Not Claudia winning who’s most likely to be a cougar 😂 Kennedy: “ew I would never date someone that’s younger than me” Claudia: “who says I would” Claudia: (one year later) 👰🏼♀️💕👦🏻
Keeping up with The Walsh is saving me from boredom, thank you. "while the quarantine's been going on for 2 weeks, she's actually never left the house in a month." *ME*
Cory's the hidden genius of this channel. Mama Jen's the best, she's made for this. She prolly would've been a big vlogger if youtube was a thing 30 yrs ago
Brandon, I really do appreciate you forcing your family to make funny content in order to entertain the likes of us quarantined fans. It means a lot. You're a real GOAT. Ps Mama Jen, you're a fantastic mother and carrier of superior genetics.
Claudia "who says I would?" when Kennedy says "I would never date someone younger than me" A year later.. Claudia dating Jesse🤣 P.S. Favourite TH-camrs of all time💕
Kennedy 😭😭 “only because I’m so comfortable around her”. But I agree w the good sis.
@@nellies introverts aint afraid of People lol
@@flyingcat3170 And Kennedy is not an introverted person.
@@FatherDingo she definitely is, since she said it herself many times
@@bob-carnatu-sef you don't diagnose an introvert or extrovert
“but she has separation anxiety from her own reflection” LMAO-
What does t means
amal Alice obsessed with herself/ her face 🤣
HAHAHA didn't know she was narcissist
Zhiyuen Khan it’s pretty obvious
“While the quarantine has been going on, she actually hasn’t left her room in a month.”
What a nice life... I envy her.
I mean if I didnt have a job that would be me..
me lmao
Same lol
Me! Lol😂
2 mins in and there's already fun chaos-
*Kennedy writes cory sucks*
Cory: "what do I suck"
Kennedy: "EW CORY"
ah, quality quarantine content
@@ravimitra3070 @2:13
take a shot everytime cory zooms in on kennedy
Who's Cory? is he Kennedy's boyfriend:
@@ynyh a good friend of Brandon. Last I knew he unfortunately had a girlfriend. But I *totally* ship him with Kennedy 😂
I like how whenever someone makes a perverted comment Kennedy is absolutely repulsed, but when she makes it everyone doesn't care (to an extent)
She is goodlooking
@@codingsingh4156 ?
@@user-wm5ot5uj3q i think hes saying that because shes hot she gets away with it
No I think it's cause she's kinda wacky and people kind of expect it and the repulsed part is kinda wacky too
Dru yeah but it’s her fucking family so it doesn’t make sense
Who's most likely to have sex with themselves if they could?
Brandon: Ew
Claudia: Ew
Kennedy: 👀
"isn't that what it means? Reality means real?"
-Mama Jen 2020
Jen having an existential crisis
I was like ma'am you are stating the obvious
Literally every word that comes out of Kennedy’s mouth is relatable and me.
kennedy: pervert
claudia: gold digger
brandon: homeless
Mom: Reality Tv Star
Next video should be "I paid my sister $100 to clean my room."
Waqaas Ahmed omg yes
His couch?
Jen: “Cougars are women”
Claudia and Kennedy: “Brandon”
Jen: “Cougars are women”
Claudia and Kennedy: “Brandon!!”
They all became cougars except Kennedy
"Can we stop acting like we have one brain cell..." someone's been reading the comments section.
you'd know claudia...your the only one of the three of you who acts that way
*Mama Jen threatening to walk out*: “SAY ONE MORE THING!”
Kennedy: P E N I S
Is it bad that I LOOVE the fact that this is basically reality TV
"Reality means real"
Cory's comments are so funny lol he needs to be more in the videos too
I second this!
who is he?
@@kimmyannnn Brandon's best friend, he helps him write video scripts and film
This is the most chaotic and unmasked family on the internet. There is absolutely no artificial energy and I love it
You know when the first 5 seconds Mama Walsh is yelling... it’s gonna be a good one.
