I went to the mother channel in English and I want to dub this content for a language other than Romanian and English and I was wondering if I can do this as well. Please can you tell me how you reached out to them to give you permission for the dubbing?
este foarte trist că există acest lucru 😢😢😢
Educație permanentă! Studiul istoriei de către toate populațiile! ❤❤❤
Wow super tare,am descoperit acest canal de la o ora de psihologie și mi-a plăcut foarte mult și de atunci ma uit mereu cu drag 😊
Mă bucur mult să aud asta❤
Sunteți buni. Nu vă opriți! ❤
Asemenea lucruri fac la moment în Ucraina ,,specimenele" de la Moscova.
I went to the mother channel in English and I want to dub this content for a language other than Romanian and English and I was wondering if I can do this as well. Please can you tell me how you reached out to them to give you permission for the dubbing?
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