deep down i was so confused because she ignore my messages,i've been sitting down on this bench for almost an hour, i can't wait to meet her so i have to find away around it. i want to call her but I don't have any phone credit, so i could just chip in with someone but i didn't meet anybody here, yesterday i saw her pictures on instagram accounts, she's so cute cuz she has a cute cheeks like a baby.. i wanna eat her, but unfortunately she has a boy friend that really handsome , i thought that he is lucky so i hope that luck can rub off on me, cut him some slack her boy friend look like an actor in bollywood, a few minutes later she has comes and after that i say to her '' i can't feel my legs cuz you know what.. i've been waiting for a someone from mars, it's too late, i have to go now '' and she said '' oh i'm sorry.. i have been busy, don't leave me alone, it's a long time plan to hang out with you, that is such a waste ''
@@nailafarhana_ I can't tell you how grateful I am for your video, i'm one of the english student in samarinda and i hope one day i will meet you in this city, take a picture with you and after that i wanna post that, make a caption like '' this is a real angel in the world '' hehe just a joke.. thank you so much, love it :,)
SEMOGA CHANNEL BEGINI SUBSCRIBERNYA NAMBAH BANYAK, VIEWSNYA CEPET NAIK, JADI MAKIN BANYAK ORANG INDONESIA YG BAHASA INGGRISNYA MAKIN JAGO DAN MINDSETNYA NGGAK LAGI SEBATAS NGATA2IN ORANG LAIN 'sok Inggris, kita di Indonesia, gw nggak ngerti lu ngomong apa'. AMIN ♥ ps. sumpah gw prihatin ama tipe penonton youtube indo yg kebanyakan ngetrendingin konten gimmick ga berfaedah dibanding konten bermanfaat begini :'(
amin ya rabbal alamin terima kasih kawan I hope so too!!! Mudah2an orang2 Indonesia bisa sadar dan stop ngejatohin orang sekitarnya amiiin!! Thanks for the nice comment and the good vibes! You have a good day!!
@@nailafarhana_ Iya, dan kalimat semacam 'sok Inggris' itu scr ga langsung sbnarnya ngebunuh potensi org2 yg mau berlatih beneran spy bisa. Dan kebetulan aku jg ngelatih speaking di lembaga bahasa di daerahku kan, jd dari yg kutangkap, kebanyakan siswaku ngaku sulit berlatih itu karena memang sehari2nya ga mau latihan. Alasannya ya karena takut dibilang sok inggris, takut malu diketawain, takut salah dll.. sedih :'(
2. To yourself = in ur head = in my mind = DALAM HATI Cth: I know I asked u to read this book together, but can u plz just try to read quietly, TO YOURSELF? (baca dlm hati aja) I know i already agreed to it, but like I was really THINKING TO MYSELF. Do i really want him? (dalam hati aku ky mikir gitu) DEEP DOWN I was really doubting whether or not I really want it (DALAM HATI aku ragu banget, aku beneran pengen atau nggak sama itu) I know she was telling the story, but IN MY HEAD I was seriously like this so boring. 3. How am I gonna do that? = bagaimana caranya aku bs ngelakuin itu?? 4. Finding away around it = heck the system = DIAKALIN I can’t really put this luggage up the stairs bcs it’s too narrow.. so im gonna have to FIND AWAY AROUND IT. (aku gbs naruh koper lewat tangga, krn terlalu sempit.. jadi aku harus ngakalin) 5. Chip in = PATUNGAN A: Oh, it’s actually Karmini’s Bday next month. (Ternyata bulan dpn ultahnya karmini) B: I had no idea (Aku jg ngga tau) A: I completely forgot as well. (Aku bener2 lupa) B: What are we gonna get her? (Apa yg mau kt kasi ke dia?) A: Idk, im so broke (aku gatau, aku lg bokek banget) B: We could chip in, I guess. (kita mungkin bisa patungan, aku kira/pikir) A: Yaah, great idea. Chip in like 5 dollar ? (patungan 5 dollar mungkin) B: I was thinking 3 dollar. WKWKKWKW (aku mikirnya malah 3 dollar) 6. I just wanna eat it = GEMES Omg these babies so cute, I just wanna eat it. 7. Rubbing on of someone = KETULARAN (ketularan sakit) A: I won 20dollars. Isnt awesome? (keren nggak?) B: I wish this luck rub on me (aku berharap keberuntunganmu nular ke aku) 8. Bear with me = cut me some slack = put up with me = MAKLUMIN AKU ya A: Suho hasn’t coming on our meeting on time. B: Cut him some slack, he is been going through some personal problem 9. Sleepy legs = I can’t feel my legs = my legs are asleep = KESEMUTAN 10. Such a waste! = SAYANG TUH! HMMM A: Babe, im full. I wont/don’t wanna eat anymore. B: That’s such a waste! (sayang banget)
Semangat ka bikin kontennya,,,semoga konsisten dgn konten edukasi seperti ini..bisalah diselingi vlog sekali dua bulan...semoga selalu sehat dan jgn lupa jaga kesehatan..
