Thanks for the Video, My Buddy and I are combining our funding to get all four decks. My Buddy wants to start in standard and myself want to dabble into at times.
These look pretty good. Though they have cheaped-out in some areas (Embercleave?), they have to balance that against the decks possibly just being pulled apart for singles if they load in too many spicy cards.
It's MAGICTIME come on grab your friends, we'll talk about cardboard rectangles, with karly the human and Mike the Hatcher the fun will never end, it's Bacon Time!
Well to be fair they keep staying relevant. I'd rather have them then a deck that's useless just so they can say they didn't do them. At the same time mono red is pretty cheap and not to hard to just go in and buy yourself. If one has to go I'd say no more mono color challenger decks.
I am a novice, and i love this atleast 2 of this decks, Golgari an mono red. I don't play arena, so, the opportunity of try one mono red or Golgari witouth spent a lots of money it's ok :3
Setting aside the fact that cavalcade is evil and no one with any conscious plays it: the only reason to play a creature that has more than 1 power is if they generate creatures with 1, Anax or Legion Warboss, maybe Krenko, or if it’s Torbran. Also the only reason not to play Chandra’s muderbird is because you enjoy losing. (Or it’s banned but there’s not enough meme groundswell for that.)
I mean, after Ikoria is coreset and rotation. In rotation the simic flash deck is gone, the planeswalkers from fires are gone (but kenrith + fae are a good base). They nailed it with BG adventures and the red deck. After core 21, core 20, Guilds, allegiances and war will be rotating.
Fires will live even without War of the Spark. It will just fall back on some of the other cards we've seen it use like Cavalier of Flame (powerhouse card imo) and Garruk, Cursed Huntsman (less likely with Planar Bacon rotating) or maybe newer cards like Ashiok and Elspeth from Theros, some of the Gods perhaps.
I have the 4 challenger decks from last year sleeved and at work to play with the kids. Tempted by these just to have more options. Can you tell I'm just commenting for the algorithm?
Honest question, do you actually win games with that green tower deck? I just can't see a deck with 250 cards being consistent enough to win. You should play it on twitch for us. I would love to see it.
Yes the deck does win games, I have played it on twitch multiple times. Bear in mind I play it in unranked, it is not competitive tournament power level by a long shot
That simic flash deck has a lot of value in in actually if u break down the card prices .the brazen borrower and the 3 shifting ceratops is about $33 or so just in those 4 cards give or take a few cents .
I love the Challenger decks, dont get me wrong, but how do you do 4 standard competitive decks without a single Teferi among them? I get that Tef isn't the be all and end all, but he's played pretty universally in standard. Just seems like a weird wiff there.
Yeah it feels like a weird exclusion from the Fires deck. Teferi is amazing in Fires (bounce your own Fires after using your 2 free spells, suddenly you can cast a third with your mana!) but they gave us... Ugin? 3 copies of Kasmina? Dovin?? Even if they had to consider the secondary market or some crap, They could have cut the Steam Vents for a Teferi or 2 and I'm sure nobody would complain.
Embercleave was at $25 just before the announcement, all these decks are valued at 2-4 times the MSRP so to suggest WOTC isn't going further is absurd. Based on current prices, these decks are going to get cracked in high numbers by flippers and decimate card prices. The decks are incredible, but it really kills the value of the relevant card sets.
@The Magic Historian ... Aren't Mystery Boosters going to be LGS only (mostly?)? Isn't the Kenrith the non-foil, which technically isn't the box-a-box (it's in collector packs only - I know it's stretching the definition of the card, but it's technically true.) Challenger decks will sell at LGSs. I get Secret Lairs and Arena and stuff, but I don't think Wizards is 100% done with LGSs. There's money be to made still.
It's a slow ramp down. There will always be lgs around technically but the number of them will be drastically reduced. probably about 5% of stores will survive, wizards is moving away from the lgs distribution model.
