Very much unrelated, but I hope everyone (the Americans, that is) had an awesome Thanksgiving. Also, the misses and I went in for the second ultrasound yesterday and everything is going fantastic. Child is healthy, strong, and full of life. Thank you all for the prayers and support! And of course, if you're interested in supporting the channel directly and earning rewards, consider becoming a TH-cam Member:
6:30 - in classic wow as soon u accept the first quests in westfall u are called a high ranked member of the whole alliance military btw. and in westfall u are one of only 2 people of the military there. ur second in command. maybe read quest texts, its the first turn in quest u give in at the tower where the flight point is. u earend this title while leveing in elwynn forest. in retail u are also not called an campion at lvl 1 but later sure, same as in classic. i think in retail its lvl 10 when ur something special but classic its lvl 12
Remember when Blizzard tried to kill flying in retail, and a massive forum response (thousands of pages of comments) made them change their plans? Hard to put the genie back in the bottle. Most people who disliked flying had already quit. But some came back for Classic!
@@tekillaking89 True. It's more for single player games to become a hero eventually, after beating the end boss. Or just forgotten like in Final Fantasy Tactics. The hero Ramza was branded as a heretic and pronounced dead... officially.
It is the hero's journey and not the chosen one. People are more social. Also I shouted out loud when I got my first 6 slot bag drop. That drop felt so rewarding.
I don’t consider myself to be a very social person but in MMOs I really enjoy talking to people. It’s fun to group up with people even if we end up wiping.
Retail WoW is just so jittery and frantic. In Vanilla, you could breathe and think in an encounter. I loved playing WoW to relax in Vanilla. You can't chill in Retail
Levelling a Tauren Druid in the Barrens is such a charming & adventurous experience. The mobs are sometimes too difficult to kill alone, I ended up grouping three times today, and got thanked twice for buffing random travellers passing by.
As a primarily Alliance player, I always miss The Barrens. It's a borderline PERFECT outdoor zone that lends itself very well to just casually grinding mobs in way that most Alliance zones don't allow (because they're more densely packed with mobs & runners)
Dont use questie but please install the addon Voiceover and enjoy a totally refreshing questing experience. Makes reading/listening to npcs so much more interesting and sometimes fun and hilarious.
Today most games, specially MMOs are just a "rush to max level to start the actual game", and even after that, everything still feel too fast (Instant dungeon finding, loot everywhere, etc...). That's the reason I like vanilla, the game starts as soon as you create your character and you can enjoy the game while taking your time leveling.
Because Vanilla has no "End Game" that's why you feel lvling is 90% of the whole game rest is doing same raid for same gear just to clear same raid + Nostalgia and the charm of relaxed gameplay knowing what waits in the end unlike retail with real "End game" content that people want to do hence they rush lvling ofc.
Yeah, I think they really killed the dungeon experience when they made everything an AoE pull. No more sheeps or saps, just a tank running in and aoe'ing to hold aggro while everyone dps's. Go faster, take the shortcut/skip, dont bother rezzing, just make them run back while keep clearing. No time for chat or fun, just GRIND.
I Play healer in wow for 16 years now. Yesterday i healed my First HC group. It feld like healing for the first time again. It was distressing but awesome and the interaction within the group was super nice. Something i haven't experienced in retail for years + I never had fomo once in Classic. I Love it
Grind Is meaningful, every little gear upgrade Feels great. Even if i can log in only for 30 minutes i am satisfied with few bars to my level, that one quest i just progressed, or even new flightpath i spend those 30 mins getting to.
I called my warlock "Algaib" i did a shadowfang keep run and the whole party recognised me as the Lissan Algaib from Dune and prceeded to treat me like the messiah. I just dont have these types of social experiences in other games.
The best part for me has to be the community. Theres been so many times people have just opened up a trade window and given me bags or gold or something for no reason. People are so cool and nice in this game.
The real world has ruined this for me, everytime sometime opens a trade window with me and puts gold in it, I'm like, "Nah this feels like a scam.... .".😅
As a kid I wanted WoW to more of a singleplayer game so that I didn't have to rely on other people to enjoy the game. Now I play Classic for the social xD
Berfore watching: the world, the nostalgia, the questing, the journey to 60, the coziness, the rpg elements that matter (ammunition for hunter, feeding the pet, drinking water/milk for mana), the well balanced, raw gameplay, the beautiful graphics (for those who love em) and the original UI, the actual need to group up and talk to people, helping each other out. Shortly: it’s the best MMORPG ever made.
I agree with most things you said but the gameplay is anything but balanced. There is a plethora of specs that aren’t even playable because they weren’t fleshed out enough or their damage was abysmal.
@@McLean757 Maybe I don’t actually mean well balanced in the classical sense, but at least I have the feeling that the progress feels important and fair. It’s pretty easy to keep your professions up at least as a hunter with skinning and leatherworking, because you gain resources while you’re leveling/killing mobs. Sure, it’s a lil different with other professions. And every encounter feels rewarding to overcome, every elite feels even better. It just feels right in most cases, that’s what I was trying to say.
Just a little story, I joined back up when classic wow hardcore was announced, I do not own the war within and unless I can make enough gold playing classic mists I don't intend to, but my hardcore character originally was my tried and true character JohnyKnack a typical rogue, and I started playing and while interacting with the community in Deathknell the way I always did in retail (Sarcastic and glib) I noticed I wasn't enjoying myself because what I was doing was boring. So I shifted my paradigm, I made a new character Santacloths who's sole goal is to give out free bags to people just starting out in Brill. I leveled my character up and collected all the linen I could as well as taking enchanting for wands (another popular thing) and when I hit the appropriate level I began making and giving away linen bags to people randomly. I'd hop on shout in general that I was in town, jump onto a mailbox and sooner or later people would come. I made over a hundred bags and leveled my tailoring to 120 on bags and bolts alone, and I leveled my enchanting by making robes and disenchanting them then using the essences I'd sometimes get to make wands. I leveled so I could farm the nearby undead for cloth and greens and I noticed something, despite not having left the undead starting area I was having more fun than I had in retail in years. I was not only doing stuff by myself but my actions as Santacloths were impacting the community around me, however small. I had people give me stacks of mats to make free bags for other players or hand over a few copper despite being told it was free, and that was when it clicked with me, exactly what Classic brings that retail had lost and can probably never get back, because honest question. If you were a level 4-5 in Brill in retail world of warcraft and someone offered you a free linen bag or a lesser magic wand, what would your reaction be?
Ok on a more serious note, I was never interested in being someone who talked in-game as though they were actually their character (on Role-playing servers), or who used a roleplaying add-on that let one create a shareable backstory for their character, or who ((talked like this)) on forums to show out-of-character communications, but this kind of gameplay does sound more interesting than, say, retail WoW. Am I setting a low bar there (Edit: though as I recall I did once act in-game as though I was my in-game character, and maybe it was the unintended consequences of the miscommunication that resulted that made me avoid doing it again. So I shouldn't judge)
We had someone doing the same in Bloodhoof Village (Mulgore) a couple of weeks ago. I missed that since I was still in the starting area, but a couple of days later, someone in guild chat (small guild in Fresh, but a mega guild in Retail) asked if anyone needed bags. As a level 7, with a single six slot to my name, I responded that I did, as did someone else. I figured that if I'd get one, it would be mailed to me. Ten minutes later, I get a group request. The guild member (a mage) hand delivered four 12 slot bags, and a full stack of level appropriate mage food and water. I also see people in chat giving away their smaller bags once the get bigger ones. You simply don't see that in retail.
As someone who played WoW in high school from 2005 to 2008 and hasn't touched it ever since, this whole classic WoW thing is very appealing to me. I would love to make another Orc Shaman, Tauren Warrior, and Undead Priest again. I remember one of the reasons I quit during the Burning Crusade was the lack of 40-man raids and the burnout of playing WoW religiously for 4 straight years. Plus, graduating high school and going into the service. But now I'm looking to play old WoW again. Being that I have no clue how it currently is, what now? Can you go up to level 150? 160?
