Would I Benefit By Changing From Micro Four Thirds To Full Frame?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ก.ย. 2024
  • The answer may be different for everyone. In this video I talk about whether a change to a full frame digital camera would be of benefit to me. Olympus Micro Four Thirds digital cameras have worked very well for me in my photography but what would I gain by switching to a full frame digital camera such as a Sony, Canon or Nikon?

ความคิดเห็น • 62

  • @Kelkschiz
    @Kelkschiz 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    I own both an Olympus E-PL8 and a Sony A7. And it is exactly what you say, both systems have their strong points. If you make a list, it appears as if MFT comes out ahead. But photography isn't about lists. For me, it is about enjoyment and capturing lovely images. And both these systems offer that in different ways.
    I find that the main benefit of full frame is indeed the FOV: being able to use fast (vintage) glass in small spaces. This is an easily underestimated benefit. Something like an Olympus 75mm f1.8 is a great lens with terrific image quality and a bokeh monster, but often it is just not versatile enough to use. I love using something like a vintage 50mm on my A7. Great for indoor portraiture.
    About cost: I bought my Sony A7, secondhand for 250 Euro. Don't remember exactly what I paid for my SMC Takumar 50mm F1.4, something like 30 bucks. So, shooting full frame doesn't have to be expensive at all. When it comes to camera systems, I am an opportunistic hedonist.

    • @dayeah765caoni3
      @dayeah765caoni3 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Outdated full frame vs modern m43?! 😂😂

    • @Kelkschiz
      @Kelkschiz 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@dayeah765caoni3 As I said in my comment: photography is all about enjoyment and capturing lovely images. In some ways, shooting with an "outdated" camera can be more enjoyable than shooting with a "modern" camera. I also love shooting with lenses that are 40-50 years old. Operating a quality old lens is just so much fun.
      Despite what you might think, the A7 is a nice camera to operate. It will give the owner some awesome capabilities at a bargain price point (got mine for 200 euros). As long as a piece of equipment does what is desired, what does it matter that some people consider it outdated? It's only good because it means you can buy it for less.

  • @pmcbMadeInIreland
    @pmcbMadeInIreland 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    ‘Whatever works for you’, as you quite rightly say. No one should ever listen to anyone who says ‘you must do this’ or ‘you should do that’. Please, don’t be a sheep, go your own way and decide what you need and what works best for you. We all have different needs and skill levels. Thank you for your post.

    • @dongummphotography
      @dongummphotography  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you for your comment, and thanks for watching too!

  • @bvista58
    @bvista58 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    so many choices these days and the thing is, they all produce good images. I myself started with Nikon aps-c and while attending photography college I upgraded to a full frame dslr nikon. Still using it for projects where I can make use of the lenses I have for that system. But in all honesty, these days, all I carry with me everyday is an Olympus em5....it brings me so much joy, it's all that I need for every day and the images are as good as my full frame with the right lenses if you don't pixel peep ... .and I don't... :)

    • @dongummphotography
      @dongummphotography  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Right, you are! Thanks for watching and commenting.

  • @hansemannluchter643
    @hansemannluchter643 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Another great thing about M43 is that it's discreet, especially if you do street-photography.
    Your camera doesn't draw attention, people hardly notice it. And you can easily "shoot from the hip"...

    • @dongummphotography
      @dongummphotography  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      So true! Thanks for watching and commenting!

  • @georgemahlum6542
    @georgemahlum6542 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Not sure you have to renounce one to have the other... I have always had multiple formats even back in the film days (I am 70+ yrs young)... nowdays its eosRP set and also some GX9 gear for run and gun... Cheers
    If I need really low light I use an old Sony A7s...