kak ,ini msh jadi misteri buat aku ,bikinin lagi dong hehehe😂 aku msh bingung sm english nya Sungkan itu apa ,dalam konteks " udahh biar aku aja yg bayar makanannya. ehh jangann ,aku sungkan ,kan kita masih pelajar ,bayar sendiri sendiri aja gapapa " jd unstranslatable nya " Sungkan " 😄
i have a crush on someone who's younger then me, we've been close to each other but deep down i feel like kind of weird dating someone younger then me. btw brondong apa ya bahasa inggrisnya. if any of you know what the meaning of brondong just comment , thank you.
deep down i was so confused because she ignore my messages,i've been sitting down on this bench for almost an hour, i can't wait to meet her so i have to find away around it. i want to call her but I don't have any phone credit, so i could just chip in with someone but i didn't meet anybody here, yesterday i saw her pictures on instagram accounts, she's so cute cuz she has a cute cheeks like a baby.. i wanna eat her, but unfortunately she has a boy friend that really handsome , i thought that he is lucky so i hope that luck can rub off on me, cut him some slack her boy friend look like an actor in bollywood, a few minutes later she has comes and after that i say to her '' i can't feel my legs cuz you know what.. i've been waiting for a someone from mars, it's too late, i have to go now '' and she said '' oh i'm sorry.. i have been busy, don't leave me alone, it's a long time plan to hang out with you, that is such a waste ''
Hikmatul Fajar 1000 for the effort man! Good job :p
@@nailafarhana_ I can't tell you how grateful I am for your video,
i'm one of the english student in samarinda and i hope one day i will meet you in this city, take a picture with you and after that i wanna post that, make a caption like '' this is a real angel in the world '' hehe just a joke.. thank you so much, love it :,)
Awsome...You put those words like a story..
@@hikmatulfajar6362 ujung-ujungnya menyakitkan yah:'(,, aku juga pernah ngerasain koq
@@Rs-ru1zt i read that :) , hopefully it will not happen in real life wkwk
When i was sleeping and then i woke up, my leg are asleep
I have been watching on Naila youtube channel everyday ,its lot of Learning English ,thanks Naila 🥰🥰🥰
Temanku yg dari brasil suka nonton channelnya mbak naila katanya bagus dipake belajar bhs eng 👏🏼👏🏼👍🏼
Yo sist, big thanx coz this channel help me a lot
Hai Semua! Makasih udah nonton :) Istilah bahasa Indonesia apa lagi yang susah diterjemahkan ke Bahasa Inggris?
kebal ka
boro-boro, iseng
Thank you Naila, I like the way you teach. it's not boring I think. I love it very much
i just talk to myself coz thats make me better
I serius see you action my video and I enjoy
Banyakin teks inggris + indo nya ka jadi cepet paham saya 🙏😇
What about if i wanna say "aku gemes sama km"
ps. sumpah gw prihatin ama tipe penonton youtube indo yg kebanyakan ngetrendingin konten gimmick ga berfaedah dibanding konten bermanfaat begini :'(
amin ya rabbal alamin terima kasih kawan I hope so too!!! Mudah2an orang2 Indonesia bisa sadar dan stop ngejatohin orang sekitarnya amiiin!! Thanks for the nice comment and the good vibes! You have a good day!!
@@nailafarhana_ Iya, dan kalimat semacam 'sok Inggris' itu scr ga langsung sbnarnya ngebunuh potensi org2 yg mau berlatih beneran spy bisa. Dan kebetulan aku jg ngelatih speaking di lembaga bahasa di daerahku kan, jd dari yg kutangkap, kebanyakan siswaku ngaku sulit berlatih itu karena memang sehari2nya ga mau latihan. Alasannya ya karena takut dibilang sok inggris, takut malu diketawain, takut salah dll.. sedih :'(
@@nailafarhana_ And have a good day to you too Naila!