Current wow, or retail wow, is average at best but if you haven't played simce TBC you will enjoy it for a time. There is a reason why Classic wow exists today are 20 years, game bacame worse amd worse with every expansion after Cataclysm/MoP.
As someone played both Classic and Retail, I'm lad there's a space for both types of games. Sometimes I just want to enjoy the slowburn of Vanilla that delivers high highs when I get an upgrade, and a community who also enjoys the slow paced journey. But sometimes I just want more places to explore, more side content to do, and grind for cosmetic rewards that respect my limited time, which is what Retail provides. It's sometimes sad to see the unnecessary tribalism between the two versions of the game, when its obvious that both versions cater to different tastes. This community deserves better than to rip each other apart for something they enjoy.
I started playing WoW Classic, and WoW as a whole, for the first time with the new Classic fresh servers, I have been watching your videos for about a year now and they always very well made and it's always a pleasure to see how passionate you are about the game in every video, thank you for your videos
One VERY underrated aspect of classic wow was questing. I understand that many people find them boring and tedious but to me the sheer size and scope of the world gave it an incredible sense of adventure that is hard to find in other games and grouping up with people to do quests and dungeons heavily elevated the experience.
I think the quest designers did a good job. It's difficult to make the story in a game as enjoyable as a book, where the author controls luck and the complete environment that characters interact with (no random hyenas killing the main character), but quests in original WoW are good enough to let the MMO part of the game shine. Viewing them as "boring and tedious" is mostly a learned attitude, reinforced by the social network that is retail WoW and the game designers who cater to that attitude by 'streamlining' leveling until it takes only 4 hours to go from 1 to the level cap in retail WoW.
I’m a new player to WOW just started playing this week and I love the game There is so much content and meeting people and doing quests with them feels so fun and authentic I can’t believe I have never played this game and I’m probably never gonna stop
I wish someone like Nixxiom or any other streamer/youtuber that claims the classic community is fantastic and so friendly and lovely towards each other would go "under cover" so to speak. Ya'know, claim they're going on vacation for a few days but secretly play the game off stream on a brand new account that has 0 ties to who they are as a content creator and just play a class like say Paladin that's generally shunned by the community until 60. I've been leveling a Paladin in classic fresh and my god this community is full of toxic, elitist jackasses. There's people who read that last sentence and checked out and so they're not gonna see that I'll say that I know not everybody is like that, but there is a SIGNIFICANT number of people in this community, enough to where running into people like that is a more than once a day occurrence. Try playing a Paladin and see how many groups you get kicked out of or just outright not invited to because the Warriors don't want you taking their gear and the Mages/Warlocks/Priests don't want you taking theirs, or a Priest that's not a Dwarf on Alliance side and listen to how many people tell you you're simply not gonna have a raid spot then. Play an Arcane Mage I fuckin' dare you. See what happens the moment in a dungeon you fire off an Arcane Missile. The classic community is toxic af if you're not playing the way the community has deemed the best way to play. Nixxiom and other content creators live and work in a bubble because they're only ever surrounded by sycophants that would suck the sploodge off their nuts at the slightest side glance of acknowledgement.
Play hardcore, where people don't expect to keep their stuff (items) and so they don't try to optimize to get items as efficiently as possible by being rude to others >the moment in a dungeon you fire off an Arcane Missile What, do people not spec for clearcasting these days? Highest mana-cost single-target spell, and it also has use as a finisher spell due to mana regen starting as soon as it finishes
I’ve played a Paladin, warrior, mage, rogue and priest and I’ve never had a negative experience like this in classic. BUT I’ve had a ton of experiences like this is retail.
All great and correct points! Though probably my personal greatest reason for loving Classic is that there are no Blood Elves on the Horde; it's nice when 80% of the games population isnt playing an elf!
Just wrapped up Dun Morogh, did some loch modan, tossed a coin between westfall and darkshore for the grind to level 20. Darkshore here I come. It’s so good.
Man, I’m having a blast. My son was born in Jan, 2020 and I sort of missed the boat on Classic to an extent. I’ve been playing on the Anniversary Realms since they opened and I’m in love. I’ve always played hybrid specs… in retail I main Druid and Monk. But in Classic I know I just don’t have the time to invest in things like offspecs. So, I rolled a Rogue and it’s just so much fun. I especially like how impactful professions are. I’m excited to raid, but for now I’m just taking in all there is to the leveling process :)
I love how people say Ding when they level and don't realize it came from everquest. I played EverQuest when it was new and watched people say different things when they leveled up, until Ding was the one that caught on. There was even a web comic about EQ called Ding.
I didn't play Classic the first time around, but with the anniversary realms I wanted to play to experience the old story again like I did back in Vanilla. But then I spend time leveling my tailoring and made my first green item and equipped it, it felt good.
i’ve been playing WoW since i was just a kid, making trial accounts with my best friend in BC so we could make the wetlands run with our nelf druids and party in the middle of ironforge. my fondest memories come from the RP guild i was part of in Cata. nostalgia is a trip, and i know i’ll never get the exact same experience again, but i don’t need that. i’m writing new stories now. returning to Classic really does feel like returning home, even though i just barely missed the chance to play Vanilla as a kid. just like you said, the world is bigger, and everything feels hard-earned. i don’t want godlike power just handed to me on a whim. i just want to feel like the Kaldorei druid initiate that i am, embracing the teachings of the Great Bear Spirit to protect my friends. every moment i’ve spent in Classic (and especially Hardcore) has felt meaningful. every near-death experience has left my heart racing, especially when i’ve been the priest responsible for keeping everyone alive. i return to retail on occasion, but the experience just feels hollow now.
0:15 I miss getting all my friends keyed for Kara, playing the trick on them at the caverns of time dungeon after it was over, telling them they had to run through the portal at the end and watching them jump through to the other side and saying, "ummm there's no cutaway...." lol then spending hours every Friday night trying to beat prince's rng....
I tried to go back for anniversary, but man, I just can't do it after turtle wow. It's too much of a downgrade. I had so much fun in vanilla, tbc, classic, and hardcore, but it's gonna be a while before I really enjoy running it agane without some sprinkles. Not SoD sprinkles of course, turtle wow just does it right man.
Ive been a final fantasy xi player since 2008 and only just tried WoW for the first time last week. Its such a wild change to what im used to. I started on 20th anniversary edition as i wanted the more authentic experience of how the game was. I was livestreaming for a few hours and someone asked why i kept pressing 1 on my action bar. 😅 didnt realise it was my auto attack function, i thought it was just a normal attack i had to keep pressing the button for. Its quite the experience!
The world was the star of WoW back in the day… I’ll never forget exploring the world, it felt like being an actual adventurer. It’s a feeling that is rare but powerful, I think the only other games that had that vibe to me were Skyrim, Witcher 3, and Elden Ring.
I play retail, well me and my guild, i played classic up to wotlk (ulduar) and left after but vanilla+tbc are a different experience. We came back now because on retail there's a content drought after we cleared mythic raiding and +12 keystones and man, its been so much fun just......joking while levelin. We are not pushing hard, just going around talking on discord while leveling our toons, thats something you miss on retail. I'm not gonna lie, i love pushing hardcore content but those chill times while playing on vanilla slowly leveling a toon are irreplaceable and thats what we love with my friends. Classic it's not about endgame content, it's the journey and the friends you make/hangout with
I playing wow since The War within first time ever, and after 2 months of playing and 3 characters i just dropped it and go to classic. The main reason was because on retail you have no feelings like "Damn, this sword is awesome, it will be my best sword for couple of months!" and in a week you change your "best" sword for a new one from Vault. And levelling is soooo fast! When i create warrior, i take 80 lvl just in 1 full day (near 15-18 hours) When i started classic, on lvl like ~30 i looted wand and all group was shocked. When i asked why, they said "It's your BIS like to 55 lvl!!!" And this reaction to the passing clothes really surprised me. My leveling is going on, I would say quite quickly, as for a person who reads quests and try to get deeper into the history of the warcraft world (the 40th level was taken in 2 weeks) , in the classics there is an opportunity to enjoy the knowledge of the character, his skills in classics there is an opportunity to enjoy the knowledge of your character, his skills and weaknesses. You have some challenges when you agro 2-3 mobs, even if they are same lvl as you! Retail WOW have lost this challenging spirit (m+ doesn't count, its awesome). But that's just my opinion now, maybe it will change over time, or it will strengthen. Anyway, I really regret not trying it 20 years ago.
