Very well presented introduction. I am a Sicilian player and used to play exchange variation to simplify things whenever Black played French. I was told to look into Tarrasch instead and loved the way you introduced it.
I have only just begun to learn chess and I have to say that watching you decode and analyse various techniques makes it indeed very enjoyable. And, such a lovely warm smile :)
Thank you so much Kelly. You have no idea how helpful your videos are! I'm starting to understand openings and the idea behind them and I see my results improve so much after watching your videos! Again, thank you so much for your help. The videos are very instructive and informative like they should be! Best regards!
I absolutely fell in love with this channel today. I have been retrieving my childhood interest for the game, and started watching some video's of important matches and openings. You have a great collection of video's of great quality, and I love the way the different variations are explained in detail rather than rushed over to get to the point.
8:46 Knight takes Pawn on d4, Knight takes pawn on d4, and Knight takes pawn on d4! :D Thanks for this video! I now play the Tarrasch Variation against the French. I've had trouble with Nc3 lines because 3.. Nf6 seems too drawish for my liking.
10:30 why not instead c4 blocking the room for white's bishop? if b3 is played, black can support it with b5, and move after with dxc4, allowing more room for own white square bishop Bb7.
It is a very interesting idea, perhaps try it? Black seems to be losing time with moving so many pawns and later or more immediately he can be undermined with b2-b3 (and a2-a4 in the event of ...b7-b5) but these are just ideas...why not give it a whirl? :)
Would have been nice to see mention of the korchnoi gambit (Ngf3). Definitely on the list of things black should probably be aware of, and one of the lines I use on occasion when I'm looking for some fun from the white side of the board. Definitely one of the (few) gambits where I don't think the pawn can be profitably held.
Thanks a lot for your videos ! Very succinct and informative ..Helps me to get an idea of the opening everytime before I delve into details. Request you to make a video on English attack in Najdorf ..
Nice video and clear explanations but something troubles me about the exd5 variation you've show from 09:55 to 12:18. You state that Black should be happy with the e file opened. However, White has already castled whereas the Black King is still in e8 after the bishop has retreated in d6 at the position shown at 11:00. What would happen if White takes the opportunity to play Re1+? Does this move would perturb Black's development?
Ahh, very good catch!! Not seeing a satisfactory reply to your question I double-checked the databases and found that after 4.exd5 exd5 5.Ngf3 Nc6 6.Bb5 (shown in the video) rather than 6...Nf6?! as shown in the video, players handling the Black pieces prefer 6...Bd6! followed by ...Nge7 which eliminates the problems you identified. Not sure how I missed this in preparing for the video! :) In short: your analysis is correct, Re1+ would be strong in the position shown in the video
Dereque Kelley Thanks for the clarification that solves the problem. I'm used to play opening games in which you can be in trouble if you let the King in the center when the e file is opened...and you play as Black. It seems the French defense leads to a lot of closed positions, except the exd5 variation. The move Nf6 is very natural, so it isn't big deal if we make a mistake during a preparation but not in an actual game. I'll try the others variation you've shown in this video. Thanks for sharing.
Hey Dereque, at 6:56 after black plays BB4, you say that white could exchange bishops on the D2 square, but if white were to play BD2 wouldn't black just take the pawn on D4?
Maybe you should take a look at Guimard variation where the main pawn break for black is f6 instead of c5. Then, black put his queen on f6. I find it as an attractive variation for black.
Very nice explanations. I used to play this line a lot as white because I didn't like that black could settle me with a doubled c pawn in the Winawer variation, but then I learned to handle those positions OK as well. Still looks pretty good though - maybe I should try this again some time. :-)
In my opinion these kind of videos are really good to understand concepts and ideas behind simple moves being played. So this should provide me a further "chess understanding". So far, thank you very much! Just a thing I'm not happy about, I can never really remember how to do this in a game or cannot really figure out the right moves in the right order to the right time, even I do know the principal plan. Is it a thing I have to give some time? And just improve my awareness in terms of tactics and my ability to calculate some moves in advance? Thanks for any advice in advance!
