Sometimes, I don't understand why they make comparisons between fancy gadam and maccasio. Fancy is good at singing while maccasio is also good at the rap. They do different things. U can't compare a hand ball player to a football player, though they are all playing ball
Gadam Nation to the world
True fact. I love your break down
He has a deep sense in his lyrics, especially his deep dagbanli words
Maccasio to the world wide 🌎🔥
Maccasio to the world 💪
Gadam nation to the world 🌎
Ishassan Plz when u gotta Come Back to Radio
Gadam Nation to the world!
Tell maccasio that fancy gadam better dan him we love ❤ 😍 💖 ❣ fancy gadam
Same way that I will tell you that your biological father is so regretting to have you in this world
You are a fool
Fancy can’t never be better than maccasio
We love maccasio than what you are talking
Who is fancy Gadam, maccasio is better than your fancy and his fans
Thanks for the breakdown. I was confused at first
Keep up the good works 💚🔥💪
Maccasio to the world 🌎
Ishassan u make sense here mad
Hype TV is the best!
We the break down of ungrateful
Sometimes, I don't understand why they make comparisons between fancy gadam and maccasio. Fancy is good at singing while maccasio is also good at the rap. They do different things. U can't compare a hand ball player to a football player, though they are all playing ball
Naa kpagmag
69 to de world
They are breaking down Fancy Gadam's and ur talking about this limited 69
We will never support fadlan again, maccasio is the only king👑 we know
He can never be a Kutubu
He always claim but can never be