Just got into wow classic, it’s not just nostalgia I never played it before, but the art style still feels a little nostalgic for some reason, feels familiar
Ya know, it's been great watching your videos over the years. I remember watching your early stuff back in the day and playing wow since vanilla has been a trip. I've been enjoying coming back to classic over and over and it feels like home. 😅
I started a little late (2005) like you, and just after BC launched, I got diagnised with kidney cancer, I spent a year off work, playing WoW 12 hours a day on my Night Elf Priest and making friends, I realise now that I was using WoW as an escape from reality but also a route back to normality, I'm an old geeky gamer (56 years old) and it brought a tear to my eye watching this, just because of what WoW has always meant to me, I have played on and off for these 20 years, but I have just rolled a new Troll Mage on the anniversary realm and it's just awesome, I would rather play a few hours of classic than a lot of the newer games I play.
The stat I want to know is how many brand new players has WoW Classic attracted and retained. I can't imagine that number is very high. Unless you grew up on it, I can't imagine a younger generation digging the gameplay of WoW Classic.
Depends if the young ones enjoyed RPGs like Baldur’s Gate 3 etc, it’s not really for the CoD FIFA crowd, but I don’t know what the fuck Gen Z likes? Gen shin Impacts seems close?
@@chronology556 But WoW Classic (and retail) isn't anything like a CRPG like Baldur's Gate 3. In BG3 you have a ton of character options to create a very unique character to role-play as. In WoW, apart from your looks, everyone's playing the same character based on class. In BG3, you have a ton of attack and interactivity options. In WoW you spam the same main abilities over and over. And the most interaction you have is to sit in a chair. Your choices in WoW don't affect the overall narrative or world in Azeroth like they do in BG3.
I am a new wow player who started this month and classic is the reason I kept playing It captures the going on an adventure in a fantasy world perfectly Everything you do is an adventure and its not always rewarding People nowadays think rewards are only important thing in the game. They hyperfocus on end result. Most of the time the journey to getting there is more important and wow classic captures it really well
@@dragongoddragneel7106 So you gave both Classic and War Within a try and decided to stick to Classic? Is it primarily for storyline reasons? I can see brand new players feeling somewhat lost in War Within.
@@MagCynicNot new anymore but I was fairly new when classic rereleased and it’s the only reason I kept playing. Classic feels more alive, has a better community, better leveling, better gearing, and more enjoyable Lore/story than BFA, shadowlands, dragonflight and TWW. For retail I think mythic plus is one of the most unenjoyable experiences I’ve had in gaming next to torghast, I don’t find raiding past heroic to be that fun because of elitism, half the guilds and pretty much every community I join is dead, horde vs alliance is gone, gear means absolutely nothing after a month or two, flying over 90% of the zone just ain’t fun, the new characters and lore have no personality.
Great video! My favorite part of playing classic WoW is the community. Another thing about Classic WoW, it's not a walking advertisement filled with FOMO.
I've been playing on and off since Xmas of 04 and I have recently been hooked on hc classic. It brings the nostalgia of every death mattering to my 10-11 year old self like it used to be, everyone is a significant part of the world in HC that it really breathes life into the world in a whole new way that I love
He was wrong about it then. And is wrong about it now. He doesn't play anymore, and never understood HC, nor Classic players truly. The problem is that he thinks he does. He just can't step away from his own perspective.
I remember leveling through Ghostlands in 2007. We were inside the tombs there. A rogue named Seandawg made us neck pieces with the new jewel crafting profession. Thanks Seandawg.
I think if retail didn't have item level and went back to like chasing stats or farming for that ONE piece of gear that does feel impactful etc. Would be a good idea.
I'm hoping for Classic+ down the road. Season of discovery is fun, but I want updated character models, dual spec, dungeon finder, and achievements and mount tabs. Doesn't need to go full retail, but some QoL and class balancing is nice.
People are more social, I was questing with a random orc player and we were both in our 30s trying to take some shortcut to a zone (forgot where) since it's a PVP server we had to hide behind this huge tree to avoid lvl 60 alliance players. Point being little things like that make classic fun lol
I've been having a ball on Classic fresh servers. I also started the game back in 2005, and even though I still play it, the retail version has definitely lost a few of the things that made the game special. I'm a 43 Holy/Disc priest this time around, and although I won't make 60 by the time MC releases, I'll definitely be raiding with my guild in week two.
@@Weavelol There are still parts of retail I enjoy, but not the same things I enjoy about classic. The raids are much more challenging, Mythic+ offers a challenge for much less time investment, and the collection systems offer unlimited things to chase. It's mainly the community side that has been diluted, and the levelling journey is completely irrelevant because you can get to max level within a single day.
Back in vanilla WoW, my first epic was Sul'Thraze the Lasher from Zul'farrak... got both swords to make it half a level before I could even equip it (didn't know about the level requirement at the time). 10:00 Ah, reminds me of the old days of Barrens Chat... "Where's Mankrik's Wife?" The days of constantly telling people to "read the frickin' quest log" though I admit that didn't help with the Mankrik's Wife quest...
this is why i like classic and tbc: character and gear progression feels significant and satisfying. everything you do feels like it matters. the pace of the game is also slower, and unless youre doing something like a classic server with a 16 week per phase schedule, you dont really feel rushed.
The points made in this video highlight why Classic will forever have a special place in our hearts. Azeroth is dangerous, gear matters and your next Friend could be right around the corner.
I'm gonna play turtle WoW cause they actually make each subclass viable. I'm sorry but changes shouldn't be demonized when they actually make specs playable.
No strict meta, no battle passes, no repetitive grinding for time-limited, developer-enforced rewards, and no FOMO. Classic WoW feels like a return to the PS2-era philosophy of gaming, where exploration and discovery are key. You play the game at your own pace, with the freedom to approach it however you want, rather than being guided by how the developers think you should play.
I always liked the slower leveling, just being immersed in the zone, maybe having to find some other players to help with a quest. It's WAY better than getting an expansion, blowing through it in a few hours then just teleporting to raids. Retail is missing the WORLD part of Warcraft. Also, GREAT video that perfectly explains why Classic WoW is so good. Really agree with how upgrades feel earned and impactful. Most of all, same as you, I'll never forget those friends from back in 2004-2006 or so, it took a LOT of work from 40+ people to down Ragnaros and it's still my favorite moment in all my years of gaming. I didn't plan on playing WoW Classic again, but I think after watching this video I may check the new servers out.
The gold! On top of all your very valid points, I remember to struggle with gold and the experience to get enough gold for my first mount and to learn how to ride them.
The ability to achieve some kind of imbalance and take pleasure in it - that’s the core of Vanilla. The current obsession with "balance" kills the feeling of ultimate uniqueness in your chosen path. Yeah, at some point, some classes (like Warlocks) can be unbearable, but that’s the point. You want to achieve something no one else can compete with. As a Warlock or Priest, you might feel untouchable at times. As a Paladin, you’re loving that bubble and free mount that sets you above the rest. As a Shaman, you get to enjoy your wolf form, speeding past others who don't get it until level 40. As a Rogue - you are the one for PvP and unlocking chests. As a Warrior, you're the tank. Each class has its own ultimate ability, making them irreplaceable in certain situations. And that’s what makes it great.
