I understand everyone's argument about uniforms, somehow stopping bullying! Unfortunately, that is not always the case. Kids are always going to find a way to bully other children, unfortunately! We as a society need to do better by teaching our children to be kind and accepting of all others. I appreciate and understand that everybody has their own opinions! This is just mine. Purchasing uniforms adds extra cost and burdens on people already struggling! If the uniforms were provided by the school, then great! 🤍 Jess x
Here's an interesting one, then! When I was at High/Upper School, school uniform was compulsory BUT you were not forced to buy from specific suppliers. Provided what you wore fitted the requirement - black blazer with badge, black trousers (for boys) and school tie, that was deemed acceptable. So my mother made our school uniforms - apart from the ties, as you could not buy the material. And saved a load of money. BUT...they were obviously home-made, and I got teased (sometimes quite nastily) over this. Bear in mind, this was well before the days of cheap, short-life imported clothes. So that is another perspective on the argument! Also, you could wear any colour shirt you wanted, and any shoes. Which got very interesting in the early 1970s, especially when massive, high-heeled platform shoes (for both sexes!) and vivid shirts with huge shirt collars suddenly became the norm! I mitigated the "home made" teasing by buying my own - fashionable - shirts and shoes. Perhaps just as well, that there are no pictures of me in that early-1970s combination...!
I wore a school uniform every day for my entire school life and you certainly get used to it. The main thing though is it removes a social class/wealth element. Nobody gets to swagger in Versace and nobody feel the shame of rags highlighting their poverty. It's a good thing. Kids get what they want all the time, it does them good to be forced to obey rules, and adhere to standards. It prepares them for life, where you dont get a free pass by throwing a tantrum.
School uniform operates at two levels, 1) It cuts the discrimination between the haves and haves not. The principle is correct but the practice needs working on. I was a governor at a Catholic Primary School and we welcomed all children (Catholic actually means all- embracing). Having specific school uniform can be problematic for some families but we operated a 'pre-worn uniform shop' where parents would donate uniforms that their children had grown out of so they could be passed down to anyone who needed it. We found even some of the more affluent parents would make use of the shop. 2) The uniform helps with discipline and being part of a specific community in much the same way that the military use their uniforms now in peacetime.
I think the initial idea of school uniforms was to make kids of all backgrounds be the same, so that children from poorer backgrounds would not be embarrassed if they couldn't get the same posh clothes as their friends. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong 😊
@woodencreatures Completely understand that, but what about the families that struggle that can't buy new ones throughout the year. Because we all know they get dirty or they outgrow them. So some kids will come to school with dirty or small uniforms. I feel we're putting more pressure on family, in my opinion. 🤍 Jess x
Energy is a difficult one because we are dependent upon global suppliers. I sometimes wonder if 'Just Stop Oil' are funded by overseas agents since their agenda isn't to change what sources we use to generate power, but to stop the UK from participating in the global energy markets... With housing, I feel like the much bigger issue is an imbalance in job creation. We tend to be losing jobs in the sparsely populated rural areas and while there are jobs being created in urban areas, this just puts more pressure on all the resources there like housing, and public transport. You can look up the costs of living in say Hull compare to Leeds and the difference in affordability is stark (before looking at the hellscape that is London!)
I think many road authorities treat potholes as a cheap method of speed control, it costs less to eventually fill them badly than construct a speed hump or install ANPR and monitor, speed cameras. Many roads are in a similar state in the US, particularly States that have a large summer winter temperature variation.
School uniforms are designed to prevent peer pressure, which can be extremely damaging to children from less well off families who cannot afford designer clothing, trainers, etc. It ensures that, at least at school, all are equal. I wore the type of uniform to which you were referring, and never found it to be in any way uncomfortable.
I understand, but it still puts pressure on kids/ families to provide new uniforms throughout the year. My heart aches for the families that are dealing with what we have noticed as the great, rich and poor divide. 🤍 Jess x
@@DaydreamersBound Because of the quantity of uniforms made, they are basically affordable, and if families cannot afford them, they can apply for help
@richardjames3022 I completely understand, and it's wonderful to have assistance in place. Unfortunately, we're putting more work on those already struggling to find work life and family balance and adding to their struggles. I hope all that need it benefit from the assistance, and none are feeling less than or can't apply because of work or whatnot. I really thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. 🤍 Jess x
It's usually cheaper to get uniforms than to provide a full wardrobe of "cool" clothes that wouldn't get your children teased at school. We have 3 children and struggle to make ends meet sometimes but we're very grateful for the uniforms. It's definitely a money saver in the long-term. You can get free or very cheap second hand uniform from those who have grown out of it via the school PTA, and also hand down uniform between children. It's definitely cheaper than not having a uniform.
It's good that the kids have to wear uniforms cos it gives them as sense of belonging and a better collective attitude to learning. Also, they don't have to worry, at that age, about having to wear something different everyday. Most likely less bullying about what they choose to or what they can afford to wear, too.
@@marialester-rs7qk plus it’s called uniform for a reason, stops kids coming to school in the expensive trainers and clothes, that maybe not everyone can afford
School uniforms are generally used throughout the world, even poorer continents such as africa and Asia have strict uniform policies...i was from a low income family but my parents managed our uniforms every year without fail. Uniforms are very comfortable, especially when its introduced at a young age. In fact kids love wearing blazers, it gives them a sense of growing up.
I completely understand. I just feel it should be complimentary if it is going to be a rule. To take the burden off of families that struggle.. I appreciate your time sharing your thoughts. 🤍 Jess x
I agree with everything you said! Us brits also feel the exact same with energy prices, cost of housing and living! It's the big moan we all have lol. As for the uniforms, I hear your sentiment, but once you engage with those children and see school life, you will be certain there is no stopping a child's personality and individuality! I'm sure you know, us brits are quirky and individual but have a sense of community and belonging. Also, some families may find the added stress of meeting clothing expectations (trends, brands) are removed.
I completely agree. Energy and pot holes are horrendous!! I. I completely understand about the school uniforms.It just breaks my heart that some families are struggling even more to provide clothing throughout the year. The great divide is something the kids should never have to feel, but a uniform will not stop it. I truly appreciate you sharing with me your thoughts and insight. 🤍 Jess x
I liked having a school uniform personally, and was in single parent home for quite a bit of school, on income support - I was and am fairly quirky, eccentric even, but never felt stifled by the uniform. From Sixth Form (16-18) at my school we could wear what we want but it just had to be smart - shirt and trousers etc. We were allowed to leave school between lessons too.
I truly appreciate your insight and time sharing your thoughts with me regarding the uniforms. Also, being able to wear what you wanted and leave school between lessons. I really appreciate the time you took to comment! 🤍 Jess x
Thank you for doing this video. I do find myself a little puzzled trying to understand your dislikes. I feel a lot of this might be due to a lack of knowledge-based expectation. The price of air flights is determined by the international market for air fares - it is a competitive market - and the cost of getting your dogs back to the States is down to the cost of complying with international agreements on the cross border transportation of live animals (this is not a situation specific to the UK). As for the cost of rent and energy, this is largely down to the limited space we have to build houses here in the UK compared to a much larger country like America - the population density of the UK is 279 people per kilometre but only 39 people in the United States - and the fact that the UK is not a large gas producer and has to buy on the international market at fluctuating market rates around 50% of the gas it uses, which fuels around a third of electricity generation. As for school uniforms, best to ask the school pupils wearing those uniforms. If it wasn’t acceptable it wouldn’t still be accepted. Is some degree of school identity and conformity such a bad thing? I believe the wearing of school uniform is generally relaxed from age 16.
Thanks for your comment and opinion on the matters. We know that the cost of shipping animals is not specific to the UK, just something that we have to deal with in our specific situation. We are just stating what we have experienced. Cheers. Chris
School Uniform is an interesting topic. The fact is that all over the UK, thousands of schools have (through community consultation and PTA meetings) carefully polled parents about scrapping the uniform, and almost always the parents actually prefer it. There are schools, all over the UK, that don't have uniforms (and used to be more, I believe) but overall, people like them. Think for a moment about what school is for: to prepare kids for adult society. They'll already learn about wearing casual clothes and about expressing their individuality. They'll do that every weekend, and through the, um... is it 12 weeks every year of school holidays. But at home, they are far less likely to learn about wearing a uniform and how to still have the character and style to express individuality when everyone has the same basic palette of clothes and colours. Yet think about some of the top professions many people aspire to - Doctor (Scrubs, lab coat, or a smart suit), Lawyer (Barristers here wear a uniform, including a wig! Same for judges.), Scientist (lab coats and protective clothing). Without school uniforms, most kids would leave school not knowing how to wear a tie in comfort for the whole day, or even how to tie a tie. Now think how many US tv and movies feature the scene of an American guy having to get his girlfriend to tie his necktie properly for him... It's a little weird (though not as much as when us Brits see Americans really, really struggling to use a knife and fork 🤣) As I'm sure others will tell you, the next thing about uniform is the democratization. That (to an extent) both the rich kids and the poorest kids will be dressed exactly the same, often from the exact same manufacturer and/or school clothes supplier. It doesn't fully work, of course, as every poor kid who ever got picked on for their shoes/trainers can tell you, but it sure does lessen it. However, the really subtle bit is when we come to genuinely poor families. They can get school clothing grants that help them buy the necessary uniform, and it will be exactly the same uniform as the other kids. THAT part works 100%. You know how, very early in this video, you were both saying how you loved the way towns and villages take pride in appearance and work together? Some of that comes from the exact same spirit as school uniform. Uniform is an expression of togetherness, of unity, of something shared not just privately, but openly. But the cool thing is that restrictions don't stifle individuality and creativity - they give it a frame, a canvas area to work on, and focus the attention on it. It's like how writing doesn't lose any expression or artistry when instead of just being 400 words of text, those words are poetry and have the restriction of having to rhyme and have rhythm. Telling a joke is delivering speech with the restriction of telling 2 stories and having to be funny - is it less creative, artistic or expressive for those restrictions, or is it actually more so than just speaking as many words on random conversation?
@britishknightakaminininja1123 yes yes yes!!! Said so wonderfully and what I was trying to attempt to express earlier but got taken by housework and family life lol. I get it 'could' be seen socialist/communist. But all your points mentioned, negate that. It doesn't override western philosophy, it only enhances it. My take anyway.
I completely understand about unity, but it is affecting the families that have purchase new ones throughout the year. Because we know they all grow and get dirty... I have noticed the great divide in the rich and poor! A uniform is not going to make the kids feel better in my personal opinion. 🤍 Jess x
@@DaydreamersBound being a child of one of the poorest family in a town growing up, you get use to baggy uniform and turn ups at the start of the year and tight and short trousers at the end, kids need any little excuse for gloating damaging your uniform came with repercussions today l would argue uniforms cost nothing compared to phones
@@DaydreamersBound But if they weren't buying uniform they'd have to buy normal clothes and more of them and normal clothes are more expensive? How can you not understand that?
@@DaydreamersBound yes, but if they wernt buying shcool uniforms, they would have to buy other often more expensive cloths to wear to school, also uniforms are great at hiding the blood stains when you get shoit in a mass school shooting. Oh wait, that doesnt happen here, thats the American education system, silly me!
I wore my school uniform with pride and we were very conscious about not letting the school down by misbehaving on the way to and from school. American attitude about school uniforms is "You won't tell me what my child can wear"
I don't know how easy it would be to source the data, but I feel like there was a cultural shift in the 90s where the attitude around drinking changed from something you did while socialising, to getting drunk being the goal and that maybe leading to the strength of beers etc increasing. I never quite good on with that whole 'lads mags' thing of crap titles like Loaded etc that seemed to want to link how 'manly' you were with how often and how much you drank
Another great one, guys. Agreed with all the dislikes apart from the uniforms. I jst feel it takes the pressure of the parents to keep up with fashions and when i was a kid, i dreaded non uniform days because we didn't have money so i had market clothes. It was just embarrassing. Look forward to the next video.
I completely understand where you're coming from on the uniform. I just feel there is more a divide than a unity. Because I know I can get second-hand designer things at very cheap costs. My personal opinion is that it's just adding more stress on already struggling families. My heart aches for kids feeling the divide! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and what you went through as a child. 🤍 Jess x
@@DaydreamersBound... Jess first I think your wonderful but you've lost the uniform debate...you also can get 2nd hand uniforms and new uniforms in most places as families hand them down or on if in good condition...and if a uniform stifles a kids individuality then I'd be shocked as it has never stifled a British kids creativity ...you just have to look at our music, inventions, universities to know that wearing a uniform would never suppress individuality in fact the exact opposite it brings balance as real life is all about wearing uniforms.. I'm sure your husband wearing a uniform for work hasn't effected his individuality as a person ❤
WalMart, the biggest supermarket chain in the US, thought they could do the same in the UK and 25 years ago or so they bought Asda. They discovered how cut-throat the supermarket business is in the UK. They sold off a substantial stake in Asda three or four years ago.
Walmart has a 10% stake in Asda, TDR Capital 67.5% (TDR is a US private equity firm) and the Issa brothers 22.5% stake. A large amount of debt was used to finance the purchase so Asda are struggling under the interest payments. I wouldn’t bet on Asda being around in five years.
If children are causing trouble on public transport for example or in a shop their school can be easily recognised and companies etc., can report to the school where they can then be reprimanded. I know this as an educator myself. Another point is that there is no argument to what to wear the next day.
With regards to school uniforms,when I went to Grammar school in the early 1970's everyone wore a school uniform until A-levels at 18 years old,and everyone thought it was normal,but by the time I left in the late 1970's standards were starting to slip. Before I started at the Grammar we were given a list of uniform requirements that even specified underwear type,sports outfits in house colours for gymnastics,swimming,athletics,Football (soccer) Rugby football,tennis and badminton ,and the 3 official shops where it could be purchased.The classroom was White or light blue shirt,school tie in house colours,and grey or black trousers and a black blazer with a school badge which was to be warn to, and from school for identification in public, by the public. Anyone misbehaving in public stood a chance of being reported to the Head master by any member of the public and could end up in detention. We knew the rules,and the consequences of breaking them,it wasn't hard to understand but it never made everybody perfect,we still rebelled, but not hugely. Considering what is happening in the UK now I would change back in a heartbeat. Safer times in England for all. I know it all sounds a bit Harry Potter but I guess that's how things were.
I agree with all your dislikes, but on the school uniform thing is probably a good thing it evens up the playing field between the richer and poorer family's. 😊
But to an American that`s Socialism i.e communism! The downside to no uniform to equalise everyone is bullying because some can afford THE FASHION and some can`t.
I completely understand about the uniforms , but it's still puts pressure on families that can't afford uniforms to buy them throughout the year as they grow or get dirty. My heart aches for the kids and families that feel the horrible divide in rich and poor! I understand that there's things in place, but that only comes in small amounts for assistance. 🤍 Jess x
The impost on non school uniforms would be greater than school uniforms For every negative their is 10 positives Here in Australia kids wear them with pride part of our ethos Every country in the Pacific Asia and Africa wear one I think maybe the USof A is one of the few countries that doesn't. I think that says it all Why are most Americans I come across in my travels rude and obnoxious And whinge and whine about the country they settle and compare it to USA Either adapt or go home simple
@@DaydreamersBound "still puts pressure on families that can't afford" - that argument doesn't hold since affording fashionable clothing that has a shorter shelf life is a much bigger problem. There are some schools who are too restrictive on uniforms in terms of suppliers etc, but most supermarkets have very cheap school uniform options available. No-one has cheap genuine Prada, Gucci, Nike, Adidas...
@neilbiggs1353 I understand that, but I still hold tight with my thoughts. I truly appreciate your thoughts and opinions. It was just something I noticed and felt strongly about. 🤍 Jess x
If you are on a low income, then you can appy for Government benefits which help with some things such as housing costs. The UK also has social housing for rent which helps.
I disagree with you completely on school uniforms. The uniform equalises students regardless of the wealth of their families and it builds pride in their school. It reduces, particularly for girls, the fashion requirements and peer pressure if you cannot keep up. It builds a sense of community. But that is the difference in the UK culture and the US culture. The UK and Europe in general a more community oriented that the US which is more individually oriented. Would you expect sports teams not to wear the uniform of their team just to be 'comfortable"? There is nothing uncomfortable about wearing a school uniform of which you can be proud.
