I still get teary eyed when I watch Donny win AFP. He felt so alone in that house and the look on his face when he realized how much America loved him was priceless
MY TOP 3 OF America Fav for each Season is 7- Janelle ERICA AND DR.WILL 8- Daniele Amber and Jessica 10- April Keesha and DAN 11- Laura Natalie and Jordan 12- Kristen Britney and Monet 13- Daniele Cassi and PORSCHE 14- Janelle Britney and Kara 15- Amanda Elissa and Kaitlin 16- Amber Brittany and Nicole or Victoria 17- Shelli Audrey or Jackie and Becky 18- Natalie TIFF AND Z 19- Dom ELENA AND Jessica 20- Hay Bay and Rachel 21- SIS Holly and Kat big brother over the top Shelby Jason or Morgan the first celebrity big brother - Ari Shannon and Brandi the 2 season - EVA Lolo or Jonathan
That little moment of hesitation before Frankie pretends to be happy is brilliant. Its so satisfying watching people who are so sure of how popular they will be lose.
I think because they were both funny but James went out of his way to be kind to other people like when he made an omelette for Audrey during her week of eviction
Ikr Johnny Mack was constantly shouting and yelling which was very annoying. I couldn’t take home seriously when HE WAS TALKING LIKE THIS EVERY THREE SECONDS
it’s funny to see how many people played multiple seasons here, especially back to back seasons. I’m watching these clips like oh that person was in the last one too! 😂
glad Tyler got AFP because America knew he shouldve won no offence to kaycee who was the 2nd best player that seaspn. BB USA should have a americaas vote like BBCAN
@@lightningmanectric3096 oh yeah you're right. I think they should use that so America has a say in who the best player was. better than Americas player
I'm just gonna say one of my fav like intro segments is probably victor with his little tango dance and when the camera zooms to him he like does a little stance I love it lol
BB7 - Janelle absolutely deserved it without question. BB9 - James did not deserve it in all honesty. Sheila or Sharon should've won it. BB10 - Keesha deserved it definitely. A SHAME she went home so early in BB22 :( BB11 - Jeff was real cool. He deserved it. BB12 - Britney was hilarious and deserved it 100%. BB13 - Honestly Jeff didn't deserve it this time. It should've gone to Shelly or Kalia. BB14 - Frank was the underdog of this season. He deserved it. BB15 - Elissa was one of the few bright lights in this dark season. She absolutely deserved it. BB16 - Donny is the most deserving AFP winner of all time. Such a sweet, wholesome and kind-hearted man. BB17 - James was great, but I honestly think Johnny Mac should've won it. James was deserving though. BB18 - Victor deserved it, especially after managing to fight his way back into the house TWICE. BB19 - Cody deserved it 100%, especially after being bullied by the disgusting houseguests of that season. CBB1 - Ross was adorable. He deserved it. BB20 - Tyler was amazing this season. He deserved it 100%. CBB2 - He was cool. He deserved it. Honestly though Tamar would've SWEEPED the AFP had she'd not won. BB21 - Nicole was such a sweetheart and was a shining star of such a terrible cast. She deserved it 100%.
That’s because America doesn’t really vote for someone in the final 2. That’s why many people including alumni speculate that specific AFP was meddled with.
America loves the underdogs, people dont typically win afp if they don't make jury, tyler being the only exception if you count f2 as not jury, brittany just wasn't as likable as frank
Pretty weird how Frank sent home the person who won AFP in BB12 and ended up winning AFP his season. I got a feeling the producers just wanted a newbie to win it.
America's Favourite Houseguest twist established in 2006 on BB7 (All Stars): BB7 - Janelle 26 BB9 - James 21 BB10 - Keesha 30 Waitress BB11 - Jeff 31 BB12 - Britney 22 Sales Representative BB13 - Jeff 33 (2nd time) Jeff won twice BB14 - Frank 28 Unemployed BB15 - Elissa BB16 - Donny 47 Groundskeeper BB17 - James 31 Retail Associate BB18 - Victor (he won back the game twice and was evicted 3 times) BB19 - Cody 32 Sales Representative BB20 - Tyler (first runner-up to also be America's Favourite Houseguest)
I liked the houseguests from 16, but I never understood why so many of them were in love with Derrick and why they were all okay with letting him win the game. I don't know. Derrick seemed like a pretty decent guy, but his game just can't be properly captured on camera.
