This man was Americas greatest classical pianist of the 20th century. It is dusgraceful that there were no mention of his death on TV or in the papers. He was a big part of PBS telecasts. You would think PBS would do a special about Andre Watts.
Well, I'm from Philadelphia so his death was a big deal here. I saw him in concert once. He was so charismatic. The coverage here was mostly on our classical music station.
Rip Andre
Bernstein engaged Watts for a Young Peoples' Concert and was so impressed he had him substitute for Gould right after.
I miss Lenny so much!
This man was Americas greatest classical pianist of the 20th century. It is dusgraceful that there were no mention of his death on TV or in the papers. He was a big part of PBS telecasts. You would think PBS would do a special about Andre Watts.
Well, I'm from Philadelphia so his death was a big deal here. I saw him in concert once. He was so charismatic. The coverage here was mostly on our classical music station.
Unfortunately classical music is not valued enough in America to broadcast his death. VERY SAD!