Wizards have gone too far this time. This is the most unethical thing they've ever done. They're letting more people play Simic Flash! #BoycottWOTC #DeathToFlashPlayers
@@JoeNeutrino Giving your stuff flash for basically 1 mana and a land is a very small price to pay to play a sorcery speed boardwipe or to flash in a blocker or drop a combo piece on your opponents endstep.
I am a little disappointed with Allied Fires only because I really liked the rumoured build, which was a Teferi Based Jeskai Fires deck but thankfully Cavalcade Charge makes up for it.
I mean, while yes they could have given more copies of embercleave or more lands, the fact of the matter is that if they had, they would have given too much value in the decks, which would either make them skyrocket on the secondary market, or would make the high valued cards that they printed tank...
The real question is are these going to be easily accessible with first run of printing or are they gonna throttle it like the Brawl decks and then flood the market with a second run?
This is unbelievable. At the suggested retail price, these decks could devastate the secondary market. The EV for unopened boxes of throne of eldraine will now be trash. Steam vents, embercleave, and brazen borrower? Complete bullshit. Mythics arent mythical if you can pick them up directly out of a box of cards sold at walmart without chasing them. I hate this product. Why not just sell complete playsets of every card for 100 bucks for a complete set? Just completely decimate the secondary market, f* it. Screw everyone who did mass box openings of throne to sell embercleaves, fabled passages, brazen borrower, etc.
Kinda upset that they decided to put the most expensive cards in Throne into these decks... was holding onto a few extra of each just to hang out in my binders for a few years. Why the fuck are they messing with the secondary market so much? Secret Lair and now this? Challenger decks can be gotten for less than $25? Brazen and Embercleave alone get that type of financial value, not to mention Fabled... Kinda pissed... doesnt look good for the future of paper... guess I have a month to fire sale...
You can view the deck lists on wizards website to see all the cards. Timewise it's not feasible for me to edit in all the cards for a video of this nature
I think I only saw one deck out of 10 that was different from these 4 and Pridemate decks....this is what happens when you have so many cards that are just insane OP...everybody netdecks with them because they are the strongest in the tourneys. Like Des, I make my own decks that are fun...the closest one I have to these boring fucktwat decks is a draw/go mixed with mill & underworld dreams...much funner as you have 3 win cons you can work towards rather than just playing denial and amassing creatures. It doesn't win as much but winning isn't why I play the game. When you can't win against the shit everyone is playing now, is why I don't want to play the game. Fuck Spikes.
Imagine not playing a game to win. Netdecking makes the game competitive and therefore fun. If everyone was running jank homebrews I would derive no satisfaction from defeating them.
Meh. I don't really see paper magic getting dropped. Maybe for the events but there's too many people that dump lots of money into the game. They can hardcore capitalize with paper and online magic. Just Rollin in the cheddar.
2:21 I can already tell just by looking at the Allied Fires decklist that these decks are going to be terrible. There's not even a playset of mythics in this one. In fact, the only value here seems to be that non-foil Kenrith, the Returned King. Here's the best way to describe how I feel about this deck; for some reason, Challenger Deck thought it might be an interesting idea to commit incest with his younger sister, Brawl. Brawl gets pregnant and gives birth to whatever this monstrosity is. The question is, how much are these going to retail for now that Wizards has essentially gotten rid of MSRP?
1) If you watched farther in the video, the Cavalcade deck is basically 2 Embercleaves short of a tournament winning deck list. 2) Fires doesn't really run many Mythics at all. I once joked that the deck was "Rare Tribal" after seeing a top 8 deck list where 53 cards in the main deck were rares. Kenrith and sometimes Nicol Bolas Dragon God or Garruk or Vraska are the only Mythics that really show up in Fires. Maybe Cavalier of Flame too, that was hot for a while. That said, the lack of Teferi Time Raveler is disturbing. He's only a Rare, they could have included him and drove his paper price down somewhat. 3) Fires runs a lot of 1 or 2 ofs. The main let down here is the 2 Fae of Wishes instead of 3 or 4. But yeah, when you can wishboard for things you run 1 ofs in sideboard, and main deck you don't want too many duplicate walkers or the legend rule becomes an issue.