Donny totally deserves America's Favorite Houseguest. However, I have this in thought. Imagine if Derrick has won America's Favorite Houseguest (for winning a lot and for being the "puppetmaster" instead of Donny). How would everyone react? Would people be extremely outraged or what?
I don’t find people who are literally TRYING to win AFP very genuine. He was literally working to try to get AFP. Natalie was way worse but they were both just playing an act. Meh
i think they rigged the afp vote that season so tyler and brett could both go on the bold and the beautiful. THOUSANDS of people agreed to all vote for haleigh so a hive member would win. and scottie won the battleback and was extremely popular, likely why they had a battleback. and america usually doesn’t vote a finalist as afp either. they for sure took it from haleigh.
Dayvonne season 22 , Cody season 19, Donny season 16, and Janelle season 6 and 7 where my favorite Winners for America’s favorite to ever win. They where all so likable even though they all displayed completely different personalities.
Nah. If that's the case, Frankie would've also won AFP because his sister is Ari Grande, but eventually he didn't. Judd's case different. He just went into a complete asswipe after he came back + tolerated GM's racism and even made a lowkey showmance to a racist cast.... ermm, Aaryn.
I still get teary eyed when I watch Donny win AFP. He felt so alone in that house and the look on his face when he realized how much America loved him was priceless
Its kinda poetic
im Happy DOnny won he a nice guy
Brittany my favorite from bb16 !
people like brett
There’s never been a more deserving houseguest for AFP..
Frankie’s face of dismay still lives in my head rent free.
I love how Cody was like “😐” the whole time 😂
MY TOP 3 OF America Fav for each Season is
8- Daniele Amber and Jessica
10- April Keesha and DAN
11- Laura Natalie and Jordan
12- Kristen Britney and Monet
13- Daniele Cassi and PORSCHE
14- Janelle Britney and Kara
15- Amanda Elissa and Kaitlin
16- Amber Brittany and Nicole or Victoria
17- Shelli Audrey or Jackie and Becky
18- Natalie TIFF AND Z
19- Dom ELENA AND Jessica
20- Hay Bay and Rachel
21- SIS Holly and Kat
big brother over the top Shelby Jason or Morgan
the first celebrity big brother - Ari Shannon and Brandi
the 2 season - EVA Lolo or Jonathan
I would have for Janelle to SHE ONE OF THE Best Player
Allison damn you rly like the women
His AFP was an F you to Paul and his minions 🤣🤣🤣 I think whenever he realized that he probably appreciated it more 😆
It’s like he was trying to force a quick smile there
America sent a clear message to the bb19 cast.
Jess and Cody deserved it!
@@themightygallium9509I would voted for them or Dominique
I loved Britney Hayes and Janelle too
Why did so many people vote that season? As far as I've heard, that entire season was just a big mistake.
@@DVal-bl7hm season 19
That little moment of hesitation before Frankie pretends to be happy is brilliant. Its so satisfying watching people who are so sure of how popular they will be lose.
How did jonny macc not win fan favorite james is definatly cool but jonny was crazy and really fun
I think because they were both funny but James went out of his way to be kind to other people like when he made an omelette for Audrey during her week of eviction
johnny mac sucks
Ikr Johnny Mack was constantly shouting and yelling which was very annoying. I couldn’t take home seriously when HE WAS TALKING LIKE THIS EVERY THREE SECONDS
@@mick5233 i said he was good not bad
@@Gamefileplays ik
3:31 The moment Frankie realized it wasn't him.
Frankie was by no means my favourite, but I respected his comp wins
why didn't they said the top 3 on bb7 9 10 11 12 13 and 14
did America like Frankie
@@allison3852 No, but his sister is a huge popstar, so I think he assumed he was getting her fans votes...which is what happened with Team America
@@sillygoosesurvivor true are you a fan of him or her bb22 going to be a All stars there Rumros that Cody or Amber Maybe Reutrn
Donny still is my favorite houseguest till this day. I loved his delicate personality and he was such a genuine kind hearted individual.
Jeff winning it twice is just a clear cut example of how editing can make a shitty person be America’s sweetheart
Did anyone else notice Paul wore the same shirt and pants on finale night for season 18 and 19 ????
Its Jamiyah that’s the 5-4 outfit
5 4 lol
He should burn that outfit, it's bad luck
people loved ZANKIE
I guess he should switch the outfit. For 1st.
