Cutting your fret wire so that both of your children can get Christmas presents. Dude I almost fell off my couch laughing so hard. Your humor is so good. I love watching your videos man
It's not just you it's all of us, on account of Ted. For any kind of maker Ted outshines the rest. And when it comes to luthiers this is the only one I watch. In the beginning I had clicked on other suggestions but they failed to hold my interest. This certainly is a rare treat
Why papa? Why weren't you more frugal with your fret wire? All I wanted was a new winter coat! Now I fear I'll freeze from your fret wire frugality fiasco!
Yes that Guitar Rocks, if you do want a Sharper Radius, he could change it back someday. They do make special Radiused Guitar slides:
Real craftsman like him are a dying breed as companies continue to use machines that dont require a lunch break days off and a hourly wage. What I like about him the most is that he actually cares about what materials he sources and will not waste any wood if he doesn't have to. He cares about his footprint which is also a trait that is dieing off. These days people just think we have unlimited stock of not only wood but everything in this world which cant be farther from the truth. I really respect him and would do almost anything to be his apprentice.
18:56 These are D'addario EFT13 Flat Tops which are Phosphor Bronze Half Rounds Medium Gauge Resonator Acoustic Guitar Strings (Gauges are 16, 19, 28, 36, 44, 56) & they can be tuned to D Standard Tuning (a step below a Regular Guitar).
18:56 These are D'addario Phosphor Bronze Half Round aka Semi-Flatwound Strings (or Flat Tops as they call them), EFT13 that's a Resophonic Medium Gauge.
There's a Dished Guitar Slide which allows you to play Slide blues on a Radiused Fretboard, it's like a Regular Guitar slide where the center has been compressed with rollers.
Would you believe I have never associated that line with the National brand? I guess I haven’t had much experience of those guitars. You’ve given me another layer of appreciation for a genius wordsmith who no doubt welcomes every resonance (pun very much intended) his words can find.
They even make Special Guitar slides that allow you to play Slide blues on a Radiused Fretboard because they're like Regular Guitar slides where the center portion has been compressed w/ Rollers. They're called Dished Guitar slides.
This just gets me back to earth. I am a hack luthier, building a guitar every three or four years, and give them away to nieces, nephews and distant friends. I come here to refresh my ambition, but also it's very nice to watch and listen to a very chill, very competent repair guy as the world churns and vitriol storms. Ohm . . . . . .
This episode came at just the right time for me. I have to move several inlays one fret each, due to a manufacturer's mistake. I'd send the guitar back, but it's a secondhand instrument, so it's out of warranty.
@@aniquinstark4347 i’m not really interested in playing slide but this would be fun if i could crank the action down, i’m sure it would be difficult to do so though. still really cool
Ted, thanks, good tip on removing frets. Yeah, I could have figured that out on my own after tearing out several frets on my old Flatiron. I've seen the Rosa boys put a bit of water around frets with a damp towel , but scoring as well make sense. I need to replace several frets on my mando soon, so yeah, I'll score first, then water if needed. Thanks, my friend, for an obviously good tip. Bob in Montana
I have a sleeve filled with sand and sewn shut that I put on the bench to absorb the hammer blows and eliminate the bounce, hats off to JB for showing me that. It makes for a nice solid feel under the neck.
I very much enjoy your videos because of your skill and knowledge. I used to repair full time(long ago) and now do it part time. I use(and used to use) a lot of the same techniques and tricks that you do. I was a big Kamimoto fan and I suspect you are also. Thanks for all the videos.
Ted, I bit the bullet, and bought a veritas low angle jack plane for working difficult woods, like birdseye maple, but soon found it out performed my regular jacks in any wood, and is my go to plane. It was my first thought watching you plane the neck. Expensive, but has justified the cost on some complicated projects. Love your videos, though not a musician and tone deaf from birth.
