funny thing is youll add some shit guy at the start of the video but i sent u a 90m smite clip before swede and u ginored me lol like didnt even use my clip but youll use someones whos bad at game l0l just as bad a tasty on behemith whats point in asking people to send clips if your just gunna pick the anyaays.
That first clip physically hurt to watch... But not because he hopped worlds... Someone good at PKing please PM him and help the lad. Bro is doing more harm than good trying to have plugins carry his lack of clicking skills The inventory arrangement... How does your tome even end up in that bag slot? Adios mio
You can submit your clips using the link in the description or in Discord! :)
That guys escape gets the 50m, a close second to Eli & Timmy boy.
my favorite part was the guy tanking at kbd OMG so intense moment!!!!!
omg no way me2!!!
3 0s thank god he was praying range or it would been gg
Def the 1 hp escape. Insane.
Rsn: King Tupac
The kbd escape was definitely crazy lol
RSN- Fliipin
You know the KBD ladder escaper is taking this 50m. What a clip!
RSN: Dapper Ghoul
1hp lucky escape is something we are all hoping to have.
6:20 favorite clip
RSN: Roh Sanguine
Fav Clip: World Hopping before the kill lmao.
Menace got the best clip, but let' s be honest his opponents were plain dumb lmfao
RSN: MarianaVolk
MenaceOfPvP escape clip was unreal!
7:20. Bro used his entire luck for the rest of his life
0:28 Hahaha oh no
Kbd tank was wild!
RSN: Failed Stats
Irish guy had it, he just didnt know how to x log
6:19 el mejor, y con más suerte 😮 name: Jr BaKeR
The kbd escape for sure was insane!
RSN - Darski
Rsn: Pelmex
Fav Clip:the great escape by menaceofpvp
Dude the clips you're showing are actually so good, Behe's last couple of videos have been so terrible for some reason IDK why
The goodie bag is looking skimpier as time goes on
You mean the goodie bag that 99% of "winners" get
@ he rigs them anyways.. I’ve been saying it for years, he gave his alts and friends alts “prizes”
0:36 hot key for logging out, counts as ahk no?
Pretty sure it's built into runelite
Showed no worlds so surely ahk?
Menace of pvp clip damn that amount of 0s is absurd I'd be so pissed if I was that pker lol rsn stiiffyy
tell me about it lmao
50m for the KBD escape. INSANE!
Rsn -iseeuplay
IGN: Flower Boy
I liked the kbd escape clip.
the Pownmetal clip was crazy, fav clip of the video.
RSN: ChipMulligan
Funny to see "A n Trax" getting killed twice in the video. At 2:25 and 4:40.
Fav clip was the 1hp tank.
Rsn; W305 GE
kbd tank was WILD
Zigamor tweaking at 5:20 had me loling. Tf... lmfao - energy pot
my favorite part was the spec of the abyssal dagger of youtuber anthax1
What is the plugin that show your HP and prayer by your player? Anyone know
What a good video, the best part is the exhaust of the 1 hp xd what luck hahaha
Rsn: Y 4 2 D
Esta es una comunidad muy linda ojala y siga creciendo... Los amooo❤🎉
Couldn’t tell who was a bigger noob in the first clip
Menaceofpvp wins
Eliop14 clip of the week, that mage bank content is a1 nostalgia. Rsn: State Inmate
Menace rng is unreal
Eliops vid vs sparc mac was my favorite!
RSN: Tweak N Geek
Favorite clip is the kbd chase
Rsn: RoTatouille
1hp escape forsure!
Rsn: TwistedToxic
Posting a clip of someone having auto logout hot keys is crazy
Zigamor bowfa smite was best clip for sure the reaction lol. Rsn-LIL Mage
my favourite moment was the gregg clip, cause he looks swollen as if he has allergy to karambwans.
rsn: ArlaG
Fufaflux clutch was my favorite
Is that Rishi Sunak at 6:50? 😂
How did the first clip switch worlds? Ahk?
Dude literally admitted it. More than one action for the key there since he never went to the world hop page…definitely bannable.
@@balcersaurus it's called the world hopper plugin lol it's on runelite
@@TunaFish- but his mouse never went off screen so he used an auto hot key?
idk what is more strange, zigamor or the bowfa no crystal
fav clip: zigamor laugh after pking bowfa had me in tears
RSN - otautahi est
funny thing is youll add some shit guy at the start of the video but i sent u a 90m smite clip before swede and u ginored me lol like didnt even use my clip but youll use someones whos bad at game l0l just as bad a tasty on behemith whats point in asking people to send clips if your just gunna pick the anyaays.
Shut up bro
What this lad said ..
Had a stroke trying to read this my God.
i agree i stopped watching behemoth cause of tasty, he’s unbearable.
@@brettjones5976agree behem could of gone so far by himself
Greg has the loudest clicks/types in the history of streamers... although Gerge gives him a run for his money 😂😂😂
Eli with the Mac maul sit down
RSN: pSavv
If that was me in gregs shoes i wouldnt have gotten the damage from the gmaul
Mi moments clips is the whestam the best pker:), Rsn: The yeixito
How does anyone die to anthax? 😂
Best clip:- Greg step in voidwaker gmaul
RSN: Fakeagent
Eliop is only laughing cause hes the spark mac of deep wild
9:30 why I quit nhing
rsn - Ranging on H
favorite clip - sparc mac getting koed!
Eliop did that man dirrrrty
Rsn: Big Geeker
Fav clip:zigamor gg bowfa no wayy.
The reaction 😂
The bowfa smited and the reaction. Rsn: ArLexGill
MenaceOfPvP craziest clip as always... how does he keep getting those crazy escapes l0l
rsn: wagwany
So many years participating and I've never won anything
RSN: Zybek
The irish_pker one is so unfortunate XD
World Hopping before the kill lol!!
RSN: godlikevex
We not gonna talk about the first clip and the addon that shows other players prayer points? - Thats a lil... i dont know if I like that.
it's showing his own prayer, you goof nugget
The guy on 1 hp my favorite rsn satans ir0n
If you kill a hardcore in the Wildy, you should just get a bank key xD
Favorite part was Tunafish 😂
That first clip physically hurt to watch... But not because he hopped worlds...
Someone good at PKing please PM him and help the lad. Bro is doing more harm than good trying to have plugins carry his lack of clicking skills
The inventory arrangement... How does your tome even end up in that bag slot?
Adios mio
Greg07. Name pureshade
Fell off
My favorite clips is gret2007 My brother. My Rsn TitoAs
Rsn : youngdrumma
That escape was best
Time to decline all grown men shouting like little girls from your vids mate
Rsn wombtickler, im due a prize for my name alone! Add up troops and give me gp! Ill send toe nail pics
LOL That Dino clip of him teleporting because the minion attacked him is hilarious especially since it was his HCiM xD
RSN: Majorbboi
Clickbait shit thumbs down. Looked like a decent HCIM not one that’s just finished Wintertodt..
My favourite clip was gf ham with the cone back specs.
RSN: wizzy r4nge
P.S still gobsmacked I won but got to be in it to win it 😂
Zigamos clip at 4:50 was beast with the 170m Smite! Lets go!!! My username is Eyeknowbro
Awesome videos!
Pownmetal gets a suprise after kill. Rsn: SudenDea
tunafish can funk off, the whole clip annoyed me.
timmy getting destroyed in BH... RSN: MadSkillzLoL
irish clip was insane
rsn: buker t
my favorite is greg video
rsn: montero4