Current 2023 students ka bhi he hal k parhna paper sy aik rat pehly hi hai😂😂😂 Well brother bohat help ho rahi mery pass 2 din bachy hen or me apky btay hoy short or long hi clear kr rhi hon. Thanks💕
@@singhsardarg4820 16 sy 19 lecture yad kr len bohat imp he Or long me 3 constitutions.hen 56,62 or 73 In me sy constitution k points long me a skta he or last topics sy industrial issues or unky solution ye wala bhi a skata he mjy to yehi aya tha
Thanks sir your way of teaching is awesome sir next lecture 21 show nhi ho rha ap ka Pak Study ka sir plzz jaldi bat Dy q ka Monday ko Mera paper ha or ma ny tiyari Karni ha
Sir ap boht acha prhaty hain... jazakAllah.
Sir thank you ap ki wajha sy paper ki tiyari karny ma bohtt asani hui ☺️
Brilliant bro
Thnx sir very well
if anyone wants pak 301urdu handsout then i will give
Thanks sir ! Sir g plz next lectures b upload kar de
Current 2023 students ka bhi he hal k parhna paper sy aik rat pehly hi hai😂😂😂
Well brother bohat help ho rahi mery pass 2 din bachy hen or me apky btay hoy short or long hi clear kr rhi hon.
Paper hogya???
Share Kar do mera kal paper h or me bhi aj bet ke Parr rahi hu 😂✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻 to neki kar Darya me dal.. Paper share kardy behn..
16 sy 19 lecture yad kr len bohat imp he
Or long me 3 constitutions.hen 56,62 or 73
In me sy constitution k points long me a skta he or last topics sy industrial issues or unky solution ye wala bhi a skata he mjy to yehi aya tha
@@kousar_perveen okay and thanks a lot dear..
Thanks Sir please course complete krwa dain next lacture b upload kr dain plzzzzzzz
well done bro
Assalamualaikum sir... next short lectures bhi upload kr dy please
well done
Sir next be videos upload kar Dana
kindly next lec upload kr dy
Sir ,Kindly upload the next lectures!!!
apki bohot achi smjh a ri hy
kindly cover kra dein
Sir next lectures b upload Kr den
Pakstudy 301 ky final exam ki tayari ky liy short quastion bi uppload kar dy
Agy k leacture
Agla saray lecture kr da plz
Reply me sir plz ..agla lecture kr den uppload
sir course complete krwa den
Important question send karo
Sir Saqib Pak301 21-30 lecture bi upload krde and important bi highlight kegyin ga
Apki islamic study ka lecture chain plz
Sir plz next vedios upload kr dy
Tyar karna hai jaldi upload kar dein
Thanks Sir
Sir can u provide us Pak301 urdu handouts???
sir agy k lectures b upload kr dyn plz
Lecture 21 bhe appload kr den plz
Thanks sir your way of teaching is awesome sir next lecture 21 show nhi ho rha ap ka Pak Study ka sir plzz jaldi bat Dy q ka Monday ko Mera paper ha or ma ny tiyari Karni ha
Thanks sir... Sir place eik request hai sir plz as ky Short question ki eik alg sa file bna dy plzz sir...
sir apka lecture no 21 upload nhi hy ??
sir plzz 30 t bhi ly jyn lectures
Kab tak upload hon ga
Sir kindly ap 20 se age wale lectures ko up load k je aur physic ke bte ap ke sea kase aur sumge netia please please please😢😅😂
Sir urdu hand outs ki flie 301 pak pdf m nhi mil saktay
20 sy agy lectures ni hain
20 sy upward lec?
Sir next lactures nhi mil ry ap k?
Long questions kis trha aya ga?
Sir lecture 21 show nai ho raha
Please mjhy paper pattern bata dain pak ka
21 leacture bi show nhi ho raha
sab kuxh theek hai magar volume kam hai jis bhi cheez per edit kartey ho waha editor per volume thora barha liya karo
Dear student
Sir 20 sa aga wala lec... Ni hain
سر اس کے اردو کے Handouts چاہیے۔ پلیز جلدی سینڈ کر دیں کل میرا پیپر ہے۔
Imp contant b nhi mil rha ap ka
sir pakstudy ka to cmplt kra dein plzzz 30 ko paper hy mera
I try my best dear
PAK301 k Urdu handouts kaha available hainPDF file mai kindly bta dain taky hum b download kr lain????
Sir where is 13 14 and 15 lec??
Search on TH-cam by my channel name
Sir lecture no 21 show nahi ho raha pleas sir Monday ko Mera paper ha to pleas sir na tiyari karni ha
Long imp nhi bty ap ny
Baqi lctrs ni hyn
Reply plz
i try my best dear student
@@World_of_Education plz our papers r so near ... Do it as soon as possible plz ...
Sir next lactures nhi mil ry ap k ?