Welcome and thank you! It is very common to forget move orders and specifics during the game. I always advise three things: first the study is not irrelevant because you are still absorbing strategies and ideas (therefore you need not be frustrated), secondly, with repeated study the percentage of material that DOES stick will increase; third, our opponents also "suffer" from appalling forgetfulness (fun!) - if we can manage to produce even one or two more moves from memory than our opponent can it can often have big consequences on the contest in terms of confidence, clock time, and mistakes yielded from the opponent. These logical reasons serve as encouragement for opening study despite continual forgetfulness and have borne fruits in my own quest to National Master :)
Thank you for making these videos! Your website was one of the first resources I stumbled upon when I first picked up chess seriously and I was very excited to find you later here on TH-cam. Subscribed immediately. Do you play online anywhere? It would be interesting, and probably very instructive, to see some of your actual games.
Cristofer Urlaub Very good!! Yes, I play on sometimes as MrPetrov and also if you search for my name you can find some games there :)
Dereque, I think you're doing excelent job very convinsigly! Making some videos on endgames would be great, owing to your excelent abilities as a presenter and someone with deep understanding of chess. Thank you, anyway!
Hey sir,Your videos are really useful for beginners.It would help slightly advanced players if u where to make an opening repertoire series with white or/and black and coverall the lines that our opponents can try against it.(I presume it would be better if u make the series on openings that you already play so that you can speak from your personal experience and analyze your own games)If you have taken this comment seriously you might want to start with an opening repertoire with 1.d4(i guess you are a 1.d4 player from your videos)thanks!
Hey, thanks for the video! Instructive and informative as usual. Anyway... I'd really like it if you were to cover the Modern Defence. Another hypermodern opening for black (you've covered a couple of these before, for example Alekhine's Defence), this opening has lead to some very interesting games (examp Magnus Carlsen beating Vladmir Kramnik with it) and all of which are extremely interesting to analyse. It's also very well scoring so it'd be really nice if you were to cover it. Thanks again for the instructive video, and have a nice day :]
Hi... i have been watching your videos lately and have to admit that you are a chess-pro :) , thus i wanted to ask you if you could upload a video where you play against someone else (a player). Thanks in regard.
Can you please post a video on how to play the sicilian taimanov? Btw, i know you and i have played you many times before. youre a really good chess player and an even better teacher! thanks for the videos!
+Dereque Kelley e4 and then f5..many ppl don't know that and they don't know how to react and I would like to learn some lines but I can't find anything
Dereque Kelley Is wrong or a bad idea if after 1. e4,e5 2. d4,d5 3. kd2, kf6 4.e5 and here kg8??? Is this black setting himself up to lose or is this played sometimes?
What's the point to move the knight twice in this line to get it back in g8? Does it challenge White' strong center and disturb his development? How do you plan to develop your pieces then?
White has moved his pawn twice as I've moved my knight twice. My argument is that the knight being able to come to either to e7 or h6 could be a stronger merit than it being developed but on what seems to me like a lesser square.
codegeass7162 First of all, White has moved his pawn on e5 with tempo by attacking the knight on f6. Black on the other hand has moved twice the knight without compensation. Then, the pawns in d4 and e5 restrict greatly the mobility of Black's pièces : 1 - the knight can't go on f6, the best square so far. 2 - the bishop of dark squares can't go on d6 and c5. 3 - the bishop of light squares on c8 is blocked by the pawn on e6 which is blocked by the white pawn on e5. The pawn chain on d4 and e5 grants to White a space advantage and Black must disturb this chain by moving their pawn on c5. You move your knight on e7. How do you develop your bishop on f8? You move your knight on h6. How do you put pressure on the pawn on d4? Why Black has retreated the knight on d7? From my point of view, for 3 reasons : 1 - To prepare the rush on d4 by playing the move ...c7-c5. 2 - To keep an eye on the e5 pawn 3 - To not obstruct the bishop f8 If you don't put into pressure the White's center quickly, White will have the time to block the queen side, develop his pieces and then attack whenever he wants at the King side, whereas you've lost some time to move your knight.