@@wario9688 what is 5 4
America voting for Cody as AFH was the cherry on top of a petty cupcake. The look on Raven’s face just makes it so much more incredible.
yea yall were so “petty” voting for a transphobic trumpie 🙄
Paul looks just so dejected at 5:10. Second straight loss by 1 vote
who your top 3 for each season . on bb20 my is hay bay and rachel i felt bad for rachel when angela and kaycee turn on her
the real injustice in bb17 was not vanessa losing out on the final two, but johnny mac being shorted the AFH award. james wasn’t nearly as fun
it’s funny to see how many people played multiple seasons here, especially back to back seasons. I’m watching these clips like oh that person was in the last one too! 😂
glad Tyler got AFP because America knew he shouldve won no offence to kaycee who was the 2nd best player that seaspn. BB USA should have a americaas vote like BBCAN
Patriot Teen nah
Patriot Teen got me there
Haleigh was robbed
I think they did that once in BB11. It was a single additional vote because of an expulsion that happened that year.
@@lightningmanectric3096 oh yeah you're right. I think they should use that so America has a say in who the best player was. better than Americas player
Paul's outfit is bad luck 0.0
Bb21: Nicole A.
Bb22: Da’Vonne
Bb23: Tiffany
BB24: Taylor
Bb25: Cameron
Cody and Donny were incredible in their own ways, 2 of my favorites. Also, Brett got snubbed.
Brett definitely got snubbed
I'm just gonna say one of my fav like intro segments is probably victor with his little tango dance and when the camera zooms to him he like does a little stance I love it lol
Everybody else when they won Americas favorite houseguest: 😊😁😄
Cody when he won americas favorite houseguest: 😐😶😮🤨😏
BB7 - Janelle absolutely deserved it without question.
BB9 - James did not deserve it in all honesty. Sheila or Sharon should've won it.
BB10 - Keesha deserved it definitely. A SHAME she went home so early in BB22 :(
BB11 - Jeff was real cool. He deserved it.
BB12 - Britney was hilarious and deserved it 100%.
BB13 - Honestly Jeff didn't deserve it this time. It should've gone to Shelly or Kalia.
BB14 - Frank was the underdog of this season. He deserved it.
BB15 - Elissa was one of the few bright lights in this dark season. She absolutely deserved it.
BB16 - Donny is the most deserving AFP winner of all time. Such a sweet, wholesome and kind-hearted man.
BB17 - James was great, but I honestly think Johnny Mac should've won it. James was deserving though.
BB18 - Victor deserved it, especially after managing to fight his way back into the house TWICE.
BB19 - Cody deserved it 100%, especially after being bullied by the disgusting houseguests of that season.
CBB1 - Ross was adorable. He deserved it.
BB20 - Tyler was amazing this season. He deserved it 100%.
CBB2 - He was cool. He deserved it. Honestly though Tamar would've SWEEPED the AFP had she'd not won.
BB21 - Nicole was such a sweetheart and was a shining star of such a terrible cast. She deserved it 100%.
Can you not win and get AFP? I’d like to see that be done once.
Bb13 should’ve been kaila and or Dani
@@tabbyswads2619 she litterelly was the only one who used the veto
I just don’t think she is entertaining and I don’t understand why people like her so much
I agree Johnny Mac should’ve won. He was so much fun to watch.
Tyler looked so confused when he heard who the top three vote getters were
That’s because America doesn’t really vote for someone in the final 2. That’s why many people including alumni speculate that specific AFP was meddled with.
I still can't understand why a single person would vote for Frank instead of Janelle or Britney
America loves the underdogs, people dont typically win afp if they don't make jury, tyler being the only exception if you count f2 as not jury, brittany just wasn't as likable as frank
pretty sure it was said somewhere that the coaches weren’t eligible to win
Frank was the underdog, he was bullied by Dan, Britney and Ian, thats why neither won AFP, Frank was strong tho, he didnt let them mess with him
Pretty weird how Frank sent home the person who won AFP in BB12 and ended up winning AFP his season. I got a feeling the producers just wanted a newbie to win it.
He was a loveable underdog and they respected that
I love how the top 3 for BB17 (John, Jason, and James) were all threats to Austin's game. xD
Tom Green ignoring Julie as she tries to hand him out the result in the envelope. lol
You know in Frankie's head he thought he'd at least be top 3😂
Imagine wearing the same outfit on two finale nights, couldn’t be Paul.
that outfit was bad luck
Love when Julie named second place as Jerry, the screen just showed him the whole way. But then it was Keesha
America's Favourite Houseguest twist established in 2006 on BB7 (All Stars):
BB7 - Janelle 26
BB9 - James 21
BB10 - Keesha 30 Waitress
BB11 - Jeff 31
BB12 - Britney 22 Sales Representative
BB13 - Jeff 33 (2nd time)
Jeff won twice
BB14 - Frank 28 Unemployed
BB15 - Elissa
BB16 - Donny 47 Groundskeeper
BB17 - James 31 Retail Associate
BB18 - Victor (he won back the game twice and was evicted 3 times)
BB19 - Cody 32 Sales Representative
BB20 - Tyler (first runner-up to also be America's Favourite Houseguest)
I feel like Evel Dick would of got like 75% if they did favorite houseguest that year
I think top 3 would be
Dick and Dani for sure...