It would be good if people stopped playing it in single player mode. I'm a Classic fan on the verge to go back to retail due to the player base: people stubbornly doing quests alone, dumbsters looking at other players dieing without moving a finger under aggroed mobs, total noobs with RestedXP and so on.
I like playing retail mostly these days but classic is a nice mixup for more than just nostalgia. I like being a generic adventurer/mercenary in a hostile world. It’s fun just being a cog in the wheel for once
my heart was poundin when i went to Maraudon in Hardcore, the healer disconnected and we just pulled the 2 giants just before Princess....well, only the tank died but man, the adrenaline is insane and no other game will give me this.
I went and asked ChatGPT how long it would take me to have one character per class spec while trying out all the WoW races. It takes 51 years if you're a casual player who takes around 8 months to level a Vanilla character to 60. Not even counting gearing and raiding here. And you could even go further and do niche/hybrid specializations. Vanilla WoW just never ends.
I love classic until about level 20 when I finally get sick of battling others for mobs (getting to share tags was one of the best things bliz added to the game) and then waiting for the long spawn times.
I think Classic is just nostalgia and comfort zone, is just easy. I enjoyed played classic since I am a Warcraft Fan and I know most of the tricks to beat the game, but after a while I felt like I just was wasting my time doing the same repetitive quest over and over. I had some friends into the game, and even though we had a good time playing... is not really a game we could come back. Most ppl also play the game for the warcraft hardcore challenge, big numbers on stream, and their audienes want to play with them, specially since is a simple game. Not planning on going back to Classic ever again but I am glad many ppls just enjoy an old game, as is usual now.
One thing Ive yet to hear anyone mention. Is how QUIET classic wow is/was. Ambient music and minimalistic sound design aside, the slower pace of the game creates moments of stillness and that stillness makes every action intentional. Theres really never more than one thing going on in your screen. Searching through your bags, reading a quest, clicking through a auction house. Everything is so spaced out, like a well paced movie or book and that creates a lot of moments of silence throughout the game.
How difficult would it be to remaster it with cutting edge graphics/detail and introduce it to a new generation of players? It's barely a risk for them and they need this to happen.
I prefer the vibrant colourful cartoon like graphics than the overly realistic graphics like diablo 4. WoW already looks very good. Whatever 'cutting edge graphics' they introduce, please please do not remove the vibrant colourful environment style.
They (former Blizzard Developers) did in Watopia on Zwift. I bike through Molten Core Daily while telling Chuck Norris Jokes on the Zwift Companion App.
@4:50 almost. Epics are limited to those that are friends with the guild leaders. Your ability to be in the raid is due to time dedication, rarely skill.
For me, its the challenge in the world. In Retail once you get some raid gear or M+ gear open world mobs just melt in the current xpack. I want mobs to intelligently scale to my ilvl, and not get 2 shot in current pack content.
So crazy that all the things you mentioned don't show in Season of Discovery. I think blizzard really doesn't get what makes vanilla classic so special. Especially the leveling in the open world was so lost in SoD. Such a missed opportunity
I got a random green drop from a mob but it was mail and im a rogue and saw a warrior who I /inspect with a cloth item, so I just opened up trade and gave it to them like BAM!
Its SIMPLICITY! If you get back into Retail or try it new you'll know exactly what im talking about.The world in retail has gotten way to big & it needs a reset or story that will reset everything.
the only thing i wish for classic is better class balance. I dont want to feel useless or forced to play someting i dont want to. SOD is perfect for me since i can feel usefull as any class
Hardcore is so addicting. Every time i come back to classic im reminded that this vsrsion of the game hasnt been matched in the industry for 20 years. The journey, the immersion the progression. So good and so sad the modern MMO space is now blast as fast as possible and ignore everyone. City of Heroes will still be my favorite MMO but classic WoW is something special.
I really love classic and i created new character on fresh server , but after hitting level 20 i asked myself this " why am i leveling another character , this will be like my 15th character on this new Classis wow servers , just enough is enough , doing the same thing over and over again" i would really like to play it , but i just have to force myself to do it , not having fun anymore....
Because this type of game is only meant to be fun once. If you’re not in it to do end game content with a decent group of people by the end of your lvling, then what is the point? What is the difference between playing a stupid fresh server and playing by yourself in retail with way more things to do or play a private server? 😒 People are so blinded by nostalgia and miss a tine they had friends who also had time to play this game, when no one knew anything
@@wuzittooya Straight to the point , it only hits for the first time , now i know every route , every quest location , what to do etc , not fun anymore... End game could be fun but first of all i have done all of that before ( few times ) and also adult life does not let me spend as much time as i would like to.
Very much unrelated, but I hope everyone (the Americans, that is) had an awesome Thanksgiving. Also, the misses and I went in for the second ultrasound yesterday and everything is going fantastic. Child is healthy, strong, and full of life. Thank you all for the prayers and support!
And of course, if you're interested in supporting the channel directly and earning rewards, consider becoming a TH-cam Member:
no buying products for me thanks
Congratulations being a dad is awesome even if it's being a single dad
6:30 - in classic wow as soon u accept the first quests in westfall u are called a high ranked member of the whole alliance military btw. and in westfall u are one of only 2 people of the military there. ur second in command. maybe read quest texts, its the first turn in quest u give in at the tower where the flight point is. u earend this title while leveing in elwynn forest. in retail u are also not called an campion at lvl 1 but later sure, same as in classic. i think in retail its lvl 10 when ur something special but classic its lvl 12
@derknusperhase_ivi you dirty Alliance goon FOR THE HORDE
Great to hear man. I love being a dad, great news
I bought a mid gaming laptop so I could feel authentic to the vanilla experience and I also became unemployed so I could add to the nostalgia.
Nice. A true classic WoW player 😂
Don't forget to stop taking showers and stock up on cheese poofs and hot pockets.
You have no life because you play wow. No lifer@@eurosonly
@@eurosonly way ahead of you lolololol
@@josh_kibishima esfand beat u already😂
NO FLYING - the most underrated classic feature
i hate flying
flying is awesome
@@alexclatonthe act of flying itself is cool, but it is the biggest thing that kills the mmo feeling imo
@@pedrotristao5039 how?
Remember when Blizzard tried to kill flying in retail, and a massive forum response (thousands of pages of comments) made them change their plans?
Hard to put the genie back in the bottle. Most people who disliked flying had already quit. But some came back for Classic!
_" Nixxiom Bombadil is not real, he can't hurt me. "_
Nixxiom Bombadil: 0:11
@@Ryan_hey Fixed. 👍
I hate when RPGS make you the "chosen one". Id much rather be a nobody on an adventure.
In addition it is very awkward if everyone is the chosen one...
@@tekillaking89 True. It's more for single player games to become a hero eventually, after beating the end boss. Or just forgotten like in Final Fantasy Tactics. The hero Ramza was branded as a heretic and pronounced dead... officially.
It is the hero's journey and not the chosen one. People are more social.
Also I shouted out loud when I got my first 6 slot bag drop. That drop felt so rewarding.
This right here
This. The reward vs grind rate is */chefs kiss/*
Them bag drops are such a great early feeling.
I don’t consider myself to be a very social person but in MMOs I really enjoy talking to people. It’s fun to group up with people even if we end up wiping.
It's really funny when people talk about being a nobody in Classic when the very first raid is you killing Ragnaros
Nixiom's hair.. I was not prepared
Many hair. Much yes.
after 200 lbs it hides the cheeks a little smart move
me neither he looks alot like tom bombadil
Diddent know Samwise did wow videos❤
f*kin Nixxiom has more hair on that small area on the top of his head than I do on my entire body including ass, armpits and pubes.