Potholes in the road are the bane of drivers here in the UK. Outlines sprayed around them are there for the benefit of the local authority's repair team. The trouble is they spend so long before they carry out a repair, the weather and the passage of vehicles has worn the paint away. And when they do finally repair the hole, it doesn't last 5 minutes before it's as bad again.
Having had a tyre burst at speed on a US major highway caused by potholes in a very long stretch of poorly maintained road the problem of potholes isn't limited to the UK.....The maintenance standards of US cars also seems to be pretty bad - on one holiday a tyre flew past us that had been lost by a car....
Yep, I also hate the price of rent and energy bills, hence why I've lived in my campervan for the last three years. You can be damn sure the energy providers are still making billions, so it's not always the price of oil, it's usually about profiteering. Same with landlords, it's a situation we as a society have let get out of control..
@@DaydreamersBound Absolutely, but back when I was a kid in the 70s everyone had a vegetable garden, there were allotments all over the UK, even in the towns and cities, our street was full of homemade wine and beer, we used to eat rabbits and pheasants, we used to fix stuff instead of buying new, we've allowed rampant capitalism and rampant materialism and even worse we've been fooled into individualism instead of community values, we moan we have no time to grow our own food whilst spending hours a day in front of the TV, the computer, the phone or the gym, and then giving our hard earned money away to massive corporate supermarkets for overpriced produce we could quite easily grow ourselves. We've become lazy whilst amusing ourselves to death. There was a saying in the UK during the second world war, "Dig for Britain," well, we stopped digging a long time ago, we've become reliant, not self sufficient. Rant over 😂😂...
Rents are high partly because the cost of housing is high, partly because finance costs are high (when interest rates were low the finance costs didn’t come down commensurately as the finance industry milked the profits) and partly because of government regulation and manipulation creating costs for the landlords which surprise surprise have to be passed on to the tenant.
@@shaunfarrell3834 "Partly" being the operative word, but for the most part excessive rent rises are driven by profiteering by letting agents and landlords who aren't regulated in any way and don't have to take into account local incomes or those on benefits, amongst many other things.
No-one has mentioned people buying second homes, which has caused prices to rise as a result of low supply. Also, builders are only there to make as much money as possible, so will pick and choose when and where to build.@shaunfarrell3834
Interesting as always, guys, and not least because we know you ARE giving genuine personal views. You see so many other US commentators on here either seeking to provoke reactions, or saying what they think people want to hear (and for likes...) The "dislikes" is an interesting bag! And you'll find many Brits in violent agreement with some, indeed maybe for some folks all, of your points! Like cost of power. Blame evil Putin and his war for most of that, though. Before Putin's war, electricity (much of which was generated using natural gas) and natural gas (used to heat most British homes, although rarer out in the countryside away from gas mains)`were MUCH less expensive. And most people were able to save a fair bit by signing up to precisely the kind of fixed-price/term contracts you are looking for. We were paying 14.9p/kWh for electricity, and 2.6p/kWh for natural gas, on a fixed price/term contract. Six months later, it was 33p/kWh and 10.24p/kWh! On variable-rate no-term tariffs. ALL because of Putin. The massive impact on supply and prices of Europe losing all the Russian gas caused most of the huge power price increases - across all forms and sources of power. And, in turn, led to a big chunk of the resultant general inflation. Even though the UK used very little gas that originated in Russia, we were hit amongst the hardest because of our very large and more open gas/supply market with fewer long-term supply deals and having to compete in world markets. The government set price caps to stop energy forms profiteering, but this meant most energy was - and still is - now supplied at the price cap price. This because wholesale power prices are still so volatile, so few suppliers feel able to offer competitive fixed tariffs like the deals most of us were on before the war. We managed to get a 14m fixed deal that IS saving us money, back in March, but that was unusual. Not sure how your house is heated? If it is only electricity, then it will be costing you far more than most other Brits whose houses are most usually heated by gas. Just look at what we were paying for electricity vs gas per kWh before Putin's war, above! Electricity cost nearly six times what gas did, for the same heat output! On our present deal, it is four times as much. I suspect the level of insulation in your house is probably a lot lower than current standards? Same as ours. And that leads to much higher heating costs than might otherwise be the case. So you'll have millions of Brits agreeing with every word you said about power costs! Especially since it never used to be like this before the war.
Adrian, Thanks for understanding our perspective. We understand that there are others that like you said, do it just for the views, likes etc. However, we have been able to embrace the culture here and really enjoyed it. That being said, there are always two sides to every coin. The energy cost took us by surprise, especially the first year. After reading the differences in what it was to what it is shows how the impact of a single issue can cause massive effects. Sounds like the government is attempting to get it under control, so that is a good thing. At the end of the day, our bill will tell us how it addressed the issue, lol. Our house is heated by oil, but we have tried to use the electric space heaters to offset having to use the oil burner as often. Needless to say, (as you could predict) it did not help, in fact it showed us that it in fact had the opposite affect. Thank you for the comment, and hopefully you enjoyed our perspective on the different items. Cheers, Chris and family.
@@DaydreamersBound I DID wonder if your house may be oil-heated, being a bit "out in the wilds?" This used to be the form of heating of choice for more rural properties, built before the 1970s oil crisis and subsequent oil shocks made heating by oil totally uneconomic. When massive amounts of natural gas were discovered in the North Sea, the existing town gas networks were massively extended, to bring gas to many more homes. However, it was never going to be economic to lay gas mains out into the more rural areas. We have friends with a big Victorian house in an exposed location on a village hillside. They have an oil-fired AGA for heating and cooking - and it costs them a crazy amount! With plenty of land, they would be ideal for a ground-source heat pump. As I think your house would be - if it was yours, and you were staying? Always very much enjoy your perspective! Hence my rambling replies!
I wore uniform at school, but as soon as I got home, I changed in to my own clothes. Only the boys had to wear a tie, and we could wear skirts, trousers or dresses, as long as they were in the school colours of navy, pink and white. I can't say I have any objection to a uniform, school isn't a fashion parade, it's a place to learn and interact with others, and taking all of the oh god what do I wear today out of the equation makes things a bit easier. It took enough time to wake up that early, and get 2 buses to the other side of the city for 9am! I don't think anyone would disagree re. housing, energy, and damned potholes the size of a small mine! The road here was resurfaced over several weeks just a few yrs ago. Did that lovely smooth pristine tarmac last? Nope. It's been dug up and put back many times, the latest this yr, correcting things that were laid wrongly last yr...overnight, for several weekends in a row, keeping everyone awake O_O The rest of the degradation, as with quite a few things here, is down to weather, lots of water and repeated freezing.
Interesting video, guys. We do of course live during a time of extremely rapid change, so what you have experienced during your stay in the UK is (to a degree) just a snapshot of the moment, cars especially. I wonder how much you will notice has changed when you go home? That would be interesting too.
As long as the clothes are comfortable and hard wearing, why would anyone encourage kids to differentiate themselves on something as shallow or facile as clothing? Doesn't that imply "beauty" _isn't even_ skin deep, it's even shallower? It isn't the person, but the clothes they choose or can afford. Kid's have ways to be individuals while wearing school uniform. Kids decorate their school bags, or express themselves in many other ways. For example being good at subjects they enjoy, or their choice of friends, or hobbies, or music, or sports, or games, or books, or dancing, or cooking for their friends, or ... My 5½yo (the ½ is important to her) niece wears trousers to school. She looks very snappy in her black trousers and red sweaters or tops. AFAIK, judging from kids I see walking home from school, a lot of schools give the choice of skirts or trousers to girls. A British boy took his school to court because they wouldn't let him wear a skirt. He preferred a skirt in summer because it was much cooler. He won. I haven't checked, but I imagine, he set a precedent for boys at many schools. A significant benefit of school uniforms has usually been it's lower cost and hard wearing. "Fashionable" clothes that wear as well are likely very expensive, or they wear out a lot of clothes (just as expensive but a variety of clothes). With school uniforms families on tighter budgets don't have to fret about the cost of school uniforms, and kid's look OK without expensive clothes. Parents with big budgets don't need to fret about their children becoming obsessed about fashionable clothes for school. Instead they can spend their 'surplus' budgets on things that might have lasting benefits, like better location for better schools, healthier food, more expensive hobbies (eg horse riding, skying, driving motor vehicles on private land, clay pigeon shooting, salmon fishing, exotic pets, ..), learning to play a musical instrument, joining an orchestra, more interesting holidays and weekends away, learning a second language, going to hear live music or live theatre, doing "The Duke of Edinburgh's Award", "Glamping", ... Nope. I still can't think of a reason to sacrifice the many things money can do, simply to wear different clothes during a period of time (during the school day) when, because of uniform, it doesn't matter much. Best Wishes. ☮
Thanks for your thoughts and opinions on the school uniform. It is always interesting to see all the different ideas when it comes to this. Cheers, Chris
Some time ago I read an interesting tip regarding purchasing spirits. If you see two bottles of whiskey with the same make and same proof content but one is £2 dearer, buy the dearer one. This is because, although the tax and transportation costs are the same for each bottle, the cheaper one may cost 50p a bottle to make but the dearer one £2.50 to make. There is no change in duty so the extra £2 is all about the cost of producing that extra quality, 5 times the other. As regards agriculture, we generally do not divide our fields into square or rectangular plots, with the result that they resemble patchwork quilts and not soulless expanses.
I think the uniform thing takes the pressure off of the poorer kids to try and keep up with the richer ones in terms of clothes. The supermarkets are all gears up to provide uniform compliant low cost clothes that meet all the usual school uniform requirements
Sadly most secondary uniform cannot be purchased from the supermarket, most items are school branded, even down to pe kit and can cost up to £400. I know the government have advise schools to do less branded things but they do not apply this. It would be fine if just jumpers, blazer and polo top were the only coloured branded items, but only a few schools do this in 'poverty' areas.
Flying from the UK to the United States isn't overly expensive; one can travel from London to Tennessee for approximately £400. Individuals on low incomes may receive working tax credits from the government, potentially amounting to an extra £500 to £600 monthly. Additionally, there is a scheme available through all electricity suppliers that offers a reduced rate for those facing financial hardships. School uniforms serve two main purposes: firstly, they help prevent bullying by ensuring all children are dressed alike, eliminating judgment over brand-name clothing or shoes; secondly, they make it easier to identify students who should be in school during school hours, as they are not permitted to leave the premises.
@@DaydreamersBound I understand and notice some of the points you made in the video and your perspective on them. However, without the relevant information, one may end up with an incorrect perspective. I was simply pointing out that there is plenty of help available for everyone, regardless of their situation. With the right information, your perspective on the topics discussed in your video might change. Now I totally understand to receive To receive government assistance, one must be a resident of the country, which I believe is not a bad policy overall.I understand you might think I was being abrupt or perhaps rude, but that was not my intention. I was simply attempting to address and alleviate some of your concerns regarding the cost of certain items.
Hiya ,if you think alcohol tax is bad ,have a look at how high fuel duty is ,ask a farmer how much he is paying ' Red Diesel '?' the tax is lower on diesel that is used on farms ,the price difference will surprise you ❤❤.
Having a moan about housing costs fuel costs and potholes - you're definitely honorary Brits now 😆 my 4 year old grandson started school this month he looked so cute in his little uniform I suppose we're just used to it now some things you can buy at supermarkets making them as affordable as possible its just the jumpers or sweatshirts which have the school logo on which can be a bit more expensive 🙄 I think when you go back to USA your outgoings will level out food and phone costs might be more expensive but fuel and energy costs will be less so it's swings and roundabouts 😃 have you visited any garden centres while you've been here 🌿🌺🏵️🌻🌼
Oh, it's going to definitely be a big shock when we return to the US for sure. I love what your son would have dressed like. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. 🤍 Jess x
Like I said, it's my opinion. Also, kids will bully no matter what. It's our responsibility to teach them how to see past superficial things like clothing and classes! 🤍 Jess x
@@DaydreamersBound I know, we're all entitled to an opinion, it would be a boring life otherwise! its traditional you would say to have uniforms and I supposed everyone is used to it
@@DaydreamersBoundfrom lakenheath to Paris would be the same as driving to Edinburgh but French highways or autoroutes are usually much easier than ours - less traffic, much better surfaces etc. However, there are tolls to factor in. We’ve stayed a few times in the holiday inn near Marne la valle. Easy parking underground and good transport connections for the city centre or Disneyland Paris. Also they all speak English at the hotel and most touristy places around Paris,
Talking about the cost of travelling that’s the same both ways, also as an island the UK has strict controls on quarantine to stop rabies etc. America has the same types of restrictions when it comes to vegetation and invasive plants etc and what you can and can’t grow in your garden back home. As for the cost of housing, the American houses are mainly timber built, not built for the weather climate whereas in the UK they are brick and stones and can last centuries. Yes houses are smaller because the UK is an island and a certain percentage has to have greenery, whereas in America the controls over land are not as restrictive hence the continuing loss of wooded and forestry lands in order that one family can own something the same size as Essex. In America money talks louder than morality compared to the UK, hence the likes of big Pharma etc having a controlling say in what people pay for medicines and also insurance companies having a huge say in how they regulate health insurance which is why there is no universal healthcare system such as in the UK and Europe. Talking potholes, no excuse as it’s up to the individual councils to sort their budgets however don’t tell me America doesn’t have potholes. Haven’t you driven on any of your highways they are worse than most UK motorways, and I guess some of your town roads also have potholes especially in areas where they have bad winters. The alcohol question as far as I am aware is the costs generally for cigarettes and alcohol go up each year because the government is trying to lessen the amount of alcoholism and cigarette related diseases by making the costs higher for consumers. The problem is even if the cost went up three fold in a year there are those individuals that cannot do without their fix and would find the money at the expensive their health and of decent food or other necessary items which is sad. Finally talking about school uniforms, I being 74 have lived through all that and it was put in place generally to give a touch of uniformity and to stop lesser fortunate children feeling the odd one out when the well off children turned up in designer clothes flaunting their wealth. This is seen especially in America where they can take flashy cars to school and where money is the sole interest and sadly everything revolves on how much you earn or have or how big your house is and how many cars are in your driveway. Yes the UK has it rich classes but it is not flaunted so openly as is across the pond. However saying that some elite colleges have uniforms copying the UK
Tory Govt massively cut council budgets after the banking crash of 2007/08 through Austerity policy. Led to poor growth in the UK economy and the National Debt tripling since 2010.
Ever since COVID and Putin invaded the Ukraine energy prices in the UK have risen and fluctuated the most in my lifetime and this situation is very unusual. Potholes have got a lot worse because the population of the UK has risen by 10million in the last 20 years and most of those people are now driving so, there are a lot more cars on the road wearing out the tarmac. To survive on minimum wage in the UK you have to work 2 or 3 jobs. A lot of (especially British born) people who would otherwise be in minimum wage jobs prefer therefore to find a way to get on benefits as the state then pays your rent, problem is state funding of accommodation is bankrupting the country that's also another reason why local authorities cant afford to repair the roads as often as they would like because the majority of their budget is being eaten up funding homelessness and social care for the disabled and elderly. The reason btw that's rents and house prices have risen so much in the last 20 years is mainly because of the massive unprecedented rise in population in such a short time, house building has not been able to keep up.
I am a British person that has been living in the USA for 25 years. If you think the rent and housing are bad in the UK you are truly going to be in a world of shock with housing,rent, utilities all insurances (home & cars) and groceries bills in the US due to inflation. Also road maintenance I think is far worse in the US than the UK but that could be different states are worse than others . I think school uniforms is so much better than normal clothes that they wear in the USA due to everyone looks the same, their is a pride in representing your school, you cannot see class or who comes from money,cuts down on laundry and is economical for parents. Kids have plenty of time to wear their own clothes. Regarding flights from the USA they are outrageous but travelling full stop from the US is unaffordable in general. Whereas to travel from the Uk to Europe or anywhere is so much more cheaper hands down.