Maybe someone like Jen or Jameka as number 3
@@SZAlanastan I'd say Eric would be third or maybe Zach
@@SZAlanastan Jen definitely top 3 she was so entertaining and funny for no reason at all a true icon
Or Eric
It’s crazy how grodner had to rig AFH for jeff and frank. Literally America hated Jeff and frank wasn’t close.
they rigged on bb20 also like why tf did brett also get to go on the bold and the beautiful? seems like a big set up.
@@Valentine-jo7ls Brett was pretty popular on like reddit and such
maybe not anymore but when those seasons were on they were definitely the fan favorites
love James but cmon johnny mac
To be honest, I think the reason James won it was because he was a single dad and he had children. Same goes for Tiffany winning over Derek X.
I’m sorry but BB 16 was my favorite season!! It had my favorite house guests and over all it was really exciting to watch:))
It was also the most scripted season to save CBS’ Golden Boy Frankie. Zach sums it up in his video about production rigging the contests.
It’s the opposite for me lol
I liked the houseguests from 16, but I never understood why so many of them were in love with Derrick and why they were all okay with letting him win the game. I don't know. Derrick seemed like a pretty decent guy, but his game just can't be properly captured on camera.
Jeff won twice not fair!!! 😂😂😂 Love Jeff though!
for some reason i remember jordan winning it for BB13 so i was def surprised - but how did JEFF win twice & not BRITNEY
sam lewis Meh it doesn’t matter bc they’re married so his money is hers! He also won a $10K prize that year so they actually went home with $35,000 ☺️
true Shelly did you like him i thought Rachel would be it on bb13
@@allison3852 I did like Jeff be is awesome! Going to miss him not doing the houseguest interviews anymore!
@@shellyancar who is
congradulations Nicole Anthony
Nicole Anthony from bb21 right
why did they Bring Day BACK ON BB18 SHE DIDNT GET OR BE ONE OF THE TOP 3 OF America Fav
Cody won cause he was the mood 😂😂😂
Elissa is my favorite big brother player of all time
Mine too
1:17 April was definitely pissed on the inside
I was very curious when Julie doesn’t announce the top 3, I always wonder who are the other top 2 people who lost to number 1.
Cant wait for this season when Taylor wins AFP ❤️
That AND The ultimate winner of BB24
The way that Kevin’s face the whole time was just 😦
I'm so happy James got America favorite house guest
Tom Green suprisingly made me smile
i need more cbb immediately
Donny totally deserves America's Favorite Houseguest. However, I have this in thought. Imagine if Derrick has won America's Favorite Houseguest (for winning a lot and for being the "puppetmaster" instead of Donny). How would everyone react? Would people be extremely outraged or what?
Haleigh desvered AFP
Canada should do this Canada's favorite houseguest
My predictions:
S1: Gary
S2: Neda
S3: Sarah
S4: Tim
S5: Ika
@@themightygallium9509 S9: Victora
the fact that jeff legit wins it twice like that’s amazing
Seems the top 3 are always next to each other probably positioned by the producers during the ad break
anyone notice for the past 7 seasons the top 3 houseguests stood next to eachother
I wish Ross was on a regular season. He was by far my favorite in celebrity
4:21 was the biggest robbery in BB History. Johnny Mac deserved that
Michelles face at Keesha 💀
Ugh. Raven holding Paul’s arm during 19 gave me PTSD. She’s so delusional.
Screen time
Tyler got 100K, 2nd place 50,000 and AFP 50,000
During bb20 afp received $25k. It didn’t increase until bb23.
@@nickhamelporter374 i didn’t know
Why are the top 3 always next to eachother😭
5:08 was Paul was had that look like
I’m p*ssed because I just got second in big brother 2 times in anrow
Vote Nicole and Kemi for AFP!!
i love ariana but frankie losing was so funny to me
Too bad nichole (bb21) wasn't on here. But this was posted in February before bb21.