Retail WoW is just so jittery and frantic.
In Vanilla, you could breathe and think in an encounter. I loved playing WoW to relax in Vanilla. You can't chill in Retail
Levelling a Tauren Druid in the Barrens is such a charming & adventurous experience. The mobs are sometimes too difficult to kill alone, I ended up grouping three times today, and got thanked twice for buffing random travellers passing by.
I was in your group. You do great!
Chuck Norris once threw a hand grenade and killed fifty people; then it exploded.
@@tiffles3890😂 the endless Chuck Norris jokes makes me miss the good old days even more
@@Edwin-iw8gb I miss Mankrik's wife.
As a primarily Alliance player, I always miss The Barrens. It's a borderline PERFECT outdoor zone that lends itself very well to just casually grinding mobs in way that most Alliance zones don't allow (because they're more densely packed with mobs & runners)
Started again last night... i'm raw-dogging this by playing withOUT questies. It brings the emersion to a whole new level.
Dont use questie but please install the addon Voiceover and enjoy a totally refreshing questing experience. Makes reading/listening to npcs so much more interesting and sometimes fun and hilarious.
@outlawzqc Straight up. That addon transforms the classic experience unlike anything else.
How do I download or buy this version of wow?
Today most games, specially MMOs are just a "rush to max level to start the actual game", and even after that, everything still feel too fast (Instant dungeon finding, loot everywhere, etc...). That's the reason I like vanilla, the game starts as soon as you create your character and you can enjoy the game while taking your time leveling.
Because Vanilla has no "End Game" that's why you feel lvling is 90% of the whole game rest is doing same raid for same gear just to clear same raid + Nostalgia and the charm of relaxed gameplay knowing what waits in the end unlike retail with real "End game" content that people want to do hence they rush lvling ofc.
Yeah, I think they really killed the dungeon experience when they made everything an AoE pull. No more sheeps or saps, just a tank running in and aoe'ing to hold aggro while everyone dps's. Go faster, take the shortcut/skip, dont bother rezzing, just make them run back while keep clearing. No time for chat or fun, just GRIND.
The journey > end game.
@@bluemyst42 And for what?
Yet you're still going to max level and which is always the end goal. I really believe people who like classic are losers who have no Irl friends.
I Play healer in wow for 16 years now. Yesterday i healed my First HC group. It feld like healing for the first time again. It was distressing but awesome and the interaction within the group was super nice. Something i haven't experienced in retail for years + I never had fomo once in Classic. I Love it
Hardcore heals is stressful! 😂
Grind Is meaningful, every little gear upgrade Feels great. Even if i can log in only for 30 minutes i am satisfied with few bars to my level, that one quest i just progressed, or even new flightpath i spend those 30 mins getting to.
I called my warlock "Algaib" i did a shadowfang keep run and the whole party recognised me as the Lissan Algaib from Dune and prceeded to treat me like the messiah. I just dont have these types of social experiences in other games.
Other people's help matters. That creates Friendships and Strong Bonds between the players and the experience more immersive
The best part for me has to be the community. Theres been so many times people have just opened up a trade window and given me bags or gold or something for no reason. People are so cool and nice in this game.
The real world has ruined this for me, everytime sometime opens a trade window with me and puts gold in it, I'm like, "Nah this feels like a scam....
As a kid I wanted WoW to more of a singleplayer game so that I didn't have to rely on other people to enjoy the game. Now I play Classic for the social xD
Berfore watching:
the world, the nostalgia, the questing, the journey to 60, the coziness, the rpg elements that matter (ammunition for hunter, feeding the pet, drinking water/milk for mana), the well balanced, raw gameplay, the beautiful graphics (for those who love em) and the original UI, the actual need to group up and talk to people, helping each other out. Shortly: it’s the best MMORPG ever made.
I agree with most things you said but the gameplay is anything but balanced. There is a plethora of specs that aren’t even playable because they weren’t fleshed out enough or their damage was abysmal.
@@McLean757 Maybe I don’t actually mean well balanced in the classical sense, but at least I have the feeling that the progress feels important and fair. It’s pretty easy to keep your professions up at least as a hunter with skinning and leatherworking, because you gain resources while you’re leveling/killing mobs. Sure, it’s a lil different with other professions. And every encounter feels rewarding to overcome, every elite feels even better. It just feels right in most cases, that’s what I was trying to say.
Just a little story, I joined back up when classic wow hardcore was announced, I do not own the war within and unless I can make enough gold playing classic mists I don't intend to, but my hardcore character originally was my tried and true character JohnyKnack a typical rogue, and I started playing and while interacting with the community in Deathknell the way I always did in retail (Sarcastic and glib) I noticed I wasn't enjoying myself because what I was doing was boring. So I shifted my paradigm, I made a new character Santacloths who's sole goal is to give out free bags to people just starting out in Brill. I leveled my character up and collected all the linen I could as well as taking enchanting for wands (another popular thing) and when I hit the appropriate level I began making and giving away linen bags to people randomly. I'd hop on shout in general that I was in town, jump onto a mailbox and sooner or later people would come. I made over a hundred bags and leveled my tailoring to 120 on bags and bolts alone, and I leveled my enchanting by making robes and disenchanting them then using the essences I'd sometimes get to make wands. I leveled so I could farm the nearby undead for cloth and greens and I noticed something, despite not having left the undead starting area I was having more fun than I had in retail in years. I was not only doing stuff by myself but my actions as Santacloths were impacting the community around me, however small. I had people give me stacks of mats to make free bags for other players or hand over a few copper despite being told it was free, and that was when it clicked with me, exactly what Classic brings that retail had lost and can probably never get back, because honest question. If you were a level 4-5 in Brill in retail world of warcraft and someone offered you a free linen bag or a lesser magic wand, what would your reaction be?
cool story bro or sis
Ok on a more serious note, I was never interested in being someone who talked in-game as though they were actually their character (on Role-playing servers), or who used a roleplaying add-on that let one create a shareable backstory for their character, or who ((talked like this)) on forums to show out-of-character communications, but this kind of gameplay does sound more interesting than, say, retail WoW. Am I setting a low bar there
(Edit: though as I recall I did once act in-game as though I was my in-game character, and maybe it was the unintended consequences of the miscommunication that resulted that made me avoid doing it again. So I shouldn't judge)
We had someone doing the same in Bloodhoof Village (Mulgore) a couple of weeks ago. I missed that since I was still in the starting area, but a couple of days later, someone in guild chat (small guild in Fresh, but a mega guild in Retail) asked if anyone needed bags. As a level 7, with a single six slot to my name, I responded that I did, as did someone else. I figured that if I'd get one, it would be mailed to me. Ten minutes later, I get a group request. The guild member (a mage) hand delivered four 12 slot bags, and a full stack of level appropriate mage food and water.
I also see people in chat giving away their smaller bags once the get bigger ones. You simply don't see that in retail.
Its just a great game, and a unique experience. Classic WoW has a timelessness to it that can never be replicated.
As someone who played WoW in high school from 2005 to 2008 and hasn't touched it ever since, this whole classic WoW thing is very appealing to me. I would love to make another Orc Shaman, Tauren Warrior, and Undead Priest again.
I remember one of the reasons I quit during the Burning Crusade was the lack of 40-man raids and the burnout of playing WoW religiously for 4 straight years. Plus, graduating high school and going into the service. But now I'm looking to play old WoW again. Being that I have no clue how it currently is, what now? Can you go up to level 150? 160?
Current wow, or retail wow, is average at best but if you haven't played simce TBC you will enjoy it for a time. There is a reason why Classic wow exists today are 20 years, game bacame worse amd worse with every expansion after Cataclysm/MoP.