    • @harrison00xXx
      @harrison00xXx 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      EOS RP is just an awesome camera. I was shooting canon APS-C for over 12 years and collected a few EF/full frame lenses i liked within those >12 years.
      The EOS RP was the first time "new" full frame cameras were affordable somehow. If i would not have changed my priority (later...) to wildlife and video, the EOS RP would be still the camera i love the most.
      For me personally the EOS RP was btw the "run and gun" camera with RF 50mm + 35mm 1.8 and when i took it serious i used the heavy and big EF and EF L lenses i had anyways and the EOS RP also served as my astrophotography camera on a 300mm F6 APO and a 750mm F4 newton, guided and nearly completely automated via notebook/computer ofc.
      The EOS RP was nearly a swiss knife... small, good specs, full frame, affordable. Just video specs and usable 4k video was missing! The EOS R8 is basically what the RP should have been from the beginning

  • @Galeidan
    @Galeidan 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I have shot with mft, crop, FF and medium format. Every format has their pros and cons. Whatever works for you is what you should use.
    I have to crop my photos quite a bit so 20 mp sensor just wont cut it. Another thing is that Olympus autofocus isn't on par with the the best ones (Canon and Sony) when I write this (October 2023) I love Olympus camera looks, size, weight, controls, live comp and color science. If those two things I mentioned earlier were different, I would still use Olympus (I owned E-M1 mark II and several lenses for some time in the past) Nothing against mft but at the moment it just isn't format for me because of those two "limitations".

  • @KirstenBayes
    @KirstenBayes 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    For hobby, street and travel photography I love my little E-M5 with a standard or a wide angled prime. It has a Rangefinder vibe for sure. For the occasional bit of paid work, I just rent or borrow whatever I need for the shot list. That tends to be Sony, but Panasonic is very much available rental here: thinking of hiring a GH5 II for a job in a couple of weeks.

    • @harrison00xXx
      @harrison00xXx 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      How can you do this?
      I personally own "only" a Sigma 150-600C and a Canon RF 800 F11, both sub-1000€ lenses. Basically bought 2nd hand for 650 and 700€, so in total i "only" paid 1350€ for both but i have a "fast" 150-600 and a compact & light supertele.
      I rented once a RF 100-500L + 2x TC for trying if i would like it - and hell, YES! But you can not imagine how i began to HATE my subpar gear once realizing you can get basically all advantages of both of my lenses into a single lens which is even as light as the light RF 800.
      For me it was super hard, and one thing is sure: as soon RF 100-500 get affordable 2nd hand which is sadly still in the 2500€ ballpark (2800 new...), i will get one for sure and sell RF 800 F11 and with a high chance the Sigma as well.

    • @KirstenBayes
      @KirstenBayes 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@harrison00xXx ha, well when I was working a job this month we had a stills camera, a video camera, a sound recorder, set of mics (lavs/radio), couple of laptops (one as an audio interface), projector...not really conducive to doing artistic photography! Give me an old E5, a "nifty fifty" and some good light and that is all I need in this world.

  • @jimbailey1122
    @jimbailey1122 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    yes, you would. I used to shoot 4/3 but gave that up a long time ago for APSC and FF and have never looked back.

    • @harrison00xXx
      @harrison00xXx 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I dont understand MFT users anyway, except they are more into wildlife and want absolute reach.
      As i got into photography, even just for hobby/fun and on a tight budget, i didnt even look lower than APS-C to begin with. Full frame was ofc in 2009 or so.... expensive, professional stuff.
      Since i was in the canon world as APS-C user and knew Canon doesnt care about APS-C/budget users i bought exclusively full frame glass, and that only good 2nd hand deals. Not only FF glass hold the value much better but it was in many ways better as well. Plus i had from the beginning the hope that i some day can afford full frame.
      From 2019 to end 2022 i had also full frame, the EOS RP was just tiny, awesome and did everything (photography wise...)
      the biggest advantage of full frame is lens choice if the manufacturer is caring about its FF system. The biggest advantage of APS-C is mostly the crop factor which is used by many users as "digital teleconverter", as i do now with the EOS R7 and 32MP APS-C.
      MFT advantages? Idk, longer ago price, weight and size was a reason for MFT, things changed and a good MFT camera costs more than my good APS-C canon or much more than my entry level full frame canon i had...
      APS-C or full frame, thats the question most people should ask themself if they want a camera.
      But i also have something like a MFT mode on my APS-C, in 4k60 crop mode its going into like 1,77x crop and 1:1 pixel readout, making the sensor effectively even smaller than MFT (2,8x crop). But thats just a nice addition, i still love to use the full APS-C sensor for 120 fps slowmo, good 4k video and photos!

