Witchcraft can be defeated if you have God the issue is so many hide behind churches that wear uniforms which is not biblical at all. One cannot serve God and Satan sad so sad so much blood shed and people wonder why they never prosper.
This family has some challenges. The rate irikuma vanhu ummm. Of course zvirwere zviriko but mhepo inouya yakapotera nechirwere. Chakaita kuti vasaenda kunhamo kwe hama chii? But that family irikupumha vamwe iyo should just apologize then vofamba vose as a family. Musha wakaipa uyu.
@@erictimothykalako1901 She forgets that these are real issues that families are struggling with, people don't come there for her childishness and immaturity.We also don't watch because we don't have anything better to do, but we also want to learn from dare ramambo, but what is she teaching us?
Wait until it happens to your own family wozotiudza kuti ma camera afambe nemi kwese kwamuchanzi muende. Its easy posting comments seated behind your keyboard Mr King James, this is not some movie shooting were you move around with a camera crew, these are real life issues with real people experiencing real pain, not zvako zvekuti fambai ne camera crew for your enjoyment nxaa
@@kingjamesZW Kana nyaya ikaenda kudare kwa mambo or ku magistrates court it becomes public hence media presence, it does not mean that family agreed to have cameras capture the proceedings, two izvi zvekuti camera crew shld follow them ku n'anga, maporofita or wherever they are referred, that setting is not public and they deserve their privacy, haungachemeri kuti ndoda kunzwa kuti vakazonzi kudii ku n'anga, ko zvekumusha kwako wambozvipedza here, ndokusaka ndati paya this is not meant to entertain people like you Mr King James zvekutosvika pakuda kutopinda mu n'anga macho ne camera crew kuti unzwe kuti nyaya yakazopera sei kkkkkk. Aiwa sha fambira dzekumusha kwako haudzipedzi dzemumhuri mako.
Mufundisi we UMC😢 ndanyara. Kwakutomira here iwe Liberty. Inga you can see kuti hauna kana zvauri kutaura. Chete kana wakapfeka huroyi nyadzi hadzikubate. Shame on you
Chimai icho chitematema ndo mukadzi we mutongi here mai vane pamuromo ivava isu tinoziva kuti vanhu kadzi havatonge nyaya idzi yava bindura zvinhu
Mambo vacho vanenge murwere wani vadii kumbopa vatano vasanotonga vachino rapwa cause dare rikungotongwa namai avo
Dare iri robhowera kamukadzi aka chte kanovhiringa vnhu kanoita sekatengwa
Mai avo vanotonga na Mambo havana kudzikama😢
Mambo muwiri wawo urikudzikira ko ndianiko arikuwaroya please anhu siyai Mambo wagarewo zvakanaka munyarari zvake
Mai Mambo dai mambo sarawo kumba, mambo vaite basa ravo pasina kutambisa nguva
Mukadzi uyo anotonga naMambo anosvota pliz anemanyawi
Iiiiii Liberty kuda midzimu nen'anga ucharomba iwe
Kana tiri kudivi rematongerwo enyaya pachivanhu chedu kumadzimambo uku tsika yekusaluter iyi munoiwonawo sei ? Isu tsika dzedu tinopa ruremekedzo nekutyora usu kn mabvi zvesalute izvo mumatare echivanhu makutora tsika dzevachena
Ko dare racho zvaraarekungoombera ombera zvisina maturo?
Part2 pliz liberty mufute pane nyaya
Haaa team yekubudirwa iyi namdara vekupa nguruve zita remunhu uyo ndivo varikubika nyaya kuvhara mishonga yavo
Liberty arikushandiswa uyo akatovharwa kare
Nhau iyi iripachena musha ngauchenurwe vanhu vayanane
Kududza nguruwe zita remunhu hazi Peter
Mpurisa wa mambo akapfeka ma girazi ekuona movie 3D
Kkkkkk wandinakidza ini ndatoshayawo kuty magirazi erudziiko ndamboti ndeevana ekumahumbwe
Bamnin ndiwo muroi awo ungapa nguruve zita.methodist zimuroi chibamnin
kupumhana huroyi kwakaoma ,asi baba vasara awo vane nyaya nemuchinda arikunzi arikubudirwa he never dared to answer on that point its a scam.
Witchcraft can be defeated if you have God the issue is so many hide behind churches that wear uniforms which is not biblical at all. One cannot serve God and Satan sad so sad so much blood shed and people wonder why they never prosper.
Part 2 inouya riini coz mdhara mfute uyo he was my boss in 2018
Mambo wapedzwa nemjolo
Liberty futseke wako zimuroi ungatsvaga air thm yekufonera ani nxaaa
Liberty zimutumbi chete nezimusoro kukurira mahara
Bva kuwombera kwacho kunozo nyanya kani😂
Yaaah haaa zvakaoma kuombera mogariswa pasi for what
iye akamboti murume wako kana ari mambo iwe wava mambo ndiyani rinotobhowa dare racho kuteerera
Liberty nyarara hauna charity kutaura
Akomaaaaaaaaana apa pakaipa
This is the worst court I listened to Why are listening to one side the Peters family Vatongi avo umm
This family has some challenges. The rate irikuma vanhu ummm. Of course zvirwere zviriko but mhepo inouya yakapotera nechirwere. Chakaita kuti vasaenda kunhamo kwe hama chii? But that family irikupumha vamwe iyo should just apologize then vofamba vose as a family. Musha wakaipa uyu.