Magic is going the Pokémon route on many points. Pokémon has 4/5 versions of cards Magic nowadays to. Pokémon has energy cards Magic nowadays to Pokémon reprints the shit out of cards Magic nowadays to New Pokémon sets starts tanking right after release. New magic nowadays to. Pokémon has codes with every product Magic f that they don't do that
My good man. Impressed? Don’t b. The principles for this line of products should’ve been to pack decks that are very close to existing competitive decks, pretty much regardless of the secondary market value for individual cards. Cardboard is jus cardboard, they can stuff the deck silly with expensiv Standard staples & it wouldn’t make a differenc to their production costs. The “5-color” deck havin 1 Steam Vents, the bi-color decks havin 0 “shock”-lands each & who plays with a single copy of Embercleav or Brazen Borrower. O, WotC’s watering down, alright. Not convinced it has legs in shark-infested competitiv environments
The value of the Mono Red deck prior to these decks getting announced was some $100. And this deck will likely sell for $30. And you're complaining that they are watering it down? If they packed the decks like you want (4 Breeding Pools and 3-4 Fabled Passage in the Simic Flash deck, 4 Brazen Borrowers) there would be almost $300 in value in a $30 deck. Vendors/Investors/Greed Monsters would buy the decks out immediately and they would become impossible to obtain. Thus defeating the purpose of making the decks available to typical Standard players.
Dear A. Velderrain No, man. 4 of each would b great but there’s basically no room for upgrade. On the other hand, only 1 of each marquee card & 0 of “shock”-land in 2-color decks…makes those decks feel seriously de-optimised. That matter of greedy folks buyin these out to flip…is a perpetual problem, if WotC doesn’t carefully put together their products. The intentional True-Name Nemesis in annual Commander & Standard-viable Korvold in the limited-print Brawl deck, any1? I would argue that pursuing this Challenger Deck product line is intentionally walking that tricky tight rope, likely to make the product a poor release for reasons closer to the opposite end of scale. I just wish for WotC to be mindful, sincere & heartfelt in curating their products instead of rushing out so many releases, greatly increasing likelihood of ill-conceived products
shut the fuck up. you should see some of his videos where he is actually negative and guess what?'s fucking WOTCs fault for being anti-consumer and setting up a 0 sum game at the cost of sales for lazier profit.
It's not that the Paper Era is over. Wizards thought they could ally with LGS's, who quite literally stabbed the company in the back. Privatizing and scalping products, alongside other issues. (No way was I going to pay $80 for a Brawl Deck that clearly was scalped from the Walmart next door.) Which, btw, is the reason we're likely never going to see Brawl Decks again, a fine product ruined by local game store greed. Granted, not every local game store is responsible, but enough of a majority is. That's why Wizards has moved on to making more exclusive products like Secret Lair. Meanwhile, the LGS's claim they did nothing wrong, and act as victims. It's laughable, honestly. I get that there's the old concept of going to a LGS to meet fellow players, but that concept has actually kinda died off, hasn't it? Even the closest game store to me no longer does game days or FNM. I have to go out of county on a half hour drive just to play, and that store stopped selling War because "Core 2020 was the new hottest seller". (Yet he still had packs of Ravnica.)
Brawl Decks were far from a fine product. They were made to sell a format nobody really wanted ("Hey kids, do you like Commander? How about Commander, but with just the standard format cardpool? FUN FUn FUN!") and the only reason they even sold was because they contained exclusive cards that were purposefully designed to be good in Commander based formats. If Arcane Signet had come in the 2019 Commander decks and not the Brawl decks, and had Korvold and friends been in Eldraine draft boosters, I doubt anyone would have picked up a Brawl deck.