  • @carmenfissenden2530
    @carmenfissenden2530 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I concur with all you said .
    If an iPhone can produce a poster as big as those i have seen on station platforms , MFT can certainly match it and in my opinion enhance the process over using a phone .
    After suffering from using larger bodies and lenses over the years and not giving a thought to the weight I was carrying around with me on trips all came to grinding haunt after a family trip around Europe .
    I elected to look for an alternative body and kit and after much procrastination , bought one of the last EM 10 kits from Olympus and had it shipped over to me in the UK.
    After adding a couple of primes as walk about and portrait work ; leaving my phone for wide angle vistas etc.
    In short , I have not regretted the move away from full frame and as attractive as the new Nikon body is , it is not enough to lure me away from MFT . In a word - weight and size . Okay , that’s two words lol

    • @dongummphotography
      @dongummphotography  10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I couldn't agree more! Thanks for watching and commenting!

    • @carmenfissenden2530
      @carmenfissenden2530 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Your welcome !

  • @salgado_fotos
    @salgado_fotos 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The Micro Four Thirds have had a lot of unfavorable “labels” attached to them to justify the use of larger sensors. But rigorous reviews have been done and in “real life” (photos):
    1. Noise, not only the size of the sensor intervenes, other factors also intervene and in the latest Micro Four Thirds models the difference is becoming smaller (and you have to go beyond ISO3200 to appreciate differences...).
    2. Dynamic range, there are also more factors involved than the size of the sensor and the differences, in most situations, we will not appreciate (for example, in DXO Mark they assign a dynamic range of 13.4 steps to the OM System OM5 and 14.3 to the Nikon Z6 full frame 14.3, that is, not a step difference...🧐 therefore in a correctly exposed shot we will not see such a difference).
    In short, a bad reputation has been created from the 10 megapixel sensor era of the past and carries with it even now (due to the interest of the detractors of the system, which curiously was always open to all manufacturers...)
    But what about “Ecology”🤔 (which we like to boast about so much now) in the development of photography equipment:
    It is striking that at a time when we all want to be respectful of the environment, to be “ecological” (take care of nature), we do not take this into account in the world of photography.
    If we can reduce the cost of materials (optical glass, metal, plastics...) to build photographic equipment, with the consequent energy savings and less waste in the future...; It seems like it should be done and therefore manufacturers follow that path. But it seems that the majority of firms have not opted for this and want to reimpose the format of the past, which they now call "full format", when it is none other than the "classic" format or the traditional 24x36mm of the old support reel. chemical.
    But let's not fool ourselves, at this point it is clear that if we compare the results in the digital world of the "classic" format (24x36), with those of APS or Micro Four Tercios, in the vast majority of situations, there are no important differences in relation to the quality of the images obtained. But, there is a big difference when it comes to the cost of the equipment (body and objectives) and also the added weight (unhealthy for the person carrying it).
    Then a question arises: why are most companies so stubborn in designing a sensor with the “classic” 24x36mm “invented” in its day by Leica? I think the answer is quite obvious: these manufacturers (the old acquaintances and the one that once bought Minolta) want to continue taking advantage of their investment in optical designs from the past... (it does not seem that they are seeking to do the photographer a favor) .
    PS: Curiously, and ironically, Leica implemented the 24x36mm as a reduction of the chemical support format of the time (90x90 and 90x60cm) to achieve smaller, discreet and easy to transport camera bodies... And it represented a great revolution in photography " analog” as it has been a great revolution in digital photography to use smaller sensors than the old-fashioned 24x36mm...😬

    • @dongummphotography
      @dongummphotography  10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Excellent points, all! Thanks for sharing your thoughts! And thanks for watching to!