Regarding paying your energy bills, I think the word you were searching for is monthly direct debit? this evenly spreads out your annual electricity charges, although the unit kWh rate is variable, i did well to find a 12 month fixed tariff and standing charge for natural gas & electricity although energy prices are still higher than 2021.
The school uniforms do many things , but i think the most important thing is that it identifies the school the child goes to . If there is a bus crash or another major accident , the child might be unconscious or confused , but knowing what school they go to helps the police , they will phone the school and the Head teacher will call all the parents who's child is unaccounted for and quickly find there name address and get the parents to the hospital. Apart from that , it stops the kids rolling around the floor so much lol =-)
Have to pretty much agree re the negatives (obviously the positives we all take for granted here!🙂) Flights have definitely got very expensive since the pandemic. Potholes are at an all time high everywhere in the UK. Previous government kept cutting budgets to the bone and this is the result. As I don’t drink alcohol I don’t have any strong opinions on that, though it used be be the thing to do a ‘booze-cruise’, ie: day trip to France to get a van load of cheap alcohol and then bring it back to uk. As long as you could convince customs it was for personal consumption there was no import duty. School uniforms are just a thing here. On the one hand, it’s about school identity and being part of that community. It’s also helpful for poor kids who can’t compete with expensive clothes the rich kids wear. But I get what you mean about kids learning to be themselves. It pretty much just felt like child prison when I was at high school in the 70s. 😂
I completely understand and agree with your thoughts. Thank you for sharing with us. About the uniforms, I get it fully jusy something very different. 🤍 Jess x
Hiya Jess and Chris, certainly no feathers ruffled when it comes to me my friends, I am always opened minded and totally respect your views and thoughts. I hope you are able to get out for some more road trips before the weather closes in for the Winter. I was wondering what the badges were that you and Chris were wearing. Love how your channel is growing with incredible views on all your videos. Wishing you all a fab Sunday, best wishes Jess, Chris, Colette and Shane. Love and hugs. xx ❤
Stephen, I'm so thankful that you hear us out and respect our time sharing. Today was so beautiful but unfortunately was inside helping a friend all day. Hope you were able to enjoy the beautiful day. We have so many adventures planned this coming month, and we can't wait to share our fun with you all. We hope your weekend has started out nicely. We appreciate all your love, friend! 🤍 Jess & family x
Hiya Jesse and Chris, great to see you as always. I was wondering, when you get back to the US, will you all be looking at all your videos you have made here and how do you think they will make you feel and what, when and where, was it that started your love of the UK, lot of questions I know (sorry),give your dogs 🐕 a hug from me, take care, Tony here in the UK 🇬🇧 ❤
To be honest, this is a great time documenting and sharing, and we will have such joy looking back on it. We also can't wait to take you all along with us back to the US, not too soon! We just love this adventure and learning experience. 🤍 Jess x
Where I live in Wales, we do not have a problem with pot holes on the main roads . But some of the small side roads do have some . I presume you are renting , which can be very expensive !
Mark Twain wrote, "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow mindedness .... Broad, wholesome charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the Earth all one's lifetime." Not matter where your roots are, much can be learned by seeing how other people do things and appreciate what you do well and what you could do better. [p.s. One of the many things you're definitely right about are the pot holes. 😊]
One of the things I don't think you realise ( and there's no reason why you should) in the 60s and 70s, many secondary schools in the UK dropped wearing school uniforms as they were regarded as out-moded and old fashioned. However, behaviour, school attendance and academic performance dropped drastically, so uniforms started being reintroduced in the 1980s-90s.
Due to the war energy prices in Europe went crazy , I live in Scotland and taxing booze was an attempt to curb drinking! As I've got older I've come to realise how extremely lucky I was to live in Northern Europe and don't see many ,if any places better. So enjoy and take away all the good bits.
when you have to go back to the states with your dogs, look into going by ship - here on youtube one guy goes to the states on the queen mary 2 ( 7 days food included) for the same price as an atlantic flight , and they have kennels and exercise areas for dogs!
Thanks for the comment. We have thought about going back by ship. We will take a look at the youtube side with bringing the dogs back. It might be a good option. Cheers, Chris
School uniforms are a great leveller to prevent bullying. They all dress the same so are not going to get picked on for not having the latest fashion or designer label.
The US military and private schools in the U.S. do ask for uniforms. Unfortunately, in my opinion, it doesn't help the kid not feel the divid. The struggle the families feel as they have to provide uniforms throughout the year as kids get dirty or grow. 🤍 Jess x
@@DaydreamersBound Private school in the US have uniforms and so do Military >It is far better for parents no school shopping for clothes .It is far better when you start working t=in the office and it is not a uniforms there .Uniforms are cheap compared to all the name brands .
Our energy bill here is now around £150 - £200 a month but it becomes we don't use lights or heat till later in the evening. What I have learned from living here. My bills in the US for over 30 years never hit us even with heat or AC to keep the house comfortable all the time. Not here it's definitely something we learned really fast after an almost £800 bill. There are so many that have to pick to pay their energy bill or eat. It's a sad world we live in. 🤍 Jess x
@@DaydreamersBound True, for people like pensioners, disabled or single/unemployed on state benefits it's often a huge proportion of the ££££ they get each month. Especially from autumn through early spring. A lot depends on whether people have to pay rent or a mortgage. If you've paid off that last one, you're cooking, in both senses. Even those on min wage (esp. with kids) without great budgeting skills are often struggling
With your power bills,I think you might be in for a shock when you return to the U.S.A. I live in Australia and our prices have quadrupled in the last 18 months.Its the same worldwide.
Well, I lived in the US for over 15 years, and my bills were never this high as we've paid here. I guess we will see when we return in 2025, and we will share that with you all. I truly appreciate your insight. 🤍 Jess x
Most families with the parents on minimal wage will also be eligible for additional benefits like Tax Credit - and don't forget Child Allowance paid for every child! Plus if people on low wages rent their home they will qualify dor Housing Benefit.
@grahamdhv3812 When it first started you got NOTHING for the first child - and the Allowance was meant to be temporary to persuade people to have more children after the years of very few due to WW2.
There was a time a few years ago when schoolchildren were mocked because they weren’t wearing the latest expensive trainers etc. and robbed if they were. At least with school uniforms they should all be equal
I agree with you about energy prices. Prices have usually been stable here, but political issues with pipe lines in Europe during the last few years have upset this. It's added a great burden to us all. Let's hope the situation is back to normal soon. Air fares. I don't really understand why costs of Trans Atlantic air ticket prices are so high. The enormous hike in energy prices perhaps. I haven't checked lately, but last year people from the UK could fly to places in Europe for around £30 (return) or less. Friends, last Christmas, flew to Spain for £12 return. I know very few American schools have uniforms. We look at them differently. Uniforms are worn by most children here. Yes, it helps all children of all backgrounds to be at the same level, but it also builds a sense of belonging. Like the navy, army or the air force. At its best, schools here create pride in the school and being part of something, Pupils of a school often interact with other schools during team sports, for instance, and are encouraged to put their best foot forward and be 'ambassadors' for their own school. Schools are often, too, divided into 'Houses' Each child is assigned to one of those Houses and they are encouraged to work for that House by earning 'House points'. The House with the most points wins a cup. Then the competition starts again. House points are won for good work, for a kindness given, for sport, for - well almost anything that promotes being part of a team. I don't wish to disagree with you lovely people but, as one who wore a uniform throughout the whole of my schooling, I think we have the right of it here in the UK. Pot holes - ugh. They come and they go depending on the states of our Council's finances. Apparently, we are struggling a bit at this time. 😄
School uniforms are much cheaper these days. Very inexpensive actually. A school uniform is part of our lives growing g up. My granddaughter is 5 & started reception last year. Then she started year one only a few weeks ago. As a child in u inform it was good because I didn’t come from a well off family. My mum got a grant off the government for our uniforms. We had our day uniform. PE kit. Hockey kit. Swimming kit. Same today. Families get help with the costs. Wearing our own clothes was a treat! For a school discount for instance. Or the obligatory week away to Colomendy. The pot holes drive me mad! We got a brand new car last year. Expensive! £33000.00. Within the 1st 6 months we had to replace tyres. 3 times!🤦♀️ it’s a bloody nightmare! Can’t comment on the booze as I don’t drink ( never have). I was a smoker. I gave up a long time ago seeing the prices wow £17 for one pack ! How do people afford it? Petrol/diesel prices are ridiculous! I complain about the food shop getting more expensive but I am aware it’s a lot more expensive in the US. On the whole I completely agree with you. You will probably have a bit of a culture shock when you return to the states . We did when we came back from Australia! Anyway lovely lady you & your family take care. Best wishes as always from Lyn in Liverpool UK 🇬🇧 .
Thanks for your comment and insight on the matters. It is no good when you get a brand new car and need to put it on the garage so soon after you purchase it. We didn't think about the tobacco prices, we used to smoke as well and seeing the prices now, we cannot imagine how people can afford it. Cheers, Chris
Who'd of thought by the comments discussing school uniforms would be on a par with discussing the 2nd Ammendment 😂...you keep being your beautiful self Jess, one thing about your channel has above most is there's no hate from either side on your channel..just hearty debate 😉❤️ xx
That is what we try to do. Show what and how we think without trying to be divisive or anything like that. Thanks for the comment and support. 🤍 Jess x
Yep, energy prices have gone absolutely nuts since the Ukraine war. But school uniforms are a great leveller - no kids being ridiculed for wearing a cheap brand, or worse getting mugged for their Reeboks.
I understand and appreciate your opinions. Sadly, I don't feel uniforms stop kids from being bullied, unfortunately. I truly wish it was a true equalizer, but it is not because kids are kids and learn rude and ugly things in their homes. 🤍 Jess x
I certainly agree on energy and house pricing. Pot holes are a disgrace when we pay so much road and fuel tax. I have to disagree on school uniforms. I used to where one and had no problems. In the past the country had problems with children bullying others over what the wear, more well off with brand name clothes. Uniforms were brought back in.
Great video 👍 The first thing you will get going when you're back in the USA,is home cultivation of food and hopefully take a pre 2010 diesel car back to the usa or a good TDI engine and transmission.
We will for sure take the home cultivation of food back with us. In order to take a vehicle back it needs to be at least 25 years, I am still on the search...mostly for a Morris though, not a diesel to take back. Although, if we could take two that would be the other. Cheers, Chris
I completely agreed with everything you said except for the school uniform. Its reasoning is to make kids have a sense of identity. Poorer kids can’t keep up with the richer kids in the fashion stakes and would be looked down on. They don’t spend an hour deciding what to wear. On the other hand potholes are murder, energy prices too high. Houses astronomical, but we still seem to get by xx love you guys, fair and balanced x
You can opt for a fixed tariff when paying for electricity, so at least you know what you will be paying for a specific length of time. And you have come here at a time when energy rates have gone up and up since pre Covid.
I just totally do not agree with Jess re school uniforms. We (Brits) definitely don't tend to lose our individuality through wearing school uniforms, _and_ they are not uncomfortable. They are, looked after, well suited to being part of the proud community of school life. They allow us to concentrate on our learning and how to be obedient, which is necessary in large groups, such as when we're out of school ie on trips to learn about interesting buildings, the history of any given visited areas or if out swimming etc. I wore tunics with a shirt underneath and a tie, (which my Mum taught me how to tie correctly) with my white* House badge on my tunic, and a woven school badge sewn onto my blazer pocket, plain white socks and plain black slip-on shoes, and a cardigan over my tunic. When going up into the Fifth Year and Lower Sixth (aged 15 and 16) I wore skirts with my white shirt, tie and cardigan etc. I felt comfortable, at ease and certainly able to be myself, not ever made to feel boxed-in to some preconceived idea of "this is you, you're the same as everyine else, you have no chance to be what you want to be...!!" and in my Fourth Year, I "rebelled" in as far as I never attended any of my hated Housecraft (cookery) classes all year, _nor_ did I do any Maths Classwork, or Maths Homework, though I _attended_ every lesson: I got out my pencil case then sat at my desk with my arms folded and stayed there til the bell rang for the change to the next class, which I then worked diligently in. (As it turned out, unknown at that time, so undiagnosed in the 1960's - when I attended Secondary school - I have dyscalculia - the _numerical_ version of dyslexia - and I couldnt understand any Maths. My Maths teacher (Ms.Hockley) thoroughly disliked _me_ and believe me, the feeling _was_mutual_ ! This has nothing to do with school uniforms of course (?!) but was just a part of my growing up process... In fact, a later "Boss" of mine told me - in a somewhat admiring tone - "I rather think you're a bit of a rebel at heart, arent you?!" I just smiled and said, proudly, yes, I get it from my Mum!👍 🏴💜🇬🇧🤭🖖
Thank you for sharing your experience schooling with me. Also, you sharing your struggles. I understand not everybody is going to agree with everyone's opinions but that's what makes our country's so amazing! We all have our own thoughts our own opinions and we can still get along and love each other. 🤍 Jess x
Energy prices totally agree,I think every person would, condition of the roads totally agree to many cars so most roads are over used causing quicker deteriation of the surfaces,school uniform disagree I think it looks better than every one turning up in whatever they fancy it also can hide wealth inequality if everyone is wearing the same uniform,but some great points you have made both positive and negative,take care, kind regards dave
A major cause of the state of the roads, especially in urban areas, is the privatised utilities digging them up and putting them back using the cheapest methods. Often, councils then do a temporary bodge job on them.
I completely understand about the road conditions and I appreciate your opinion on the uniforms. Unfortunately, kids are still going to be mean because of the wealth divide because kids are kids. We as a society need to do better and teach them not to look at superficial things as important. I truly love it here and see all things in a loving light and positively. 🤍 Jess x
You can always tell a good farmer. It’s a man outstanding in his or her field!! Pot holes, oh dear well the road to success is always under construction. Some councils actually colour code holes. Yellow for repair in 24 hours white for 28 days. ( or some other combination) count councils are responsible for the definitive map and make sure paths don’t get closed. There are lots of good reasons for School Uniforms. They can be expensive uncomfortable and inappropriate but it’s British thing mostly. We have a life time to develop individually. Unless of course you pick up the Kings Shilling.
Ray, I love the farmer comment, and I have to say I agree with you, my friend! I didn't know about the colour codes for the pot holes. I will look more into that with our local council. Thank you for the insight. I definitely understand the school uniforms, but I feel for the families that are struggling to purchase them each year along with other clothing for their children. I really appreciate you sharing more about the uniforms and the pit holes! Hope you have had a lovely start to your weekend. 🤍 Jess & Family x
@@DaydreamersBound in Wales poorer families can get a grant of £200 for school uniforms. In England local. Councils provide help to buy. There are also regulations around school uniforms to keep prices down, such as no brand names
@DaydreamersBarn Hi Jess, think of it like this, those struggling families, they will purchase less in everyday clothing for kids and the kids will have standardised wear throughout the school week. School uniforms also remove the need to fit in and wear trendy clothes all the time, that sort of keeping up with the Jones' vibe. Less peer pressure in some respect, though that creeps in nonetheless. There are many pros and cons. We are grateful to have freedom of being; and that's evident in our children and their expressions! ❤
I think you are right and on balance more pros than cons. Certainly there are schemes to assist with purchase and exchanges. More responsibility on schools to assist where possible. In my day there was just one shop in town and a huge list of uniform, house or kit and so on. ( and that was your run of the mill secretary modern school.
All, I completely get why, but feel the families already struggling will still struggle to provide school uniforms throughout the year as they get dirty or the kids grow out of them. I definitely understand the kids not feeling the divide. I really appreciate you all sharing the schemes offered. Hopefully, they help not just once but provide assistance as the year goes on. 🤍 Jess x
Our infrastructure is a bone of contention with us UK residents. It’s been neglected for years. Government more interested in other things than their own people!