Brand new video uploaded on my second channel - enjoy!
Surprised they didn't create a cat oven deck
Dear God! I despise that duo. Lol mainly because it takes weebs forever to go on arena.
I know, right? If they're appealing to China they might as well.
There was a rumoured Jund Food Challenger Deck but I guess it was only a rumour.
I saw the lists last night and was looking forward to your take on these, glad to hear some agreement on these
Thanks for the Video, My Buddy and I are combining our funding to get all four decks. My Buddy wants to start in standard and myself want to dabble into at times.
These look pretty good. Though they have cheaped-out in some areas (Embercleave?), they have to balance that against the decks possibly just being pulled apart for singles if they load in too many spicy cards.
It's MAGICTIME come on grab your friends, we'll talk about cardboard rectangles, with karly the human and Mike the Hatcher the fun will never end, it's Bacon Time!
So sad that adventure times ended
@@Dynomo. It lives on through us and memes.
Are we just going to get Golgari and mono Red every year?
Well to be fair they keep staying relevant. I'd rather have them then a deck that's useless just so they can say they didn't do them. At the same time mono red is pretty cheap and not to hard to just go in and buy yourself. If one has to go I'd say no more mono color challenger decks.
I am a novice, and i love this atleast 2 of this decks, Golgari an mono red. I don't play arena, so, the opportunity of try one mono red or Golgari witouth spent a lots of money it's ok :3
Looks good. I fully am prepared to pick up singles when they tank 50% or more in price.
Same here!
They put some $$$ cards in the decks I like to see that! Look like really reasonable deck for new players for sure! Good job on this one wizards!!
Yo! Hello, haven't stopped by in a while. Nice video Hatchmaster!!!
Glad to see some value since the last set of Challenger Decks was so flat...
Setting aside the fact that cavalcade is evil and no one with any conscious plays it: the only reason to play a creature that has more than 1 power is if they generate creatures with 1, Anax or Legion Warboss, maybe Krenko, or if it’s Torbran. Also the only reason not to play Chandra’s muderbird is because you enjoy losing. (Or it’s banned but there’s not enough meme groundswell for that.)
Allied fires is something i really want to go buy because well seriously, thats some great lands and planeswalkers there
Thanks for the overview! Excellent as always.
With so many references to your Green Tower, can we get a decklist for the deck?
i really like the looks of the GB knight adventure deck, will get that one to tweak a bit and play with it in my kitchen table play group
Any idea what is going to be the retail price? i am curious.
I mean, after Ikoria is coreset and rotation. In rotation the simic flash deck is gone, the planeswalkers from fires are gone (but kenrith + fae are a good base). They nailed it with BG adventures and the red deck. After core 21, core 20, Guilds, allegiances and war will be rotating.
Fires will live even without War of the Spark. It will just fall back on some of the other cards we've seen it use like Cavalier of Flame (powerhouse card imo) and Garruk, Cursed Huntsman (less likely with Planar Bacon rotating) or maybe newer cards like Ashiok and Elspeth from Theros, some of the Gods perhaps.
I have the 4 challenger decks from last year sleeved and at work to play with the kids. Tempted by these just to have more options. Can you tell I'm just commenting for the algorithm?
What are you doing likening comments at 2:30am? Go to bed! Lol
Seems like they definitely stepped up these decks. It's nice to see
Honest question, do you actually win games with that green tower deck? I just can't see a deck with 250 cards being consistent enough to win. You should play it on twitch for us. I would love to see it.
Yes the deck does win games, I have played it on twitch multiple times. Bear in mind I play it in unranked, it is not competitive tournament power level by a long shot
That simic flash deck has a lot of value in in actually if u break down the card prices .the brazen borrower and the 3 shifting ceratops is about $33 or so just in those 4 cards give or take a few cents .
All four got a ton of value, heck the embercleave already paid for the whole deck.
After I looked agreed . All have decent value .
Thanks for sharing! didnt knew about em!
