Question for Chuck, one, hey Chuck, what are your thoughts on LT bloopers? And two, what's the best episode you've watched? question two, hey orange, what was your reaction when Satan, a.k.a. the prince of darkness came back on LT bloopers 273, rock, if you had to choose between family feud and Jeopardy, which one would you choose? question for red, what is your opinion on cartoon beatbox battles by verbalase? five, this one's for blue, if you had to choose between crabs or shrimp, what would you choose? and why.
Only 1 question, aka my 2nd to last one in ChuckCast: Hey Mordecai, Rigby, Rock and Scissors, are you all happy or sad that you're leaving the YellowVerse?
Question for Chuck, one, hey Chuck, what are your thoughts on LT bloopers? And two, what's the best episode you've watched? question two, hey orange, what was your reaction when Satan, a.k.a. the prince of darkness came back on LT bloopers 273, rock, if you had to choose between family feud and Jeopardy, which one would you choose? question for red, what is your opinion on cartoon beatbox battles by verbalase? five, this one's for blue, if you had to choose between crabs or shrimp, what would you choose? and why.
Remember when I commented on the upcoming Bird Family that 4 episodes would premiere in 1 day? Well, make that 5.
Only 1 question, aka my 2nd to last one in ChuckCast:
Hey Mordecai, Rigby, Rock and Scissors, are you all happy or sad that you're leaving the YellowVerse?