When you said "those of you who have been following for any length of time will know the drill" i seriously expected you to pull out a twist drill. I legit lol'ed and my boss looked at me funny 😹
This is my favorite video from you thus far. I really like those guitars a lot - and the headstock shape is one of my favorite headstock shapes. I am also a big fan of the Mojotone Quiet Coil P90's. I have a pair of the soap bars in my double-cut LP Special and a dog ear in my Hamer Special Junior. I love them. :o)
Ted, this is so timely. Today I cut my first lengths of fret wire in an attempt to refret a neck. I did just what you said I shouldn't do and had to cut a third piece of fret wire. Next time I know better. Thank you . I really enjoy your videos.
Many years before the wall came down,I used to buy an east German string set of groundwound strings which were essentially a heavy gauge silk and steel with silver plating. I think they were thirteens (young hands back then).The tone was was great for ragtime which I was into at the time,Iv'e tried to find them since but can't remember what the name was.I do remember the packaging was green and white...............................
Arch top 338 Firefly copy of the ES- 339 & ES-335 combinations. Try upgrading the electronic with Gibson Epiphone Hum-buckers system. The solder connections were plug n play but trying to get them installed causes the joints to snap and I redid all the factory work using silver solder and making a thick bed to hold them wires.
Oh Teddy... This one was a nail biter to watch! But I should have known that everything was going to work out fine in the end. Super nice work on those inlays.
Ive found that when i use the sanding dust to fill in any spot where i might of went a little to wide when routing. The sanding dust is always alot darker than the actual wood. I just have to get more precise when routing for inlays. Fellow canadian.
Those new fret-pullers look a bit like power-cord strain-relief pliers, the kind everybody wishes they had when they are replacing a 2-wire power cord on an old amp, upgrading to a modern three- wire grounded cord. The strain-relief pliers have an oval notch or semi-round notch in the blades.
I'm listening to the intro commercial at the start of this video and I already gave it a like. Just seeing this channel pop up on my feet makes me happy ❤️
This was just the right amount of verbal information vs. visual information. Some of your older uploads, I found myself jumping ahead to the actual work instead of listening to all the explanation. That is a great sounding guitar!
3 ปีที่แล้ว +2
Love it! A good, positive, enjoyable semi resto work!
I should add it had a six in line headstock and was sunburst. Look at the Let It Be album from a distance it resembled the Fender Bass Six that they were using.
This could have gone on for another hour! Including the playing... what a strange tuning - yet you pull out some hip mojo on that Mojotone!! Really nice work, Mr. Woodford!!
Enjoyed the mods and of course, you adapt to the G minor tuning , so impressive to do all the modifications , then play it as it was intended. 🇨🇦😊 Alberta Dave
Thanks so much for continuing the videos. I’ve learned lots; and it’s really amazing some of the guitars you seem to tackle with ease. You have my respect, Sir. It’s really soothing taking a break and watching your uploads.
YAMCJ Yet Another Masterly Completed Job. The care you exercise and the precision work you do, always makes these videos such a pleasure to watch, even realizing it’s nothing I would have the skill to carry out.
what a cool guitar, looks and sounds awesome. First pearl headstock overlay I've seen that didnt make me nauseous. I hope the fingerboard is sturdy as it is pretty.
For an eye-opening tutorial on the possibilities of electric bottleneck slide, listen to Sonny Landreth, who combines the picking of Chet Atkins, the slide of Robert Johnson and Johnny Winter, and the electricity of Hendrix. He uses all ten fingers plus palms and wrists, plays single notes and chords behind the slide, or plays with two slides, and gets harmonic chimes worthy of Lenny Breau. There's nobody else like him. Clapton and Knopfler are in awe of Sonny; Vince Gill said " its like an algebra lesson; his intonation is frightening good". He mostly plays Strats these days; note that Sonny would *not* be able to play what plays without a radiused fretboard.
Great work ted. As always I look forward to your videos. Is it just me or does anyone else look at how long the new video is going to be and get excited when it's 20 minutes or longer? I have the quiet coil dog-ear p-90 in my double cutaway, they are amazing pickups. I also have the pleasure of working in the pickup department at mojotone.