TheAvenger766 The position I described is exactly the same as the french advance with the difference is that white has gained a tempo. Black can and will start putting pressure on white center quickly and I was wondering if this loss of a single tempo by black to reach the position of the french advance was too big a loss for black or not and frankly I don't feel like your answering my questions. c5,kc6,Qb6 and then the knight can come to e7 or h5 and black is usually okay in this positions but in this case black reached this position by giving up a tempo and I was wondering if this was too big a cost or not, if it's ever been played at a higher level or not.
codegeass7162 In the French advance variation, Black put pressure on the centre by playing ....c5 as soon as White moves his pawn on e5. In your variation, there are some differences : 1 - You have lost a tempo by moving your knight twice without compensation. 2 - You haven't still put pressure on White's center. 3 - White has already developed a piece (the knight on d2) that can help to protect the center and later block the queen side. 4 - White to play Since Black has done nothing yet to contest White' strategy, White has the choices between different plans : 1 - Play on the Queen side with for example 5.Nb3 to control once more the c5 square, though making temporary harder for Black to play the move...c5, protect the pawn on d4 and liberate the c1-h6 diagonal for the bishop c1. 2 - Play 5.Fd3 with a great diagonal for the bishop and develop the pieces quickly for an attack on the King size. Each tempo will be important. Moreover White can strenghten his center by c3 or even f4 if necessary. 3 - Mixing the two plans explained very simply I think that White has more choices in this line than in the French advance variation. As an ex-average chess player, I don't know if this line has ever been tested at a high level. Check it out on chessbase but if it has been played, I feel there's a reason why this is a lot less popular that the line shown in this video.
There are some really nice custom built wood chessboards priced very competitively on Etsy. Here's one:
Louie Lightning Productions Thank you Louie Light!! :) Don't try too hard and it will come more easily :) "infinite patience leads to immediate results"
+Dereque Kelley I really hope you are kidding and the worst case scenario is unlikely. Your videos are great. They are really well produced. I appreciate that your video started before sun up,but it clearly ended after sunrise. I always look at your videos before I start playing new openings (currently playing KIA) you give great explanations to the reasons for mainline moves without going too deep onto sideline analysis - perfect for a the club player. Do you offer lessons over skype?!
Dereque Kelley I really hope that this won't be your last video. I've found your videos extremely helpful in many different ways. In fact, one of my favorite games that I played recently was one in which my opponent played the Pirc defense and I crushed him with the 150 attack, which you recommended. I wouldn't have discovered that variation without your videos. I also hope that you will eventually do one on the Benko gambit, as I am currently attempting to learn that line from the black side.
well sir,u made the french look slightly weak in this video,i gotta admit,cause now i realise that( being a french player i thought these positions favoured black who had plans like b6 and Ba6 or Bd7,Be8,f6 and Bg6 exchanging his bad Bishop and retaining a better Bishop(these plans arent easy to achieve though) i was wrong about the french even after playing it for 2 years
:) I don't think it's so bad - I can think of a few strong master players I know who are still playing it. Not all of your opponents will be equipped with successful anecdotes, and it is possible to find pleasure and even good results in playing slightly inferior positions with the right perspective and some tenacity. In any case, it is also lovely to try something else like 1...e5 or the Sicilian :) I prefer those
Nithin Babu What do you mean by the French defense is weak? There are several options shown for Black. 1) Open the centre by 3...c5 2) Close the game by 3....Cf6 I think that Black can also play 3...dxe4. White has a space advantage but Black can build a solid fortress and develop his pieces. Black's position is often narrowed but solid.White has usually a space advantage and the opportunity to attack at the King side, but Black can chose the nature of the position (opened, closed with counter attack on the Queen side or build a stronghold) with counterplay.
Your content might be good but unfortunately your video's layout makes it needlessly difficult to see what you are talking about. For one thing, your schematic board is tiny. Don't compromise on size! It should be better if it occupied almost the whole screen height (not quite all, because it should avoid the areas of the screen occupied by the text TH-cam displays when a video is paused). And the colour scheme is far too bright. This makes it impossible to make out what's on each square without severe eye strain.