  • @achaycock
    @achaycock 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I have to say that this is a fascinating video to me - partly because I am wondering if I should trim my full frame kit down and put more effort into micro four thirds - spoilers - yes.
    I love Olympus just like yourself, but I also love Pentax and my full frame beauty it the K-1. I will be honest, my biggest draw was the vintage lens support. I will say the following. That camera has made me happy. I love its image quality, its colour science and image stabilisation (Pentax is really good at this).
    I will also add that despite the ability to get nice shallow depth of field from micro four thirds, it is ridiculously easy on full frame and when you want great swirly bokeh, there really is no comparison.
    For landscapes I have found the the K-1 has also spoiled me for the level of detail.
    But... it is big! I find that in my daily life, it often sits at home unused, because even my OM-D E-M1 with battery grip and pro lens is still a lot smaller than the K-1 with a smaller equivalent lens and no grip. As a result if I had to go with only one system, I would choose micro four thirds. I think that it is more versatile and the pro lenses do make such a difference to the quality. Furthermore, I am going to move my fiancee onto the system and my Father has moved onto it a few months back, giving us as a family a common eco system.
    As it is, I plan on having both. I will use m4/3 as my main system and my K-1 for my special photo walks.

    • @dongummphotography
      @dongummphotography  9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Sounds like a well thought out plan! Thanks for watching!

  • @texmex697
    @texmex697 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I was a Canon shooter back in the days of the A1. The last camera I had was a Pentacon 6TL. So when I picked up a Canon 6d 2015 model this year it was like going into the future, but with a familiar layout. I picked the 6d for its tank like build, familiar layout and relatively wide range of cheaper ef lens. I never had a touch screen or image stabilization before so why bother now. I'm happy. Maybe you should rent a full frame before you make your mind up, instead of being in a 'what if' situation later.

  • @joanfilbert3012
    @joanfilbert3012 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    If you still have a set of manual focus lenses you could buy a canon Eos 5d full frame - with adapter you can use the m42, Pentax K or Nikon lenses. I paid equivalent 240 Dollar for my 5d. Good luck and have fun PS Robin Wong has interesting reviews on 5d and also Nikon 600

  • @user-gq2tg6mg2w
    @user-gq2tg6mg2w 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Wise words, mate. I love my Olympus cameras. I'm tempted by the Nikon zf though.

  • @thomasa.243
    @thomasa.243 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    The reason I have picked a Full Frame camera is that I am sure that the manufacturer will support the system in the future. When I have switched from a DSLR, that broke :/, I looked at MFT but it was just when Olympus has carved out their camera business and Panasonic was not doing anything interesting. I feared, that MFT will be abandoned by Panasonic and OM Systems will go bankrupt rather quickly. In 2023, things look a bit different but 2 years ago, yeah...

    • @harrison00xXx
      @harrison00xXx 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Same thing, but in the canon world and where it made sense to go full frame, with the lenses.
      I was using for over 12 years only APS-C bodies but bought exclusively EF/full frame lenses with a single exception: the EF-S 17.55 2.8 premium kit lens. All because i knew Canon doesnt give a sh*t about APS-C/budget users.
      I "lost" some money with bodies, especially when bought new (a very few times, only EOS 400D and EOS RP i bought new yet beside the actual EOS R7). But when it comes to lenses (2nd hand exclusively!)....barely made a loss and often even a (very small... barely worth noting) profit.
      I tend to look only for good deals or even "too good to be true", pay the sellers in cash and the main part: Im testing the lens for at least 1 minute personally before purchase as well check the glass. Also, im getting pretty fast bored with some lenses, so i buy them for a good price, keep them for like 6 months up to some years and then sell them for some budget for another lens. Only if the value of the lens dropped a lot or its "worthless" from the beginning, i keep it until the lens is obsolete, broken or i abuse it in bad conditions (such as below 0°C, very humid, rainy day, dirty stuff such as a wrc event)

    • @richardpetrovic8941
      @richardpetrovic8941 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I do fotografy from childhood, in me 15 on SLR and later DSLR. I chose Nikon and still use all lenses - and all of them are full frame. My son buy Sony camera only body and adapter for Nikon and he also using my lenses. DSLR cameras are about ergonomi easy and quick using all possible modes and settings. For me is better than small sony to every thing you set in menu. But I think camera and lenses are not so important, important are your art skills.

