justice system). There's some truth to that, there are systemic issues, but unfortunately the cultural and individual behavioral issues are ignored. But you have a whole political party (Democrats) and an entire academic culture that only looks at the systemic issues, because they don't dare comment on cultural issues (not even in Minnesota in the USA), they don't want to pinpoint the messages conveyed in some rap music, Black American TV shows and movies.
As soon as the lady said 5 foot the chat started calling out Kai lololol
its incredibly insensitive to tell the grandparents that type of news and jump right into questioning... How could they expect them to just sit calm. I wouldve ignored them and headed straight to the hospital.. terrible
With every passing second, they could lose out on the case. I understand it's insensitive, but getting justice supercedes "microwave insensitivity."
I was thinking the same thing she just brushed right passed it n started talking about questions the grandad didn’t even catch it the first time
People be spammin "L Mom" for not protecting a Mur%derer ?!!! We live in a crazy era. Yall cooked and they all be sintchin on themselve. Wtffff
mom should sign up to join the police force
Kai's chat is a bunch of kids, or at least the one spamming L are immature kids.
Their culture is to never be a snitch
@9BallBory the culture is murrderin teenagers?? Or even elderd ??
The "don't snitch rule" was made by snitches hoping to have that one loyal fool in the crew, so he can get away... it's like collecting get out of jail cards, but with retschmards..😅
no thats not why
You just lied for no reason💀
@@voices1156 i was making a joke......🤦♂️ but there is as much truth to that, as your weird view of honor amongst criminals going down for other criminals PAUSE you are rooting for the wrong guys..
No snitching was created by run away slaves so locations couldn't be found and it's funny that cops still where the shape badge as slave catchers
Chat never fails to showcase how brain rotted their minds are during these kind of videos
ofc they are, its kais chat full of kids there is nothing of value being said 😅
@@square7935fr! a bunch of dumbass lil jhits thinking this rap/crime shi be cool 🤣
Bruh most of Kai audience are kids who super love him so they only type shit they think he will respond too… If you seen brain rot comments you gotta am yourself who’s the creator sending that to them and it’s no hate on Kai but it’s the same shit ppl say about rap music currently including rappers like Kendrick, Cole, Lupe, Early Kanye, Common… there’s a number of rappers who speak out against this but they don’t get bumped like that… ppl love drill music now the same way my era loved trap music back then…
@square7935it’s always so strange to me how many kids be under adults videos have me feeling immature for watching and i’m only a year older than kai
People are over here fucking laughing and cracking jokes, making fun of her grandmother and disrespecting her, she’s fucking distraught because her granddaughter was shot and she’s afraid that she’s dead.
That mom is real,she said hurry up n go back to jail causei have to clock in!!
3 murders for 1lbs of weed?!? What a bunch of idiots
There kids to them it’s a bunch of weed
I went to school with them, didn't know them personally, they're just some thugs bruh
They both said the were forced by x man who the only one who wanted the weed did u even watch the video cuz
@@Reemo.Stacksthey all blamed eachother blind idiot
@@stuckducky6919yo ass didn’t kno dem quit lying
That grandma had me in tears 😢
that was a tough listen for sure
That officer handled that so horribly. That is not how you deliver that news.
people in the chat was spamming laughing emojis , sick people man
@@dirkdiggler4554 exactly. I hope whoever delivered the news was suspended for a while. terrible at their job.
not chat being stupid as hell laughing while lisa was mourning.
Smh 😒
That scream was bloodcurdling and horrible
@ onb bro.
his chat is so dumb
his chat is filled with idiot 9 to 14 yr olds who don't understand because they're dumb.
Yoo when Kai replayed the part when dude said “Life?” I was crying 😂
a 12 year old being involved in something like this is actually so crazy, feel so bad for him
I feel bad for the actual victims
@@urbsrocher of course, i do too
Bad association spoils useful habits
Normal for Chicago and spread everywhere the last 15 years
They told him if he didn’t do it they would killed him to so basically he was forced. And yeah he was in a gang but he didn’t wanna do the killing and ppl forget that. Also just by him saying they was gonna kill him if he didn’t go with them is good for a lawyer to hear cause you can use that and he is also young so if he had a good lawyer he’ll be out in less than 10 years
I ain’t gon lie
Hanging with a mf called reaper at 12 is crazy
Parents yall gotta monitor yall kids
She just got locked up for possession of coke and meth I don't think she's looking out for her kid too much unfortunately.
These s moms are too busy competing for street dudes themselves.