Hey Ted, your content has been extremely comforting during covid. I look forward to your uploads each and every week. I know you don't have time for patreon, but I would pay for this. In any case, thanks for sharing.
Considering that this is a bolt-on neck I am wondering if it would have been simpler to either just change to a new neck with minimal or no fretboard radius (if you can buy such a thing ready-made, in the correct scale?), or perhaps just change out the fretboard itself in one piece (allowing you to keep the original headstock, which would not be possible if you changed out the entire neck). I did note that "glassy- looking" glue underneath the fret markers and wondered if that might be an epoxy. It would probably be difficult to change out the fretboard if it had been epoxied in place!
I always find myself liking your videos instinctively within the first few minutes because you're always dropping some pearls of wisdom. Within less than 2 minutes I learned some great insights into slide guitar than I ever knew before.
Cutting your fret wire so that both of your children can get Christmas presents. Dude I almost fell off my couch laughing so hard. Your humor is so good. I love watching your videos man
"I'm not familiar with this tuning, so you'll have to forgive my playing." - proceeds to play better than I can in a familiar tuning...
Get off TH-cam and practice.
Yep. Been there. Done that. Got the T-shirt.
Is it just me or is this the best channel?
It's not just you it's all of us, on account of Ted. For any kind of maker Ted outshines the rest. And when it comes to luthiers this is the only one I watch. In the beginning I had clicked on other suggestions but they failed to hold my interest. This certainly is a rare treat
Agreed. Love Ted, love the jobs, love the instruments.
Not just you.
Randy Shartiger is a good one too.
Today I used your sandpaper-pull technique while restoring an old chair. Your channel is such a gift to woodworkers of all stripes!
How did the chair play afterwards?
@@PJBonoVox I did a kung-fu leg reset, and now the seat resonates when I fart.
@@StingrayForLife 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂
@@PJBonoVox I bet it rocks... ;)
@@PJBonoVox 😁
I'm glad both children are getting gifts this Christmas.
"I know that seems likely a ridiculous frugality, but maybe if you do it enough times maybe this year BOTH children can have a Christmas present."
Just about to comment that too ;-)
@@rennostirenny that's classic Ted, and one of the reasons I click on his stuff!
What a perfect Bob Crachit image of pathos from Charles Dickens' 1843 tale, A Christmas Story.
It’s sad to hear about that kind of parental cruelty. If neither kid even knows what a present is, they’re both happy.
Why papa? Why weren't you more frugal with your fret wire? All I wanted was a new winter coat! Now I fear I'll freeze from your fret wire frugality fiasco!
"They’ve been that way since the ‘20s"... made me smile when I realised that it is the ‘20s now... Again. ;)
Saturdays with t-woody...would love more, but I'll take what I can get
I'm so happy he decided to leave the color. That looks so amazing
Within a couple of years it'll be a gorgeous ox blood red.
Yes that Guitar Rocks, if you do want a Sharper Radius, he could change it back someday. They do make special Radiused Guitar slides:
Real craftsman like him are a dying breed as companies continue to use machines that dont require a lunch break days off and a hourly wage. What I like about him the most is that he actually cares about what materials he sources and will not waste any wood if he doesn't have to. He cares about his footprint which is also a trait that is dieing off. These days people just think we have unlimited stock of not only wood but everything in this world which cant be farther from the truth. I really respect him and would do almost anything to be his apprentice.
Always pleasure to watch and listen to your phenomenal work!
Killed me with "maybe both children can have a Christmas present". Your delivery is great. 🤣
18:56 These are D'addario EFT13 Flat Tops which are Phosphor Bronze Half Rounds Medium Gauge Resonator Acoustic Guitar Strings (Gauges are 16, 19, 28, 36, 44, 56) & they can be tuned to D Standard Tuning (a step below a Regular Guitar).