As someone played both Classic and Retail, I'm lad there's a space for both types of games. Sometimes I just want to enjoy the slowburn of Vanilla that delivers high highs when I get an upgrade, and a community who also enjoys the slow paced journey. But sometimes I just want more places to explore, more side content to do, and grind for cosmetic rewards that respect my limited time, which is what Retail provides. It's sometimes sad to see the unnecessary tribalism between the two versions of the game, when its obvious that both versions cater to different tastes. This community deserves better than to rip each other apart for something they enjoy.
I definitely agree! Sometimes I want the slower paced game to relax from a long day and sometimes I want the go go go go haha
I remember trying to make quesadillas while we were waiting for raids to fill up...I really miss pre 2010
I started playing WoW Classic, and WoW as a whole, for the first time with the new Classic fresh servers, I have been watching your videos for about a year now and they always very well made and it's always a pleasure to see how passionate you are about the game in every video, thank you for your videos
One VERY underrated aspect of classic wow was questing. I understand that many people find them boring and tedious but to me the sheer size and scope of the world gave it an incredible sense of adventure that is hard to find in other games and grouping up with people to do quests and dungeons heavily elevated the experience.
I think the quest designers did a good job. It's difficult to make the story in a game as enjoyable as a book, where the author controls luck and the complete environment that characters interact with (no random hyenas killing the main character), but quests in original WoW are good enough to let the MMO part of the game shine.
Viewing them as "boring and tedious" is mostly a learned attitude, reinforced by the social network that is retail WoW and the game designers who cater to that attitude by 'streamlining' leveling until it takes only 4 hours to go from 1 to the level cap in retail WoW.
I’m a new player to WOW just started playing this week and I love the game
There is so much content and meeting people and doing quests with them feels so fun and authentic
I can’t believe I have never played this game and I’m probably never gonna stop
Sama here! I am playing classic right now. I love the pacing, I find it very relaxing.
Welcome to the game!!
Crazy timing, I’m a mage who just got the robes of arugal last night and yeah it felt incredible
I wish someone like Nixxiom or any other streamer/youtuber that claims the classic community is fantastic and so friendly and lovely towards each other would go "under cover" so to speak. Ya'know, claim they're going on vacation for a few days but secretly play the game off stream on a brand new account that has 0 ties to who they are as a content creator and just play a class like say Paladin that's generally shunned by the community until 60. I've been leveling a Paladin in classic fresh and my god this community is full of toxic, elitist jackasses. There's people who read that last sentence and checked out and so they're not gonna see that I'll say that I know not everybody is like that, but there is a SIGNIFICANT number of people in this community, enough to where running into people like that is a more than once a day occurrence. Try playing a Paladin and see how many groups you get kicked out of or just outright not invited to because the Warriors don't want you taking their gear and the Mages/Warlocks/Priests don't want you taking theirs, or a Priest that's not a Dwarf on Alliance side and listen to how many people tell you you're simply not gonna have a raid spot then. Play an Arcane Mage I fuckin' dare you. See what happens the moment in a dungeon you fire off an Arcane Missile. The classic community is toxic af if you're not playing the way the community has deemed the best way to play. Nixxiom and other content creators live and work in a bubble because they're only ever surrounded by sycophants that would suck the sploodge off their nuts at the slightest side glance of acknowledgement.
Play hardcore, where people don't expect to keep their stuff (items) and so they don't try to optimize to get items as efficiently as possible by being rude to others
>the moment in a dungeon you fire off an Arcane Missile
What, do people not spec for clearcasting these days? Highest mana-cost single-target spell, and it also has use as a finisher spell due to mana regen starting as soon as it finishes
I’ve played a Paladin, warrior, mage, rogue and priest and I’ve never had a negative experience like this in classic. BUT I’ve had a ton of experiences like this is retail.
All great and correct points! Though probably my personal greatest reason for loving Classic is that there are no Blood Elves on the Horde; it's nice when 80% of the games population isnt playing an elf!
Just wrapped up Dun Morogh, did some loch modan, tossed a coin between westfall and darkshore for the grind to level 20. Darkshore here I come. It’s so good.
When I log in into my original server with my original character, I still receive whisper of people that I leveled with in vanilla…
Man, I’m having a blast. My son was born in Jan, 2020 and I sort of missed the boat on Classic to an extent.
I’ve been playing on the Anniversary Realms since they opened and I’m in love. I’ve always played hybrid specs… in retail I main Druid and Monk. But in Classic I know I just don’t have the time to invest in things like offspecs. So, I rolled a Rogue and it’s just so much fun. I especially like how impactful professions are. I’m excited to raid, but for now I’m just taking in all there is to the leveling process :)
I love how people say Ding when they level and don't realize it came from everquest. I played EverQuest when it was new and watched people say different things when they leveled up, until Ding was the one that caught on. There was even a web comic about EQ called Ding.
I didn't play Classic the first time around, but with the anniversary realms I wanted to play to experience the old story again like I did back in Vanilla. But then I spend time leveling my tailoring and made my first green item and equipped it, it felt good.
i’ve been playing WoW since i was just a kid, making trial accounts with my best friend in BC so we could make the wetlands run with our nelf druids and party in the middle of ironforge. my fondest memories come from the RP guild i was part of in Cata. nostalgia is a trip, and i know i’ll never get the exact same experience again, but i don’t need that. i’m writing new stories now. returning to Classic really does feel like returning home, even though i just barely missed the chance to play Vanilla as a kid.
just like you said, the world is bigger, and everything feels hard-earned. i don’t want godlike power just handed to me on a whim. i just want to feel like the Kaldorei druid initiate that i am, embracing the teachings of the Great Bear Spirit to protect my friends.
every moment i’ve spent in Classic (and especially Hardcore) has felt meaningful. every near-death experience has left my heart racing, especially when i’ve been the priest responsible for keeping everyone alive. i return to retail on occasion, but the experience just feels hollow now.
0:15 I miss getting all my friends keyed for Kara, playing the trick on them at the caverns of time dungeon after it was over, telling them they had to run through the portal at the end and watching them jump through to the other side and saying, "ummm there's no cutaway...." lol then spending hours every Friday night trying to beat prince's rng....
I tried to go back for anniversary, but man, I just can't do it after turtle wow. It's too much of a downgrade. I had so much fun in vanilla, tbc, classic, and hardcore, but it's gonna be a while before I really enjoy running it agane without some sprinkles. Not SoD sprinkles of course, turtle wow just does it right man.
Ive been a final fantasy xi player since 2008 and only just tried WoW for the first time last week. Its such a wild change to what im used to.
I started on 20th anniversary edition as i wanted the more authentic experience of how the game was.
I was livestreaming for a few hours and someone asked why i kept pressing 1 on my action bar. 😅 didnt realise it was my auto attack function, i thought it was just a normal attack i had to keep pressing the button for. Its quite the experience!
The world was the star of WoW back in the day… I’ll never forget exploring the world, it felt like being an actual adventurer. It’s a feeling that is rare but powerful, I think the only other games that had that vibe to me were Skyrim, Witcher 3, and Elden Ring.
I play retail, well me and my guild, i played classic up to wotlk (ulduar) and left after but vanilla+tbc are a different experience. We came back now because on retail there's a content drought after we cleared mythic raiding and +12 keystones and man, its been so much fun just......joking while levelin. We are not pushing hard, just going around talking on discord while leveling our toons, thats something you miss on retail. I'm not gonna lie, i love pushing hardcore content but those chill times while playing on vanilla slowly leveling a toon are irreplaceable and thats what we love with my friends.
Classic it's not about endgame content, it's the journey and the friends you make/hangout with
I playing wow since The War within first time ever, and after 2 months of playing and 3 characters i just dropped it and go to classic.
The main reason was because on retail you have no feelings like "Damn, this sword is awesome, it will be my best sword for couple of months!" and in a week you change your "best" sword for a new one from Vault.