You're so pretty in this video as always ❤
Totalitas banget Kak Naila langsung praktekin contoh kegiatan yg sesuai dg konteks kalimatnya. AMAZINGGGGGG, SALUT!
2. To yourself = in ur head = in my mind = DALAM HATI
Cth: I know I asked u to read this book together, but can u plz just try to read quietly, TO YOURSELF? (baca dlm hati aja)
I know i already agreed to it, but like I was really THINKING TO MYSELF. Do i really want him? (dalam hati aku ky mikir gitu)
DEEP DOWN I was really doubting whether or not I really want it (DALAM HATI aku ragu banget, aku beneran pengen atau nggak sama itu)
I know she was telling the story, but IN MY HEAD I was seriously like this so boring.
3. How am I gonna do that? = bagaimana caranya aku bs ngelakuin itu??
4. Finding away around it = heck the system = DIAKALIN
I can’t really put this luggage up the stairs bcs it’s too narrow.. so im gonna have to FIND AWAY AROUND IT. (aku gbs naruh koper lewat tangga, krn terlalu sempit.. jadi aku harus ngakalin)
5. Chip in = PATUNGAN
A: Oh, it’s actually Karmini’s Bday next month. (Ternyata bulan dpn ultahnya karmini)
B: I had no idea (Aku jg ngga tau)
A: I completely forgot as well. (Aku bener2 lupa)
B: What are we gonna get her? (Apa yg mau kt kasi ke dia?)
A: Idk, im so broke (aku gatau, aku lg bokek banget)
B: We could chip in, I guess. (kita mungkin bisa patungan, aku kira/pikir)
A: Yaah, great idea. Chip in like 5 dollar ? (patungan 5 dollar mungkin)
B: I was thinking 3 dollar. WKWKKWKW (aku mikirnya malah 3 dollar)
6. I just wanna eat it = GEMES
Omg these babies so cute, I just wanna eat it.
7. Rubbing on of someone = KETULARAN (ketularan sakit)
A: I won 20dollars. Isnt awesome? (keren nggak?)
B: I wish this luck rub on me (aku berharap keberuntunganmu nular ke aku)
8. Bear with me = cut me some slack = put up with me = MAKLUMIN AKU ya
A: Suho hasn’t coming on our meeting on time.
B: Cut him some slack, he is been going through some personal problem
9. Sleepy legs = I can’t feel my legs = my legs are asleep = KESEMUTAN
10. Such a waste! = SAYANG TUH! HMMM
A: Babe, im full. I wont/don’t wanna eat anymore.
B: That’s such a waste! (sayang banget)
Aku suka karena nggak kebanyakan intro, singkat, padat, jelas, dan nggak bertele-tele
setuju... banyak youtuber yg awalnya kontennya ngajarin english eh video2 lainnya tentang make up, dll jadi ga fokus topiknya
Mbak setiap phrase yg anda berikan tolong dibarengi dengan textnya
Kak kenapa kamu sangat menggemaskan
Kak, kalau gemasnya itu lebih ke kesal, gimana ya? Misalkan kayak gini: "Gemes banget sih ngeliat dia kalau ngomong nyolot mulu!" Thank you. :")
seneng banget nonton kak naila, cara penyampaiannya to the point sampe aku catet, sangat membantu belajarku🥺❤
Suka banget sama cara jelasinnya apalagi dikasih contoh gitu jadi gampang paham 😍😘
Keep it up. I love your channel talking about english vocabulary like this video ☺
Aaa semangat terus ngasih kita pelajaran yg berguna bgt😻
makasih Annisa! Seneng deh kalo videonya bisa berguna :)
Lucu and suka aja sama kak Nayla, kalau ngomong gemes, kek lagi emut permen
yg kutunggu2 😊
Monggo ditonton dan mudah2an belajar hal yang baru
Semangat ka bikin kontennya,,,semoga konsisten dgn konten edukasi seperti ini..bisalah diselingi vlog sekali dua bulan...semoga selalu sehat dan jgn lupa jaga kesehatan..