18:56 These are D'addario Phosphor Bronze Half Round aka Semi-Flatwound Strings (or Flat Tops as they call them), EFT13 that's a Resophonic Medium Gauge.
There's a Dished Guitar Slide which allows you to play Slide blues on a Radiused Fretboard, it's like a Regular Guitar slide where the center has been compressed with rollers.
So glad he kept the original wood's gorgeous!
Glad to see a nice inlay job. The inlays themselves must be symmetrical, but the recesses can have some tolerance.
Skill, professionalism and superb commentary as per usual. ASMR at its finest!
Calling this ASMR is doing him a disservice. He's a master. Most of those ASMR channels just take the rust off an old meat grinder.
The Mississippi Delta was shining like a National guitar.
Would you believe I have never associated that line with the National brand? I guess I haven’t had much experience of those guitars. You’ve given me another layer of appreciation for a genius wordsmith who no doubt welcomes every resonance (pun very much intended) his words can find.
One of the all time great music lyrics
Unbelievable workmanship, thank you so much for sharing your professionalism. Unbelievable!
They even make Special Guitar slides that allow you to play Slide blues on a Radiused Fretboard because they're like Regular Guitar slides where the center portion has been compressed w/ Rollers. They're called Dished Guitar slides.
The number one guitar guy 👍👍 happy spring ✌️
I briefly had a Hagstrom Electric in the 70's that had a flat fingerboard with no radius; I found it nearly impossible to play.
Man that fretboard really pops in it's natural colour. Very glad he kept it.
Sounds spectacular, good piece of wrangler bluegrassy resonator
I love the casual, unaware expertise: 'they've been that way since the 20s'. Yeah, we knew that, Ted (at least in my dreams)!
This just gets me back to earth. I am a hack luthier, building a guitar every three or four years, and give them away to nieces, nephews and distant friends.
I come here to refresh my ambition, but also it's very nice to watch and listen to a very chill, very competent repair guy as the world churns and vitriol storms.
Ohm . . . . . .
This episode came at just the right time for me. I have to move several inlays one fret each, due to a manufacturer's mistake. I'd send the guitar back, but it's a secondhand instrument, so it's out of warranty.
Very nice flattening job
really interesting looking guitar
It's surprisingly thin for a resonator. Looks comfy to play.
@@aniquinstark4347 i’m not really interested in playing slide but this would be fun if i could crank the action down, i’m sure it would be difficult to do so though. still really cool
However you can use Magma Phosphor Bronze Flatwounds.
Ted, thanks, good tip on removing frets. Yeah, I could have figured that out on my own after tearing out several frets on my old Flatiron. I've seen the Rosa boys put a bit of water around frets with a damp towel , but scoring as well make sense. I need to replace several frets on my mando soon, so yeah, I'll score first, then water if needed. Thanks, my friend, for an obviously good tip. Bob in Montana
Another top notch bit of content. Thanks Ted.
Interactive entertainment. I'm sitting here in Norway watching you doing the routing work... attempting to blow the dust off for you. You're welcome!
I have a sleeve filled with sand and sewn shut that I put on the bench to absorb the hammer blows and eliminate the bounce, hats off to JB for showing me that. It makes for a nice solid feel under the neck.
I very much enjoy your videos because of your skill and knowledge. I used to repair full time(long ago) and now do it part time. I use(and used to use) a lot of the same techniques and tricks that you do. I was a big Kamimoto fan and I suspect you are also. Thanks for all the videos.
Your humor is not lost on those of us WITH a sense of humor!
"Such Brightness; Such Gleen!" Always, both enlightening and entertaining. Thx.
exacting work...nice!! the players out East are so lucky to have you there!! thanks for all the videos, these make my week!!
Ted, I bit the bullet, and bought a veritas low angle jack plane for working difficult woods, like birdseye maple, but soon found it out performed my regular jacks in any wood, and is my go to plane. It was my first thought watching you plane the neck. Expensive, but has justified the cost on some complicated projects. Love your videos, though not a musician and tone deaf from birth.