I've played it for so many years, i taught Jesus Christ how to play the French. However, I've always had a problem (really an embarassment of riches) against the Tarrasch. For a long time I played ...Nf6 but now I'm trying ...c5 and/or 3...a6.
Seriously, Dereque. If chess isn't paying all the bills quite yet, reach out to some toothpaste sponsors! That smile is ridiculous!
+Andrew Squitiro Lol, thank you!! :)
These are the most well-presented, aesthetic, and enjoyable to watch chess videos on youtube and are of tremendous benefit . . . thank you so much!
+Matt Bell Sweet! Wonderful to hear and thank you :)
Very well presented introduction. I am a Sicilian player and used to play exchange variation to simplify things whenever Black played French. I was told to look into Tarrasch instead and loved the way you introduced it.
I have only just begun to learn chess and I have to say that watching you decode and analyse various techniques makes it indeed very enjoyable. And, such a lovely warm smile :)
+Anita Anand Thank you :) What a lovely comment! :)
As always, a great video by one of the best chess teachers online I've known. Keep it up Dereque!!!!
Daniel Oyola J. :) Thank you Daniel!
Thank you so much Kelly.
You have no idea how helpful your videos are! I'm starting to understand openings and the idea behind them and I see my results improve so much after watching your videos!
Again, thank you so much for your help. The videos are very instructive and informative like they should be!
Best regards!
+GodlyTecker Absolutely tremendous, I'm very happy for you!! :) Good luck!!
7:12 an exchange of bishops with Bd2 is impossible as it blunders a pawn to the Queen
I absolutely fell in love with this channel today. I have been retrieving my childhood interest for the game, and started watching some video's of important matches and openings. You have a great collection of video's of great quality, and I love the way the different variations are explained in detail rather than rushed over to get to the point.
+Wout Bakkenes Wonderful!! Welcome back to chess, and thank you for the exquisitely kind words! :)
8:46 Knight takes Pawn on d4, Knight takes pawn on d4, and Knight takes pawn on d4! :D
Thanks for this video! I now play the Tarrasch Variation against the French. I've had trouble with Nc3 lines because 3.. Nf6 seems too drawish for my liking.
+Cleverconure Thank you!
Dereque Kelley Yes! :)
I love chess and your videos are not only relaxing but informative so thank you so much for them!
ivanwhythen :) Thank you! Glad to hear you're enjoying them :)
10:30 why not instead c4 blocking the room for white's bishop? if b3 is played, black can support it with b5, and move after with dxc4, allowing more room for own white square bishop Bb7.
It is a very interesting idea, perhaps try it? Black seems to be losing time with moving so many pawns and later or more immediately he can be undermined with b2-b3 (and a2-a4 in the event of ...b7-b5) but these are just ideas...why not give it a whirl? :)
Glad that I subscribed to this channel. Much to learn.
+Chess64 Welcome!! :)
Dereque, thank you so much for all your wonderful videos!
You're welcome, I'm glad you found it helpful.
8:45 there isn't three d4 pons
Interesting explanation on another French Defense variation opening Dereque.
Very informative. Going to try and study this in my future games.
Andrew Emberso :)
Best chess teacher with warm smile..
God bless you
God bless you!! Thank you so much, I very much appreciate it! :)
just to let you know, this channel is my number 1 recommended chess opening channel. :D
+landy pjeselsony Aw...that's excellent to hear! Thank you! :)
I've been struggling against the French Defense. I'm going to try the Tarrasch :)
Nice presentation man and great lines for French tarrasch variation 🙂👍
Would have been nice to see mention of the korchnoi gambit (Ngf3). Definitely on the list of things black should probably be aware of, and one of the lines I use on occasion when I'm looking for some fun from the white side of the board. Definitely one of the (few) gambits where I don't think the pawn can be profitably held.
Thank you for the feedback!!
Thanks a lot for your videos ! Very succinct and informative ..Helps me to get an idea of the opening everytime before I delve into details. Request you to make a video on English attack in Najdorf ..
Very much thanks for you for stopping by! I much appreciate it!! :)
3...dxe4 the Rubinstein works against this or 3. Nc3, and transposes (saves prep).