Kennedy actually looks good with those glasses and hair like that
Like John Lennon
The Regret Man john lennon beat wife
I think she looks good in anything she is a 10/10 no wonder
@@nextstopla8899 she is definitely not a 10/10, 7/10 with no makeup
Can not believe it all started with me watching Kennedy play episode game, now I'm addicted to this family 😂
Same! And her asmr series hah
Same ! I was watching a video of kennedy transforming herself into Megan Fox
khushi Barnwal omg same jdhshsh
The cougar question age well for Claudia now that she's dating Jesse
no one:
1:01 : every teenager in shows when they show up to school hungover
upintheclouds 😭😂😂
I like how none of them know that sticky fingers means stealing
Kennedy: Old people are....... *looks at the camera
14:09 “sugar daddy is when they give the kid money” - brandon walsh, 2020
Not Claudia winning who’s most likely to be a cougar 😂
Kennedy: “ew I would never date someone that’s younger than me”
Claudia: “who says I would”
Claudia: (one year later) 👰🏼♀️💕👦🏻
no one:
Jen: we’re a loving family
3am in england but that’s not gonna stop me watching my favourite chaotic family🥺
4am in algeria 😂
8:52 am I India 😂
@@artKaye_8 00:36 in Argentina
Me too
from England 🏴
I’m pretty sure every family is like this, so you can’t call them chaotic, they just put it out on TH-cam
Kennedy: *Writes "CORY SUCKS"*
Cory: "...What do I suck? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"
Kennedy: "EeWw CoRrY?!"
"YoU'rE tRyinG tO mAkE a JoKe ?? "YoU'rE tRyinG tO mAkE a JoKe ??"
glad that you're posting so much content!!
Every Thursday and Sunday :)
give claudia 100 bucks and tell her to clean your room boi
Keeping up with The Walsh is saving me from boredom, thank you.
"while the quarantine's been going on for 2 weeks, she's actually never left the house in a month."
I love how they are all around the age of 20 and Mama Walsh still tells them to stop fighting😂😂
this is the type of content getting me through quarantine
14:34 jen: who’s more likely to own a sex toy?
Kennedy: 😏
I just wanna tell mama Jen I love her and yes she should be respected more
"Old people are great *evil grins*" I LOST IT
Kennedy is such a mood lmao
Kennedy: P E N I S
8:15 “it’s disrespectful! To youu”
I’ve only started watching all of you guys. And all I have to say is: Kennedy is my favorite
Hugh Nguyen me too 😂 she’s a crackhead...and we love it
She's everyone's favourite
Right lmaooo
Brandon will always be my favorite Walsh 😊
I will watch every video on Walsh family as long as Kennedy in it lol
*QUARANTINE be like*
✖️: _watch Netflix _
Brandon: haven’t seen daylight in days
Him in the scene he said it in: squints from sunlight
“candies and cookies or playing with yourself”
lmaaoooo i love your mum😭😭
The fact that Cory makes their intros makes this even better
Jen: 😐
Kennedy: I’m GoNnA gEt My AsS wHopPeD aFtEr ThIs ViDeO
« Candy and cookies? Or playing with yourself » just imagine your mom telling you that 😂😭
my mom says stuff like that and..oof
Ella Hammersnush haha i think if my mom told me that I’d pass out
"She has separation anxiety from her own reflection."
LMAO!!! 🤣🤣🤣
10:14 okay but the way kennedy writes so smoothly/ her handwriting >> um teach me
9:22 to 9:32 claudia literally shows how the life of the middle sibling really be like and i feel you sis, it is what it is.
Wait I've never seen Brandon's room does he actually sleep on the couch?
Haha lol
I think he has an apartment in Florida although he's mainly in Maryland. His room seems messy and has a lot of bottles in it....the beach video.......
@@Mr2200 Why is he renting an apartment if he barely lives there :/
I don't know...but money doesn't look like a problem for him.
@@astwas i think they do live there alot as well tho, they have alot of videos shot there
Mama Jen: "Oh Brandon you would be a great dad"
Brandon: "Are you kidding? "
13:45 Brandon, Jen, and Claudia all became cougars
Next video should be them playing monopoly that would be chaotic
0:50 Kennedy’s introduction is unmatched
mama jen’s voice reminds me so much of sandra bullock
0:48 XD I like your editing humor, Brandon. a little creepy but funny as hell XD
Raisugen Cory edits the videos not Brandon lol
14:52 I like how Kennedy’s board says that
"Who's most likely to have sex with themselves if they could"
Brandon: ew
Claudia: ew
Kennedy: um ... why not
0:53 Kennedy looks like she's high and hasn't showered for days but still looks hotter than ever. What is this witchcraft?