When I was in Indiana I found the potholes to be even worse than here, you just have a bit more space to avoid them, they are getting worse here though
Oh, very interesting. I've been through there many times and not had the same experience traveling from Michigan to Florida. The weather is really horrible for the roads here and in some of the states in the US. I definitely wouldn't say either country has the potholes or construction figured out. 😉 🤍 Jess x
School uniforms prevent a lot of bullying with everyone looking the same, teaches us that we are all the same and its not the label's mum n dad can afford that make us "better" people. Individuality can shine in college. first and foremost Education is the most important thing for kids to concentrate on and i think uniforms also help kids to feel a unity and part of something, nobody is left out. As for the price of flights thats not a uk problem, i can fly from Liverpool to Bulgaria for £68 ,thats cheaper than a train ticket to London from Liverpool. Is it cheaper to fly to England from America than it is to America from England? You didnt mention that i dont think, just the cost of flying loads of people with loads of stuff back n forth half way around the world that was expensive. Alcohol is plenty cheap here, i can go and get a pint for about £2.50 or get cans for a quid each. You have to remember alcoholism costs the nhs billions so if you want to drink lots eventually you may need a new liver and you would have half paid a small donation towards that in tax. I only drink a couple of beers a year in the summer so my alcohol tax a year is probably £5 ...so its swings and roundabouts. Rent and housing might be high yeah but im a home owner, so the cost of houses benefits me because the house i bought 20 years ago for 55k is now worth 170k , thats my investment you want to decrease to benefit you. We've been warned about the price of electric and gas rising for decades so i put a small amount of money into solar before the big price hikes we were warned about a few years ago and now im practically off grid on a council estate. Wired my hole house 12v for led lights and inverters for big appliances, tvs 12v , laptop 12v wireless router 12v its literally only my fridge and freezer running off mains that costs me £30 a month ,maybe rising a tenner in winter to help boost/charge solar batteries. Im not saying England is perfect, far from it , especially now with a Labour government im a second class citizen but also knowing that was coming for a decade i bought cheap properties abroad as "bugout locations" ready to flee England, i bought a 40 acre Forrest on half a mountain in Bulgaria for €6k (yes six thousand) seven years ago and again been able to regularly fly out ther from Liverpool for £68 (with a small suitcase) where I've been building an off grid house/bungalow in the mountains thats probably only cost about 2k . Soon my house in England will be up for sale and i will move out there full time using that as a base in deep Europe to find my perfect permanent location ,probably in Montenegro for my boat repair shop and burger shack 😃 im off, England has fallen. 👍
Understand your thoughts on uniforms and bullying. To be totally honest, that doesn't prevent believing at all. I appreciate that is what everyone is saying, and I wish that was true. We never said the flight cost was all on the UK or that it was fully at fault for the flight costs.... Also, flying to a country that you can not drive to from this island is what we were talking about. It's about £400 just to fly to the United States one ticket one way. That's not counting a car or anything else for a holiday. We truly appreciate your opinions, and you are thoughts! Good luck with your off grid house and new adventure, friend. 🤍 Jess x
The school uniforms rule is basically there for one main reason, that’s kids with higher earnings parents don’t go to school in designer gear which poorer parents couldn’t afford,
Flying to the US is expensive, that's true, however, you can fly from the UK to other European countries very cheaply. House prices are expensive but that's because we are a small country and the price of land is always at a premium. Can't argue with about the road conditions. That's the fault of the authorities who fail miserably in their responsibilities, despite taxing the hell out of us.
I completely understand, but we were talking about flying from US-UK or UK-US. It's just outrageous to have family come see us for holiday. The potholes are crazy. 🤍 Jess x
Hi Guys , i totally agree as someone that has anxiety the open spaces and nature are a god send , school uniforms are a good thing but i do think they need to be more affordable to low income families or single parents . To be honest if my son would have been allowed to wear what he wanted he would have been full punk rock in his look 😅 bless him 😊❤
School Uniform is a wonderful idea, nothing worse than kids wearing expensive branded clothes, when others may be poor. And the joy of coming home and changing, counts for a lot.
I truly appreciate your opinion and thoughts on the uniform. Unfortunately, it doesn't stop people from being picked on because of the wealth divide. We as a society need to teach our children not to see superficial things as important. 🤍 Jess x
@@DaydreamersBound True but an awful lot of parents , are too busy on their phones We brought our daughter and son up the same way yet, she couldn't have cared less about brand names, he only wanted to wear them.
Energy prices here have more than doubled since the Russians invaded Ukraine and cut energy supplies to Europe. As for £11 an hour, try McDonald's in the US. The 'spray-painting' is to indicate to repairers where they need to repair the roads, not a warning to drivers, this poor road surface condition in some places was due to the Tory government's austerity cuts, from 1020 onwards, the new Labour government are taking action to improve the road surface. We travelled from Edinburgh to my home in South Leicestershire (324 miles) and returned, every 2 weeks for 18 months, and my wife now commutes 120 miles a day, and we have never had damage to my vehicle suspension, in fact I have only ever had one spring broken in my 60 years of driving here and in Europe, you must have been very unlucky. School uniforms are not actually universal in the UK, but there are reasons, 1) there is no competition concerning very expensive 'designer' clothes which can lead to the bullying of poorer kids, - there may be other reasons for bullying but at least the uniform ,removes one of them, and 2) they enable us to identify any intruders to our schools which are quite open access, compared to most schools in the US (restricted due to the possibility of shooting). Having taught in many UK schools without uniforms, I have sometimes discovered students from other schools who want to be with their friends in my classes, this never happened in a 'Uniform' school. There are other practical and less practical reasons as well, but those are the most important. Being mass-produced, uniforms tend not to be any more expensive than kid's normal clothes, often cheaper, hard wearing and practical, and restrict the tendency for some older female students from wearing provocative clothing. Uniforms also help normal clothes to last longer in good condition, as they are not subject to the wear and tear of every day life at school with its rough and tumble, so not necessarily too much extra expense. They don't prevent British kids from being individuals, believe me, after teaching them for over 40 years (now retired), I'm in a good position to know. For poorer parents, grants and help is usually available both from the school and often local government, and at least UK parents don't have to buy text books and materials, as all needs for eduction (stationery, pens, pencils, art materials etc) are all, by law, provided by the school. I agree with you about teaching caring and understanding of others but as you should know from American politics and divided society at the moment that is not always possible or effective, some see it as being weak (here's looking at you Donald and MAGA). Sorry this comment was so long
Thanks for the comment. Hopefully the government is able to figure out the road repair situation. Cost of living seems to be on everyone countries discussion point currently. I suppose it is a good thing that governments are at least considering how it affects its people. Cheers, Chris
School uniforms are quite common around the world, i certainly grew up with them in NZ, although it was only at high school. I'm not bothered about them either way.
I agree with you about potholes in the roads and in my experience this has got a lot worse in the last 15 years or so. I suppose it may vary within local Boroughs depending how the Local Authority spends its money. Many L.A.s are very wasteful in my opinion and many L.A.s have socialist policies.
Some more ramblings, on your other (and IMO totally understandable) dislikes. Regarding potholes - few Brits would disagree! It is a national disgrace! The problem, of course, is that local authorities are responsible for fixing most of the roads. But they usually don't have the money to hardly even start, because of the increasing amounts spent of social care and the like. No-one wants to pay more taxes, but everyone wants the potholes fixed! School uniforms were introduced many many years ago, and became a means of reducing social division between wealthy and poor - since this was no longer emphasised by quality of dress. It was also intended to help foster "belonging", and pride in your school, and to an extent your country generally (bear in mind its pretty well only the US where you pledge allegiance to the flag every morning...). Nowadays, I think a main reason has become to stop provocative/inappropriate dress. Especially to protect girls. Its an interesting subject - one you might want to look into and do a video on? Since, as is clear from your thoughts Jess, there is no right or wrong answer - and I can see both sides! As for the costs of getting to the UK etc - well that would apply pretty well anywhere? Flights within Europe and thereabouts are often very inexpensive. But intercontinental flights - and flights within the US, as far as I can see - are silly prices! Housing costs are crazy here, indeed! And increasingly unaffordable for younger people especially. Not that we are alone - lust look at much of Aus, NZ, Canada etc - especially the big cities. You have the same in crowded places like NYC? Its what comes of being a small, crowded country, supply and demand, and people continually objecting to new house building. And part of the demographic having a massive vested interest in every-higher house prices. Demand has far exceeded supply for decades. I'll not get tied up in debates about the impact of immigration... Only a HUGE increase in supply would fix it. But then, would you want a huge new housing estate built around your house, if you owned it? Dunno what the solution is! UK alcohol taxes are higher than many countries - but lower than others. Try Norway (where we were in July) for how extremely high they CAN go! I love strong craft beers, and yes the taxes do the small breweries no favours. And I love single malts; but the taxes make the prices way too high. As you say, it is the "duty" that does the damage; VAT is then on top. And rumours have it that the new government will be looking to even higher duty on alcohol in the imminent budget... happy Christmas everyone!
Adrian, Yes, the potholes are an issue, and you made great points. There are a lot of things that need to be done, but only so much coin to go around. What is the way forward?......If only we knew. With the school uniforms, it makes sense why it was done in the past, and to your point, there are also good reasons to keep doing it now. In America, there are schools that have similar standards, but those are all private schools. One of the big differences in USA and UK. Sounds like a great idea for a video specifically on that, thanks for the suggestion. The prices for flights is not getting cheaper, especially when we have 4 people (and 3 dogs) to bring with. It is one of the biggest draw backs we deal with. But something we told family that we were not planning on going back to America until we were done with my tour. America is not protected from the cost of the prices, the bigger cites are insane to try and get a place at. Luckily for us, we are looking in the country. The taxes on alcohol is high, the main point I drew from it was the very steep increase after as little as 3.5%. It is one of those things that most countries see an opportunity and take it regarding how much they can tax. What I really do not like is how it makes the brewers look like the one that is raising the prices. Cheers, Chris and family.
Our roads have definitely declined in the last five or six years. Local councils seem to have much less money to take care of the pot holes quickly or maintain the roads properly.
Declined far earlier than that, following the Austerity policy in 2010, when councils had budget cuts from then to up to 40%. Policy was a proven failure.
This issue with housing is we are tiny country with limited space and it’s overpopulated as well. It’s simple supply and demand ..not enough houses and too many people hence the prices keep going up and up. As far as natural gas is concerned we don’t have as many natural resources as the U.S so we have to purchase from other countries, hence the price is more, not withstanding the additional issues that the energy companies are just plain greedy. It’s appalling , the prices we have to pay for gas and electric. With regard to potholes, if your car is damaged because of hitting a pothole you can make a claim with the local authority who are responsible for their upkeep. Just takes photos of the damage and the pothole.
Only around 7% of the UK is built on, and what is your source to state there are too many people in the country? Tory govt were all for immigration because they granted 1.4 million visas in the past year.
@@grahamdhv3812 it’s pretty clear there are too many people because there isn’t enough housing. That’s why prices are sky high. 37% of England is protected green space. Everybody wants the government to build millions of new houses as long as it doesn’t affect their house, their views , their green spaces. That’s why so many planning applications get denied. In 2023 the net migration in the UK was 670,000. The number of new homes built was 181,000. You do the maths!
I truly appreciate your insight on the housing crisis and the energy crisis that is going on. We have heard that about the potholes. Will have to do that next time it happens. We appreciate your time sharing. 🤍 Jess x
You say being who you are by wearing your own clothes but the clothes are not you and you should not be judged by what you wear but by your personality and values.
No, but being able to feel good on the outside helps you feel good on the inside!?! Also, we should teach our kids not to see superficial things like clothing or classes as a thing to bully someone about. Also, this is my opinion. 🤍 Jess x
I say the same about the electricity and gas, they take the p... standing charges have at least tripled. Pot holes are disgusting, Councils will not spend money on them. I was so happy wearing a School uniform and for my kids, they changed straight out of them at home, so no probs😊
When children hit 16 they usually in mosr schools do not wear uniforms, however, they have to look smart in 6th form. College can be more cauak though.
Family members in the US say food is hugely expensive and nowhete near as good as food in Europe which is cheaper...kind of shocking why food is so expensive in the US...
I understand everyone's argument about uniforms, somehow stopping bullying! Unfortunately, that is not always the case. Kids are always going to find a way to bully other children, unfortunately! We as a society need to do better by teaching our children to be kind and accepting of all others. I appreciate and understand that everybody has their own opinions! This is just mine. Purchasing uniforms adds extra cost and burdens on people already struggling! If the uniforms were provided by the school, then great!
🤍 Jess x
@DaydreamersBarn very true.
Here's an interesting one, then! When I was at High/Upper School, school uniform was compulsory BUT you were not forced to buy from specific suppliers. Provided what you wore fitted the requirement - black blazer with badge, black trousers (for boys) and school tie, that was deemed acceptable.
So my mother made our school uniforms - apart from the ties, as you could not buy the material. And saved a load of money. BUT...they were obviously home-made, and I got teased (sometimes quite nastily) over this. Bear in mind, this was well before the days of cheap, short-life imported clothes. So that is another perspective on the argument!
Also, you could wear any colour shirt you wanted, and any shoes. Which got very interesting in the early 1970s, especially when massive, high-heeled platform shoes (for both sexes!) and vivid shirts with huge shirt collars suddenly became the norm! I mitigated the "home made" teasing by buying my own - fashionable - shirts and shoes. Perhaps just as well, that there are no pictures of me in that early-1970s combination...!
I wore a school uniform every day for my entire school life and you certainly get used to it. The main thing though is it removes a social class/wealth element. Nobody gets to swagger in Versace and nobody feel the shame of rags highlighting their poverty. It's a good thing. Kids get what they want all the time, it does them good to be forced to obey rules, and adhere to standards. It prepares them for life, where you dont get a free pass by throwing a tantrum.
I understand where you're coming from Jess,but it made us take care of the uniform,which usually took us kids 3 years to grow into.😂
School uniform operates at two levels,
1) It cuts the discrimination between the haves and haves not. The principle is correct but the practice needs working on. I was a governor at a Catholic Primary School and we welcomed all children (Catholic actually means all- embracing). Having specific school uniform can be problematic for some families but we operated a 'pre-worn uniform shop' where parents would donate uniforms that their children had grown out of so they could be passed down to anyone who needed it. We found even some of the more affluent parents would make use of the shop.
2) The uniform helps with discipline and being part of a specific community in much the same way that the military use their uniforms now in peacetime.
I think the initial idea of school uniforms was to make kids of all backgrounds be the same, so that children from poorer backgrounds would not be embarrassed if they couldn't get the same posh clothes as their friends. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong 😊
It was also for conformity & discipline.
@woodencreatures Completely understand that, but what about the families that struggle that can't buy new ones throughout the year. Because we all know they get dirty or they outgrow them. So some kids will come to school with dirty or small uniforms. I feel we're putting more pressure on family, in my opinion. 🤍 Jess x
@@DaydreamersBound I remember that as we had grey skirt and white shirt. It was easy enough to buy cheaper alternatives. Maybe I was lucky.
your right
@@thehonestcritic6577 thanks 🙏
The entire country will be in agreement about the cost of energy and housing and potholes. All three are a national disgrace.
I'm glad we're truly seeing what others are. 🤍 Jess x
l would add water and trains to national disgrace
Energy is a difficult one because we are dependent upon global suppliers. I sometimes wonder if 'Just Stop Oil' are funded by overseas agents since their agenda isn't to change what sources we use to generate power, but to stop the UK from participating in the global energy markets...
With housing, I feel like the much bigger issue is an imbalance in job creation. We tend to be losing jobs in the sparsely populated rural areas and while there are jobs being created in urban areas, this just puts more pressure on all the resources there like housing, and public transport. You can look up the costs of living in say Hull compare to Leeds and the difference in affordability is stark (before looking at the hellscape that is London!)
The country is a disgrace to modern civilisation.
People seem to be so determined to become Serfs.
I think many road authorities treat potholes as a cheap method of speed control, it costs less to eventually fill them badly than construct a speed hump or install ANPR and monitor, speed cameras. Many roads are in a similar state in the US, particularly States that have a large summer winter temperature variation.
School uniforms are designed to prevent peer pressure, which can be extremely damaging to children from less well off families who cannot afford designer clothing, trainers, etc. It ensures that, at least at school, all are equal.
I wore the type of uniform to which you were referring, and never found it to be in any way uncomfortable.