Nice video and clear explanations but something troubles me about the exd5 variation you've show from 09:55 to 12:18. You state that Black should be happy with the e file opened. However, White has already castled whereas the Black King is still in e8 after the bishop has retreated in d6 at the position shown at 11:00. What would happen if White takes the opportunity to play Re1+? Does this move would perturb Black's development?
Ahh, very good catch!! Not seeing a satisfactory reply to your question I double-checked the databases and found that after 4.exd5 exd5 5.Ngf3 Nc6 6.Bb5 (shown in the video) rather than 6...Nf6?! as shown in the video, players handling the Black pieces prefer 6...Bd6! followed by ...Nge7 which eliminates the problems you identified. Not sure how I missed this in preparing for the video! :) In short: your analysis is correct, Re1+ would be strong in the position shown in the video
Dereque Kelley Thanks for the clarification that solves the problem. I'm used to play opening games in which you can be in trouble if you let the King in the center when the e file is opened...and you play as Black.
It seems the French defense leads to a lot of closed positions, except the exd5 variation. The move Nf6 is very natural, so it isn't big deal if we make a mistake during a preparation but not in an actual game.
I'll try the others variation you've shown in this video. Thanks for sharing.
your way of reasoning the moves has great clarity and logic :)
+Renju Sunny :)
Hey Dereque, at 6:56 after black plays BB4, you say that white could exchange bishops on the D2 square, but if white were to play BD2 wouldn't black just take the pawn on D4?
Nc6 defends.
Thank you for these videos. They are teaching me a lot.
Maybe you should take a look at Guimard variation where the main pawn break for black is f6 instead of c5. Then, black put his queen on f6. I find it as an attractive variation for black.
I would love to see the board coordinates on your videos. It would make it much easier to understand. Great video either way!!
+Louie Lightning Productions Thank you! :)
Very nice explanations. I used to play this line a lot as white because I didn't like that black could settle me with a doubled c pawn in the Winawer variation, but then I learned to handle those positions OK as well. Still looks pretty good though - maybe I should try this again some time. :-)
NisseHult101 Good luck and thank you! :)
In my opinion these kind of videos are really good to understand concepts and ideas behind simple moves being played. So this should provide me a further "chess understanding". So far, thank you very much!
Just a thing I'm not happy about, I can never really remember how to do this in a game or cannot really figure out the right moves in the right order to the right time, even I do know the principal plan.
Is it a thing I have to give some time? And just improve my awareness in terms of tactics and my ability to calculate some moves in advance?
Thanks for any advice in advance!
Welcome and thank you! It is very common to forget move orders and specifics during the game. I always advise three things: first the study is not irrelevant because you are still absorbing strategies and ideas (therefore you need not be frustrated), secondly, with repeated study the percentage of material that DOES stick will increase; third, our opponents also "suffer" from appalling forgetfulness (fun!) - if we can manage to produce even one or two more moves from memory than our opponent can it can often have big consequences on the contest in terms of confidence, clock time, and mistakes yielded from the opponent. These logical reasons serve as encouragement for opening study despite continual forgetfulness and have borne fruits in my own quest to National Master :)
Thank you for making these videos! Your website was one of the first resources I stumbled upon when I first picked up chess seriously and I was very excited to find you later here on TH-cam. Subscribed immediately.
Do you play online anywhere? It would be interesting, and probably very instructive, to see some of your actual games.
Cristofer Urlaub Very good!! Yes, I play on sometimes as MrPetrov and also if you search for my name you can find some games there :)
Dereque Kelley Perfect! Thank you!
Dereque, I think you're doing excelent job very convinsigly! Making some videos on endgames would be great, owing to your excelent abilities as a presenter and someone with deep understanding of chess. Thank you, anyway!
So great to hear, thank you for the kind words! :)
Great video lessons given with a great smile!
Hey sir,Your videos are really useful for beginners.It would help slightly advanced players if u where to make an opening repertoire series with white or/and black and coverall the lines that our opponents can try against it.(I presume it would be better if u make the series on openings that you already play so that you can speak from your personal experience and analyze your own games)If you have taken this comment seriously you might want to start with an opening repertoire with 1.d4(i guess you are a 1.d4 player from your videos)thanks!