I love the Challenger decks, dont get me wrong, but how do you do 4 standard competitive decks without a single Teferi among them? I get that Tef isn't the be all and end all, but he's played pretty universally in standard. Just seems like a weird wiff there.
Same thing with the first round of challenger decks, every meta was playing 4 copy's of Teferi hero of dominaria, 0 copy's of that card in the decks.
Very true Mike, but that was a mythic card.. this one is only a rare.
Yeah it feels like a weird exclusion from the Fires deck. Teferi is amazing in Fires (bounce your own Fires after using your 2 free spells, suddenly you can cast a third with your mana!) but they gave us... Ugin? 3 copies of Kasmina? Dovin??
Even if they had to consider the secondary market or some crap, They could have cut the Steam Vents for a Teferi or 2 and I'm sure nobody would complain.
So flash of ferocity is basically a deck where you play when your opponent is trying to play. This deck I am snatching up as,soon as it is comes out
Embercleave was at $25 just before the announcement, all these decks are valued at 2-4 times the MSRP so to suggest WOTC isn't going further is absurd. Based on current prices, these decks are going to get cracked in high numbers by flippers and decimate card prices. The decks are incredible, but it really kills the value of the relevant card sets.
@The Magic Historian ... Aren't Mystery Boosters going to be LGS only (mostly?)? Isn't the Kenrith the non-foil, which technically isn't the box-a-box (it's in collector packs only - I know it's stretching the definition of the card, but it's technically true.) Challenger decks will sell at LGSs. I get Secret Lairs and Arena and stuff, but I don't think Wizards is 100% done with LGSs. There's money be to made still.
It's a slow ramp down. There will always be lgs around technically but the number of them will be drastically reduced. probably about 5% of stores will survive, wizards is moving away from the lgs distribution model.
Announced and released are two different stories. If this gets released in August a bit of it will be about to rotate. They do look like fun decks.
What cards do you recommend to have in your sideboard?
Depending on the price I might pick up two. Im interested in the jeskai Deck, want the lands, the ugin and the Kenrith.
Wizards have gone too far this time. This is the most unethical thing they've ever done. They're letting more people play Simic Flash! #BoycottWOTC #DeathToFlashPlayers
Someone isn't running Emergence Zone in their deck
That's right Shaymin er... Joe
You deserve a taco 🌮
@@Demonologist013 How dare you make useful suggestions?!
@@JoeNeutrino Giving your stuff flash for basically 1 mana and a land is a very small price to pay to play a sorcery speed boardwipe or to flash in a blocker or drop a combo piece on your opponents endstep.
@@Demonologist013 Joking aside, that sounds like a good solution. I'll try that.
That red Aggro deck is pretty noice
I am a little disappointed with Allied Fires only because I really liked the rumoured build, which was a Teferi Based Jeskai Fires deck but thankfully Cavalcade Charge makes up for it.
I was also thinking more of the Jeskai but I'm guessing the deck would be too expensive for that.
I mean, while yes they could have given more copies of embercleave or more lands, the fact of the matter is that if they had, they would have given too much value in the decks, which would either make them skyrocket on the secondary market, or would make the high valued cards that they printed tank...
Great vid!
Thanks forthe review!
The real question is are these going to be easily accessible with first run of printing or are they gonna throttle it like the Brawl decks and then flood the market with a second run?
I remember when they put a play set of mythics in challenger decks instead of a single mythic per product
Saytr's Cunning is only really good in a satyr tribal deck;I think I put 4 copies in my Gallia/Klothys gruul deck.
I just went through and sold a lot of the cards that are worth a few bucks being reprinted haha
was hoping for a hydroid crasis ;(
What's that hoodie ?
It would be helpful to show the cards you are talking about.
It is not feasible timewise to edit it all those cards. The deck lists are available on wizards website for your perusal
@@TheMagicHistorian Yeah, but it's boring looking at the screen grab while you are talking.
