Wait... Debbie can't take care of her own daughter and she's how old now and has a job? Yet, Charity catches hell over having to leave Debbie with a friend of the family and she was only 13, was it? Then she was kicked out of her home to live on the streets. Which led to her being groomed and abused by a copper named Bails and up the duff. Many years later, she gets it thrown in her face that she not only abandoned Debbie, but leaves a child she believes died in the hospital, when she was only 14 or so? Double standard much, when Sarah is not thrown in Debbie's face? The more I watch of this show, the clearer the backgrounds become and yet... the LESS all of it makes sense. It's like a freakin' jigsaw puzzle with... lots of pieces missing from the box!!
debbie is beautiful!!
Yep she's called Sarah
Wait... Debbie can't take care of her own daughter and she's how old now and has a job? Yet, Charity catches hell over having to leave Debbie with a friend of the family and she was only 13, was it? Then she was kicked out of her home to live on the streets. Which led to her being groomed and abused by a copper named Bails and up the duff. Many years later, she gets it thrown in her face that she not only abandoned Debbie, but leaves a child she believes died in the hospital, when she was only 14 or so? Double standard much, when Sarah is not thrown in Debbie's face? The more I watch of this show, the clearer the backgrounds become and yet... the LESS all of it makes sense. It's like a freakin' jigsaw puzzle with... lots of pieces missing from the box!!
lol i totally agree !!!!
Her daughter looks like Michelle from full house.
Debbie has a doughter ?! o.O
Same :)