Kak bahasa inggrisnya uang kecil apaya? Kaya "lo ada uang kecil ga? Gw gaada kembalian"
Konten" yang kayak gini yang buat channel kak naila beda😊
Syuka banget
You're my role model😍
makasih Afyanti :) Seneng deh dengernya :D Jangan lupa share ke temen2 kamu ya :D
thank you
cut me some slack, he's wrong, he's still learning.
Thanks a lot! 🙌 it's such a helpful video. I love it 💙
Percayalah aku langsung buru-buru nonton video ini kak wkwk
percaya kok percaya ahahaha :p
Gara2 sering nonton channel ini, tadi malem jadi kebawa mimpi diajarin sama mba Naila Bhs.Inggris. Mana aku telat lagi😄😄
My friend and i chip in for buy a car..
Kalo BHS Inggrisnya ada-ada aja kak?
Naila thank you for your nice video..but how to say in english ...".kok bengong aja, ayo masuk....ayo makan"
baru nonton, dan ikut kasihan sama kak ana wkwkkwkwkw
kak ,ini msh jadi misteri buat aku ,bikinin lagi dong hehehe😂
aku msh bingung sm english nya Sungkan itu apa ,dalam konteks " udahh biar aku aja yg bayar makanannya. ehh jangann ,aku sungkan ,kan kita masih pelajar ,bayar sendiri sendiri aja gapapa " jd unstranslatable nya " Sungkan " 😄
Bayar sendiri2 itu go dutch
Kenfuri Soniaoct Jangan sungkan = just feel free!
@@shaya3610 terimakasih kak 😊
@@muhammadbadrymuntasyir7060 terimakasih kak 😊
i want try bittersweet by najla, but that cake so expensive, so i just chip in with my friends
Oh gosh you're so cute..
Saya suka pronounciation kak naila
makasih Noah :)
@@nailafarhana_ kak share video agar good pronounciation , , saya masih keseleo aja kak dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris
Niat banget! (Tepuk tangan) :)
I jas wana sai.. yu ar sooo biutipulll😍😍
sering" bikin kayak gini ka😁. sangat membantuku buat belajar inggris😊😊
Kalo kata aku terminologi gemes itu yaa kamu 😘😍😍
wwkwk gombalannya bisa aja
Thank you!! Ini yg aku tunggu"❤️❤️
Usul.., subtitle nya kuning aja.. biar keliatan jelas.. n klo bs subtitle nya kyk gini ada bhs ind - eng jd biar ngerti arti nya. Next video ny
Suka suka suka bangeettt 😭😭
Ahhhhhh sukaaa 💙💙
love it! ❤❤❤
Gitu toh caranya naikin koper
ahahahahha sebenernya karena ngga kuat ngangkat keatas tangga aja 😅
Kakk, buat sistem bljr kk dlm stu hri, saat bljr bhasa pleasee
Subtitle nya suka ga kebaca say..
hai ka. lama tak jumpa😁😁
kalo "maaf, gue cuma isengin lu/gue cuma iseng" itu sama aja kaya i was kidding ya? ga ada kata lainnya ka?
dude, i'm just playing around.. chill...
Angelapple I was teasing you juga blh
More more i need more like this pls
I can't speak english very well.. cut me some slack, i'm not a native speaker. 🤣
Langsung tonton dong waktu dapet notif😍
terima kasih! :)
Terlalu cepat nge-cut videonya
patungan = go dutch?
Ka texnya agak di gedein dikit lg sama di perjelass hehe
i like the video & i need more like this💘 have a nice day too🤗
i have a crush on someone who's younger then me, we've been close to each other but deep down i feel like kind of weird dating someone younger then me. btw brondong apa ya bahasa inggrisnya. if any of you know what the meaning of brondong just comment , thank you.
Yang benar yang mana mba.
1.What is wrong?
2.What happened?
3.What's up?
bahasa inggrisnya cadel apa yaaa HAHAHAHA i tried to look it up di google and could not find it.
Buck 💲 ; dollar
Ka, font translate nya kurang keliatan😁 anyway love your content videos😄😄
02:03 "Oh crap".
Nanya donk. Bahasa inggrisnya "sok tahu" apa?
Mr. Know-it-All 😎
@@oji2691 Ok thanx
Over all penjelasannya baguss, tapi subtitle nya bikin sakitt mata karna warna nya selaras sm background