@ real
@@kyleschuette1667 yo that’s too crazy
Birds of the same feather I guess
No the Reaper niggas was 17 they called the 12 year old three five i think
"L Mom" and "RIP" coming from the same person in chat, crazy ngl. 🤦🏾♂🤦🏾♂🤦🏾♂🤦🏾♂
We hear the cries of the parents and we sympathize with them and feel their pain. But as soon as we are trying to determine who did it, "L Snitch", "L Mom", yall need help.
she had illegal drugs
@@fubuuu8513they were saying L mom to rob's mom not chris
What did you expect from a bunch of 12 year old wannabe gangsters, who had never experienced anything outside of their homes?
Black culture
the younger you are, more honest you are.
morale of the story: people snitch and gang affiliation doesn't change anything
i feel sorry for the mother..
Worst feeling in the world is outliving your children.
You don't feel sorry for the family who lost their kids?
Why ? Her bad parenting got the kid there !!!!
@@adios2011you can have good parents and still turn out like this. influence from the outside world is way stronger than you think, little boy
@@vaisnNah, you’re a thug because you hang around your thug friends because your parents don't give you the proper supervision and don't send your disrupting ass to military school
kai covering a case abt my friends murder is crazy and just shows the severity of the situation and the circumstances of this case it’s crazy asf what happened and justice needs to be served for the victims and their families.
im sorry for your loss 🙏😞
Who was ur friend
All these lil boys in chat acting like they wouldn’t be singing if they wasn’t gonna be charged for murder😂😂😂😂😂
Damn people can’t even call the cops over a murder without being called a Karen?
W moms fr wanting to save her son but also being accountable for herself
He rethinked his life hearing that life sentence 🙌🙌
rethink it all he wants, cant redo shit
This is what ppl over look. don't carry out rational actions because there is always consequences
@@seven87 100%
This really a messed up situation but when bro said “life?” I was dying.
honesty the most gut wrenching cases imo are those involving teenagers…throwing their whole lives away because they actually don’t know any better…
Dont act like they dont know any better, thats very naive
you think they dont know better than to murder 3 people? delusional
A 2 year old can know if it’s okay to hurt someone or not aslong as u understand what pain is and you can inflict it on somone else then u are liable
I’m going to tell you this from a teen’s point of view:
No matter how you look at someone, JUST BECAUSE they’re young doesn’t mean “they don’t know any better.” I have memories from when I was 5, watching crime stories on TV behind my parents’ backs, and I KNEW that what those people did was wrong. I’m a firm believer that if, at 5 years old, I could understand that killing was wrong, then I’m 100% sure that a kid or teen, whether they’re 9, 13, or older, is not stupid enough to not realize that what they’re doing is, in fact, 100% wrong and is very much throwing their life away.
And to say that about someone who’s 18+ is even more embarrassing, because most 18-year-olds want to be considered adults already. But when facing legal or “adult” situations, they use the “I’m still young” excuse. I’m 18 as I write this, and I’m a firm believer that if you’ve committed a crime of this level, there shouldn’t be a difference between judging a 16-year-old and a 30-year-old. I don’t care if the 16-year-old’s brain isn’t fully developed like an adult’s; at the very least, they should be able to recognize, “Hey, this is wrong.”
If a 30-year-old did the same thing and was charged with 50 years, in my opinion, that wouldn’t be enough. A murder is a murder. If a 16-year-old did it, they should be charged the same. But in some cases, they are charged with much less just because they’re young, as if they’re somehow too young to know basic human decency.