+Nithin Babu Thank you!! This is the idea behind the IPhone and Android apps which we're currently working on :)
Hey, thanks for the video! Instructive and informative as usual. Anyway...
I'd really like it if you were to cover the Modern Defence. Another hypermodern opening for black (you've covered a couple of these before, for example Alekhine's Defence), this opening has lead to some very interesting games (examp Magnus Carlsen beating Vladmir Kramnik with it) and all of which are extremely interesting to analyse. It's also very well scoring so it'd be really nice if you were to cover it. Thanks again for the instructive video, and have a nice day :]
Jake Corbett Have a nice day! :) Thank you for the kind words and the suggestion!
Hi... i have been watching your videos lately and have to admit that you are a chess-pro :) , thus i wanted to ask you if you could upload a video where you play against someone else (a player). Thanks in regard.
B0ggart - Drakensang Online There is one such game Kelley-Ivanisevic :) Look through our uploads and you will surely find it
Sweet opening
stinky :)
How come you're always smiling? Can't help but to smile myself when watching you going trough opening theory.
+Rudie Punk I like chess, I like people, and I like to smile! :) :)
Very charismatic teacher. Thumbs up
hi,dereque can you make a video on siciilian dragon variation?
Omg finally you changed the tshirt ,, looking great friend and great video :))
I was looking forward to this video, many thanks! :)
P.E. Gallais You bet! :)
Can you please post a video on how to play the sicilian taimanov?
Btw, i know you and i have played you many times before. youre a really good chess player and an even better teacher! thanks for the videos!
I really like your videos Dereque, could you give us some of English Opening with 1.c4 e5, and 1.c4 c5. Thank You.
Yes please , as soon as possible Dereque Kelley
Elías Fornax :) Thanks for the suggestion!
hey dereque i just love your videos
Thanks so much, I love hearing this!! Thank you!! :)
Have you done the Petrov/Russian Defense? I searched for it, but couldn't find it.
+Serge Hamelberg Nope, but it's one of my favorite openings, it's a great suggestion!
Nice work again Dereque.
Thank you William, I appreciate this very much
good variations
Hey you are very good and you analyze good.Can you make a video about the Duras gambit?There is nobody made a video about it and I think it's a shame
+SakisD Xikos What is the Duras gambit? :)
+Dereque Kelley e4 and then f5..many ppl don't know that and they don't know how to react and I would like to learn some lines but I can't find anything
are you going to upload any opening videos in the future? i really miss them :D
+Simon Yes, we have some on the way within a few days!
Dereque Kelley nice, thanks! :D
Your videos are informative and great, but can you go over the Milner-Barry gambit?
Thank you for the kind words! I love this suggestion, I'll do my best to do this one!
Dereque Kelley Is wrong or a bad idea if after 1. e4,e5 2. d4,d5 3. kd2, kf6 4.e5 and here kg8??? Is this black setting himself up to lose or is this played sometimes?
What's the point to move the knight twice in this line to get it back in g8? Does it challenge White' strong center and disturb his development? How do you plan to develop your pieces then?
White has moved his pawn twice as I've moved my knight twice. My argument is that the knight being able to come to either to e7 or h6 could be a stronger merit than it being developed but on what seems to me like a lesser square.
codegeass7162 First of all, White has moved his pawn on e5 with tempo by attacking the knight on f6. Black on the other hand has moved twice the knight without compensation.
Then, the pawns in d4 and e5 restrict greatly the mobility of Black's pièces :
1 - the knight can't go on f6, the best square so far.
2 - the bishop of dark squares can't go on d6 and c5.
3 - the bishop of light squares on c8 is blocked by the pawn on e6 which is blocked by the white pawn on e5.
The pawn chain on d4 and e5 grants to White a space advantage and Black must disturb this chain by moving their pawn on c5.
You move your knight on e7. How do you develop your bishop on f8?
You move your knight on h6. How do you put pressure on the pawn on d4?