What a gorgeous instrument. And you Sir are a king. I tip my hat to your.
When you said "those of you who have been following for any length of time will know the drill" i seriously expected you to pull out a twist drill.
I legit lol'ed and my boss looked at me funny 😹
Beautiful work!
This is my favorite video from you thus far. I really like those guitars a lot - and the headstock shape is one of my favorite headstock shapes. I am also a big fan of the Mojotone Quiet Coil P90's. I have a pair of the soap bars in my double-cut LP Special and a dog ear in my Hamer Special Junior. I love them. :o)
Been playing Specials and jrs forever and Im forever trying and wanting to try every p90 out there. What do you like about those particular 90s?
@@jcripp7974 I think they sound great like old P90s do but they don't pickup hum like P90s do.
My second child gets a 60cm fret wire this year
Ted, this is so timely. Today I cut my first lengths of fret wire in an attempt to refret a neck. I did just what you said I shouldn't do and had to cut a third piece of fret wire. Next time I know better. Thank you . I really enjoy your videos.
Many years before the wall came down,I used to buy an east German string set of groundwound strings which were essentially a heavy gauge silk and steel with silver plating.
I think they were thirteens (young hands back then).The tone was was great for ragtime which I was into at the time,Iv'e tried to find them since but can't remember what the name was.I do remember the packaging was green and white...............................
I kinda like the reddish red heart stained board. Remembers somewhat a Brazilian rosewood. It is cool.
Amazing work as usual 👍🏻
Arch top 338 Firefly copy of the ES- 339 & ES-335 combinations. Try upgrading the electronic with Gibson Epiphone Hum-buckers system. The solder connections were plug n play but trying to get them installed causes the joints to snap and I redid all the factory work using silver solder and making a thick bed to hold them wires.
Oh Teddy... This one was a nail biter to watch! But I should have known that everything was going to work out fine in the end. Super nice work on those inlays.
You have so much knowledge, I would love to see you do a full build, even if it takes forever as its not your bread and butter
Ive found that when i use the sanding dust to fill in any spot where i might of went a little to wide when routing. The sanding dust is always alot darker than the actual wood. I just have to get more precise when routing for inlays. Fellow canadian.
Impressive craftsmanship and a good decision leaving the fretboard natural color
Love your humor, Ted! Great work too.
Those new fret-pullers look a bit like power-cord strain-relief pliers, the kind everybody wishes they had when they are replacing a 2-wire power cord on an old amp, upgrading to a modern three- wire grounded cord. The strain-relief pliers have an oval notch or semi-round notch in the blades.
"if you do it enough times, maybe this year - Both - Children can have a Christmas present". That made me laugh!
I literally just got my 3 Peaks fret puller in the mail, glad to know it's luthier approved before I attempt my first fret job.
2:24 For future viewers' reference, that was the 1920s, not the 2020s.
I'm listening to the intro commercial at the start of this video and I already gave it a like. Just seeing this channel pop up on my feet makes me happy ❤️
This was just the right amount of verbal information vs. visual information. Some of your older uploads, I found myself jumping ahead to the actual work instead of listening to all the explanation. That is a great sounding guitar!
Love it! A good, positive, enjoyable semi resto work!
Beautiful work as always, Ted! 😉👍
I should add it had a six in line headstock and was sunburst.
Look at the Let It Be album from a distance it resembled the Fender Bass Six that they were using.
I hear fish glue and immediately think about art conservation
Baumgartner? :)
@@jimmurphy6095 Who else!
This one goes in my Rewatch Over and Again archive.
Why just now it was so nice I had to watch it twice
Man I just love some of the old obscure guitars you work on.
And he’s on the board again with “contemplative.” Bardic.
This could have gone on for another hour! Including the playing... what a strange tuning - yet you pull out some hip mojo on that Mojotone!! Really nice work, Mr. Woodford!!
