The Signs of the Day of Judgment Understanding Prophecies and Manifest Destiny

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 26 มิ.ย. 2024
  • Look the signs of the day of judgment have been called out some in the Quran isharat like points toward them Some in hadith sahiha authentic ahadith The red cows is not in our books right So we're not worried about this They can whatever they wanna do I worry more about what I would consider manifest destiny meaning that somebody has this idea that this is to be and instead of it actually being they cause it Self-fulfilling prophecies Yeah self-fulfilling prophecies right which again I'm not worried about the heifers I've never or a hadith that mentions this authentic ones anyway some weak narrations I'm not dealing with But somebody does that and then they want to take aqsa down And then whereas Muslim we love much the aqsa may Allah protect it And I've been there many times it's beautiful the soul feels at ease so us defending it and then you know I do worry about that kind of a thing But otherwise eclipses come and go like I'm not worried about it I am seeing other signs that people aren't worried about that we should be Like what Like for example a sign that I could not have imagined would come true in our lifetime

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