Why Black has retreated the knight on d7? From my point of view, for 3 reasons :
1 - To prepare the rush on d4 by playing the move ...c7-c5.
2 - To keep an eye on the e5 pawn
3 - To not obstruct the bishop f8
If you don't put into pressure the White's center quickly, White will have the time to block the queen side, develop his pieces and then attack whenever he wants at the King side, whereas you've lost some time to move your knight.
TheAvenger766 The position I described is exactly the same as the french advance with the difference is that white has gained a tempo. Black can and will start putting pressure on white center quickly and I was wondering if this loss of a single tempo by black to reach the position of the french advance was too big a loss for black or not and frankly I don't feel like your answering my questions.
c5,kc6,Qb6 and then the knight can come to e7 or h5 and black is usually okay in this positions but in this case black reached this position by giving up a tempo and I was wondering if this was too big a cost or not, if it's ever been played at a higher level or not.
codegeass7162 In the French advance variation, Black put pressure on the centre by playing ....c5 as soon as White moves his pawn on e5.
In your variation, there are some differences :
1 - You have lost a tempo by moving your knight twice without compensation.
2 - You haven't still put pressure on White's center.
3 - White has already developed a piece (the knight on d2) that can help to protect the center and later block the queen side.
4 - White to play
Since Black has done nothing yet to contest White' strategy, White has the choices between different plans :
1 - Play on the Queen side with for example 5.Nb3 to control once more the c5 square, though making temporary harder for Black to play the move...c5, protect the pawn on d4 and liberate the c1-h6 diagonal for the bishop c1.
2 - Play 5.Fd3 with a great diagonal for the bishop and develop the pieces quickly for an attack on the King size. Each tempo will be important. Moreover White can strenghten his center by c3 or even f4 if necessary.
3 - Mixing the two plans explained very simply
I think that White has more choices in this line than in the French advance variation.
As an ex-average chess player, I don't know if this line has ever been tested at a high level. Check it out on chessbase but if it has been played, I feel there's a reason why this is a lot less popular that the line shown in this video.
Please make a video about the bird opening
+Yannik Koch Thank you, appreciate the suggestion :)
Awesome video! I think I can play this variation right now. But I'll watch it one more time LOL
Thank you very much!! :) -Krishna :)
which wooden chess board you have?? please tell me the exact details of the board you have!!
There are some really nice custom built wood chessboards priced very competitively on Etsy. Here's one:
I do not have the details :) Wish I did! :)
Hi do you have a video on the queens gambit declined? Good video
The sun came up while the video was made! The Tarrash ideo of Nd2 looks quite interesting.
Hendrik Rost :)
Love the videos as always :) How do you recommend becoming a better chess player if you are rated about 1400?
Louie Lightning Productions Thank you Louie Light!! :) Don't try too hard and it will come more easily :) "infinite patience leads to immediate results"
please show the anti caro kann version for white
Thank you for the suggestion! I hope I can get to it some day!!!
Could you make a video about the Portuguese gambit please?
(e4, d5 -- exd5, Nf6 -- d4, Bg4)
+babyloutie Portuguese gambit...thanks for the suggestion! :)
hey dereque make your apps for windows 10
The other commenter is right, that is an amazing smile.
Wow Dereque i must commend you for getting up before dawn to make this video.
+DreddIsLaw Hehehe, thank you!! :)
Finally something helps ! :) thank you Mr. Kelly for the video and your for efforts.
Ilyes Hassounet You bet!
I like the way you pronounce Tarrasch (it's wrong, but sounds nicer), but more than that thanks for the overview
+Katzenblick :) Thank you!
I like the fact that your english is clear.
+Viruskimera Thank you :)
+Dereque Kelley what's your ELO?
+Viruskimera Around 2160 :) It used to be 2294! I'm working on it... :)
When will you post more videos?
ivanwhythen Either very soon, after a couple more products or released, next year, :) or in the worst case scenario not at all....
+Dereque Kelley I really hope you are kidding and the worst case scenario is unlikely. Your videos are great. They are really well produced. I appreciate that your video started before sun up,but it clearly ended after sunrise. I always look at your videos before I start playing new openings (currently playing KIA) you give great explanations to the reasons for mainline moves without going too deep onto sideline analysis - perfect for a the club player. Do you offer lessons over skype?!