all of you replying to this are diluted as hell…did you not watch the video? do you genuinely think a 12 year old with a “street name” and gang affiliations, a mother who has a warrant out for her arrest, at the same time that he’s in custody for participating in the murders of other teens and the other boy who was more worried about getting killed bc he snitched than the fact that he could spend life in prison and even be killed in there for being an accomplice in the murder of 3 innocent teens…let me hold your hand when i ask y’all this…do y’all genuinely believe those kids know anything other than what they know…do you think these kids know better than to not get influenced by other stronger, more powerful, “cooler” people…do y’all genuinely believe kids with parents with criminal records, whose lives are difficult and easily influenced or maybe surrounded by gang activity, you think they even got the chance to turn out differently? clearly there are signs of neglect written all over these kids. all of you commenting on this talking like yall don’t know teenagers are more susceptible to peer pressure and to end up fucking up their lives bc of it. you think these kids don’t know that killing someone gets you in jail…? of course they do 😃it doesn’t take 18 years of your life for you to realize what’s good and what’s bad…the cognitive dissonance comes when you’re smart enough to know that at 12 years old your prefrontal cortex is still SEVERELY underdeveloped and in this case there might even be developmental delays, which idk if y’all know this but the prefrontal cortex developing is what allows us to make solid smart decisions, hold ourselves responsible for our own actions and accepting the consequences and punishments of our own actions some men don’t even fully develop it until their 40s (😩🥲) they knew what they were doing. they thought they were immune to consequences bc they thought they’d be immune to the law at 12 and 15 years old. all bc Damarquell from down the street told them to do so😭. nobody at age 12 is desensitized to murder unless you’re like the son of el chapo i imagine. the problem is they thought they could get away with it or put the blame on someone else when they were directly involved. if that doesn’t give teenage brain to you then idfk. 12 is still an awfully young age for him to not be acting out of imitating everything he’s absorbed from his surroundings and the type of behaviors that are enabled at home. you don’t have to listen to the mom talk for more than 3 minutes to know that she let that boy run the streets like it was his business. “i don’t like the people you hang out with” first of all he’s 12…you can’t control your 12 year old? you can’t ground him? you can’t punish him? why is the 12 year old still hanging out with people his mother doesn’t approve of?? bc she works and is busy…?? who to parent the child then…?? himself???? right. right. no wonder he’s out here making shit choice after shit choice acting like there’s no consequences. when it dawns upon y’all that this is exactly how criminals are made then talk to me. remember in the jeffrey dahmer documentary how he was cutting up dead animals since he was a kid…yeah. and his parents were never curious of wtf he was getting himself into…yeah. to this day!!! i know sooo many people men and women who are GROWN with kids mortgage and everything that still act like their actions have no consequences…i know for a fact that type of behavior is harvested in childhood and when you neglect a kid and leave them to figure it out for themselves shit like this happens…just saying.
Moms went to the jail knowing she had a warrant.
Mama is a beast.
Respect to Ashley.
Respect? Her son shot a girl
Why would you be friends with someone named REAPER.... RED FLAG
And X Man 😂
@@NoName-qf2ksX-man is what they (the cops) referred to him as in the interrogation cuz 3-5 claimed to not know his name, but his “real name” is Stavo. Only 3-5, the cops and his mom knew what the alias X-man was. Stavo didn’t actually go by the name X-man
@MikieTenMillyLIVE so what? Stavo, this guy is center of this scene anyway
@@NoName-qf2ks He only called him X-man cause he's scared of him and didn't want to say his name even though he knows him
And someone named ms.lust7777 like fr😂
Rip Layla, Camille, and "sosa". So terrible. Serious condolences to all the families.😢😢😢😢😢😢
The reaction was very heavy. I felt so bad for those girls. They did not deserve any of that no matter what happened. Those young kids was seriously mentally ill and no reason to even be involved in this at that young age g age. Who are you to take someone’s life.
The mother having a drug warrant explains so much & how bad of a hand this kid was dealt in life smh
No it doesn’t. You see how she tried to teach him to do better even when she had her own shit going on. It’s ignorant of you to judge when you know absolutely nothing about her parenting.
Drug addiction can take u by accident, its sad, and she showed up for her son.
@@EllarieRose I’m a month late but I’m just seeing this and I can’t let it go lol I know a little something about parenting, and what I do know is kids do as they see not as they’re told. So no matter how bad she tried to tell him not to do what she do , she obviously exposed him to too much at an early age. It’s obvious
Solute to Kai for shedding light to this Ik this will help a lot of the youth💪🏾👏🏾
The part with the grandmother freaking out made me so sad
This is like a horror movie especially if your watching this at mid night
literally dude. I HAD to finish it even if i wass anxious
I feel so much for the mother, a mother raises you wishing the best for you and this is what she gets. This is hell for a mother seeing her baby go down for something like this.
And that’s the same for every kid’s parents in this video including the victims. We are full of life, and you decide to hang with the wrong people, these young kids these days are out of hand, I feel for every parent in this video ( the victims and suspects ) a parent does not deserve to go through any of this.
I feel for the families of those who were killed
The mother had a drug warrant, he was not raised right. She only doing the right thing in front of police
@@glitchederrAnd hes a murderer. Murder is way worse than drugs, quit making what he did seem worse.
But he definitely grew up in poorer circumstances. He did choose however, his friends, where and when he returned.