I understand, but it still puts pressure on kids/ families to provide new uniforms throughout the year. My heart aches for the families that are dealing with what we have noticed as the great, rich and poor divide. 🤍 Jess x
@@DaydreamersBound Because of the quantity of uniforms made, they are basically affordable, and if families cannot afford them, they can apply for help
@richardjames3022 I completely understand, and it's wonderful to have assistance in place. Unfortunately, we're putting more work on those already struggling to find work life and family balance and adding to their struggles. I hope all that need it benefit from the assistance, and none are feeling less than or can't apply because of work or whatnot. I really thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. 🤍 Jess x
Uniforms are also intended to engender a feeling of belonging to a group.
It's usually cheaper to get uniforms than to provide a full wardrobe of "cool" clothes that wouldn't get your children teased at school. We have 3 children and struggle to make ends meet sometimes but we're very grateful for the uniforms. It's definitely a money saver in the long-term. You can get free or very cheap second hand uniform from those who have grown out of it via the school PTA, and also hand down uniform between children. It's definitely cheaper than not having a uniform.
It's good that the kids have to wear uniforms cos it gives them as sense of belonging and a better collective attitude to learning. Also, they don't have to worry, at that age, about having to wear something different everyday. Most likely less bullying about what they choose to or what they can afford to wear, too.
I appreciate your opinion. 🤍 Jess x
Wearing a uniform wasn’t that bad for me , just got used to it , and gave you a way of dressing nicely
@timothybird4264 I completely understand that. Thank you for sharing. 🤍 Jess x
It also instills the idea of community and prepares them for the world of work.
@@marialester-rs7qk plus it’s called uniform for a reason, stops kids coming to school in the expensive trainers and clothes, that maybe not everyone can afford
I remember a teacher saying it was a great thing when the school were out in public as it was far easier to keep track of the students
How does it prepare child for work? Unless they're going to be police officers or nurses or join the forces. Most jobs you wear what you want.
School uniforms are generally used throughout the world, even poorer continents such as africa and Asia have strict uniform policies...i was from a low income family but my parents managed our uniforms every year without fail. Uniforms are very comfortable, especially when its introduced at a young age. In fact kids love wearing blazers, it gives them a sense of growing up.
I completely understand. I just feel it should be complimentary if it is going to be a rule. To take the burden off of families that struggle.. I appreciate your time sharing your thoughts. 🤍 Jess x
I agree with everything you said! Us brits also feel the exact same with energy prices, cost of housing and living! It's the big moan we all have lol.
As for the uniforms, I hear your sentiment, but once you engage with those children and see school life, you will be certain there is no stopping a child's personality and individuality! I'm sure you know, us brits are quirky and individual but have a sense of community and belonging. Also, some families may find the added stress of meeting clothing expectations (trends, brands) are removed.
I completely agree. Energy and pot holes are horrendous!!
I completely understand about the school uniforms.It just breaks my heart that some families are struggling even more to provide clothing throughout the year. The great divide is something the kids should never have to feel, but a uniform will not stop it. I truly appreciate you sharing with me your thoughts and insight. 🤍 Jess x
I liked having a school uniform personally, and was in single parent home for quite a bit of school, on income support - I was and am fairly quirky, eccentric even, but never felt stifled by the uniform.
From Sixth Form (16-18) at my school we could wear what we want but it just had to be smart - shirt and trousers etc. We were allowed to leave school between lessons too.
I truly appreciate your insight and time sharing your thoughts with me regarding the uniforms. Also, being able to wear what you wanted and leave school between lessons. I really appreciate the time you took to comment! 🤍 Jess x
Thank you for doing this video. I do find myself a little puzzled trying to understand your dislikes. I feel a lot of this might be due to a lack of knowledge-based expectation. The price of air flights is determined by the international market for air fares - it is a competitive market - and the cost of getting your dogs back to the States is down to the cost of complying with international agreements on the cross border transportation of live animals (this is not a situation specific to the UK). As for the cost of rent and energy, this is largely down to the limited space we have to build houses here in the UK compared to a much larger country like America - the population density of the UK is 279 people per kilometre but only 39 people in the United States - and the fact that the UK is not a large gas producer and has to buy on the international market at fluctuating market rates around 50% of the gas it uses, which fuels around a third of electricity generation. As for school uniforms, best to ask the school pupils wearing those uniforms. If it wasn’t acceptable it wouldn’t still be accepted. Is some degree of school identity and conformity such a bad thing? I believe the wearing of school uniform is generally relaxed from age 16.
Thanks for your comment and opinion on the matters. We know that the cost of shipping animals is not specific to the UK, just something that we have to deal with in our specific situation. We are just stating what we have experienced. Cheers. Chris
School Uniform is an interesting topic. The fact is that all over the UK, thousands of schools have (through community consultation and PTA meetings) carefully polled parents about scrapping the uniform, and almost always the parents actually prefer it. There are schools, all over the UK, that don't have uniforms (and used to be more, I believe) but overall, people like them.
Think for a moment about what school is for: to prepare kids for adult society. They'll already learn about wearing casual clothes and about expressing their individuality. They'll do that every weekend, and through the, um... is it 12 weeks every year of school holidays. But at home, they are far less likely to learn about wearing a uniform and how to still have the character and style to express individuality when everyone has the same basic palette of clothes and colours. Yet think about some of the top professions many people aspire to - Doctor (Scrubs, lab coat, or a smart suit), Lawyer (Barristers here wear a uniform, including a wig! Same for judges.), Scientist (lab coats and protective clothing). Without school uniforms, most kids would leave school not knowing how to wear a tie in comfort for the whole day, or even how to tie a tie. Now think how many US tv and movies feature the scene of an American guy having to get his girlfriend to tie his necktie properly for him... It's a little weird (though not as much as when us Brits see Americans really, really struggling to use a knife and fork 🤣)
As I'm sure others will tell you, the next thing about uniform is the democratization. That (to an extent) both the rich kids and the poorest kids will be dressed exactly the same, often from the exact same manufacturer and/or school clothes supplier. It doesn't fully work, of course, as every poor kid who ever got picked on for their shoes/trainers can tell you, but it sure does lessen it. However, the really subtle bit is when we come to genuinely poor families. They can get school clothing grants that help them buy the necessary uniform, and it will be exactly the same uniform as the other kids. THAT part works 100%.
You know how, very early in this video, you were both saying how you loved the way towns and villages take pride in appearance and work together? Some of that comes from the exact same spirit as school uniform. Uniform is an expression of togetherness, of unity, of something shared not just privately, but openly. But the cool thing is that restrictions don't stifle individuality and creativity - they give it a frame, a canvas area to work on, and focus the attention on it. It's like how writing doesn't lose any expression or artistry when instead of just being 400 words of text, those words are poetry and have the restriction of having to rhyme and have rhythm. Telling a joke is delivering speech with the restriction of telling 2 stories and having to be funny - is it less creative, artistic or expressive for those restrictions, or is it actually more so than just speaking as many words on random conversation?
Well said
@britishknightakaminininja1123 yes yes yes!!! Said so wonderfully and what I was trying to attempt to express earlier but got taken by housework and family life lol.
I get it 'could' be seen socialist/communist. But all your points mentioned, negate that. It doesn't override western philosophy, it only enhances it. My take anyway.
Thanks for the in depth thoughts and opinions on the uniform wear. Interesting perspective. Cheers, Chris
School uniform promotes a sense of unity and belonging to the school.
Cost of uniforms is affecting a lot of families now.
I completely understand about unity, but it is affecting the families that have purchase new ones throughout the year. Because we know they all grow and get dirty... I have noticed the great divide in the rich and poor! A uniform is not going to make the kids feel better in my personal opinion. 🤍 Jess x
@@DaydreamersBound being a child of one of the poorest family in a town growing up,
you get use to baggy uniform and turn ups at the start of the year
and tight and short trousers at the end, kids need any little excuse for gloating
damaging your uniform came with repercussions
today l would argue uniforms cost nothing compared to phones
@@DaydreamersBound But if they weren't buying uniform they'd have to buy normal clothes and more of them and normal clothes are more expensive? How can you not understand that?
@@DaydreamersBound yes, but if they wernt buying shcool uniforms, they would have to buy other often more expensive cloths to wear to school, also uniforms are great at hiding the blood stains when you get shoit in a mass school shooting. Oh wait, that doesnt happen here, thats the American education system, silly me!
I wore my school uniform with pride and we were very conscious about not letting the school down by misbehaving on the way to and from school.
American attitude about school uniforms is "You won't tell me what my child can wear"
Thanks for your time sharing with us. 🤍 Jess x
The alcohol tax argument is that heavier drinkers place a heavier load on the NHS, so they should pay a bit more for it
I don't know how easy it would be to source the data, but I feel like there was a cultural shift in the 90s where the attitude around drinking changed from something you did while socialising, to getting drunk being the goal and that maybe leading to the strength of beers etc increasing. I never quite good on with that whole 'lads mags' thing of crap titles like Loaded etc that seemed to want to link how 'manly' you were with how often and how much you drank
Very interesting, though. 🤍 Jess x
Another great one, guys. Agreed with all the dislikes apart from the uniforms. I jst feel it takes the pressure of the parents to keep up with fashions and when i was a kid, i dreaded non uniform days because we didn't have money so i had market clothes. It was just embarrassing. Look forward to the next video.
I completely understand where you're coming from on the uniform. I just feel there is more a divide than a unity. Because I know I can get second-hand designer things at very cheap costs. My personal opinion is that it's just adding more stress on already struggling families. My heart aches for kids feeling the divide! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and what you went through as a child. 🤍 Jess x
@@DaydreamersBound... Jess first I think your wonderful but you've lost the uniform debate...you also can get 2nd hand uniforms and new uniforms in most places as families hand them down or on if in good condition...and if a uniform stifles a kids individuality then I'd be shocked as it has never stifled a British kids creativity ...you just have to look at our music, inventions, universities to know that wearing a uniform would never suppress individuality in fact the exact opposite it brings balance as real life is all about wearing uniforms.. I'm sure your husband wearing a uniform for work hasn't effected his individuality as a person ❤
WalMart, the biggest supermarket chain in the US, thought they could do the same in the UK and 25 years ago or so they bought Asda. They discovered how cut-throat the supermarket business is in the UK. They sold off a substantial stake in Asda three or four years ago.
Very interesting, thank yoi so much for sharing with us. 🤍 Jess x
Walmart has a 10% stake in Asda, TDR Capital 67.5% (TDR is a US private equity firm) and the Issa brothers 22.5% stake. A large amount of debt was used to finance the purchase so Asda are struggling under the interest payments. I wouldn’t bet on Asda being around in five years.
@@peterjones6640 Oddly, Carrefour, the largest French hypermarket chain, opened six UK stores in the 1970s but a few years later sold them to Asda!
If children are causing trouble on public transport for example or in a shop their school can be easily recognised and companies etc., can report to the school where they can then be reprimanded. I know this as an educator myself.
Another point is that there is no argument to what to wear the next day.
Those are interesting points on the matter. Thanks for sharing your opinion on the matter. Cheers, Chris
Thank you for the Super Thanks! 🤍 Jess & family x
With regards to school uniforms,when I went to Grammar school in the early 1970's everyone wore a school uniform until A-levels at 18 years old,and everyone thought it was normal,but by the time I left in the late 1970's standards were starting to slip. Before I started at the Grammar we were given a list of uniform requirements that even specified underwear type,sports outfits in house colours for gymnastics,swimming,athletics,Football (soccer) Rugby football,tennis and badminton ,and the 3 official shops where it could be purchased.The classroom was White or light blue shirt,school tie in house colours,and grey or black trousers and a black blazer with a school badge which was to be warn to, and from school for identification in public, by the public. Anyone misbehaving in public stood a chance of being reported to the Head master by any member of the public and could end up in detention. We knew the rules,and the consequences of breaking them,it wasn't hard to understand but it never made everybody perfect,we still rebelled, but not hugely. Considering what is happening in the UK now I would change back in a heartbeat. Safer times in England for all. I know it all sounds a bit Harry Potter but I guess that's how things were.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts about the uniforms. 🤍 Jess x
I agree with all your dislikes, but on the school uniform thing is probably a good thing it evens up the playing field between the richer and poorer family's. 😊
But to an American that`s Socialism i.e communism!
The downside to no uniform to equalise everyone is bullying because some can afford THE FASHION and some can`t.
I completely understand about the uniforms , but it's still puts pressure on families that can't afford uniforms to buy them throughout the year as they grow or get dirty. My heart aches for the kids and families that feel the horrible divide in rich and poor! I understand that there's things in place, but that only comes in small amounts for assistance. 🤍 Jess x
The impost on non school uniforms would be greater than school uniforms
For every negative their is 10 positives
Here in Australia kids wear them with pride part of our ethos
Every country in the Pacific Asia and Africa wear one
I think maybe the USof A is one of the few countries that doesn't. I think that says it all
Why are most Americans I come across in my travels rude and obnoxious
And whinge and whine about the country they settle and compare it to USA
Either adapt or go home simple
@@DaydreamersBound "still puts pressure on families that can't afford" - that argument doesn't hold since affording fashionable clothing that has a shorter shelf life is a much bigger problem. There are some schools who are too restrictive on uniforms in terms of suppliers etc, but most supermarkets have very cheap school uniform options available. No-one has cheap genuine Prada, Gucci, Nike, Adidas...
@neilbiggs1353 I understand that, but I still hold tight with my thoughts. I truly appreciate your thoughts and opinions. It was just something I noticed and felt strongly about. 🤍 Jess x
If you are on a low income, then you can appy for Government benefits which help with some things such as housing costs. The UK also has social housing for rent which helps.
It is good to know there are different programs to assist with that. Cheers, Chris
I disagree with you completely on school uniforms. The uniform equalises students regardless of the wealth of their families and it builds pride in their school. It reduces, particularly for girls, the fashion requirements and peer pressure if you cannot keep up. It builds a sense of community. But that is the difference in the UK culture and the US culture. The UK and Europe in general a more community oriented that the US which is more individually oriented. Would you expect sports teams not to wear the uniform of their team just to be 'comfortable"?
There is nothing uncomfortable about wearing a school uniform of which you can be proud.
Thanks for your comment. It is interesting to here different perspectives. Cheers, Chris
Potholes in the road are the bane of drivers here in the UK. Outlines sprayed around them are there for the benefit of the local authority's repair team. The trouble is they spend so long before they carry out a repair, the weather and the passage of vehicles has worn the paint away. And when they do finally repair the hole, it doesn't last 5 minutes before it's as bad again.
We have experienced that since being here. It is unfortunate that is how it works. Thanks for the comment. Cheers, Chris
Great video. Many Brits would agree with most of what you say. It is so lovely that you have had the opportunity for such a deep dive into UK society.
I truly appreciate that you enjoyed the video and understand our thoughts. 🤍 Jess x
Having had a tyre burst at speed on a US major highway caused by potholes in a very long stretch of poorly maintained road the problem of potholes isn't limited to the UK.....The maintenance standards of US cars also seems to be pretty bad - on one holiday a tyre flew past us that had been lost by a car....
We never said the US was perfect and never will. We personally never experience damage from the roads in the US. ✌️
🤍 Jess x
Yep, I also hate the price of rent and energy bills, hence why I've lived in my campervan for the last three years. You can be damn sure the energy providers are still making billions, so it's not always the price of oil, it's usually about profiteering. Same with landlords, it's a situation we as a society have let get out of control..
It's completely crazy. I get why you are. My heart aches for everyone going through buying food or paying a bill. 🤍 Jess x
@@DaydreamersBound Absolutely, but back when I was a kid in the 70s everyone had a vegetable garden, there were allotments all over the UK, even in the towns and cities, our street was full of homemade wine and beer, we used to eat rabbits and pheasants, we used to fix stuff instead of buying new, we've allowed rampant capitalism and rampant materialism and even worse we've been fooled into individualism instead of community values, we moan we have no time to grow our own food whilst spending hours a day in front of the TV, the computer, the phone or the gym, and then giving our hard earned money away to massive corporate supermarkets for overpriced produce we could quite easily grow ourselves. We've become lazy whilst amusing ourselves to death. There was a saying in the UK during the second world war, "Dig for Britain," well, we stopped digging a long time ago, we've become reliant, not self sufficient. Rant over 😂😂...