This is unbelievable. At the suggested retail price, these decks could devastate the secondary market. The EV for unopened boxes of throne of eldraine will now be trash. Steam vents, embercleave, and brazen borrower? Complete bullshit. Mythics arent mythical if you can pick them up directly out of a box of cards sold at walmart without chasing them. I hate this product. Why not just sell complete playsets of every card for 100 bucks for a complete set? Just completely decimate the secondary market, f* it. Screw everyone who did mass box openings of throne to sell embercleaves, fabled passages, brazen borrower, etc.
Kinda upset that they decided to put the most expensive cards in Throne into these decks... was holding onto a few extra of each just to hang out in my binders for a few years. Why the fuck are they messing with the secondary market so much? Secret Lair and now this? Challenger decks can be gotten for less than $25? Brazen and Embercleave alone get that type of financial value, not to mention Fabled... Kinda pissed... doesnt look good for the future of paper... guess I have a month to fire sale...
Its a shame that You dont show cards that Youre talking about :(
You can view the deck lists on wizards website to see all the cards. Timewise it's not feasible for me to edit in all the cards for a video of this nature
I think I only saw one deck out of 10 that was different from these 4 and Pridemate decks....this is what happens when you have so many cards that are just insane OP...everybody netdecks with them because they are the strongest in the tourneys. Like Des, I make my own decks that are fun...the closest one I have to these boring fucktwat decks is a draw/go mixed with mill & underworld dreams...much funner as you have 3 win cons you can work towards rather than just playing denial and amassing creatures. It doesn't win as much but winning isn't why I play the game. When you can't win against the shit everyone is playing now, is why I don't want to play the game. Fuck Spikes.
Imagine not playing a game to win.
Netdecking makes the game competitive and therefore fun. If everyone was running jank homebrews I would derive no satisfaction from defeating them.
You got the corona virus?
Yes but I Will trade em for fetches.
Not frist
Meh. I don't really see paper magic getting dropped. Maybe for the events but there's too many people that dump lots of money into the game. They can hardcore capitalize with paper and online magic. Just Rollin in the cheddar.
2:21 I can already tell just by looking at the Allied Fires decklist that these decks are going to be terrible. There's not even a playset of mythics in this one. In fact, the only value here seems to be that non-foil Kenrith, the Returned King. Here's the best way to describe how I feel about this deck; for some reason, Challenger Deck thought it might be an interesting idea to commit incest with his younger sister, Brawl. Brawl gets pregnant and gives birth to whatever this monstrosity is. The question is, how much are these going to retail for now that Wizards has essentially gotten rid of MSRP?
1) If you watched farther in the video, the Cavalcade deck is basically 2 Embercleaves short of a tournament winning deck list.
2) Fires doesn't really run many Mythics at all. I once joked that the deck was "Rare Tribal" after seeing a top 8 deck list where 53 cards in the main deck were rares. Kenrith and sometimes Nicol Bolas Dragon God or Garruk or Vraska are the only Mythics that really show up in Fires. Maybe Cavalier of Flame too, that was hot for a while. That said, the lack of Teferi Time Raveler is disturbing. He's only a Rare, they could have included him and drove his paper price down somewhat.
3) Fires runs a lot of 1 or 2 ofs. The main let down here is the 2 Fae of Wishes instead of 3 or 4. But yeah, when you can wishboard for things you run 1 ofs in sideboard, and main deck you don't want too many duplicate walkers or the legend rule becomes an issue.
No breeding pool in simic flash? Boooooooooo, can’t expect multiple shocklands huh
Imagine being mad when a $30 deck that already contains a $25 Mythic and a $18 land doesn't also contain another $18 land.
@@a.velderrain8849 I was hoping of wilderness reclamation even if it's just on the sideboard.
@@jessrei5740 that's a more reasonable inclusion.
Magic is going the Pokémon route on many points.
Pokémon has 4/5 versions of cards
Magic nowadays to.