    • @thomasa.243
      @thomasa.243 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@harrison00xXx Yeah, you can definitely get very good deals with lenses. And also with camera bodies if you don't need the newest or Fujifilm 😅. I have also got some very good lenses at 50% off used.

    • @thomasa.243
      @thomasa.243 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@richardpetrovic8941 I agree. For me, the most important thing is to have a camera that inspires you to use it. Do you like its design, ergonomics, etc., then go for it. In terms of image quality we are at a point where they are all very very good.

  • @RobertLeeAtYT
    @RobertLeeAtYT 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    In the old days with film, I used Canon SLRs and Mamiya RB-67 MF. That Mamiya was in 6x7, so had about 6x the film area relative to the small format 135 ("35mm") film. 135 prints falls apart past 8x10 prints; prints from the MF negative enlarged to 16x20 remained tack sharp, maintained rich color and tonality, and was still mostly noiseless. The Mamiya was also break-your-back heavy, slow to use and damned clunky. A field kit with lenses, a handful of film backs, tripod would be easily 60 pounds.
    Now, I use a bunch of Panasonic MFT cameras and a S1R, which is FF. It's really no different than the old days otherwise. You can't argue against the spectacularly detailed 200MP, 60x40 poster print of macro, architecture and landscapes. The technical quality of the output is frankly unapproachable with MFT; it's also way overkill 98% of the time.
    I daily carry a GX-85 MFT with a 17mm f1.8 lens. It's fair to say I have 100 keeper images from this for every one out of the S1R.

  • @miketan4803
    @miketan4803 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Depends on ones reason to change to ff. Wide angle option? Bringing less lens as just only need to shoot & crop? But no point if mostly shooting tele ... Don't buy ff if you're planning to crop as that will be disadvantage

  • @hilarylee5332
    @hilarylee5332 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    you could do what i do, and that's shoot with both m/43 and full frame (vintage lenses) and I get the best of both formats

  • @godsinbox
    @godsinbox 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I dont know why you are asking. Is there a situation that you need a sharper tool for?
    You wont really know unless you immerse yourself in another system.
    But...First golden rule is always to decide on the lens system you want to be in, then decide on the body.

    • @harrison00xXx
      @harrison00xXx 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The thing is... the "lens system" (i guess you talk about the mount... like EF-M, RF, E, M42,...?) choice mainly should depend on the body/body choice you have as well.
      It d
      For example... you may want into the EOS-M/EF-M system because they have good and compact APS-C lenses for a good price (the ONLY canon system with a great variety of usable APS-C lenses!!!), thats might even fitting, until you also want for example modern eye tracking, 120 fps with good AF etc. then you have the issue of "outdated" bodies and there wont be an upgrade.
      Cheap and super affordable, but "dead" system.
      For me the choice was never a problem, i used Canon EF lenses, exclusively full frame glass (on APS-C bodies for over 12 years). I also "upgraded" to full frame in 2019 with the EOS RP (astro, low light, wide angle, ANYTHING!), but now im back at APS-C with the EOS R7 (focus on wildlife and video)

  • @1957PLATO
    @1957PLATO 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I have shot APSC, 35 and now m4/3. 99% of my shooting is in daylight and I shoot street. I want plenty of dof, so M4/3 is my thing.

    • @jimbailey1122
      @jimbailey1122 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Actually you're shooting with a 4/3 sensor. Micro 4/3s refers to the smaller mount and glass, designed different from the original 4/3-sensor cameras like the Oly E-1, E-3, and their hefty glass.

  • @carlosmcse
    @carlosmcse 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    For me lenses are more important. Lenses dictate the body I have. I have 1 camera and 2 lenses.