Rents are high partly because the cost of housing is high, partly because finance costs are high (when interest rates were low the finance costs didn’t come down commensurately as the finance industry milked the profits) and partly because of government regulation and manipulation creating costs for the landlords which surprise surprise have to be passed on to the tenant.
@@shaunfarrell3834 "Partly" being the operative word, but for the most part excessive rent rises are driven by profiteering by letting agents and landlords who aren't regulated in any way and don't have to take into account local incomes or those on benefits, amongst many other things.
No-one has mentioned people buying second homes, which has caused prices to rise as a result of low supply. Also, builders are only there to make as much money as possible, so will pick and choose when and where to build.@shaunfarrell3834
Interesting as always, guys, and not least because we know you ARE giving genuine personal views. You see so many other US commentators on here either seeking to provoke reactions, or saying what they think people want to hear (and for likes...)
The "dislikes" is an interesting bag! And you'll find many Brits in violent agreement with some, indeed maybe for some folks all, of your points! Like cost of power. Blame evil Putin and his war for most of that, though. Before Putin's war, electricity (much of which was generated using natural gas) and natural gas (used to heat most British homes, although rarer out in the countryside away from gas mains)`were MUCH less expensive. And most people were able to save a fair bit by signing up to precisely the kind of fixed-price/term contracts you are looking for. We were paying 14.9p/kWh for electricity, and 2.6p/kWh for natural gas, on a fixed price/term contract. Six months later, it was 33p/kWh and 10.24p/kWh! On variable-rate no-term tariffs. ALL because of Putin.
The massive impact on supply and prices of Europe losing all the Russian gas caused most of the huge power price increases - across all forms and sources of power. And, in turn, led to a big chunk of the resultant general inflation. Even though the UK used very little gas that originated in Russia, we were hit amongst the hardest because of our very large and more open gas/supply market with fewer long-term supply deals and having to compete in world markets. The government set price caps to stop energy forms profiteering, but this meant most energy was - and still is - now supplied at the price cap price. This because wholesale power prices are still so volatile, so few suppliers feel able to offer competitive fixed tariffs like the deals most of us were on before the war. We managed to get a 14m fixed deal that IS saving us money, back in March, but that was unusual.
Not sure how your house is heated? If it is only electricity, then it will be costing you far more than most other Brits whose houses are most usually heated by gas. Just look at what we were paying for electricity vs gas per kWh before Putin's war, above! Electricity cost nearly six times what gas did, for the same heat output! On our present deal, it is four times as much. I suspect the level of insulation in your house is probably a lot lower than current standards? Same as ours. And that leads to much higher heating costs than might otherwise be the case.
So you'll have millions of Brits agreeing with every word you said about power costs! Especially since it never used to be like this before the war.
Yep dare I say a highly charged subject 😊
Thanks for understanding our perspective. We understand that there are others that like you said, do it just for the views, likes etc. However, we have been able to embrace the culture here and really enjoyed it. That being said, there are always two sides to every coin.
The energy cost took us by surprise, especially the first year. After reading the differences in what it was to what it is shows how the impact of a single issue can cause massive effects. Sounds like the government is attempting to get it under control, so that is a good thing. At the end of the day, our bill will tell us how it addressed the issue, lol.
Our house is heated by oil, but we have tried to use the electric space heaters to offset having to use the oil burner as often. Needless to say, (as you could predict) it did not help, in fact it showed us that it in fact had the opposite affect.
Thank you for the comment, and hopefully you enjoyed our perspective on the different items. Cheers, Chris and family.
General inflation rose massively also due to the soaring cost of fertilizers and grain, thanks, Putin!
@@DaydreamersBound I DID wonder if your house may be oil-heated, being a bit "out in the wilds?" This used to be the form of heating of choice for more rural properties, built before the 1970s oil crisis and subsequent oil shocks made heating by oil totally uneconomic. When massive amounts of natural gas were discovered in the North Sea, the existing town gas networks were massively extended, to bring gas to many more homes. However, it was never going to be economic to lay gas mains out into the more rural areas.
We have friends with a big Victorian house in an exposed location on a village hillside. They have an oil-fired AGA for heating and cooking - and it costs them a crazy amount! With plenty of land, they would be ideal for a ground-source heat pump. As I think your house would be - if it was yours, and you were staying?
Always very much enjoy your perspective! Hence my rambling replies!
@@rayfielding The massive increase too, in standing charges.
I wore uniform at school, but as soon as I got home, I changed in to my own clothes. Only the boys had to wear a tie, and we could wear skirts, trousers or dresses, as long as they were in the school colours of navy, pink and white. I can't say I have any objection to a uniform, school isn't a fashion parade, it's a place to learn and interact with others, and taking all of the oh god what do I wear today out of the equation makes things a bit easier. It took enough time to wake up that early, and get 2 buses to the other side of the city for 9am! I don't think anyone would disagree re. housing, energy, and damned potholes the size of a small mine!
The road here was resurfaced over several weeks just a few yrs ago. Did that lovely smooth pristine tarmac last? Nope. It's been dug up and put back many times, the latest this yr, correcting things that were laid wrongly last yr...overnight, for several weekends in a row, keeping everyone awake O_O The rest of the degradation, as with quite a few things here, is down to weather, lots of water and repeated freezing.
Thanks for the insight and perspective on the uniforms and the road conditions. Cheers, Chris
Interesting video, guys. We do of course live during a time of extremely rapid change, so what you have experienced during your stay in the UK is (to a degree) just a snapshot of the moment, cars especially. I wonder how much you will notice has changed when you go home? That would be interesting too.
It will be a true eye opener when we return to the US and be able to see. We appreciate your time watching. 🤍 Jess x
As long as the clothes are comfortable and hard wearing, why would anyone encourage kids to differentiate themselves on something as shallow or facile as clothing? Doesn't that imply "beauty" _isn't even_ skin deep, it's even shallower? It isn't the person, but the clothes they choose or can afford. Kid's have ways to be individuals while wearing school uniform. Kids decorate their school bags, or express themselves in many other ways. For example being good at subjects they enjoy, or their choice of friends, or hobbies, or music, or sports, or games, or books, or dancing, or cooking for their friends, or ...
My 5½yo (the ½ is important to her) niece wears trousers to school. She looks very snappy in her black trousers and red sweaters or tops. AFAIK, judging from kids I see walking home from school, a lot of schools give the choice of skirts or trousers to girls.
A British boy took his school to court because they wouldn't let him wear a skirt. He preferred a skirt in summer because it was much cooler. He won. I haven't checked, but I imagine, he set a precedent for boys at many schools.
A significant benefit of school uniforms has usually been it's lower cost and hard wearing. "Fashionable" clothes that wear as well are likely very expensive, or they wear out a lot of clothes (just as expensive but a variety of clothes). With school uniforms families on tighter budgets don't have to fret about the cost of school uniforms, and kid's look OK without expensive clothes.
Parents with big budgets don't need to fret about their children becoming obsessed about fashionable clothes for school. Instead they can spend their 'surplus' budgets on things that might have lasting benefits, like better location for better schools, healthier food, more expensive hobbies (eg horse riding, skying, driving motor vehicles on private land, clay pigeon shooting, salmon fishing, exotic pets, ..), learning to play a musical instrument, joining an orchestra, more interesting holidays and weekends away, learning a second language, going to hear live music or live theatre, doing "The Duke of Edinburgh's Award", "Glamping", ...
Nope. I still can't think of a reason to sacrifice the many things money can do, simply to wear different clothes during a period of time (during the school day) when, because of uniform, it doesn't matter much.
Best Wishes. ☮
Thanks for your thoughts and opinions on the school uniform. It is always interesting to see all the different ideas when it comes to this. Cheers, Chris
Some time ago I read an interesting tip regarding purchasing spirits. If you see two bottles of whiskey with the same make and same proof content but one is £2 dearer, buy the dearer one. This is because, although the tax and transportation costs are the same for each bottle, the cheaper one may cost 50p a bottle to make but the dearer one £2.50 to make. There is no change in duty so the extra £2 is all about the cost of producing that extra quality, 5 times the other. As regards agriculture, we generally do not divide our fields into square or rectangular plots, with the result that they resemble patchwork quilts and not soulless expanses.
Interesting perspective on the spirit pricing. We have not heard that one yet. Thanks for sharing. Cheers, Chris
I think the uniform thing takes the pressure off of the poorer kids to try and keep up with the richer ones in terms of clothes. The supermarkets are all gears up to provide uniform compliant low cost clothes that meet all the usual school uniform requirements
Sadly most secondary uniform cannot be purchased from the supermarket, most items are school branded, even down to pe kit and can cost up to £400. I know the government have advise schools to do less branded things but they do not apply this. It would be fine if just jumpers, blazer and polo top were the only coloured branded items, but only a few schools do this in 'poverty' areas.
Thanks for sharing your opinion. We appreciate your time. 🤍 Jess x
Flying from the UK to the United States isn't overly expensive; one can travel from London to Tennessee for approximately £400. Individuals on low incomes may receive working tax credits from the government, potentially amounting to an extra £500 to £600 monthly. Additionally, there is a scheme available through all electricity suppliers that offers a reduced rate for those facing financial hardships. School uniforms serve two main purposes: firstly, they help prevent bullying by ensuring all children are dressed alike, eliminating judgment over brand-name clothing or shoes; secondly, they make it easier to identify students who should be in school during school hours, as they are not permitted to leave the premises.
We understand your perspective on the items we discussed. A lot of these have to do with perspective. Thanks for your comment. Cheers, Chris
@@DaydreamersBound I understand and notice some of the points you made in the video and your perspective on them. However, without the relevant information, one may end up with an incorrect perspective. I was simply pointing out that there is plenty of help available for everyone, regardless of their situation. With the right information, your perspective on the topics discussed in your video might change. Now I totally understand to receive To receive government assistance, one must be a resident of the country, which I believe is not a bad policy overall.I understand you might think I was being abrupt or perhaps rude, but that was not my intention. I was simply attempting to address and alleviate some of your concerns regarding the cost of certain items.
Hiya ,if you think alcohol tax is bad ,have a look at how high fuel duty is ,ask a farmer how much he is paying ' Red Diesel '?' the tax is lower on diesel that is used on farms ,the price difference will surprise you ❤❤.
We will definitely look into that. We truly appreciate your insight and recommendations on what we can look into. 🤍 Jess x
Having a moan about housing costs fuel costs and potholes - you're definitely honorary Brits now 😆 my 4 year old grandson started school this month he looked so cute in his little uniform I suppose we're just used to it now some things you can buy at supermarkets making them as affordable as possible its just the jumpers or sweatshirts which have the school logo on which can be a bit more expensive 🙄 I think when you go back to USA your outgoings will level out food and phone costs might be more expensive but fuel and energy costs will be less so it's swings and roundabouts 😃 have you visited any garden centres while you've been here 🌿🌺🏵️🌻🌼
Oh, it's going to definitely be a big shock when we return to the US for sure.
I love what your son would have dressed like. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. 🤍 Jess x
A great video and you're always so honest how you find things
Thank you so much, love! We always put it out there. 🤍 Jess x
There have always been school uniforms, its cheaper for the parents and reduces bullying for not having trendy clothes.
The roads are shocking!
Like I said, it's my opinion. Also, kids will bully no matter what. It's our responsibility to teach them how to see past superficial things like clothing and classes! 🤍 Jess x
@@DaydreamersBound I know, we're all entitled to an opinion, it would be a boring life otherwise!
its traditional you would say to have uniforms and I supposed everyone is used to it
Have you considered going to France or the near continent before you leave? Very easy via eurotunnel.
We have looked at that. It might be something we do. Time will tell. Cheers, Chris
Absolutely. Day-tripping to France or Brussels is very common in the UK, even if only to shop for all the wonderful duty free stuff.
@@DaydreamersBoundfrom lakenheath to Paris would be the same as driving to Edinburgh but French highways or autoroutes are usually much easier than ours - less traffic, much better surfaces etc. However, there are tolls to factor in. We’ve stayed a few times in the holiday inn near Marne la valle. Easy parking underground and good transport connections for the city centre or Disneyland Paris. Also they all speak English at the hotel and most touristy places around Paris,
Talking about the cost of travelling that’s the same both ways, also as an island the UK has strict controls on quarantine to stop rabies etc. America has the same types of restrictions when it comes to vegetation and invasive plants etc and what you can and can’t grow in your garden back home. As for the cost of housing, the American houses are mainly timber built, not built for the weather climate whereas in the UK they are brick and stones and can last centuries. Yes houses are smaller because the UK is an island and a certain percentage has to have greenery, whereas in America the controls over land are not as restrictive hence the continuing loss of wooded and forestry lands in order that one family can own something the same size as Essex. In America money talks louder than morality compared to the UK, hence the likes of big Pharma etc having a controlling say in what people pay for medicines and also insurance companies having a huge say in how they regulate health insurance which is why there is no universal healthcare system such as in the UK and Europe. Talking potholes, no excuse as it’s up to the individual councils to sort their budgets however don’t tell me America doesn’t have potholes. Haven’t you driven on any of your highways they are worse than most UK motorways, and I guess some of your town roads also have potholes especially in areas where they have bad winters. The alcohol question as far as I am aware is the costs generally for cigarettes and alcohol go up each year because the government is trying to lessen the amount of alcoholism and cigarette related diseases by making the costs higher for consumers. The problem is even if the cost went up three fold in a year there are those individuals that cannot do without their fix and would find the money at the expensive their health and of decent food or other necessary items which is sad. Finally talking about school uniforms, I being 74 have lived through all that and it was put in place generally to give a touch of uniformity and to stop lesser fortunate children feeling the odd one out when the well off children turned up in designer clothes flaunting their wealth. This is seen especially in America where they can take flashy cars to school and where money is the sole interest and sadly everything revolves on how much you earn or have or how big your house is and how many cars are in your driveway. Yes the UK has it rich classes but it is not flaunted so openly as is across the pond. However saying that some elite colleges have uniforms copying the UK
Tory Govt massively cut council budgets after the banking crash of 2007/08 through Austerity policy. Led to poor growth in the UK economy and the National Debt tripling since 2010.
Thanks for sharing all your opinions. ✌️
Ever since COVID and Putin invaded the Ukraine energy prices in the UK have risen and fluctuated the most in my lifetime and this situation is very unusual. Potholes have got a lot worse because the population of the UK has risen by 10million in the last 20 years and most of those people are now driving so, there are a lot more cars on the road wearing out the tarmac. To survive on minimum wage in the UK you have to work 2 or 3 jobs. A lot of (especially British born) people who would otherwise be in minimum wage jobs prefer therefore to find a way to get on benefits as the state then pays your rent, problem is state funding of accommodation is bankrupting the country that's also another reason why local authorities cant afford to repair the roads as often as they would like because the majority of their budget is being eaten up funding homelessness and social care for the disabled and elderly. The reason btw that's rents and house prices have risen so much in the last 20 years is mainly because of the massive unprecedented rise in population in such a short time, house building has not been able to keep up.
Absolute drivel. Seems like your brain has been boiled by the likes of the Daily Mail.
I thank you so much for sharing with me your thoughts and opinions! 🤍 Jess x
I am a British person that has been living in the USA for 25 years. If you think the rent and housing are bad in the UK you are truly going to be in a world of shock with housing,rent, utilities all insurances (home & cars) and groceries bills in the US due to inflation.
Also road maintenance I think is far worse in the US than the UK but that could be different states are worse than others .
I think school uniforms is so much better than normal clothes that they wear in the USA due to everyone looks the same, their is a pride in representing your school, you cannot see class or who comes from money,cuts down on laundry and is economical for parents. Kids have plenty of time to wear their own clothes.
Regarding flights from the USA they are outrageous but travelling full stop from the US is unaffordable in general. Whereas to travel from the Uk to Europe or anywhere is so much more cheaper hands down.