Dereque Kelley we very love your videos... you really amamzing
Dereque Kelley I really hope that this won't be your last video. I've found your videos extremely helpful in many different ways. In fact, one of my favorite games that I played recently was one in which my opponent played the Pirc defense and I crushed him with the 150 attack, which you recommended. I wouldn't have discovered that variation without your videos. I also hope that you will eventually do one on the Benko gambit, as I am currently attempting to learn that line from the black side.
Dereque seems like an ecstatic person. Great lesson.
+shaun douglas :) Thank you!
15:23 - I think you can also play f4.
But great video :)
+Stefan DGT Clocks are da best :D
I agree.
DGT Clocks are so much better!
Why don't you ever respond to your comments, Stefan?
Dude, stuff just sticks when I watch these videos!
Excellent, this is wonderful to hear! :)
Wow, this man has stayed up very late to make this video. (Or he woke up very early). Great vid by the way.
Great video! Very instructive. Thanks a lot!
Thank you, great to hear! :)
well sir,u made the french look slightly weak in this video,i gotta admit,cause now i realise that( being a french player i thought these positions favoured black who had plans like b6 and Ba6 or Bd7,Be8,f6 and Bg6 exchanging his bad Bishop and retaining a better Bishop(these plans arent easy to achieve though) i was wrong about the french even after playing it for 2 years
:) I don't think it's so bad - I can think of a few strong master players I know who are still playing it. Not all of your opponents will be equipped with successful anecdotes, and it is possible to find pleasure and even good results in playing slightly inferior positions with the right perspective and some tenacity. In any case, it is also lovely to try something else like 1...e5 or the Sicilian :) I prefer those
Dereque Kelley(And they are analytically and principally stronger)
Nithin Babu What do you mean by the French defense is weak? There are several options shown for Black.
1) Open the centre by 3...c5
2) Close the game by 3....Cf6
I think that Black can also play 3...dxe4. White has a space advantage but Black can build a solid fortress and develop his pieces. Black's position is often narrowed but solid.White has usually a space advantage and the opportunity to attack at the King side, but Black can chose the nature of the position (opened, closed with counter attack on the Queen side or build a stronghold) with counterplay.
I’ll throw it in the tarash can
btw I love your videos
Hahahaha ;) ;)
thank you so much for the lesson!
8.50 knight takes pawn on d4 x3... so funny!
Also this is a great guide
Excellent ....
Dereque great job!
Thank you!
so brilliant
Mohammad Sublaban :)
They call it the Tarrasch opening cause you absolutely trashh your opponent
Good stuff
"Welcome to :D" - haha, i love that.
French has always just reminded me of a weird delayed Sicilian
It does have similar properties to the Sicilian and the move ...c5 plays a major role in the French, I agree!
You mean The Sicilian is a delayed French, with D6 having to then be played to D5.
Hello :)
Nice narrative
Your content might be good but unfortunately your video's layout makes it needlessly difficult to see what you are talking about. For one thing, your schematic board is tiny. Don't compromise on size! It should be better if it occupied almost the whole screen height (not quite all, because it should avoid the areas of the screen occupied by the text TH-cam displays when a video is paused). And the colour scheme is far too bright. This makes it impossible to make out what's on each square without severe eye strain.
Got my ass kicked today with this, so I need to learn
Good video!
Thanks so much!!! :)
Dereque is a great ambassador to the game for the LGBT community. You rock, Mr. Kelley!
Thank you so much for these kinds words, I really appreciate them!! Thanks again!!
I've played it for so many years, i taught Jesus Christ how to play the French. However, I've always had a problem (really an embarassment of riches) against the Tarrasch. For a long time I played ...Nf6 but now I'm trying ...c5 and/or 3...a6.
Wow, amazing!!
Thank U
+Abdulhakim Assaedi You bet!! :)
I was liking this guy's analysis until he used the term 'important insertion'.
The producer is sitting behind the camera "smile dereque, SMILE!"
Funny, yes!!! :)
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