  • @brompterdam
    @brompterdam 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Here is my current €1800 Camera Gear since 2018 composed of Fujifilm X-T1 + XF 35 f2, Lumix GX8 + Leica DG 25mm f1.4 + Leica DG 12-60 f2.8-4 and Leica T + Leica Elmarit-TL 18mm f2.8. + all accessories. These are all used but Mint Conditions. I used to own a Sony A7 III + Zeiss 24-70 f4 + Sony 50 f1.8 also all mint condition but ended up selling it. The happiness and inspiration I get from using Fujifilm X-T1, Lumix GX8 and Leica T is priceless even though these are 2014-2015 released cameras.
    Don't waste your money on Full Frame if you are not getting your money back. I made that mistake back in early 2018 and I am glad that I manage to sell it and build my current set-up. MFT is a different kind of gem paired with good lens, Fujifilm is for Film Recipes and the Leica T is for my ZEN type of photography.

  • @Swaggerlot
    @Swaggerlot 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Don't know if Columbia sponsor you, but I've found that Merrell shoes are longer lasting 🙂 I am continuously amazed at people running around giving vendors free advertising.
    I like your photo content by the way!

    • @dongummphotography
      @dongummphotography  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thanks for asking, but no, Columbia does not sponsor me. I do wear Merril shoes as their shoes are the only ones I've found that are wide enough for my size 9.5 6E wide feet.

    • @Swaggerlot
      @Swaggerlot 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@dongummphotography Well they should recompense you 🙂 Disgraceful!

  • @markhoffman9655
    @markhoffman9655 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Since Sony doesn't have a good track record for WR sealing on their bodies I wont be even thinking about them for my outdoors photography ... whereas Olympus is probably the industry leader with their OM-D M1 series build quality.

  • @annarakannan6620
    @annarakannan6620 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You should try the Zf. You will never go back. The Olympus auto focus sucks. Their IBIS is the best of the best. Their lenses are fantastic. Image quality of great if you get it right.

  • @user-kj5en4hz6c
    @user-kj5en4hz6c 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    yes, yes it is

    @TITAOSTEIN 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    MFT = Fun!!!

  • @pawelbrzozowski3899
    @pawelbrzozowski3899 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Debate about dynamic range? Where? Even mft churches don't have those.

  • @cecilsharps
    @cecilsharps 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    i don't think dynamic range means what you think it means.

  • @stevenbamford5245
    @stevenbamford5245 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    As your the main demographic for MFT and you wax lyrical regards the system, then obviously you're not going to switch to FF.

    • @dongummphotography
      @dongummphotography  10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Probably not but I might add a FF body for use with vintage lenses. Thank you for watching and commenting!

    • @RobertLeeAtYT
      @RobertLeeAtYT 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@dongummphotography Yeah, FF mirrorless is great for playing with old optics. The adapters are generally cheap, as in around $20. They're really just a tube to get the mechanical mating correct, and the flange distance kinda right. Be sure to go mirrorless though as this allows for sloppy flange distances (as you'd expect on $20 adapters.)
      Ummm... Maybe look for a used Lumix S5 or S1. I really like the focus peaking implementation on the Panasonics. It's actually faster to use and more accurate than the split prism, RF patch, micro-mirrors, whatever of the original film cameras. That focusing accuracy really becomes crucial if you start playing with the newly Chinese manufactured, old style but ultra-fast ~f1.0 lenses.

  • @bigd7696
    @bigd7696 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Yes, you need a full frame. Because no other camera takes a photo.

  • @rufuscollis303
    @rufuscollis303 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Might help you to keep fit.

  • @martinhommel9967
    @martinhommel9967 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Don’t waste your money

  • @JoeLopez
    @JoeLopez 10 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @gamingwithstand6886
    @gamingwithstand6886 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I shoot weddings on M43 never had a issue.
    Google .
    Russia wedding photographer Micro Four Thirds
    Now ask yourself can you use M43 for wedding photography?

    • @dongummphotography
      @dongummphotography  10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      No doubt you can shoot weddings on MFT. I have heard, though, of a few accounts where someone, like the father of the bride who had a FF camera, would come unhinged because his camera was better than the wedding photographers.