Thanks for sharing your opinions with us. So glad we are all free to them. Jess
Regarding paying your energy bills, I think the word you were searching for is monthly direct debit? this evenly spreads out your annual electricity charges, although the unit kWh rate is variable, i did well to find a 12 month fixed tariff and standing charge for natural gas & electricity although energy prices are still higher than 2021.
I think that was what we were looking for. We have heard about the fixed tariff and might look into that. Cheers, Chris
The school uniforms do many things , but i think the most important thing is that it identifies the school the child goes to . If there is a bus crash or another major accident , the child might be unconscious or confused , but knowing what school they go to helps the police , they will phone the school and the Head teacher will call all the parents who's child is unaccounted for and quickly find there name address and get the parents to the hospital. Apart from that , it stops the kids rolling around the floor so much lol =-)
That is a good point on the uniforms. Thanks for sharing. Cheers, Chris
Have to pretty much agree re the negatives (obviously the positives we all take for granted here!🙂)
Flights have definitely got very expensive since the pandemic.
Potholes are at an all time high everywhere in the UK. Previous government kept cutting budgets to the bone and this is the result.
As I don’t drink alcohol I don’t have any strong opinions on that, though it used be be the thing to do a ‘booze-cruise’, ie: day trip to France to get a van load of cheap alcohol and then bring it back to uk. As long as you could convince customs it was for personal consumption there was no import duty.
School uniforms are just a thing here. On the one hand, it’s about school identity and being part of that community. It’s also helpful for poor kids who can’t compete with expensive clothes the rich kids wear. But I get what you mean about kids learning to be themselves. It pretty much just felt like child prison when I was at high school in the 70s. 😂
I completely understand and agree with your thoughts. Thank you for sharing with us.
About the uniforms, I get it fully jusy something very different. 🤍 Jess x
Hiya Jess and Chris, certainly no feathers ruffled when it comes to me my friends, I am always opened minded and totally respect your views and thoughts. I hope you are able to get out for some more road trips before the weather closes in for the Winter. I was wondering what the badges were that you and Chris were wearing.
Love how your channel is growing with incredible views on all your videos.
Wishing you all a fab Sunday, best wishes Jess, Chris, Colette and Shane. Love and hugs. xx
I'm so thankful that you hear us out and respect our time sharing.
Today was so beautiful but unfortunately was inside helping a friend all day. Hope you were able to enjoy the beautiful day. We have so many adventures planned this coming month, and we can't wait to share our fun with you all.
We hope your weekend has started out nicely. We appreciate all your love, friend! 🤍 Jess & family x
Stephen, what looks like badges are our microphones. 🤍 Jess x
Hiya Jesse and Chris, great to see you as always. I was wondering, when you get back to the US, will you all be looking at all your videos you have made here and how do you think they will make you feel and what, when and where, was it that started your love of the UK, lot of questions I know (sorry),give your dogs 🐕 a hug from me, take care, Tony here in the UK 🇬🇧 ❤
To be honest, this is a great time documenting and sharing, and we will have such joy looking back on it. We also can't wait to take you all along with us back to the US, not too soon! We just love this adventure and learning experience. 🤍 Jess x
Where I live in Wales, we do not have a problem with pot holes on the main roads . But some of the small side roads do have some . I presume you are renting , which can be very expensive !
That is good to hear that there are places where the pot holes are not an issue. Cheers, Chris
Mark Twain wrote, "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow mindedness .... Broad, wholesome charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the Earth all one's lifetime." Not matter where your roots are, much can be learned by seeing how other people do things and appreciate what you do well and what you could do better.
[p.s. One of the many things you're definitely right about are the pot holes. 😊]
Thanks for the quote, it is a good one. Cheers, Chris
One of the things I don't think you realise ( and there's no reason why you should) in the 60s and 70s, many secondary schools in the UK dropped wearing school uniforms as they were regarded as out-moded and old fashioned.
However, behaviour, school attendance and academic performance dropped drastically, so uniforms started being reintroduced in the 1980s-90s.
Very interesting. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and insight. 🤍 Jess x
Due to the war energy prices in Europe went crazy , I live in Scotland and taxing booze was an attempt to curb drinking! As I've got older I've come to realise how extremely lucky I was to live in Northern Europe and don't see many ,if any places better. So enjoy and take away all the good bits.
Very interesting. Thank you so very much for sharing. Did not know that the tax on the booze was to stop drinking. 🤍 Jess x
Energy prices started to rise before the Ukraine war.
So you have any plans to do more videos when you return to the US, such as "reverse culture shocks"?
Would be really interesting to see.
Oh, most definitely, my friend! 🤍 Jess x
@@DaydreamersBound awesome ☺
I won't say "I can't wait" because I'd rather have you here, and that sounds like I can't wait for you to go.
Hi guys, I think Chris would enjoy Harry's Farm, Harry's Garage and Maybe Clarkson's farm on TH-cam!
Great idea. Thanks for sharing, friend! 🤍 Jess x
We sit without heat on and wrap in blankets plus a hot water bottles. Just have some heat in one room at night.
That is unfortunate that is what needs to be done. Cheers, Chris
when you have to go back to the states with your dogs, look into going by ship - here on youtube one guy goes to the states on the queen mary 2 ( 7 days food included) for the same price as an atlantic flight , and they have kennels and exercise areas for dogs!
Thanks for the comment. We have thought about going back by ship. We will take a look at the youtube side with bringing the dogs back. It might be a good option. Cheers, Chris
School uniforms are a great leveller to prevent bullying. They all dress the same so are not going to get picked on for not having the latest fashion or designer label.
That is a reason for the uniforms. Cheers, Chris
Most farmers leave a wide band of wild grass grow wild around edges to help wild life
And we love that fact. Cheers, Chris
Great video 👍 The school uniform is mainly to stop difference in income and i agree with some of the uniform standards are not great.
Thanks for the comment and your insight on the matter. Cheers, Chris
School uniforms are better prepared to make you get ready for the real world of work and plenty of private schools and military do in the US
The US military and private schools in the U.S. do ask for uniforms. Unfortunately, in my opinion, it doesn't help the kid not feel the divid. The struggle the families feel as they have to provide uniforms throughout the year as kids get dirty or grow. 🤍 Jess x
@@DaydreamersBound Private school in the US have uniforms and so do Military >It is far better for parents no school shopping for clothes .It is far better when you start working t=in the office and it is not a uniforms there .Uniforms are cheap compared to all the name brands .
What are your energy bills (gas & elec) per month, to account for your perception that it's unaffordable. Certainly it is unaffordable for some.
Our energy bill here is now around £150 - £200 a month but it becomes we don't use lights or heat till later in the evening. What I have learned from living here. My bills in the US for over 30 years never hit us even with heat or AC to keep the house comfortable all the time. Not here it's definitely something we learned really fast after an almost £800 bill.
There are so many that have to pick to pay their energy bill or eat. It's a sad world we live in.
🤍 Jess x
@@DaydreamersBound True, for people like pensioners, disabled or single/unemployed on state benefits it's often a huge proportion of the ££££ they get each month. Especially from autumn through early spring. A lot depends on whether people have to pay rent or a mortgage. If you've paid off that last one, you're cooking, in both senses. Even those on min wage (esp. with kids) without great budgeting skills are often struggling
I agree on the uniform thing, it's a form of control.
Thank you for sharing, and I agree with you! 🤍 Jess x
With your power bills,I think you might be in for a shock when you return to the U.S.A. I live in Australia and our prices have quadrupled in the last 18 months.Its the same worldwide.
Not here, I live in Bulgaria, it's gone up a little bit.
Well, I lived in the US for over 15 years, and my bills were never this high as we've paid here. I guess we will see when we return in 2025, and we will share that with you all. I truly appreciate your insight. 🤍 Jess x
Most families with the parents on minimal wage will also be eligible for additional benefits like Tax Credit - and don't forget Child Allowance paid for every child! Plus if people on low wages rent their home they will qualify dor Housing Benefit.
Child Benefit for only the first 2 children, which was Tory policy.
It is good there are some things the help assist. Cheers, Chris
@grahamdhv3812 When it first started you got NOTHING for the first child - and the Allowance was meant to be temporary to persuade people to have more children after the years of very few due to WW2.
With alcohol in Australia the tax rises twice a year automatically.
Wow, thanks for sharing. 🤍 Jess x
There was a time a few years ago when schoolchildren were mocked because they weren’t wearing the latest expensive trainers etc. and robbed if they were. At least with school uniforms they should all be equal
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Cheers, Chris
I agree with you about energy prices. Prices have usually been stable here, but political issues with pipe lines in Europe during the last few years have upset this. It's added a great burden to us all. Let's hope the situation is back to normal soon. Air fares. I don't really understand why costs of Trans Atlantic air ticket prices are so high. The enormous hike in energy prices perhaps. I haven't checked lately, but last year people from the UK could fly to places in Europe for around £30 (return) or less. Friends, last Christmas, flew to Spain for £12 return.
I know very few American schools have uniforms. We look at them differently. Uniforms are worn by most children here. Yes, it helps all children of all backgrounds to be at the same level, but it also builds a sense of belonging. Like the navy, army or the air force. At its best, schools here create pride in the school and being part of something, Pupils of a school often interact with other schools during team sports, for instance, and are encouraged to put their best foot forward and be 'ambassadors' for their own school. Schools are often, too, divided into 'Houses' Each child is assigned to one of those Houses and they are encouraged to work for that House by earning 'House points'. The House with the most points wins a cup. Then the competition starts again. House points are won for good work, for a kindness given, for sport, for - well almost anything that promotes being part of a team. I don't wish to disagree with you lovely people but, as one who wore a uniform throughout the whole of my schooling, I think we have the right of it here in the UK. Pot holes - ugh. They come and they go depending on the states of our Council's finances. Apparently, we are struggling a bit at this time. 😄
Failed Austerity policy and failed Brexit.
Thanks for your comment and thoughts on the matter. It is great that we all have a way to express our views. Cheers, Chris
School uniforms are much cheaper these days. Very inexpensive actually. A school uniform is part of our lives growing g up. My granddaughter is 5 & started reception last year. Then she started year one only a few weeks ago. As a child in u inform it was good because I didn’t come from a well off family. My mum got a grant off the government for our uniforms. We had our day uniform. PE kit. Hockey kit. Swimming kit. Same today. Families get help with the costs. Wearing our own clothes was a treat! For a school discount for instance. Or the obligatory week away to Colomendy. The pot holes drive me mad! We got a brand new car last year. Expensive! £33000.00. Within the 1st 6 months we had to replace tyres. 3 times!🤦♀️ it’s a bloody nightmare! Can’t comment on the booze as I don’t drink ( never have). I was a smoker. I gave up a long time ago seeing the prices wow £17 for one pack ! How do people afford it? Petrol/diesel prices are ridiculous! I complain about the food shop getting more expensive but I am aware it’s a lot more expensive in the US. On the whole I completely agree with you. You will probably have a bit of a culture shock when you return to the states . We did when we came back from Australia! Anyway lovely lady you & your family take care. Best wishes as always from Lyn in Liverpool UK 🇬🇧 .
Thanks for your comment and insight on the matters. It is no good when you get a brand new car and need to put it on the garage so soon after you purchase it. We didn't think about the tobacco prices, we used to smoke as well and seeing the prices now, we cannot imagine how people can afford it. Cheers, Chris
The Energy thing is a Tariff, where you are Guaranteed a price for an amount of time!
Thanks for the input. Cheers, Chris
Would love to hear more about what Cris does in the army👍🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
It is nothing too exciting. Currently just a paper pusher in the US Air Force. Cheers, Chris
Who'd of thought by the comments discussing school uniforms would be on a par with discussing the 2nd Ammendment 😂...you keep being your beautiful self Jess, one thing about your channel has above most is there's no hate from either side on your channel..just hearty debate 😉❤️ xx
That is what we try to do. Show what and how we think without trying to be divisive or anything like that. Thanks for the comment and support. 🤍 Jess x
Yep, energy prices have gone absolutely nuts since the Ukraine war. But school uniforms are a great leveller - no kids being ridiculed for wearing a cheap brand, or worse getting mugged for their Reeboks.
Fact: energy price rises started to happen before the Ukraine war.
Nothing to do with America's proxy war in ukraine. Price gouging by energy companies with the permission of the English government.
I understand and appreciate your opinions.
Sadly, I don't feel uniforms stop kids from being bullied, unfortunately. I truly wish it was a true equalizer, but it is not because kids are kids and learn rude and ugly things in their homes.
🤍 Jess x
I certainly agree on energy and house pricing. Pot holes are a disgrace when we pay so much road and fuel tax. I have to disagree on school uniforms. I used to where one and had no problems. In the past the country had problems with children bullying others over what the wear, more well off with brand name clothes. Uniforms were brought back in.
Thanks for your comment and opinions on the different items. Cheers, Chris
Great video 👍 The first thing you will get going when you're back in the USA,is home cultivation of food and hopefully take a pre 2010 diesel car back to the usa or a good TDI engine and transmission.
We will for sure take the home cultivation of food back with us. In order to take a vehicle back it needs to be at least 25 years, I am still on the search...mostly for a Morris though, not a diesel to take back. Although, if we could take two that would be the other. Cheers, Chris
I completely agreed with everything you said except for the school uniform. Its reasoning is to make kids have a sense of identity. Poorer kids can’t keep up with the richer kids in the fashion stakes and would be looked down on. They don’t spend an hour deciding what to wear. On the other hand potholes are murder, energy prices too high. Houses astronomical, but we still seem to get by xx love you guys, fair and balanced x
Thank you for your comment. We appreciate your take on the matters and how you see them as well. Cheers, Chris
You can opt for a fixed tariff when paying for electricity, so at least you know what you will be paying for a specific length of time. And you have come here at a time when energy rates have gone up and up since pre Covid.
Right, thank you so much for sharing with us. 🤍 Jess x
I just totally do not agree with Jess re school uniforms. We (Brits) definitely don't tend to lose our individuality through wearing school uniforms, _and_ they are not uncomfortable.
They are, looked after, well suited to being part of the proud community of school life.
They allow us to concentrate on our learning and how to be obedient, which is necessary in large groups, such as when we're out of school ie on trips to learn about interesting buildings, the history of any given visited areas or if out swimming etc.
I wore tunics with a shirt underneath and a tie, (which my Mum taught me how to tie correctly) with my white* House badge on my tunic, and a woven school badge sewn onto my blazer pocket, plain white socks and plain black slip-on shoes, and a cardigan over my tunic.
When going up into the Fifth Year and Lower Sixth (aged 15 and 16) I wore skirts with my white shirt, tie and cardigan etc. I felt comfortable, at ease and certainly able to be myself, not ever made to feel boxed-in to some preconceived idea of "this is you, you're the same as everyine else, you have no chance to be what you want to be...!!" and in my Fourth Year, I "rebelled" in as far as I never attended any of my hated Housecraft (cookery) classes all year, _nor_ did I do any Maths Classwork, or Maths Homework, though I _attended_ every lesson: I got out my pencil case then sat at my desk with my arms folded and stayed there til the bell rang for the change to the next class, which I then worked diligently in.
(As it turned out, unknown at that time, so undiagnosed in the 1960's - when I attended Secondary school - I have dyscalculia - the _numerical_ version of dyslexia - and I couldnt understand any Maths.
My Maths teacher (Ms.Hockley) thoroughly disliked _me_ and believe me, the feeling _was_mutual_ !
This has nothing to do with school uniforms of course (?!) but was just a part of my growing up process...
In fact, a later "Boss" of mine told me - in a somewhat admiring tone - "I rather think you're a bit of a rebel at heart, arent you?!" I just smiled and said, proudly, yes, I get it from my Mum!👍 🏴💜🇬🇧🤭🖖
Thank you for sharing your experience schooling with me. Also, you sharing your struggles.
I understand not everybody is going to agree with everyone's opinions but that's what makes our country's so amazing! We all have our own thoughts our own opinions and we can still get along and love each other. 🤍 Jess x
Energy prices totally agree,I think every person would, condition of the roads totally agree to many cars so most roads are over used causing quicker deteriation of the surfaces,school uniform disagree I think it looks better than every one turning up in whatever they fancy it also can hide wealth inequality if everyone is wearing the same uniform,but some great points you have made both positive and negative,take care, kind regards dave
A major cause of the state of the roads, especially in urban areas, is the privatised utilities digging them up and putting them back using the cheapest methods. Often, councils then do a temporary bodge job on them.