They always mext to each other
Worst cast in history: BB 19
Best player in history: Cody
Favorite houseguest is basically thrid place also I'm shook natalie was in top three
Brett got snubbed for AFP
The winner of season 18 married the favorite houseguest of season 18
Anyone want all-stars Vs all star celeb
How much is runner up again?
i love how nicole went from top 3 to everyone hating her
@Jayla Maurice 😳😳😳
Good job Cody still my favorite
I just noticed they always have the nominees standing next to each other.
Tyler shouldn't have been able to win as he just got 50 grand for being runner-up. And how tf did James win over Johnny Mac?
I agree. I also think it’s bullshit Brett was second place. And it bothers me because why fuck with the most fun, kind-spirited part of the game?
James Huling was my favorite
I don’t find people who are literally TRYING to win AFP very genuine. He was literally working to try to get AFP. Natalie was way worse but they were both just playing an act. Meh
whatever season it was that had cody jessica christmas and jason etc is one of my least favorite seasons
How did Jeff win Americas Favorite twice? He was horrible in bb13 and not that good, but I guess the best over the rest in bb11
Some of these votes baffle me. Jerry...in second behind iconic Keesha? He was in the bottom half of the cast for me Lol
Omg Paul is wear the same thing on season 18 and 19
It's so annoying that she didn't name the top 3 for CBB2. I was shocked Tom won.
Janelle, Britney, Donny, Elissa and Nicole are my fave AFPs❤️🙌
Adam 0:36
Janelle James Kessha Jeff Britney Jeff FRANK Elissa Donny James Cody and Tyler
this is who I voted for Janelle April Laura Kristen Daniele Shane Brittany Jackie Dominique and Haleigh
I thought John Mac was going to wins it
oh I forgot season 18- Victor gets but I voted for Natalie to get it or Tiffany
my sister liked Jessica on season 19
I love seeing the rupaul crew do well in big brother.
top 3 of america fav in the first season of celebrity bb pick the 3 comp beasts
victor was my favorite
@@johnbolanos483 who your fav from the other season
@@allison3852 which one
@@johnbolanos483 all of them
@@allison3852 cody
Every winner here was a very likeable houseguest, I think all of them deserved to win... And then there's Jeff 😐
Haleigh should’ve won afp
i think they rigged the afp vote that season so tyler and brett could both go on the bold and the beautiful. THOUSANDS of people agreed to all vote for haleigh so a hive member would win. and scottie won the battleback and was extremely popular, likely why they had a battleback. and america usually doesn’t vote a finalist as afp either. they for sure took it from haleigh.
@@Valentine-jo7ls LITERALLY
More than 10,000,000 votes
Still have no idea why frank won
How did Nicole become top 3 afp to the most hated lol
Dayvonne season 22 , Cody season 19, Donny season 16, and Janelle season 6 and 7 where my favorite Winners for America’s favorite to ever win. They where all so likable even though they all displayed completely different personalities.
John should have won!
my top 3 on bb20 was Hayleigh Bayleigh and Rachel
I don't think America loves Frank anymore after the way he treated all those women like Paulie did.
hayleigh was my pick
I think CBS was drunknand forgot to do an AFP for season 8.
Probably would've been Eric
@@ryanward5770 Since Dick was in F2 it would have been Eric for sure. Back then people in the Final 2 couldn't get the award.
Only reason Elissa won was because she’s Rachel sister
No that wasn't the reason. It's because the rest of them sucked was hateful.
Nichole is shorter than me
james definitely deserved it, idk why y’all saying jonny deserved it😭james was both hilarious and kind BAHAHA
Paul needs to burn that shirt
Think.u have the wrong nicole in the thumbnail: edit well this was posted before nicole a won but nicole f never won 😂
Judd was definitely suppose to win that bb15 if she wasn’t Rachel sister no way she wins that lol
she is really kind tho
I wish Howard would’ve won that he deserved it even though he was a pre juror
Nah. If that's the case, Frankie would've also won AFP because his sister is Ari Grande, but eventually he didn't. Judd's case different. He just went into a complete asswipe after he came back + tolerated GM's racism and even made a lowkey showmance to a racist cast.... ermm, Aaryn.
Aw Lydia ! I knew he would win !
on celebrity big brother I voted for Ari or Shannon but on big brother celebrity 2 I voted for Natalie Eva Maire or Jonathan
WHO DO U THINK Will get it on bb21
It looks like Katt Nicole or Kemi