Park Avenue + Jun Senoue guitars
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024
- In this video I recorded some Jun Senoue style guitars in the song for Park Avenue - Sonic Forces OST
This was really fun to record
Gameplay by:
SonicJGB -
#sonicforces #sonicforcesost #junsenoue #remix
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Man, I've just struck GOLD finding this channel. I like the OG ver. of this song, but man I'll never be able to back to the OG after hearing this.
You're RIDICULOUSLY talented my guy. Keep up the good work!
Thank you so much!!
The beginning! It's already gives you power to rush into battle! :0
Dude, your entire playlist is magnificent!
Thanks! :D
God you made this track Justice
Nice pun.
THIS IS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!! This just may be your best guitar mix, this is just…wow
I've never heard someone try to merge drum n' bass and rock before. The combination here is interesting, but I think it's in the mutual interest of both Forces and Senoue fans that each of their influences stay separate.
The guitar and EDM match really well!!!
Can you just do the entire Forces OST??? I kid but seriously I never cared for this song but this actually made it????? I want more Forces songs to sound as good as you make them dhhdhdhd
If he does that, it’d be an *essential* mod for Forces that’d be necessary for me to ever return to the game
I always knew the biggest problem with these songs was instrumentation
You said it. Even Classic Green Hill. Instrumentation was bad, but that melody was top tier.
I mean alot of forces music isn't that bad but yeah they do need improvements
There's nothing wrong with avatar / sonic music, just classic one had problem
Avatar is Liquid drum and Bass, Modern Sonic is Hard Rock, then Classic Sonic is chiptune done in wrong way.
GOD DAMN, THIS IS AMAZING! man, imagine this combined with smooth4lyfe's vocal cover, that would be awesome.
Thank you!!
Should I mash the two covers together? asking for permission
@@Pasta-P Go for it
@@SonicGuitars OKAY Published
Aw jeez this needs an extended version, this sounds amazing!
Waiting for my favourite part at 0:56
It over delivered well done.
Glad it didn't dissapointed you :D
@@SonicGuitars With this masterpiece, how could you? 😊
Hey, you know what would be cool? You could do a remix like this one to the fading world-imperial tower from this game, I think it would sound amazing with the guitar like this one
I think it's the spots where you know to let the song do it's stuff is why your remixes are awesome, you add where there needs some bulk, and then backoff to let the song do it's thing.
Hey thanks! Really good comment!
This version sounds better than the one we got in the game, are there plans to do more tracks from Sonic Forces?
That would be cool
Yes of course, Aqua Road is definitely coming soon
Criminally underrated
This genuinely just sold me.
Found your channel three days ago with your last video recommended to me but I hadn't payed enough attention. This thing just made my entire evening and I had it on loop.
1.9k is a criminally low sub count for such a golden channel. Here's to hoping you reach at least a million not too far from now!
Thank you so much!
@@SonicGuitars You're more than welcome!
0:55 🎵Feel The Wind. Smell the Air. Chances are, Everywhere 🎵
This would be a banger SILVER version of his world for like a Sulver generations
Usually while I like a lot of extra elements you add, I think I just prefer the original tone without it.
This is my first time hearing it with Forces and it's perfect for this style.
This channel needs more exposure! I'm really loving your guitar mixes!
Thank you so much!!
Even better than the original, which was already great in its own right!
So gooodd would love to see ur covers on Spotify or even soundcloud. Something I would love listening to on the train
This sounds amazing!!! I love it so much
It will be so awesome if you could remix every ost and gave someone mod it into the game. This sounds AMAZING!
You gotta do this with Space Port man, criminally underrated song
I love this so much. Btw I made a mashup video using this. I don't know when I will release it but I'm just letting you know ahead of time, of course I'll credit you.
Thank you!! Let me know!
@@SonicGuitars I will. 🖒
@@xavierlime06 So um... where it at?
@@Hamb0-r3aL I currently have all my videos private. I'll say when they release soon.
@@xavierlime06 Oh okay! 😉👍
I would love to mod this in as well because the guitar drowns out the synth in the background to the point where you can still hear it but it's not as ear grading. It also makes sense for the story at this point since you're supposedly pushing Eggman's soldiers backm and the synth was similar in Eggmanland from Unleashed. The ending part before it loops just needs a little more work as it doesn't fully play out like it's supposed to. Other than that. damn good remix.
Stunning beyond any imagination. Subscribed and notification immediately, props man
1000th like xd
Good cover
Do you allow use of these in a trailer im making ? Let me know!
Now I'm curious on how capital city prison hall would sound like it your style keep up the good work
great , you're good
Team Sonic Racing is Sunset Heights was a race track!
Чувак, шикарно🔥
Now what if we heard this for a bit in shadow generations?
This soundtrack did not have enough guitar, therefore it NEEDED more guitar
Lyrics: [or atleast how I understood them lol]
They call me Jeremy. Strike em down.
We can't leave a wind take em down.
There's trust in the worst fight.
They call me Jeremy mess em up.
Bring the trenemies to yourself.
Its Time to go fight.
Casting me. Live before you. I can Lee. Half the power! Can't you see? Off the writer. Get to me. From the taking!
0:12 oh shadows song😅
Hey, I really like this remix. Can I use it for a fan-game I’m making?- I’ll give credit; of course
Go for it!
This is the Episode Shadow remix
This guy should had join the sonic team to make the music better not saying the music is horrible or bad just saying it could use an upscale
Letra de la cancion.
I came looking for copper and I found PURE GOLD
This song is best for Shadow the hedgehog