Damn bro thats crazy 3 whole people shooting at others, and then blaming eachother for it.
for all the kids out there...this is why u should choose good friends or else u will end up in jail
Watch who you associate yourself with
so after watching this several times, i came to the conclusion that Rob was indeed lying, he was the one who orchestrated it. Chris was the one who hopped out the car and the one that the lady saw because the other two looked way taller than 5ft. Rob was the one driving, but Tahj was the one who shot Sosa and did whatever Rob told him to do. Rob then made Chris kill Camille and also forced them to help him cover everything up.
u kinna right about running out the car tht wasint in the plan
someone was def scared n it sounds like chris
Nahhh.. you need to be a detective ong 😮
Nah. Tahj is the cold blooded killer. He planned it and forced these guys to help out. Listen how he talks with no emotions. He looks like a straight demon
Yeah I see it. I feel like Taj killed layla and her boyfriend, Chris shot Camille in the trunk once in the back and Rob came out shot her in the head
I nearly 100% agree w this. I do feel like Tahj wasn’t lying about running out of the car though. He was the only one to mention the lady, who said she saw someone, and he also was the only one with a head covering (ski mask) like the lady said (she saw someone w a “hat”). She said he was 5 ft, but she could’ve been off with her measurements due to the distance between her & the boy she saw. This makes me lean more towards it being Tahj who ran out the car. However, I don’t think his whole story is true. I feel like Chris is more intimidated by Rob than Tahj since he knows him, which is why I also don’t think he was lying on Rob. Therefore, I also agree w you and believe that Rob orchestrated this & tried intimidating Chris & Tahj. He’s also the oldest. He was only scared cus he got caught. Tahj also said that Rob mentioned robbing them (this lines up with Chris story bc he said Rob said they had a lot of money), whereas Rob tried to say that Tahj wanted to take their firearms.
The shock and wailing is what I’m here for this is crazyyy!!!
Me & momma was both in Rob's azz. Momma said what he needed to hear. He was getting on MY NERVES. I felt all that❤Bless her heart. And all the parents.
This was good Kai!👌🏽
They all showed no remorse for what they did. They were only visibly emotional not for the victims, but fear of jail time.
The mothers here were great. One mother gave up her own freedom to support her son in the investigation, and the other made sure to emphasize the importance of telling the truth in these situations. There's only so much a parent can do, and choosing to kill a human being is ultimately the child's choice. As a 23-year-old, W moms and L children.
why you think the 12yr old ended where he at, having a mom who has a warrent out for possessing of drugs.
you think a 12yr old can make good life decisions on his own? let alone a 12yr old most likely raised by a single mom (since there was no dad in the police station) who have a record with drugs.
Im not saying the 12yr old is not at fault, he is, but with better guidance, he shouldnt be in this spot.
once again, he is TWELVE.
look at Rakais mindset as a 16 yr old, he literally think he dont need high school cause Kai is making 100k a month, he just forgot he is NOT Kai.
@@nerdheid7306 I literally meant the mothers were great HERE. We can't speak on their parenting. The 'reaper' kid's mother actually seemed to be doing well, job promotion and all. I largely agree with what you're saying, but this case seems to have lots of peer pressure involved. Different mothers and still the same outcome usually means it's environmental factors, like friends groups, and in this case that'd be a bad one. Also, if they're aware enough to try and lie or skate by the crime, they acknowledge what they've done is bad enough to hide.
@@antnyplays nah, a 12 yr old should never be in the place he was in, a 12 yr old should not have the freedom still be out during midnight. He should have been more protected, with a mother like that, he is a lost cause.
As a parent you cant let your 12yr old kid do whatever the f he wants.
The moms are useless ! Their kids are criminals at such young age and the mother don’t know where her 12 yo is middle of the night ??? You delusional
@@nerdheid7306Ok bruh be fair, they’re black and live in a small looking city/town. It’s only a given that their children would be all over the place past their control.
Just look at the stress marks on those kids faces. Mfs look like child coal mine workers from the Industrial Revolution.
I agree with what you’re saying, but this would’ve happened regardless.
Rob really had the nerve to call himself the reaper🤦🏾♂️
That boy can’t be 12 the fact that he’s that calm through everything is mind blowing.
he looks 17
@@Bobplayzlolfrl I do
Kai should have watched this with Rakai
They’d be yapping too much
The 12 year old was put in such a bad situation. It’s sad
His mom said she is also going to jail during search warrant they found different drugs. So son in jail mom in jail and grandma have to take care of these two. How?
