Pay attention to how they talk about other people. If they love to talk about other people they know when they're not around and don't seem to have anything kind or nice to say about them, then cut ties with this person ASAP. That "freind" is telling you how he/she talks about you when you're not around. They also might try to get you become gossiper or trashtalker. Both of which are bad self destructive habits you don't want.
No lie i sort of knew it wouldn't last. I just always kind of knew I just went along. They were friendships sure but no lifetime ones. Like in 2008 my friend at the time was friends with so many other people. That I wasn't friends with but I stuck by that friend. To be honest I knew I didn't want to at the time. It wasn't the friend I thought was temporary not necessarily. I didn't grow up having friends so I don't know what that's like.
when they talk shit behind your back and not to your face
Pay attention to how they talk about other people. If they love to talk about other people they know when they're not around and don't seem to have anything kind or nice to say about them, then cut ties with this person ASAP. That "freind" is telling you how he/she talks about you when you're not around. They also might try to get you become gossiper or trashtalker. Both of which are bad self destructive habits you don't want.
No lie i sort of knew it wouldn't last. I just always kind of knew I just went along. They were friendships sure but no lifetime ones. Like in 2008 my friend at the time was friends with so many other people. That I wasn't friends with but I stuck by that friend. To be honest I knew I didn't want to at the time. It wasn't the friend I thought was temporary not necessarily. I didn't grow up having friends so I don't know what that's like.