This was fun to watch, entertaining, enjoyable and educational. As for the grip, I started playing at age 45 and used the standard overlap grip. After many years, I switched to the interlock grip. I switched back to the overlap for a couple of years. Recently I discovered that my trail hand was not positioned correctly. The lifeline on my trail hand was not over my lead hand thumb. The thumb pad of my trail hand was on the side of the lead thumb even though my lead hand is strong. I changed back to the interlock grip and found my hands would meld together correctly and I became more consistent and hit better shots. I also do not smash my webbing with my grip. I'm 72 years old and shot a 77 last year and this year shot 37 on front 9. I'll leave out the back 9 score!
Took a few times to let it sink in, but wow, just letting a club float and never touch the ground after setting my grip finally give me the flow and rhythm which I have been seeking for two years...have been spending my time building a routine but couldn't find the silky rhythm I wanted...ever so grateful to you for sharing..🤣🙏😎..Stressdr.
1. Understand Left/Right brain.( you can find it in Performance Golf training vedio). 2. Practice the No Turn Back Swing as Martin has instructed. ( Once you have it down, go back to beginning and redo training on hitting ball 1st.) 3. Prime each shot with your pre-shot routine. Get your structure down , stepping into shot alignment as Martin Chuck has instructed. 3. Review Martin's how to hit draw and fade, then Practice each one, once your comfortable, start hitting 1 draw, 1 fade. Make it fun, and keep going back and revisit video's that will reinforce what Martin teaches. 4. I never take a new lesson/shot making to the course until I feel comfortable enough on the range. 5. Play with what I know on course, and just have fun. (See and feel your shot, draw/fade/ chip/pitch). Make sure you tell yourself, good job when you pull off your shoot, and if you don't, tell yourself it's okay, I'll get it next time. 6. Play one shot at a time, understand what happen, then forget about it, get your mind off it, think off something different. Don't plan your next shot until you reached it and look down range, and visualize what you want to do 7. At the end of the day it's just gold, thing happen, good or bad, and you'll know what to practice on...I was a 15 handicap last Dec 2022, I'm at 12 handicap now, and feel myself getting better, even with my disability in my back , neck, and pain running thru my arms legs, I manage it with Martin Chuck No Turn Back Swing, which helps take strain off my back, but I put in the work at the range, which I consider my play ground, then take it to the course and just go have fun, calling my shots out loud to myself.....Thank you Martin for all you do. Waiting to see more videos to practice and have f un with....Getter Done.....Leland
outstanding content, absolutely love his knowledge of life it self,not just the game of Golf, Passion, knowledge, humor, it Definitely works for Me, very inspiring Man/ Teacher/ Coach!!Thanks for sharing Video,
Just that most folks who interlock mess it up. They get the pinky and index webbing to webbing and it makes getting the right hand on really hard. You can interlock, but it can't be webbing to webbing. Cheers.
One thing never mentioned....I do think the game is tougher the taller you are....5'6 to 6 foot is a great height for golf...watson, nicklaus, palmer, trevino, player, jones, hogan.... I know Tiger, Faldo, Eles are 6'2-6'4 but those are exceptions to the rule. Also, there is no great secret to master the game of golf. If the secret was ever discovered, then there would be no jobs for teachers and PGA these guys are never gonna tell. They have a job for life, and they know it.
I can appreciate that comment. It’s tricky trying to educate a large group. There are a bunch of lessons in this presentation; stories, examples, live lesson, etc.
For me, the section on how to prime your swing really clicked. Just focusing on something, i.e. fighting my slice by adjusting how I get ready for a shot is a really tangible way to work on my game.
Can't believe you don't have more views.
You've elevated my game without in person training !!!!!!
This was fun to watch, entertaining, enjoyable and educational. As for the grip, I started playing at age 45 and used the standard overlap grip. After many years, I switched to the interlock grip. I switched back to the overlap for a couple of years. Recently I discovered that my trail hand was not positioned correctly. The lifeline on my trail hand was not over my lead hand thumb. The thumb pad of my trail hand was on the side of the lead thumb even though my lead hand is strong. I changed back to the interlock grip and found my hands would meld together correctly and I became more consistent and hit better shots. I also do not smash my webbing with my grip. I'm 72 years old and shot a 77 last year and this year shot 37 on front 9. I'll leave out the back 9 score!