Pokémon has energy cards
Magic nowadays to
Pokémon reprints the shit out of cards
Magic nowadays to
New Pokémon sets starts tanking right after release.
New magic nowadays to.
Pokémon has codes with every product
Magic f that they don't do that
My good man. Impressed? Don’t b. The principles for this line of products should’ve been to pack decks that are very close to existing competitive decks, pretty much regardless of the secondary market value for individual cards. Cardboard is jus cardboard, they can stuff the deck silly with expensiv Standard staples & it wouldn’t make a differenc to their production costs. The “5-color” deck havin 1 Steam Vents, the bi-color decks havin 0 “shock”-lands each & who plays with a single copy of Embercleav or Brazen Borrower. O, WotC’s watering down, alright. Not convinced it has legs in shark-infested competitiv environments
The value of the Mono Red deck prior to these decks getting announced was some $100. And this deck will likely sell for $30.
And you're complaining that they are watering it down?
If they packed the decks like you want (4 Breeding Pools and 3-4 Fabled Passage in the Simic Flash deck, 4 Brazen Borrowers) there would be almost $300 in value in a $30 deck. Vendors/Investors/Greed Monsters would buy the decks out immediately and they would become impossible to obtain. Thus defeating the purpose of making the decks available to typical Standard players.
Dear A. Velderrain No, man. 4 of each would b great but there’s basically no room for upgrade. On the other hand, only 1 of each marquee card & 0 of “shock”-land in 2-color decks…makes those decks feel seriously de-optimised. That matter of greedy folks buyin these out to flip…is a perpetual problem, if WotC doesn’t carefully put together their products. The intentional True-Name Nemesis in annual Commander & Standard-viable Korvold in the limited-print Brawl deck, any1? I would argue that pursuing this Challenger Deck product line is intentionally walking that tricky tight rope, likely to make the product a poor release for reasons closer to the opposite end of scale. I just wish for WotC to be mindful, sincere & heartfelt in curating their products instead of rushing out so many releases, greatly increasing likelihood of ill-conceived products
I’m not really down with you trying to make everything wizards does negative. Just some feedback.
shut the fuck up. you should see some of his videos where he is actually negative and guess what?'s fucking WOTCs fault for being anti-consumer and setting up a 0 sum game at the cost of sales for lazier profit.
This isn't even negative in any way though? He says these decks look good.
He has way more negative videos than this.
Once again bs monored overpowered again
Net deck starter packs is what these are. Disgusting.
It's not that the Paper Era is over. Wizards thought they could ally with LGS's, who quite literally stabbed the company in the back. Privatizing and scalping products, alongside other issues. (No way was I going to pay $80 for a Brawl Deck that clearly was scalped from the Walmart next door.) Which, btw, is the reason we're likely never going to see Brawl Decks again, a fine product ruined by local game store greed.
Granted, not every local game store is responsible, but enough of a majority is. That's why Wizards has moved on to making more exclusive products like Secret Lair. Meanwhile, the LGS's claim they did nothing wrong, and act as victims. It's laughable, honestly. I get that there's the old concept of going to a LGS to meet fellow players, but that concept has actually kinda died off, hasn't it? Even the closest game store to me no longer does game days or FNM. I have to go out of county on a half hour drive just to play, and that store stopped selling War because "Core 2020 was the new hottest seller". (Yet he still had packs of Ravnica.)
Brawl Decks were far from a fine product. They were made to sell a format nobody really wanted ("Hey kids, do you like Commander? How about Commander, but with just the standard format cardpool? FUN FUn FUN!") and the only reason they even sold was because they contained exclusive cards that were purposefully designed to be good in Commander based formats.
If Arcane Signet had come in the 2019 Commander decks and not the Brawl decks, and had Korvold and friends been in Eldraine draft boosters, I doubt anyone would have picked up a Brawl deck.
Allied fires is something i really want to go buy because well seriously, thats some great lands and planeswalkers there