I completely understand about the road conditions and I appreciate your opinion on the uniforms.
Unfortunately, kids are still going to be mean because of the wealth divide because kids are kids. We as a society need to do better and teach them not to look at superficial things as important. I truly love it here and see all things in a loving light and positively. 🤍 Jess x
You can always tell a good farmer. It’s a man outstanding in his or her field!! Pot holes, oh dear well the road to success is always under construction. Some councils actually colour code holes. Yellow for repair in 24 hours white for 28 days. ( or some other combination) count councils are responsible for the definitive map and make sure paths don’t get closed. There are lots of good reasons for School Uniforms. They can be expensive uncomfortable and inappropriate but it’s British thing mostly. We have a life time to develop individually. Unless of course you pick up the Kings Shilling.
I love the farmer comment, and I have to say I agree with you, my friend!
I didn't know about the colour codes for the pot holes. I will look more into that with our local council. Thank you for the insight.
I definitely understand the school uniforms, but I feel for the families that are struggling to purchase them each year along with other clothing for their children. I really appreciate you sharing more about the uniforms and the pit holes! Hope you have had a lovely start to your weekend. 🤍 Jess & Family x
@@DaydreamersBound in Wales poorer families can get a grant of £200 for school uniforms. In England local. Councils provide help to buy.
There are also regulations around school uniforms to keep prices down, such as no brand names
@DaydreamersBarn Hi Jess, think of it like this, those struggling families, they will purchase less in everyday clothing for kids and the kids will have standardised wear throughout the school week. School uniforms also remove the need to fit in and wear trendy clothes all the time, that sort of keeping up with the Jones' vibe. Less peer pressure in some respect, though that creeps in nonetheless.
There are many pros and cons. We are grateful to have freedom of being; and that's evident in our children and their expressions! ❤
I think you are right and on balance more pros than cons. Certainly there are schemes to assist with purchase and exchanges. More responsibility on schools to assist where possible. In my day there was just one shop in town and a huge list of uniform, house or kit and so on. ( and that was your run of the mill secretary modern school.
All, I completely get why, but feel the families already struggling will still struggle to provide school uniforms throughout the year as they get dirty or the kids grow out of them. I definitely understand the kids not feeling the divide. I really appreciate you all sharing the schemes offered. Hopefully, they help not just once but provide assistance as the year goes on. 🤍 Jess x
Our infrastructure is a bone of contention with us UK residents. It’s been neglected for years. Government more interested in other things than their own people!
We appreciate your time sharing your thoughts with us. 🤍 Jess x
When I was in Indiana I found the potholes to be even worse than here, you just have a bit more space to avoid them, they are getting worse here though
Oh, very interesting. I've been through there many times and not had the same experience traveling from Michigan to Florida. The weather is really horrible for the roads here and in some of the states in the US. I definitely wouldn't say either country has the potholes or construction figured out. 😉
🤍 Jess x
Have you guys tried a narrow boat weekend................
We have not yet, we are working on it though. Cheers, Chris
School uniforms prevent a lot of bullying with everyone looking the same, teaches us that we are all the same and its not the label's mum n dad can afford that make us "better" people. Individuality can shine in college. first and foremost Education is the most important thing for kids to concentrate on and i think uniforms also help kids to feel a unity and part of something, nobody is left out. As for the price of flights thats not a uk problem, i can fly from Liverpool to Bulgaria for £68 ,thats cheaper than a train ticket to London from Liverpool. Is it cheaper to fly to England from America than it is to America from England? You didnt mention that i dont think, just the cost of flying loads of people with loads of stuff back n forth half way around the world that was expensive. Alcohol is plenty cheap here, i can go and get a pint for about £2.50 or get cans for a quid each. You have to remember alcoholism costs the nhs billions so if you want to drink lots eventually you may need a new liver and you would have half paid a small donation towards that in tax. I only drink a couple of beers a year in the summer so my alcohol tax a year is probably £5 ...so its swings and roundabouts. Rent and housing might be high yeah but im a home owner, so the cost of houses benefits me because the house i bought 20 years ago for 55k is now worth 170k , thats my investment you want to decrease to benefit you. We've been warned about the price of electric and gas rising for decades so i put a small amount of money into solar before the big price hikes we were warned about a few years ago and now im practically off grid on a council estate. Wired my hole house 12v for led lights and inverters for big appliances, tvs 12v , laptop 12v wireless router 12v its literally only my fridge and freezer running off mains that costs me £30 a month ,maybe rising a tenner in winter to help boost/charge solar batteries. Im not saying England is perfect, far from it , especially now with a Labour government im a second class citizen but also knowing that was coming for a decade i bought cheap properties abroad as "bugout locations" ready to flee England, i bought a 40 acre Forrest on half a mountain in Bulgaria for €6k (yes six thousand) seven years ago and again been able to regularly fly out ther from Liverpool for £68 (with a small suitcase) where I've been building an off grid house/bungalow in the mountains thats probably only cost about 2k . Soon my house in England will be up for sale and i will move out there full time using that as a base in deep Europe to find my perfect permanent location ,probably in Montenegro for my boat repair shop and burger shack 😃 im off, England has fallen. 👍
Understand your thoughts on uniforms and bullying. To be totally honest, that doesn't prevent believing at all. I appreciate that is what everyone is saying, and I wish that was true.
We never said the flight cost was all on the UK or that it was fully at fault for the flight costs.... Also, flying to a country that you can not drive to from this island is what we were talking about.
It's about £400 just to fly to the United States one ticket one way. That's not counting a car or anything else for a holiday.
We truly appreciate your opinions, and you are thoughts!
Good luck with your off grid house and new adventure, friend. 🤍 Jess x
The school uniforms rule is basically there for one main reason, that’s kids with higher earnings parents don’t go to school in designer gear which poorer parents couldn’t afford,
Thanks for the comment and input. Cheers, Chris
Most adults can't feel comfortable at work regarding certain attire, so it's just practice for real life.
That is one way to look at it. Cheers, Chris
Flying to the US is expensive, that's true, however, you can fly from the UK to other European countries very cheaply.
House prices are expensive but that's because we are a small country and the price of land is always at a premium.
Can't argue with about the road conditions. That's the fault of the authorities who fail miserably in their responsibilities, despite taxing the hell out of us.
I completely understand, but we were talking about flying from US-UK or UK-US. It's just outrageous to have family come see us for holiday.
The potholes are crazy. 🤍 Jess x
School uniforms are compulsory in Australia.
I love this and agree with this 💯!
I think the potholes could be due to our climate but not sure.
I am sure that has something to do with it. Cheers, Chris
Hi Guys , i totally agree as someone that has anxiety the open spaces and nature are a god send , school uniforms are a good thing but i do think they need to be more affordable to low income families or single parents . To be honest if my son would have been allowed to wear what he wanted he would have been full punk rock in his look 😅 bless him 😊❤
I completely understand and appreciate your thoughts and opinions! 🤍 Jess x
School Uniform is a wonderful idea, nothing worse than kids wearing expensive branded clothes, when others may be poor.
And the joy of coming home and changing, counts for a lot.
I truly appreciate your opinion and thoughts on the uniform.
Unfortunately, it doesn't stop people from being picked on because of the wealth divide. We as a society need to teach our children not to see superficial things as important. 🤍 Jess x
@@DaydreamersBound True but an awful lot of parents , are too busy on their phones
We brought our daughter and son up the same way yet, she couldn't have cared less about brand names, he only wanted to wear them.
I completely understand love! 🤍 Jess x
Energy prices here have more than doubled since the Russians invaded Ukraine and cut energy supplies to Europe. As for £11 an hour, try McDonald's in the US. The 'spray-painting' is to indicate to repairers where they need to repair the roads, not a warning to drivers, this poor road surface condition in some places was due to the Tory government's austerity cuts, from 1020 onwards, the new Labour government are taking action to improve the road surface. We travelled from Edinburgh to my home in South Leicestershire (324 miles) and returned, every 2 weeks for 18 months, and my wife now commutes 120 miles a day, and we have never had damage to my vehicle suspension, in fact I have only ever had one spring broken in my 60 years of driving here and in Europe, you must have been very unlucky.
School uniforms are not actually universal in the UK, but there are reasons, 1) there is no competition concerning very expensive 'designer' clothes which can lead to the bullying of poorer kids, - there may be other reasons for bullying but at least the uniform ,removes one of them, and 2) they enable us to identify any intruders to our schools which are quite open access, compared to most schools in the US (restricted due to the possibility of shooting).
Having taught in many UK schools without uniforms, I have sometimes discovered students from other schools who want to be with their friends in my classes, this never happened in a 'Uniform' school. There are other practical and less practical reasons as well, but those are the most important. Being mass-produced, uniforms tend not to be any more expensive than kid's normal clothes, often cheaper, hard wearing and practical, and restrict the tendency for some older female students from wearing provocative clothing. Uniforms also help normal clothes to last longer in good condition, as they are not subject to the wear and tear of every day life at school with its rough and tumble, so not necessarily too much extra expense. They don't prevent British kids from being individuals, believe me, after teaching them for over 40 years (now retired), I'm in a good position to know. For poorer parents, grants and help is usually available both from the school and often local government, and at least UK parents don't have to buy text books and materials, as all needs for eduction (stationery, pens, pencils, art materials etc) are all, by law, provided by the school. I agree with you about teaching caring and understanding of others but as you should know from American politics and divided society at the moment that is not always possible or effective, some see it as being weak (here's looking at you Donald and MAGA).
Sorry this comment was so long
Thanks for the comment. Hopefully the government is able to figure out the road repair situation. Cost of living seems to be on everyone countries discussion point currently. I suppose it is a good thing that governments are at least considering how it affects its people. Cheers, Chris
School uniforms are quite common around the world, i certainly grew up with them in NZ, although it was only at high school. I'm not bothered about them either way.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts regarding the uniform. 🤍 Jess x
I agree with you about potholes in the roads and in my experience this has got a lot worse in the last 15 years or so. I suppose it may vary within local Boroughs depending how the Local Authority spends its money. Many L.A.s are very wasteful in my opinion and many L.A.s have socialist policies.
Hopefully they can get better. Cheers, Chris
Potholes is our bug bear as well
It's definitely something we try to avoid regularly on our almost 10k miles we did in 2024 just here on this beautiful island. 🤍 Jess x
Some more ramblings, on your other (and IMO totally understandable) dislikes. Regarding potholes - few Brits would disagree! It is a national disgrace! The problem, of course, is that local authorities are responsible for fixing most of the roads. But they usually don't have the money to hardly even start, because of the increasing amounts spent of social care and the like. No-one wants to pay more taxes, but everyone wants the potholes fixed!
School uniforms were introduced many many years ago, and became a means of reducing social division between wealthy and poor - since this was no longer emphasised by quality of dress. It was also intended to help foster "belonging", and pride in your school, and to an extent your country generally (bear in mind its pretty well only the US where you pledge allegiance to the flag every morning...). Nowadays, I think a main reason has become to stop provocative/inappropriate dress. Especially to protect girls. Its an interesting subject - one you might want to look into and do a video on? Since, as is clear from your thoughts Jess, there is no right or wrong answer - and I can see both sides!
As for the costs of getting to the UK etc - well that would apply pretty well anywhere? Flights within Europe and thereabouts are often very inexpensive. But intercontinental flights - and flights within the US, as far as I can see - are silly prices!
Housing costs are crazy here, indeed! And increasingly unaffordable for younger people especially. Not that we are alone - lust look at much of Aus, NZ, Canada etc - especially the big cities. You have the same in crowded places like NYC? Its what comes of being a small, crowded country, supply and demand, and people continually objecting to new house building. And part of the demographic having a massive vested interest in every-higher house prices. Demand has far exceeded supply for decades. I'll not get tied up in debates about the impact of immigration... Only a HUGE increase in supply would fix it. But then, would you want a huge new housing estate built around your house, if you owned it? Dunno what the solution is!
UK alcohol taxes are higher than many countries - but lower than others. Try Norway (where we were in July) for how extremely high they CAN go! I love strong craft beers, and yes the taxes do the small breweries no favours. And I love single malts; but the taxes make the prices way too high. As you say, it is the "duty" that does the damage; VAT is then on top. And rumours have it that the new government will be looking to even higher duty on alcohol in the imminent budget... happy Christmas everyone!
Yes, the potholes are an issue, and you made great points. There are a lot of things that need to be done, but only so much coin to go around. What is the way forward?......If only we knew.
With the school uniforms, it makes sense why it was done in the past, and to your point, there are also good reasons to keep doing it now. In America, there are schools that have similar standards, but those are all private schools. One of the big differences in USA and UK. Sounds like a great idea for a video specifically on that, thanks for the suggestion.
The prices for flights is not getting cheaper, especially when we have 4 people (and 3 dogs) to bring with. It is one of the biggest draw backs we deal with. But something we told family that we were not planning on going back to America until we were done with my tour.
America is not protected from the cost of the prices, the bigger cites are insane to try and get a place at. Luckily for us, we are looking in the country.
The taxes on alcohol is high, the main point I drew from it was the very steep increase after as little as 3.5%. It is one of those things that most countries see an opportunity and take it regarding how much they can tax. What I really do not like is how it makes the brewers look like the one that is raising the prices. Cheers, Chris and family.
Our roads have definitely declined in the last five or six years. Local councils seem to have much less money to take care of the pot holes quickly or maintain the roads properly.
Declined far earlier than that, following the Austerity policy in 2010, when councils had budget cuts from then to up to 40%. Policy was a proven failure.
Thank you for sharing. We understand the weather here does not help when repairing them. 🤍 Jess x
This issue with housing is we are tiny country with limited space and it’s overpopulated as well. It’s simple supply and demand ..not enough houses and too many people hence the prices keep going up and up. As far as natural gas is concerned we don’t have as many natural resources as the U.S so we have to purchase from other countries, hence the price is more, not withstanding the additional issues that the energy companies are just plain greedy. It’s appalling , the prices we have to pay for gas and electric.
With regard to potholes, if your car is damaged because of hitting a pothole you can make a claim with the local authority who are responsible for their upkeep. Just takes photos of the damage and the pothole.
Only around 7% of the UK is built on, and what is your source to state there are too many people in the country? Tory govt were all for immigration because they granted 1.4 million visas in the past year.
@@grahamdhv3812 it’s pretty clear there are too many people because there isn’t enough housing. That’s why prices are sky high. 37% of England is protected green space. Everybody wants the government to build millions of new houses as long as it doesn’t affect their house, their views , their green spaces. That’s why so many planning applications get denied. In 2023 the net migration in the UK was 670,000. The number of new homes built was 181,000. You do the maths!
I truly appreciate your insight on the housing crisis and the energy crisis that is going on.
We have heard that about the potholes. Will have to do that next time it happens. We appreciate your time sharing. 🤍 Jess x
You say being who you are by wearing your own clothes but the clothes are not you and you should not be judged by what you wear but by your personality and values.
No, but being able to feel good on the outside helps you feel good on the inside!?! Also, we should teach our kids not to see superficial things like clothing or classes as a thing to bully someone about. Also, this is my opinion. 🤍 Jess x
I say the same about the electricity and gas, they take the p... standing charges have at least tripled. Pot holes are disgusting, Councils will not spend money on them. I was so happy wearing a School uniform and for my kids, they changed straight out of them at home, so no probs😊
Thanks for the comment and your thoughts on the topics. Cheers, Chris
Hard disagree on school uniforms and very strange coming from someone in the military.
I'm so glad we are all free to have our own opinions. Also, I am not in the military. My husband is I don't put a uniform on. 🤍 Jess x
When children hit 16 they usually in mosr schools do not wear uniforms, however, they have to look smart in 6th form. College can be more cauak though.
Thanks for your thoughts on the matter. Cheers, Chris
Family members in the US say food is hugely expensive and nowhete near as good as food in Europe which is cheaper...kind of shocking why food is so expensive in the US...
It is unfortunately for sure. Cheers, Chris