3 5 is innocent he will do some time but with the right lawyer he won't get life.. still very sad tho
@@KevinV-fo3omhe’s not innocent but I do believe he could get off with a manslaughter charge with a good lawyer if the bullet wound that ended Camille’s life wasn’t the bullet he fired.
@@loieltizbedstuyboo3776 he probably will get out at 21!
@@loieltizbedstuyboo3776he got like 6 months
Suspect was about 5 foot-
“ no it wasn’t me dumb ass” 🤣🤣🤣
20:15 When she said " I'm sick of dealing with this jail ish", sounds like it wasn't his first or second time in this position and momma was tired. She was gonna end up in this position regardless hearing the fact that she wasn't surprised by the theft charges. He wasn't gonna stop until it went too far and as we can see, it did.
I think they already said that in the video
Who else has seen Fanum already react to this
I seen it when this came out on the original channel
@@kauciontheboss ?
@@tiajmr5079same. but the vid itself is so good and the case is very intriguing (not in a good way) i can’t help but watch it more n watch others react to it
I forgot Kai was watching this so when he said “no it wasn’t me dumbass”
it scared the shit out of me 😂😂😂
"Whats the point of snitchin then?" 😂😂
Man I really kept hope that at the VERY least Three-Five wasn’t a part of it. Hoping maybe they did push him. A young man stricken with bad luck. That really does suck.
unfortunately he does have the control with whom he surrounds himself with, pretty they said he was apart of ktm the gang.
@@kajd3nAre you mentally crippled? He’s 12yrs old, at that age you don’t always have the best sense of judgement.
@@NazKongDongfacts and they could’ve threatened him to join like he said they did before
Same… honestly hope the kid can be reformed one day but he needs to sit. I’d say 15 years for a kid his age would leave him at an age where rehabilitation is possible; sad to see someone so young so caught up. Sadly seems he only went as far as his environment
hey sorry oot, but im curious abt who pew layla and michael in the front seat? rob said it was tahj, and tahj said it was rob???
Bro fanum taxed fanum's video
I'm still gonna watch it ......Shout out Fanum tho!! 🤣🤣
Fanum fanum taxed other peoples video too😂
"fanum's video" 😑😒 its a police dashcams and shi
whos video ???
I know situations are conditional but competent fathers are so important in the home.
That’s wrong I’m sorry. I grew up in the hood and I’ve never been in an interrogation room, I’ve never done drugs and I’ve never killed anyone. I’m 17 and a black male but I’ve never committed a violent crime and I also listen to a lot of street rap. I was raised by a single mother, and she raised me right. Kids need both parents in the household but don’t chalk this failure up to a competent father not being on the home, because one competent parent doesn’t cancel out the other incompetent parent.
@@themessiah4071well look at the criminal ratio of kids in single mom household vs 2 parents
@-DA-ONE- In juveniles specifically 66% of juveniles experienced a fatherless household. All things considered that's not that bad, and obviously this doesn't take into account the large majority of custody battles being awarded to women.
@@themessiah4071 salute to both you and the village that raised you. I have a similar story where I grew up in East Saint Louis, IL with a single mother since I was 11 years old. My dad passed from natural causes. I’ve gone on to live a solid life without being in any trouble whatsoever. I salute my mother too. However, I can’t ignore the many other examples in my community and others where fathers are missed. A father’s job is to raise us sons to be God honoring men in ways women cannot and were not created to do. We can’t just be oblivious to the family dynamic. I know for a fact that I want to marry my girlfriend, have children and father them while their mother, mother’s them! That’s family. A lot of times when dad is missing, things dad teaches are missing. I.E… discipline, self control, respect, dignity, hard honorable work, healthy humbleness. And the lack of such things can lead to crime or young men finding examples in other lost men.
It is important unless the father is not a good one.
The grandmothers crying and wailing made me cry 😢
19:43 Mothers are so damn smart. She keeps telling him he don't know what time he came in because it prevents him from saying a time that could incriminate himself.
She would’ve been smarter to tell him to shut up while they try to get a lawyer
@ true
@@ADM_Greens fo what? being a murderer and only have more time that proves non?
@@ADM_Greensthat would’ve done nothing all 3 of them were guilty I don’t think u watched the full vid the police already had evidence on these 3 they just wanted them to confess
@@ADM_Greensand cover up a murder???😂
w kai for not talking to much.