Kennedy:” Why me I would never date someone younger than me.”
Claudia:” Who says I would”
Me: Jesse
If I shouted at my mom like that I’d be in quarantine my whole ass life. She’d also throw me the chancla
Kennedy at 0:46 amd Claudia not even paying attention had ne dead laughing
13:51 coming back to this a year later whilst claudia is actually dating someone younger than her lmao
The Future:
Anybody else notice Kennedy likes to single out and make comments about Cory?
@@bianca.444 kennory
Kennedy x Cory = best ship
@@jdblue9460 AGREE
@@bianca.444 YES
Claudia: who said I would? [ date younger people]
CLAUDIA IN 2021 dating Jesse 3 years younger 😂
6:24 “I’m gonna walk out if you guys treat me like this one more time. Say one more thing”
Kennedy: pEnIs
2:30 Mama Jen: where's the card in here that says most likely is a bitch?"
I'm always HAPPY!
*Sounds mad*
Claudia is always low key rude to Jen
As a joke
Mónica Martin i mean... it’s her mom though. If I woulda said all that to my mom she woulda whooped my ass
Cuz she's the middle child😭😭😭
Flacka well your mom isn’t the same as hers. They just bond differently
I mean yeah but we dint know what goes on behind the scenes and what kind of relationship they have like I have a terrible relationship with my mom
Kennedy:Why me,I would never date anyone younger than me
Claudia:Who says I would
2022:Jesse and claudia🤣
"She has separation anxiety from her own reflection" I- LMAO
Took long enough, had me waiting for what felt like forever ❤️
this family is insane in the BEST way
Claudia:”who says I would”
she now: dating Jessy
when mama jen called herself jen seidel i was shook
Zainab S. Jen is a sex goddess
@@panama1942 wtf
Not claud saying she’ll never date anyone younger than her
These upload are my only source of sanity in this quarantine. Greetings from England. Stay safe everyone.
5:01 I'm dead 🤣🤣🤣🤣
i have came to a conclusion with pure honesty that this family has the best content
what happened with the pt2 of brandon going on the tinder date his mom set up? did i miss it or did it just now happen
Cory's the hidden genius of this channel. Mama Jen's the best, she's made for this. She prolly would've been a big vlogger if youtube was a thing 30 yrs ago
Jen : you are going to be a great dad
Brandon : r u kidding
Jen : yeah
Brandon : oh
I really do appreciate you forcing your family to make funny content in order to entertain the likes of us quarantined fans. It means a lot. You're a real GOAT.
Ps Mama Jen, you're a fantastic mother and carrier of superior genetics.
Bro I’m rewatching your video and the part when the card said who likely to date a younger men Claudia said that she wouldn’t now she dating Jesse 😭
11:17 I still haven’t done homework but this takes priority
2:24 claudia u never cease to surprise me ily
It is actually 1 Cell brain, not 1 brain cell. Lool.
this is why i love Kennedy
Watching this video now that question of “dating someone younger than me” has really aged well for Claudia 😂
You can tell he’s bored out of his mind by how many videos he’s been posting each week not complaining though love your videos😂
“we’re a loving family” hahahahahahahahaha i love you guys tho
Mama Jen flipping over Reality Tv is exactly why I love this channel. 😂
Claudia "who says I would?" when Kennedy says "I would never date someone younger than me"
A year later.. Claudia dating Jesse🤣
P.S. Favourite TH-camrs of all time💕
13:24 idk why but i found the way kennedy said it so funny lmao
claudia saying she wouldn't date someone younger than her and now years later she's dating jesse! lol I rewatch these videos too often haha
I thought my family was chaotic but now watching ur family I realize its not😂💕
*Kennedy: You wore the same pants and shirt for 4 days in a row*
"Who's most likely to be a great cougar?"
*votes Claudia*
"Who says i would date someone younger than me?"
Fast forward to her dating Jesse! 🤣