Took a few times to let it sink in, but wow, just letting a club float and never touch the ground after setting my grip finally give me the flow and rhythm which I have been seeking for two years...have been spending my time building a routine but couldn't find the silky rhythm I wanted...ever so grateful to you for sharing..🤣🙏😎..Stressdr.
Thank you so very much for all your help your videos are amazing
You are so welcome. I appreciate the comment.
1. Understand Left/Right brain.( you can find it in Performance Golf training vedio). 2. Practice the No Turn Back Swing as Martin has instructed. ( Once you have it down, go back to beginning and redo training on hitting ball 1st.) 3. Prime each shot with your pre-shot routine. Get your structure down , stepping into shot alignment as Martin Chuck has instructed. 3. Review Martin's how to hit draw and fade, then Practice each one, once your comfortable, start hitting 1 draw, 1 fade. Make it fun, and keep going back and revisit video's that will reinforce what Martin teaches. 4. I never take a new lesson/shot making to the course until I feel comfortable enough on the range. 5. Play with what I know on course, and just have fun. (See and feel your shot, draw/fade/ chip/pitch). Make sure you tell yourself, good job when you pull off your shoot, and if you don't, tell yourself it's okay, I'll get it next time. 6. Play one shot at a time, understand what happen, then forget about it, get your mind off it, think off something different. Don't plan your next shot until you reached it and look down range, and visualize what you want to do 7. At the end of the day it's just gold, thing happen, good or bad, and you'll know what to practice on...I was a 15 handicap last Dec 2022, I'm at 12 handicap now, and feel myself getting better, even with my disability in my back , neck, and pain running thru my arms legs, I manage it with Martin Chuck No Turn Back Swing, which helps take strain off my back, but I put in the work at the range, which I consider my play ground, then take it to the course and just go have fun, calling my shots out loud to myself.....Thank you Martin for all you do. Waiting to see more videos to practice and have f un with....Getter Done.....Leland
Thanks for reminding me to waggle...grateful 🙏..please keep putting out these the cadence of your presentation..Stressr😅
Thank you!
outstanding content, absolutely love his knowledge of life it self,not just the game of Golf, Passion, knowledge, humor, it Definitely works for Me, very inspiring Man/ Teacher/ Coach!!Thanks for sharing Video,
George Knudsen is a legend ball striker
Really useful!
Great content.
Big fan. Love your methods. Hope to bring my time and money to
one of your schools soon.
Thank you!!
That guy, in the background have good swing
What were you going to say about the grip between the interlock and the pinky sitting on top of the left index finger on the opposite hand .
Just that most folks who interlock mess it up. They get the pinky and index webbing to webbing and it makes getting the right hand on really hard. You can interlock, but it can't be webbing to webbing. Cheers.
who is the spaztec chopper on the left of Chuckster ?
:) The Raven has an awesome range plan. Lots of fun swings to watch.
This is gold
One thing never mentioned....I do think the game is tougher the taller you are....5'6 to 6 foot is a great height for golf...watson, nicklaus, palmer, trevino, player, jones, hogan....
I know Tiger, Faldo, Eles are 6'2-6'4 but those are exceptions to the rule. Also, there is no great secret to master the game of golf. If the secret was ever discovered, then there would be no jobs for teachers and PGA these guys are never gonna tell. They have a job for life, and they know it.
There is no magic, but there are secrets. The secret is learning to avoid the pitfalls and work smart and hard.
I'm not sure how this speech makes anyone a better golfer
I can appreciate that comment. It’s tricky trying to educate a large group. There are a bunch of lessons in this presentation; stories, examples, live lesson, etc.
@@tourstriker I do watch all of your videos and love all of them!!
For me, the section on how to prime your swing really clicked. Just focusing on something, i.e. fighting my slice by adjusting how I get ready for a shot is a really tangible way to work on my game.
leave your Ego out of the game of Golf, Read between the lines, one word for this Man , Inspirational!
How can you say interlock grips tend to be problematic but in your "how to grip" video you say it's fantastic?!