MW:5 Campaign- Modded with DLC: Episode 11: Daily mini series: Part 5

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 31 ธ.ค. 2024
  • Finally fixed the issue now lets get our new aerospace fighter and do some missions.
    1) 1-8 mission a stream.
    2) only 1 restart allowed per stream.
    3) Heavy stacked odd mission are allowed to be ended and used in the next stream with new loadout but if I fail all mechs and pilots used will be discard.
    4) Everything is allowed for loadouts. NO God mode form YAML and cheat scan distances from stacked crates.
    5) Hero, light and medium mechs are allowed to be brought. Heavy and Assaults are not.
    6) If a mech is cored, it gone (sold or storage) but if it cored when salvaged I will roll a 6 sided dice to determine if I use it or not. (1-3 it goes to sale/storage. 4-6 keep).
    7) Everything can be sold when low on budget but if I run out of mechs and can't purchase/salvage any before the next pay period. Then this stream campaign ends -- Watch live at / dchu007

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