And levelling is soooo fast! When i create warrior, i take 80 lvl just in 1 full day (near 15-18 hours)
When i started classic, on lvl like ~30 i looted wand and all group was shocked. When i asked why, they said "It's your BIS like to 55 lvl!!!" And this reaction to the passing clothes really surprised me.
My leveling is going on, I would say quite quickly, as for a person who reads quests and try to get deeper into the history of the warcraft world (the 40th level was taken in 2 weeks) , in the classics there is an opportunity to enjoy the knowledge of the character, his skills in classics there is an opportunity to enjoy the knowledge of your character, his skills and weaknesses. You have some challenges when you agro 2-3 mobs, even if they are same lvl as you!
Retail WOW have lost this challenging spirit (m+ doesn't count, its awesome).
But that's just my opinion now, maybe it will change over time, or it will strengthen. Anyway, I really regret not trying it 20 years ago.
Can’t explain something that doesn’t have an explanation. Classic is perfectly imperfect
Just got into wow classic, it’s not just nostalgia I never played it before, but the art style still feels a little nostalgic for some reason, feels familiar
Ya know, it's been great watching your videos over the years. I remember watching your early stuff back in the day and playing wow since vanilla has been a trip. I've been enjoying coming back to classic over and over and it feels like home. 😅
What's the addon that makes your quest log look the way it does at 8:35?
I wander too. Pls tell somebody
Dialogue UI!
@@icyelk ♥️
100% on point man.. Simpler sometimes is better . Delayed gratification and experiences that matter , greater social factor and feeling of belonging
I started a little late (2005) like you, and just after BC launched, I got diagnised with kidney cancer, I spent a year off work, playing WoW 12 hours a day on my Night Elf Priest and making friends, I realise now that I was using WoW as an escape from reality but also a route back to normality, I'm an old geeky gamer (56 years old) and it brought a tear to my eye watching this, just because of what WoW has always meant to me, I have played on and off for these 20 years, but I have just rolled a new Troll Mage on the anniversary realm and it's just awesome, I would rather play a few hours of classic than a lot of the newer games I play.
The stat I want to know is how many brand new players has WoW Classic attracted and retained. I can't imagine that number is very high. Unless you grew up on it, I can't imagine a younger generation digging the gameplay of WoW Classic.
Depends if the young ones enjoyed RPGs like Baldur’s Gate 3 etc, it’s not really for the CoD FIFA crowd, but I don’t know what the fuck Gen Z likes?
Gen shin Impacts seems close?
@@chronology556 But WoW Classic (and retail) isn't anything like a CRPG like Baldur's Gate 3. In BG3 you have a ton of character options to create a very unique character to role-play as. In WoW, apart from your looks, everyone's playing the same character based on class. In BG3, you have a ton of attack and interactivity options. In WoW you spam the same main abilities over and over. And the most interaction you have is to sit in a chair. Your choices in WoW don't affect the overall narrative or world in Azeroth like they do in BG3.
I am a new wow player who started this month and classic is the reason I kept playing
It captures the going on an adventure in a fantasy world perfectly
Everything you do is an adventure and its not always rewarding
People nowadays think rewards are only important thing in the game. They hyperfocus on end result. Most of the time the journey to getting there is more important and wow classic captures it really well
@@dragongoddragneel7106 So you gave both Classic and War Within a try and decided to stick to Classic? Is it primarily for storyline reasons? I can see brand new players feeling somewhat lost in War Within.
@@MagCynicNot new anymore but I was fairly new when classic rereleased and it’s the only reason I kept playing. Classic feels more alive, has a better community, better leveling, better gearing, and more enjoyable Lore/story than BFA, shadowlands, dragonflight and TWW. For retail I think mythic plus is one of the most unenjoyable experiences I’ve had in gaming next to torghast, I don’t find raiding past heroic to be that fun because of elitism, half the guilds and pretty much every community I join is dead, horde vs alliance is gone, gear means absolutely nothing after a month or two, flying over 90% of the zone just ain’t fun, the new characters and lore have no personality.
Great video! My favorite part of playing classic WoW is the community. Another thing about Classic WoW, it's not a walking advertisement filled with FOMO.
I've been playing on and off since Xmas of 04 and I have recently been hooked on hc classic. It brings the nostalgia of every death mattering to my 10-11 year old self like it used to be, everyone is a significant part of the world in HC that it really breathes life into the world in a whole new way that I love
I have zero desire to play Classic, but I'm genuinely happy this mode exists for yall
dont let asmongold see this video. :D
Can't wait to see him take over an hour to re-explain this entire video
He was wrong about it then. And is wrong about it now. He doesn't play anymore, and never understood HC, nor Classic players truly. The problem is that he thinks he does. He just can't step away from his own perspective.
If you weren’t there from the beginning in 2004 you won’t get it. Classic will always be special.
@@DoritosBurger but i started playing WoW in 2010 and enjoy classic?
I remember leveling through Ghostlands in 2007. We were inside the tombs there. A rogue named Seandawg made us neck pieces with the new jewel crafting profession. Thanks Seandawg.
Being a nobody in Elwynn and chipping in where a warrior with a strong arm could was the best. Getting my first green or crafting it - how wonderful.
I think if retail didn't have item level and went back to like chasing stats or farming for that ONE piece of gear that does feel impactful etc. Would be a good idea.
I'm hoping for Classic+ down the road. Season of discovery is fun, but I want updated character models, dual spec, dungeon finder, and achievements and mount tabs. Doesn't need to go full retail, but some QoL and class balancing is nice.
Leveling new characters > end game raiding.
**unless you’re the leader reaping all the end game rewards for yourself #hardreserved
Because there's always something to do to level. Once you start raiding there's nothing to do except work on professions.
People are more social, I was questing with a random orc player and we were both in our 30s trying to take some shortcut to a zone (forgot where) since it's a PVP server we had to hide behind this huge tree to avoid lvl 60 alliance players. Point being little things like that make classic fun lol
World pvp is the most trash thing about classic
I've been having a ball on Classic fresh servers. I also started the game back in 2005, and even though I still play it, the retail version has definitely lost a few of the things that made the game special. I'm a 43 Holy/Disc priest this time around, and although I won't make 60 by the time MC releases, I'll definitely be raiding with my guild in week two.
"A few things"? Retail is literally soulless bro
@@Weavelol There are still parts of retail I enjoy, but not the same things I enjoy about classic. The raids are much more challenging, Mythic+ offers a challenge for much less time investment, and the collection systems offer unlimited things to chase.
It's mainly the community side that has been diluted, and the levelling journey is completely irrelevant because you can get to max level within a single day.
@@JustS0meK1dd Respectable opinion, fun is subjective after all
What's MC?
Back in vanilla WoW, my first epic was Sul'Thraze the Lasher from Zul'farrak... got both swords to make it half a level before I could even equip it (didn't know about the level requirement at the time).
10:00 Ah, reminds me of the old days of Barrens Chat... "Where's Mankrik's Wife?" The days of constantly telling people to "read the frickin' quest log" though I admit that didn't help with the Mankrik's Wife quest...
How does Nixxiom get a clip of quest givers speaking when he accepts quests? Is this some type of add on? If you know please lmk :)
It's called AI Voice Over and you can get it on CurseForge :)
this is why i like classic and tbc: character and gear progression feels significant and satisfying. everything you do feels like it matters. the pace of the game is also slower, and unless youre doing something like a classic server with a 16 week per phase schedule, you dont really feel rushed.
0:11 - missed an opportunity to have a fan blowing with slo-mo. :(
I played Classic for a few days. Had fun but too many specs just don't work under vanilla rules.
The points made in this video highlight why Classic will forever have a special place in our hearts. Azeroth is dangerous, gear matters and your next Friend could be right around the corner.
People rarely talk. They invite for a quest and quickly move on.
I'm gonna play turtle WoW cause they actually make each subclass viable. I'm sorry but changes shouldn't be demonized when they actually make specs playable.