Vanhu varikuwanze mutoriro kwanzi netsvikoro ndode maheu coz vanhu vakunamata iiih uku ndiko ku actor chaiko
Varikupumha Peter avo ndivo vakaromba vanoendeswa kumoza vanenge vachitonogadziriswa kunyanga
Liberty haunyare
Mukunyeperana Hakuna munhu anofa Mwari asina kutendera
Vanhu ava dai kuri kunyora rondedzero , ummm mumwe waibuda zero%.
Mai mamboo noise apa hava ma facts hmmm she is a problem
Vanondi bhowa shame mother ava, Havana hunu
Yes Amai avavanokanganisa nyaya
@@shepherdmudimu6447 zvisingaite vanoda kusekererwa pasinga sekesi
@@erictimothykalako1901 She forgets that these are real issues that families are struggling with, people don't come there for her childishness and immaturity.We also don't watch because we don't have anything better to do, but we also want to learn from dare ramambo, but what is she teaching us?
Kuve mkadzi wamambo hazvirevi kuti vamambowo ngavazive zvekuchaya mapoto kwamambo. Vakavhengedzera semutundo wemangwanani
Iyi nyaya yakaoma
Ndaisa nyaya yangu pasina macomments akawandisa ndaitira kuti nyaya yangu isvike zvakanaka kwamuri
Kozoti paya panobatwa nyaya dzehuroi panonzi fambai nemupurisa wamambo tinoda kuti muendewo tizvinzwire kuti mapotofita kana n'anga wanofambisa sei nyaya dzawo tokwanise kuziwa warikugona kubata nyaya zvakanaka kna kuti warikubira vanhu ichi chawa chichemo kwamuri watori wenhau
Wait until it happens to your own family wozotiudza kuti ma camera afambe nemi kwese kwamuchanzi muende. Its easy posting comments seated behind your keyboard Mr King James, this is not some movie shooting were you move around with a camera crew, these are real life issues with real people experiencing real pain, not zvako zvekuti fambai ne camera crew for your enjoyment nxaa
@@Mutare saka munhu haugone kupa pfungwa dzako pasina kuridzira mumwe munhu tsamwa here
Ko iwo wazombotendera sei kuti nyaya dzawo dziitwe pane camera
Munoziwa here kuti zviriko zvakawanda zvinotyisa zvirikuitwa off camera kubihwa mari chaiko kurombeswa kubatwa zvibharo chaiko zvinhu izvozvo zvinofanirwa kufumurwa n'anga ikakubira inotanga kana kukutyisidzira saka zvakaitwa pamberi pevanhu vanhu wanopawo mafungiro awo kna kutokuudzai kwamunogona kuenda mukabatsirwa dambudziko renyu rikapera musina kushandisa mari dzakawanda kana kuti musina kubirwa
Dzimwe nyaya mumhuri dzirikusiirwa munzira nekuda kwehurombo kana nekuda kwekusaziwa kwwkuenda asi mari iripo
Kudai pasina macamera kudai taisamboziwa kuti madzimambo anogona kuenzanisa vanhu kudarika macourt enyu anotongera chitororo camera irikubatsira vanhu kuti usvike panerubatsiro rwako zvirinyore
@@kingjamesZW Kana nyaya ikaenda kudare kwa mambo or ku magistrates court it becomes public hence media presence, it does not mean that family agreed to have cameras capture the proceedings, two izvi zvekuti camera crew shld follow them ku n'anga, maporofita or wherever they are referred, that setting is not public and they deserve their privacy, haungachemeri kuti ndoda kunzwa kuti vakazonzi kudii ku n'anga, ko zvekumusha kwako wambozvipedza here, ndokusaka ndati paya this is not meant to entertain people like you Mr King James zvekutosvika pakuda kutopinda mu n'anga macho ne camera crew kuti unzwe kuti nyaya yakazopera sei kkkkkk. Aiwa sha fambira dzekumusha kwako haudzipedzi dzemumhuri mako.
Haaaa nyaya iri tricky iyi
Ummmm zvirimumadzinza shameee
Munaona Liberty anodzwowa futi
kkkkkkk Liberty is a bogus svikiro
Haaa Liberty anohumana so boring to listen. Mai avo ndavafarira she says it as it is. 😂
Mufundisi we UMC😢 ndanyara. Kwakutomira here iwe Liberty. Inga you can see kuti hauna kana zvauri kutaura. Chete kana wakapfeka huroyi nyadzi hadzikubate. Shame on you
Liberty imhunza musha 😢
Liberty namai vake ndovaroyi
Blaz wedumbu inhubu
Chedumbu uyu we blue shirts ari kutaura nonsense
Mufundisi munenyaya, kudaidza nguruve kuti Liberty
Nguruve yakapihwa zita rekuti Peter kkkkkk
Zita renguruve kuti Peter
Nguruve kuita Peter hre amana
Mkadzi vamambo anedzungu uyu bro Tapfumanei mumuudze manzwa hre
Ngiruve yanzi ndi Peter kwete Liberty😊