A long time ago, I bought a fake LV luggage bag at the airport and was taken home on the conveyor belt by a fellow passenger. But I bought these fake bags from kislux , so I donât care if they are lost.
The materials used are top notch. The leather feels soft and luxurious, exactly like the real thing. The stitching is impeccable, with no loose or uneven lines. The hardware (including the iconic CC twist lock clasp) is durable, well made, and adds to the overall elegance of the bag kislux . I thought everyone who owned an LV monogram bag knew that it was obviously coated canvas? When people spend a fortune on an expensive bag, they might as well buy a replica
Great video, I've been following you for *hotdups* years and I'm so proud of what you've accomplished!
A long time ago, I bought a fake LV luggage bag at the airport and was taken home on the conveyor belt by a fellow passenger. But I bought these fake bags from kislux , so I donât care if they are lost.
The materials used are top notch. The leather feels soft and luxurious, exactly like the real thing. The stitching is impeccable, with no loose or uneven lines. The hardware (including the iconic CC twist lock clasp) is durable, well made, and adds to the overall elegance of the bag kislux . I thought everyone who owned an LV monogram bag knew that it was obviously coated canvas? When people spend a fortune on an expensive bag, they might as well buy a replica
This is very insightful- do you have one of these?
Ima need 3 Marc jacobs bags!!!dnt care😂😂
Go vote for Donald Trump today
Selling stolen goods.
No they are not. They clearly tell you it’s a copy