Thank you for posting.
I love work like this.
Enjoyed the mods and of course, you adapt to the G minor tuning , so impressive to do all the modifications , then play it as it was intended. 🇨🇦😊 Alberta Dave
Thanks for the beveling file holder tip. Gonna make one of them.
Every video a great education thank you!
Oh Imma gonna like how this one sounds when Ted takes it for a test run. What a beautiful guitar. Now back to the show
That is a super cool guitar there. I’ve never seen one of those. Good job as usual.
Very cool guitar and I really like the fret board color!
Thanks so much for continuing the videos. I’ve learned lots; and it’s really amazing some of the guitars you seem to tackle with ease.
You have my respect, Sir. It’s really soothing taking a break and watching your uploads.
If you just play slide, could you not have fixed only the bridge and the nut and leave the fretboard as is?
That’s what I was thinking 🤔
YAMCJ Yet Another Masterly Completed Job. The care you exercise and the precision work you do, always makes these videos such a pleasure to watch, even realizing it’s nothing I would have the skill to carry out.
I honestly wish there was a new video every day.
id love a video of your history of guitar playing and guitar luthiery, as well as like your favorite music
what a cool guitar, looks and sounds awesome. First pearl headstock overlay I've seen that didnt make me nauseous. I hope the fingerboard is sturdy as it is pretty.
For an eye-opening tutorial on the possibilities of electric bottleneck slide, listen to Sonny Landreth, who combines the picking of Chet Atkins, the slide of Robert Johnson and Johnny Winter, and the electricity of Hendrix. He uses all ten fingers plus palms and wrists, plays single notes and chords behind the slide, or plays with two slides, and gets harmonic chimes worthy of Lenny Breau. There's nobody else like him. Clapton and Knopfler are in awe of Sonny; Vince Gill said " its like an algebra lesson; his intonation is frightening good". He mostly plays Strats these days; note that Sonny would *not* be able to play what plays without a radiused fretboard.
Beautiful job and great close-up shots too. Thanks for sharing.
Interesting. Nice sound, a little banjo like.
That beefy scalpel/razor handle is awesome. Gotta get one of those.
Great work ted. As always I look forward to your videos. Is it just me or does anyone else look at how long the new video is going to be and get excited when it's 20 minutes or longer? I have the quiet coil dog-ear p-90 in my double cutaway, they are amazing pickups. I also have the pleasure of working in the pickup department at mojotone.
Your work blows me away every time. Great vid and commentary as always. Thanks.
scorcher of a guitar, that. nice work too, thanks for sharing!
Hey Ted, your content has been extremely comforting during covid. I look forward to your uploads each and every week. I know you don't have time for patreon, but I would pay for this. In any case, thanks for sharing.
Very cool! Those frets look absolutely amazing. I’ve never owned a resonator guitar, but that funky looking rig looks really fun to play.
Considering that this is a bolt-on neck I am wondering if it would have been simpler to either just change to a new neck with minimal or no fretboard radius (if you can buy such a thing ready-made, in the correct scale?), or perhaps just change out the fretboard itself in one piece (allowing you to keep the original headstock, which would not be possible if you changed out the entire neck). I did note that "glassy- looking" glue underneath the fret markers and wondered if that might be an epoxy. It would probably be difficult to change out the fretboard if it had been epoxied in place!
Beautiful work, as usual.
That was an interesting one. Excellent work
Awesome work again Ted
Beautifully executed craftsmanship on this repair as usual and a very cool guitar!
I always find myself liking your videos instinctively within the first few minutes because you're always dropping some pearls of wisdom. Within less than 2 minutes I learned some great insights into slide guitar than I ever knew before.
14:59 that's maybe one of the simplest yet smartest thing I heard on youtube for a while!
Your old fret pullers look like a set of flush-cutting "rail nippers" that model railroaders use to cut lengths of rail when they hand-lay track.
I enjoy your playing. Thanks for the vidias