What We Want Our Boys to Be Like: Boy Wanted Poem

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 15 ก.ย. 2024
  • This BOY WANTED poem helps teach us what we want to be training our gorgeous little boys to be like. I love this poem which I found in the Children's Book of Manners by William Bennet. It goes like this:
    "This "want ad" appeared in the early part of [the 20th] century.
    WANTED - A boy that stands straight, sits straight, acts straight, and talks straight;
    A boy whose fingernails are not in mourning, whose ears are clean, whose shoes are polished, whose clothes are brushed, whose hair is combed, and whose teeth are well cared for;
    A boy who listens carefully when he is spoken to, who asks questions when he does not understand and does not ask questions about things that are none of his business;
    A boy that moves quickly and makes as little noise about it as possible;
    A boy who whistles in the street, but does not whistle where he ought to keep still;
    A boy who looks cheerful, has a ready smile for everybody, and never sulks;
    A boy who is polite to every man and respectful to every woman and girl;
    A boy who does not smoke cigarettes and has no desire to learn how;
    A boy who is more eager to know how to speak good English than to talk slang;
    A boy that never bullies other boys nor allows other boys to bully him;
    A boy who, when he does not know a thing says, "I don’t know," and when has made a mistake says "I’m sorry," and when he is asked to do a thing says "I’ll try";
    A boy who looks you right in the eye and tells the truth every time;
    A boy who is eager to read good books;
    A boy who would rather put in his spare time at the YMCA gymnasium than to gamble for pennies in a back room;
    #boywantedpoem #williambennet
    A boy who does not want to be "smart" nor in any wise attract attention;
    A boy who would rather lose his job or be expelled from school than to tell a lie or be a cad;
    A boy whom other boys like;
    A boy who is at ease in the company of girls;
    A boy who is not sorry for himself, and not forever thinking and talking about himself;
    A boy who is friendly with his mother, and more intimate with her than anyone else;
    A boy who makes you feel good when he is around;
    A boy who is not a goody-goody, a prig, or a little pharisee, but just healthy, happy, and full of life;
    This boy is wanted everywhere. The family wants him, the school wants him, the office wants him, the boys want him, the girls want him, all creation wants him."
    Source: Frank
    Quoted in The Children's Book of Virtues
    by William J. Bennet

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