I love that you don't overly pause the video and allow it to play with your reaction in real time. I instantly turn the video off when youtubers do that lol
Nah I'd never let my moms shout and cry like that 😢
Watched fanum now watching it again as if I never seen it 😂
Yall saying L Moms. Nah L to yns all over the world who love that life until shit get sticky
Facts mfs be grown asl you don’t know what cho kid do when he say im going down the street to my friend house 💯
Why is the chat saying "L MOM"
How can you see what the chat is saying when it's blurred out
they are 13-15 y.o, you demand too much smartness from kids
@@Trimothyyy its only blurred out in the beginning cuz you cant have any curse words in the beginnning of the vid if you want to monetize the video.
She is L mom she was working with the police to get her son locked instead of jus askin for a lawyer
@@Trimothyyy its not?
The fact that she isn’t mad at the youngest one but the other mom is so mad at the oldest one 😭
Them showing the witness is crazy that's how people end up dead smh
They don’t care they just want the info smh
Good on kai exposing this. Maybe the kids watchin this will think twice n grow a f*ckin conscious
My thoughts exactly!
I done watched this video 4 times by myself with fanum, Bruce and now with Kai
the mother literally tried to make him confess so HE wouldn't get into more trouble than he already is. chat is so close minded.
I feel so sorry for the 12 year old I really feel like he was forced 😩😩🥺🥺🥺🥺I hope they take it easy on him
Yes he was forced so they could feel he won't tell on them smh
He wasn’t charged w the murders just battery ( I think)
@@dribblexsensiyt3058I hope because even tho he was with the wrong people especially that day when they all killed three innocent people. But he seems like a good kid just has bad influencer
The way how I would’ve kissed my teeth and got out the car once I heard the plan
tht why they all guilty
ain no one forcin u
cause they ain wan u snitch
tht was plan
Don’t join gangs. Problem solved 🤯
Damn... 1 of the mothers did a hell of a performance in that room.. hats off to her 😢
Yeah she did right? By letting her 17 year old son talk to cops w/out a lawyer present while only concerning herself with work while he's facing a murder charge, my mother would have been solid as shit!
@@astralmindny9055 your mother is a terriBLE mother then
I've seen this video from other reactors.And no reactor covered the mom with their screen.. love the respect W Kai 💯💯
😂😂 Kai I think your heart is beating because you are Alive lilBro.😂
Kudos to the mom holding her son accountable. We’ll never be safe if we keep protecting criminals. Jail or not she still gets to see her son and hear his voice. Those people loved their kids the same way she love hers and I’m pretty sure she knows that. I can’t imagine losing my children over senseless acts and I’d be devastated if they put another parent through that. I can’t support that.
His mom is a W. Chris mom turned herself in to see her son and wasnt mad at him. W mom. Pray for both of them🙏🏾
No they are thugs why would you pray for murderer 😭😭
This is so heartbreaking to see these young boys going out like this, all over some paper. Literal f***ing paper created by the system. I pray Kai starts pushing this message harder than anything else not just addressing the violence in our community, but also showing that there are infinite ways to make money now. That path is not necessary.
I made six figures before I turned 18, but I lost or spent it all while learning some valuable lessons. Facing three years and enduring that seven-month period waiting for trial was one of the turning points of my life. I’m thankful for it now because it helped me find God. During that time, I picked up a Bible for the first time in my life and actually started reading a book on my own that was longer than two pages.
All I’m trying to say is this: If you’re part of this younger generation out here thinking this lifestyle is cool, it’s really not. You have so much potential, and you’re willing to throw it all away for what? A few dollars? Because someone made you mad? That’s baffling. I’ll pray for you and the people you’re surrounding yourself with because that's where it starts, if you see the people around you behaving this was change your surroundings immediately! You will find new friends better ones at that and frankly if they are willing to put you in this type of situation they aren't your friends in the first place. I lost all my friends when I was sitting there waiting for trial, I had nobody reach out to me and still haven't hung out with none of them since and it's been 2 years since as of 4 days ago. I almost caught a murder charge myself and that was another really big breaking point where I changed who I hung around. I pray you’ll find a better way, one that doesn’t involve what these rappers and influencers make you think is cool.
Find something you love doing, pursue it, and I promise everything else you want in the precious life you have will follow. Stay woke, my young kings and queens. Your time is now!
if it was not paper, it would have been for apples, potatoes or sheep.
whats heartbreaking is the stolen lives u piece of sh.t
You write a lot, cool.
I’d encourage you to keep reading the Bible & pray! Jesus is coming soon!
What an amazing mom. I can feel her love in her discipline.
Is nobody gonna talk about how a 12 year old is in hand cuffs but not a 17 year old
The 17 year old cuffs were on his feet while they cuffed the 12 year old hands they both had cuffs just different places