Exactly. Not sure why people are clamoring to play a version of the game (again) that just pigeonholed everyone
@wuzittooya its a figured out game. Play something a little different with new content. Easy choice
No strict meta, no battle passes, no repetitive grinding for time-limited, developer-enforced rewards, and no FOMO. Classic WoW feels like a return to the PS2-era philosophy of gaming, where exploration and discovery are key. You play the game at your own pace, with the freedom to approach it however you want, rather than being guided by how the developers think you should play.
I always liked the slower leveling, just being immersed in the zone, maybe having to find some other players to help with a quest. It's WAY better than getting an expansion, blowing through it in a few hours then just teleporting to raids. Retail is missing the WORLD part of Warcraft. Also, GREAT video that perfectly explains why Classic WoW is so good. Really agree with how upgrades feel earned and impactful. Most of all, same as you, I'll never forget those friends from back in 2004-2006 or so, it took a LOT of work from 40+ people to down Ragnaros and it's still my favorite moment in all my years of gaming. I didn't plan on playing WoW Classic again, but I think after watching this video I may check the new servers out.
The gold! On top of all your very valid points, I remember to struggle with gold and the experience to get enough gold for my first mount and to learn how to ride them.
The ability to achieve some kind of imbalance and take pleasure in it - that’s the core of Vanilla. The current obsession with "balance" kills the feeling of ultimate uniqueness in your chosen path. Yeah, at some point, some classes (like Warlocks) can be unbearable, but that’s the point. You want to achieve something no one else can compete with. As a Warlock or Priest, you might feel untouchable at times. As a Paladin, you’re loving that bubble and free mount that sets you above the rest. As a Shaman, you get to enjoy your wolf form, speeding past others who don't get it until level 40. As a Rogue - you are the one for PvP and unlocking chests. As a Warrior, you're the tank. Each class has its own ultimate ability, making them irreplaceable in certain situations. And that’s what makes it great.
That is some extremely low aykyuu bullshit you are shoveling there.
@@txdmsk Thanks, dude
Anyone know the addon he is using to get his quest windows looking so good?
It would be good if people stopped playing it in single player mode.
I'm a Classic fan on the verge to go back to retail due to the player base: people stubbornly doing quests alone, dumbsters looking at other players dieing without moving a finger under aggroed mobs, total noobs with RestedXP and so on.
I just love classic leveling and dungeons! Such a chill and fun time. Much more laid back then modern games.
Love it to fight trash mobs for an hour in dungeons and defeat the boss that drops a cloth item with agility on it. Absolutely nostalgic
I like playing retail mostly these days but classic is a nice mixup for more than just nostalgia. I like being a generic adventurer/mercenary in a hostile world. It’s fun just being a cog in the wheel for once
Lol first few secs into the vid and Nixxiom going all medieval with his looks :D Love the new style Nixxiom :)
What addons do you use? Especially the UI addon for accepting quests and stuff, it looks sick :D
This video was so good. i'm creating an account
my heart was poundin when i went to Maraudon in Hardcore, the healer disconnected and we just pulled the 2 giants just before Princess....well, only the tank died but man, the adrenaline is insane and no other game will give me this.
I went and asked ChatGPT how long it would take me to have one character per class spec while trying out all the WoW races.
It takes 51 years if you're a casual player who takes around 8 months to level a Vanilla character to 60. Not even counting gearing and raiding here. And you could even go further and do niche/hybrid specializations. Vanilla WoW just never ends.
I love classic until about level 20 when I finally get sick of battling others for mobs (getting to share tags was one of the best things bliz added to the game) and then waiting for the long spawn times.
Bro this is like half vid reuploded
I think Classic is just nostalgia and comfort zone, is just easy. I enjoyed played classic since I am a Warcraft Fan and I know most of the tricks to beat the game, but after a while I felt like I just was wasting my time doing the same repetitive quest over and over. I had some friends into the game, and even though we had a good time playing... is not really a game we could come back. Most ppl also play the game for the warcraft hardcore challenge, big numbers on stream, and their audienes want to play with them, specially since is a simple game.
Not planning on going back to Classic ever again but I am glad many ppls just enjoy an old game, as is usual now.
One thing Ive yet to hear anyone mention. Is how QUIET classic wow is/was. Ambient music and minimalistic sound design aside, the slower pace of the game creates moments of stillness and that stillness makes every action intentional. Theres really never more than one thing going on in your screen. Searching through your bags, reading a quest, clicking through a auction house. Everything is so spaced out, like a well paced movie or book and that creates a lot of moments of silence throughout the game.
How difficult would it be to remaster it with cutting edge graphics/detail and introduce it to a new generation of players?
It's barely a risk for them and they need this to happen.
I prefer the vibrant colourful cartoon like graphics than the overly realistic graphics like diablo 4. WoW already looks very good. Whatever 'cutting edge graphics' they introduce, please please do not remove the vibrant colourful environment style.
They (former Blizzard Developers) did in Watopia on Zwift. I bike through Molten Core Daily while telling Chuck Norris Jokes on the Zwift Companion App.
I started playing wow hc and I stop playing retail … my guild is super helpful and people are always trying to group and just have fun.
what is the add-on that gives voice-over?
@4:50 almost. Epics are limited to those that are friends with the guild leaders.
Your ability to be in the raid is due to time dedication, rarely skill.
I have so many memories about classic wow, but they got less common as the expansions came.
LFM Arena, Anger , Golem spam runs (SGC , HOJ HR ) this has been my classic experience
For me, its the challenge in the world. In Retail once you get some raid gear or M+ gear open world mobs just melt in the current xpack.
I want mobs to intelligently scale to my ilvl, and not get 2 shot in current pack content.
Nixxiom is turning into Samwise didier or Dimebag darrell stylewise
Totally agree.. i LOVE being the scrub of azeroth and not gods.. This makes the game way more rewarding when getting gear/talent/spell upgrades
So crazy that all the things you mentioned don't show in Season of Discovery. I think blizzard really doesn't get what makes vanilla classic so special. Especially the leveling in the open world was so lost in SoD. Such a missed opportunity
I got a random green drop from a mob but it was mail and im a rogue and saw a warrior who I /inspect with a cloth item, so I just opened up trade and gave it to them like BAM!
Its SIMPLICITY! If you get back into Retail or try it new you'll know exactly what im talking about.The world in retail has gotten way to big & it needs a reset or story that will reset everything.
Weird Nixxiom Yankovic xD
the only thing i wish for classic is better class balance. I dont want to feel useless or forced to play someting i dont want to. SOD is perfect for me since i can feel usefull as any class
Hardcore is so addicting. Every time i come back to classic im reminded that this vsrsion of the game hasnt been matched in the industry for 20 years. The journey, the immersion the progression. So good and so sad the modern MMO space is now blast as fast as possible and ignore everyone. City of Heroes will still be my favorite MMO but classic WoW is something special.
I really love classic and i created new character on fresh server , but after hitting level 20 i asked myself this " why am i leveling another character , this will be like my 15th character on this new Classis wow servers , just enough is enough , doing the same thing over and over again" i would really like to play it , but i just have to force myself to do it , not having fun anymore....
Because this type of game is only meant to be fun once. If you’re not in it to do end game content with a decent group of people by the end of your lvling, then what is the point? What is the difference between playing a stupid fresh server and playing by yourself in retail with way more things to do or play a private server? 😒 People are so blinded by nostalgia and miss a tine they had friends who also had time to play this game, when no one knew anything
@@wuzittooya Straight to the point , it only hits for the first time , now i know every route , every quest location , what to do etc , not fun anymore... End game could be fun but first of all i have done all of that before ( few times ) and also adult life does not let me spend as much time as i would like to.
@@wuzittooyaAnd like why do you all flow to classic playerbase and try to get em into retail?